StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 250: The Zerg’s Old Enemy

Five light-years away from the Sarah Galaxy, there is the Umoyan Mobile Fortress.

Port No. 4, artificial atmospheric environment, 1.0 standard gravity.

One after another, dark red-painted transport ships, guided by thousands of red signal lights on both sides of the inbound track, sailed into the moving fortress's majestic dome, which was large enough to take off and land battlecruisers. At this time, standing on the berthing deck below, You can see a magnificent scene, the stars are shining tens of thousands of light years away, and the spaceship entering the port seems to be coated with a layer of golden light.

This mobile fortress is like a moon-level steel fortress. It is so huge that when you land on it, it is like driving towards the surface of the planet.

There are more than 20,000 Umoyan ground crews, engineers and ship repairmen working to ensure the normal operation of this mobile fortress. They are scattered in various isolation areas, cabins or ports, like gears running in a huge machine. Screws and nuts.

Today, this Umoyan mobile fortress, temporarily leased to the Augustus Kehal Revolutionary Army, has become the revolutionary army's new forward base. It stores a large amount of gas fuel and supplies. In addition to its own weak firepower and slow movement, In addition to its disadvantages, it can almost be put into the battlefield as a giant mothership.

In order to cope with possible enemy raids, the revolutionary army deployed a large number of Magnet mines and thousands of sensitive space mines around the mobile fortress, turning the area around the fortress into a dangerous minefield.

Space is a multi-dimensional combat environment rather than a flat one. Fleet operations are more like submarine warfare in the deep sea. These dangerous minefields are enough to cope with any reckless attack. And if the federal fleet jumps directly into the minefield without confirming, then what awaits them is a terrible death trap.

Only by knowing the detailed layout of the minefield in advance can we find a long, narrow and winding passage to avoid these dangerous high-explosive mines and the amazingly powerful Magnet mines that Augustus bought from the Clerk Factory in Moria. .

When it was in use, the Revolutionary Army Marshal Command named this mobile fortress No. 1 Fortress without any creativity. You don't need to guess to know that this is the idea of ​​a boring marshal.

At 12:34:21 local time, the Revolutionary Fleet flagship Hyperion sailed into berth A. A large number of dragonfly-like turbine unmanned repair robots surrounded the scarred dark blue battlecruiser.

Augustus took a Prowler-class shuttle and landed in the docking port on the top floor of the Mobile Fortress long before the Hyperion entered the port, and attended a mourning ceremony immediately to commemorate the rescue. Soldiers and fleet pilots killed in action.

At this moment, Augustus was comforting the people who had just escaped death at a settlement point for Cha Sara refugees in the fortress.

This settlement site was originally a large warehouse for storing ore inside the fortress. Now it is full of beds separated by tent cloth and supplies distributed, and it temporarily houses about 20,000 Cha Salalos Anda. Citizens of Lacey City.

With a revolutionary military camp responsible for maintaining order here, no commotion broke out among the frightened people except for exchanging the few items they had or mourning for their dead relatives and friends.

The most talked about topics among them were describing the terror of the Zerg and scolding the Federation. The Omega Squadron's attack on the Cha Sara refugee ship had already caused a sensation. At the same time, a more cruel reality made the Cha Sala people completely understand the true face of the Federation, that is, the federal navy sat back and watched the destruction of Cha Sala and did not respond to any desperate calls for help from the Cha Sala people.

Even the most hard-hearted person should not ignore the more than month-long wailing on Cha Sara. As an allied colonial planet of the Tyranid Federation, the federal army's provision of military protection for the alliance colonies is part of the alliance agreement. Even from this aspect, the Federation Council betrayed their immigration with Cha Sara more than a hundred years ago. agreement signed by the parties.

Should such a betrayal be made public, the Federation of Tarsonis would lose the credibility and prestige they had built up among the Alliance worlds.

Not surprisingly, when Augustus first appeared in front of these people who were still frightened, everyone who saw his firm eyes and tall and strong body regarded him as the savior.

Wearing a crimson cloak, Augustus was treated like a hero when he walked in the middle of the settlement. Those who praised him may have just criticized Augustus's revolutionary army and terrorists not long ago. Because wherever they go, there will be wars, but now these rumors have turned into praise.

"Facts have proven that the slanders and insults against me and the revolutionary army have been self-evident. The revolutionary army is the staunchest guardian of the Tyran people and the defender of human honor." Augustus asked the confused Cha ·Sarah people promise to say.

"Don't worry about the future of you and your family. We will leave you there when we arrive at the next immigrant-friendly planet."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd. The reporters accompanying the revolutionary army recorded this moment and immediately began to write an article describing everything that happened today. The Cha Sara rescue operation will be described as the most glorious page in human history. Compared with the Terran Federation that ruthlessly dispatched people, the Revolutionary Army is the real glory of mankind.

After Augustus finished speaking, Renault shouted loudly with a loudspeaker behind him: "If any of you want to take revenge on the Zerg or the Federation, you can join the Revolutionary Army. Let's come No matter who you are, whether you were an ordinary citizen or a prison guard in Los Andares, the Revolutionary Army will always have an open arm."

Renault's words were immediately echoed by many Cha Sara people. For many of them, the pain of losing their homeland is almost insurmountable. In the hearts of these people full of hatred, there is nothing that can be called " Home” stuff.

Augustus stayed at the refugee settlement for a short time, and he did not have the time or mood to deliver a long speech. He just shook hands with several refugee representatives and surrendered Za Sara federal officials before heading straight to the mobile fortress. The special-shaped scientific research laboratory platform.

Obviously there was something very important that Augustus was urged to deal with.

"The situation is very bad." Sarah Kerrigan, who had been following Augustus, said after Augustus had walked far away from the settlement and entered the passage leading to the alien scientific research laboratory platform.

"Tell me exactly how bad it is," Augustus said.

"We ultimately rescued approximately 320,000 people trapped in Los Andares, and approximately 40,000 of them were found to be infected with some kind of terrible alien parasite and something we have never seen before. A kind of enzymatic virus, this zerg virus can even change the DNA of the infected person."

"A Wraith fighter responsible for tracking the zerg discovered that the evacuated Jormungandr swarm fleet was fighting an enemy at the edge of the Sara system. At present, it seems that the enemy the zerg is dealing with is still invisible, except for one Our pilots can't see anything in the golden flash." Just as Kerrigan finished speaking, Raynor reported to Augustus.

"The Sarah galaxy is full of signs of space-time distortion, and the entire space has become riddled with holes—an unknown huge fleet has arrived."

"Bad news comes one after another." Augustus looked at Renault and said.

"Two groups of enemies we have never seen before are fighting in the Sara galaxy. What's even more unfortunate is that humans are caught between them."

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