StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 253 Psychic Transmitter

"I haven't tested it. Scientific experiments are rigorous." Dr. Francos knew that Renault thought he was joking.

But he really wasn't kidding.

"Perhaps there is something in lemon juice that can displease springtails." To both Francois and Renault's surprise, Augustus apparently agreed with this statement.

"Continue research in this direction. Zerg are not perfect creatures. Of course they have flaws."

"Even if this is true, it's impossible for them to die suddenly or run away when they see lemon juice. That's the effect we want." Renault said.

"I will start arranging this project." At this time, Dr. Francos led Augustus to continue walking deeper into the scientific research laboratory: "Next, I want to show you the soldiers from Los Andares. The monsters brought back, some of which our warriors must pay special attention to when fighting the Zerg. In addition, I must show you a new weapon found in the Cha Sara Federation base."

"Humanity has heavy artillery that can penetrate the chitinous carapace of the zerg and power armor that can withstand the fangs and claws, but the infected mutation is the truly invisible enemy."

As they continued to go deeper, some creatures that were far more terrifying than the previous dead people suddenly came into view:

A dog-like monster that is being locked in an electrified iron cage - it is obviously not a springtail. The faintly visible golden hair on its body and the ears that stick up on its head all indicate that it was originally from Los Andares. The resident's pet is a golden retriever dog that used to look after the farm owner's home.

Now, this miserable beast has undergone horrific changes all over his body. It became larger and stronger, with its bulging back exceeding six feet. The unnaturally bulging, towering back had pairs of thorns and protruding bone spurs.

This strange creature's body is covered with cracked carapace and savagely growing spikes. Its originally furry soles are now wrapped with multiple pairs of shrunken bone claws. These claws are too long and sharp compared to the past. , so that the protruding part pierced into the tissue of its limbs.

These pains are enough to make a sentient creature unable to move even an inch, but it is already standing like a lion looking up at its territory, making deformed roars from time to time.

"As long as they are living things, the zerg will accept them all." Dr. Francos said as he walked: "Dogs, cats, birds and even creatures in the water were either devoured by the zerg or transformed into twisted and deformed monsters. Maybe. The zerg want to find some redundant parts from the genes of these creatures, maybe just to assimilate other species."

"Federal zerg researchers have been recording the characteristics of the zerg they discovered, and found that the zerg that appear every once in a while are different from the first discovered individuals. The new individuals either have more efficient organs. organs and muscles, or a stronger carapace."

"It is foreseeable that the zerg will continue to evolve. Finally, after an infinite and infinite time, there will be only one type of creature left in the universe, the zerg, and their form has reached the level that organic life forms can." Reach the pinnacle and become the ultimate master of the universe."

"Why did they come to the Koprulu sector?" Raynor asked the doctor.

"Eating everything." Francos said: "Zergs are the locusts in the universe. In order to continuously optimize their own genes, they constantly devour other races that are considered valuable. The path of evolution is always about retreating if they don't advance. Yes, the splendidness of civilizations and races in this universe may far exceed human imagination. We are just frogs at the bottom of a well."

"Humans just happen to be on the hunting path of the zerg, or the star sector we are in is unfortunately in the hunting ground of the zerg."

"The result is that we can only consider ourselves unlucky?" Renault said: "How many such zerg are there, how many groups like Jörmungandr are there? I'm really afraid that these bugs are more than the germs in the universe."

"Right now, these are all unknown to us." Francos said: "With any luck, the zerg won't care too much about the existence of humans, because we have nothing but a developed brain, and the zerg don't need A thinking brain, this was probably a Gestalt race that only had a thinking brain."

"Who controls the Jormungandr Swarm and by what means?" Augustus asked.

"It's not clear, maybe all the zerg are extensions of the same overall will." Dr. Francos said: "But I roughly understand how they coordinate attack time and communication - psychic energy. Most of the zerg No psychic energy is found in its body, but the king insect has obvious psychic power, and its intelligence far exceeds that of its kin."

"This may be the reason why the Hydra Hydralisks went out of control at the Umoyan Cerberus Research Station. They are extremely sensitive to psychic energy." He said: "Psychic energy is just a beam of extreme darkness for the zerg. The light is like oil to a mouse.”

"When psykers or Federation ghost agents appear on the battlefield, the zerg will without exception go crazy. When human psykers release their own psychic signals, it is equivalent to an ocean full of sharks. There was a drop of blood in it."

"We obtained a filing cabinet in the Confederacy's zerg laboratory, and the files inside showed that the Tyranid Confederacy was using psionic attraction to the zerg to create a weapon."

"They want to use bugs against us?" Renault said in surprise: "Did the Federation prepare to do that as early as 2485 years ago? But Augustus was still in high school at that time."

"Maybe it's not just that." Augustus said at this time: "The Federation must have discovered the Protoss a long time ago."

"Doctor, what is the name of this weapon, how does it work, and has the Federation developed a prototype weapon." Augustus hadn't had time to read the report submitted by the Revolutionary Army's Alien Laboratory after the Cha Sala evacuation.

"The federal developers named this weapon a psionic transmitter. As the name suggests, it emits a psionic signal. It's like shooting an extremely bright, long-burning illumination bomb in a dark universe without any light. "

"The Hydra Hydralisk can sense human psykers at a distance of about five yards, and the Federation's method of using it is also very simple." Francos finally brought Augustus and others to a prototype weapons platform.

This prototype weapon looks like just a boxy black box. The box is sealed with a simple lock, and there are multiple pairs of signal lights with unknown purposes on the outside.

"Just like I amplify my voice, psychic voice can also be amplified, because it is a signal of another wavelength." He said.

"As long as this signal is continuously amplified, then for the zerg, the distance is no longer as simple as 5 yards."

"But 25 light years."

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