StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 252 Zerg Queen

"What is that?" Augustus ignored the dissuasion of Kerrigan and others and walked straight to the dissecting table and asked the researcher who had just put away his gun.

"Marshal Augustus, it's a real honor to meet you. This is an alien parasite." The researcher saluted Augustus with a standard military salute. The identity plate on his chest showed that he was an alien parasite. A top student from the Kohal IV Cross West region. Like most of the researchers in this base, he also had the experience of joining the Korhal Revolutionary Army as a volunteer before the Battle of Korhal.

"The zerg are able to inject their eggs directly into humans, and the eggs will hatch within a few days or even less, after which the zerg inside the eggs will break out and kill their host."

This alien researcher has fine blond curly hair and a pale, young face, and looks frail. But the people in the Cross West territory have always been known for their bravery. They are the ones who truly dare to fight against fierce beasts.

"However, with sufficient preparation, the hatched zerg will not pose much danger. They are like swift six-legged beetles, with long and sharp bone spikes at the end of their appendages. Just like a sharp knife for cutting meat against an unarmed person, these little bugs are still deadly enough killers." The blond researcher explained to Augustus calmly.

"You mean, the zerg will inject eggs into the human body." Renault, who was beside Augustus, felt a chill.

"Yes, they are injecting eggs." The alien researcher said without any ups and downs in his tone: "Insert the ovipositor into the human body and lay the eggs and cocoons that breed the aliens. Just like Umoyan's It’s the same as parasitic wasps. They lay eggs in the victim’s body and feed on the host. When they mature and break out, it is the end of the host.”

"That's disgusting." Sarah Kerrigan unconsciously tugged on a lock of red hair hanging on her forehead.

"When I first saw these monsters, I was so disgusted that I couldn't eat." The researcher said nonchalantly: "It's good to get used to it. Now we even have people here who can eat while watching them."

"This isn't right," Kerrigan said.

"Is it useful to take out the eggs? Can we save those who have been injected with eggs?" Augustus asked.

"We have tried, but without exception, the hatching process will be advanced. Once the eggs in the infected person notice our actions, they will immediately accelerate the hatching and break out in advance." said the researcher.

"Efficient and lethal, and most importantly, an extremely cruel torture for the infected person who knows what is happening."

"I understand." Augustus nodded: "Thank you for your contributions to the revolutionary army and to all mankind. Your names and achievements will never be buried."

"Continue to complete what you are doing. Every job you do is contributing to our ability to overthrow the tyranny of the Federation and regain Korhal."

"This is the responsibility and mission of every Korhal man, Marshal." The other party immediately showed an excited expression.

When the researcher was about to continue working, Augustus looked at Francos, the revolutionary army's alien biologist who was approaching.

"What's wrong with the kid Aigon? It looks like he's quite frightened." Then he asked with concern.

"Aigon insisted on coming over to 'see' the alien creatures, but he was so frightened." Dr. Francos wore a pair of protective glasses that reflected orange light under the light, and had white patches on his forehead and right cheek. Simple Band-Aid.

"How is this child doing?" Augustus asked casually: "I thought you would complain to me why I gave you a child under ten years old."

"I have no dissatisfaction, Marshal, I am very satisfied." Francos did not dare to say he was dissatisfied.

As an alien biologist who once served the Federation's Zerg research project, the Federation must now be trying its best to keep people like Francos silent forever in order to keep their secrets. He has been completely tied to the Revolutionary Army. On the chariot.

Either this revolution will eventually sweep across the Tyranid Federation and even the entire Koprulu sector, and Francois's status will rise with the tide, or Augustus Mengsk will eventually fail to escape the encirclement and suppression of the federal army, and he will only be shot when he is executed. Be able to work hard to give yourself a decent way to die.

"Egon is actually a very smart kid. Not only in biology, but also in the field of engineering machinery, he can be called a real genius." Dr. Francos said: "The only problem at the moment is that he is really too smart. Young. Moreover, this kid really talks a lot."

"You mean he is a talker." Renault, who had been listening, came to the conclusion at this time: "I understand that this feeling is disturbing."

"No, that's not what I meant." The doctor explained: "This child is kinder than anyone I have ever seen. His starting point for doing anything is for others instead of himself."

"I love this kid, and I think that's his quality. If God used the same mold when He created humans, He certainly made it out of gold when He molded Egon Stetman. Heart."

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with him being a talkative. After all, he still talks too much. He always gets immersed in his own world while talking." Renault spread his hands.

"Aigon's heart is much purer than many people. He is just easily nervous. Real geniuses are always different. I always tell him this." Augustus smiled.

"Okay, Dr. Francos, give me a detailed explanation of your research progress." he asked Francos.

"How much do we know about the species of zerg that infect these people, and are there any effective countermeasures?"

"Based on the research data from Victor V and Cha Saraflam Base, the infection should come from the zerg blanket that covers the entire Cha Sara and a zerg creature called Opisthozoa. The latter It is a more advanced zerg life entity." Dr. Francos approached Augustus and took out the personal portable data template in his hand.

"This kind of creature is similar to the queen ant and the queen bee. In the large population of the zerg branch, this kind of creature is mainly responsible for spreading diseases and releasing parasites to infect the worm host. The infected person will die while they are still alive. Become a shambling corpse - like a zombie," he said.

"Queens also lay eggs. Of course, there is currently no direct evidence that Springtails and Hydra are both produced by zerg queens. All zerg groups should come from the metamorphosis of larvae after they form cocoons."

Dr. Francos's data template was crossed with several pictures of zerg hindworms, a hideous-looking monster that was a mixture of spiders, starfish, and arthropods. It has huge mouthparts and fangs, and its bloated abdomen seems to be filled with tens of billions of deadly parasites.

"People also call queen insects, but they are neither beautiful nor noble. These monsters can fly, and their speed is not inferior to our Avengers fighter planes. My suggestion is." The doctor straightened his goggles: " Missiles and anti-aircraft guns must be used to deal with this monster, while aggressive fighter planes can easily take care of them."

"Oh. I thought you had some immediate solution or a good idea that only biologists can come up with." Reynold screamed strangely.

"Any valuable discoveries?"

"The latest discovery is that springtails are allergic to lemon juice. They hate lemon juice." Francos shrugged.

"Why don't you say that mutated blood-sucking infected people are afraid of garlic." Reno complained.

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