StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 251 Infected

"Jimmy, let our heroic pilots continue to keep an eye on the battlefield at the edge of the Sarah galaxy. All findings must be sent to the Marshal's headquarters through the highest priority line." Augustus ordered Renault.

"I guarantee those great guys won't bat an eye," Reno replied immediately.

"How can this virus and parasites be transmitted?" Augustus went to the alien scientific research laboratory on the upper floor of the mobile fortress through an anti-gravity mobile platform at the end of the corridor.

Two Alpha Squadron sergeants in white power armor were guarding the door. After seeing Augustus, these resocialized soldiers immediately saluted with an impeccable military salute. Compared with the ordinary Revolutionary Army soldiers who generally had serious expressions, these people all had professional fake smiles on their faces that seemed silly to Tychus.

"Currently, it seems that these are mainly spread by zerg blankets, and it has not been found that it can be spread through air, water, physical contact, etc.," Kerrigan said.

"If that's the case, there should be a species in the Zerg population that is specifically responsible for infection." As he spoke, Augustus had already walked to the door of the Zerg Research Laboratory: "Where are the infected people placed? "

"The medical center in the mobile base is already overcrowded. Currently, we have placed all the critically ill patients in the A-11 isolation area, and the rest are placed in other isolation areas according to different levels of infection. All isolation areas have been disinfected and inactivated , guarded by a Revolutionary Army special operations battalion to ensure nothing goes wrong," Kerrigan replied.

"Why do they have to be watched? Shouldn't they be too sick to move at all?" Renault asked doubtfully.

"You'll know when you see those patients," Kerrigan said.

"Have you ever seen zombies? Those are the ones."

"I've seen that kind of movie." Reno recalled: "In my impression, zombies are similar to hungry Harnuck. The only difference is that they are eating people."

The door of the scientific research center slowly opened with the arrival of Augustus. Augustus took Kerrigan and others into the dust-free cabin first, wrapped himself in tight protective clothing from head to toe, and put on breathing equipment. Enter the heavily guarded alien laboratory.

Just like Umoyan's laboratory, large and small dissecting tables, robotic arms, consoles, and culture cryogenic tubes filled with blue liquid occupy most of the entire laboratory space.

Even Augustus felt even more horrified when he saw those twisted creatures on the dissecting table that could hardly be called human beings. The infected corpses being dissected were covered in ulcers, disgusting vesicles and navel sores.

The infected people who appeared here had obviously died recently, and it was unimaginable how the bodies decomposed rapidly in a very short period of time.

Lying on the autopsy table closest to Augustus was a man wearing a black jailer's uniform. Augustus could only vaguely identify this man through the beard on his face and the English letters on his clothes. It was revealed that he had worked in the federal prison in Los Andares during his lifetime.

The man's deep-set eye sockets were extremely black, as if some kind of creature had hollowed out or eaten his soft eyeballs. Like a scene from a thriller, the man's entire face was rotten and covered with pustules and spikes as long as daggers.

Spikes of tendon and bone broke out from under its uniform, and its limbs underwent horrific mutations that were visible to the naked eye. Specialized bone spurs and fleshy tentacles replaced fingers and nails. He has completely become a member of the swarm, losing his human intelligence and becoming an uncontrollable beast.

"When we brought these people back, they were not in good spirits at best. Some of them had been fighting with guns for several days and nights." Renault said, looking at the man lying on the platform.

"Disease is the most terrifying enemy. A well-trained soldier can overcome the fear of sharp teeth, claws and bloody mouths through holographic projection training, but he cannot defeat disease."

Then, as he gradually deepened, Augustus met several old acquaintances in the laboratory, including Dr. Francos, the chief alien biologist of the Revolutionary Army who had served the Federation on Victor V. He came to visit as a student of the former. Egon Steitman and Cha Sala Justice Collins studied.

"Judge Collins, what are you doing here? You should have a good rest in the single rest cabin we arranged for you." Augustus was very surprised that the other party was here now, and wanted to know who gave him the gift. Such rights made the revolutionary marshal a little unhappy.

"Marshal Augustus, I must find a way to save my people. They say there is no way to save the Zerg virus, but I don't believe it at all." Justice Collins was wearing a heavy protective suit, and his tired eyes The unbearable eyes had obviously not been closed for a long time and were covered with dense bloodshot eyes.

In this era, the advancement of medical technology has made the intractable diseases of centuries ago no longer incurable. However, as humans continue to explore the universe and come into contact with many natural ecologies that are very different from the earth's environment. , more diseases that had never been seen before began to appear. Medical security resources are only open to the rich, and disease is still one of the enemies that threatens human survival.

"We will find it, we will," Augustus promised him as he looked at Justice Collins.

"But I need you to explain to me: why didn't you explain to me that people in Los Andares were infected?"

"We don't know exactly how many people are infected. They were infected only in the past week, and no one expected it to be like this in the end." Judge Collins' voice became even weaker.

"I'm worried that once I speak out, the rescue ships won't come again. I can't leave them behind."

".I can't condemn you." Augustus stared into the eyes of the judicial officer: "But never again."

"Dr. Francos, tell me what's going on with these people." He then looked at Dr. Francos and his young student Stetman, who were trotting up not far behind Collins. As a professor lecturer in the Department of Biology at Tarsonis University, Dr. Francois is fully qualified to be Stetman's teacher.

Judging from Stetman's pale face and startled look, it was obvious that he had seen enough monsters in this day that he would never forget, and he was trembling uncontrollably.

Just when Dr. Francos was about to say something, the chest of an infected corpse on an autopsy table suddenly exploded, blood spattered everywhere, and two long flesh-colored worms with hard carapace burst out of it. As soon as these two bloody monsters were born, they opened multiple pairs of small triangular eyes and let out a sharp and terrifying scream, like the sound of stones scratching glass.

However, before anyone else could sound the alarm, the laboratory researcher who was operating a robotic arm to dissect the worms next to the dissecting table quickly pulled out a P-30 electromagnetic gun from his waist and accurately shot the two On the monster's head.

After the two gunshots, the laboratory immediately fell silent. This ordinary revolutionary army alien researcher calmly took back his electromagnetic rifle and continued to complete his dissection work, as if nothing happened.

Egon Steitmann, on the other hand, screamed and ran away.

"Ah-ah-this is so scary!"

It may have taken some time for Egon Steitmann to overcome his fear of alien creatures. Aigon was not afraid of the dead monsters at all, but it would be another matter if they could move.

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