StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 254 Explosive Infectious Body (Additional Update 214)

"This is a prototype we built based on federal design drawings." Francos pointed to the prototype weapon platform and said: "Of course, its effect is not ideal and can only cover a few square miles."

"The research on psychic transmitters is still in its preliminary stages. The original federal development cycle was expected to be 5 to 10 years. There are still many imperfections in the design of the prototype."

"Different from the final scenario envisioned in the federal design drawings, there is still a big gap between the so-called zerg that can attract the entire universe, and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"In other words, this is a piece of candy thrown into the ant pile." Renault shook his head: "But as long as the insect is stuck to the place, can it be saved? It's so vicious. I dare say this is definitely the Tagore family. That old witch’s idea.”

"How to use it?" Augustus finally asked another question.

"We must not use this kind of thing, this is opening Pandora's box!" Renault said with wide eyes and disbelief.

"Of course it's impossible to use it against your own planet." Only Kerrigan knew what Augustus was thinking: "And it's completely possible to throw the psychic transmitter on an uninhabited planet to protect the zerg. Attack the planets on the way. Even let the insect swarms move along the route we planned to avoid densely populated planets."

"The psionic transmitter needs to be activated by a psyker of level 5 or above as the signal emission source." Dr. Francos replied: "The psionic transmitter emits the psionic signal of the initiator."

"Classify this weapon as a level 7 secret." Augustus looked at Francos and said.

Level 7 is already the highest level of confidentiality in the Terran Federation, and Augustus's revolutionary army followed the Federation's standards. These projects were usually preceded by Resocialization Projects, Specter Projects, and the existence of zerg and protoss.

"We also need to study the psychic transmitter. Although I don't hope to use it one day, it is better that I have it than others have it and I don't." At the same time, Augustus also secretly determined not to let Kerrigan activate the psychic transmitter. energy transmitter. With Kerrigan's psychic strength and its special significance in dominating the swarm, the zerg attracted by then may not be as simple as one or two brood troops within 25 light years.

"No matter what, if there is a sword, we must be the ones holding the sword."

After Augustus finished speaking, he looked at the black box on the prototype weapon platform in silence for a long time until the black box was wrapped by the closed blue plasma light curtain.

"Come on, let me see the monster you said." Augustus waved his hand.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Francos immediately led Augustus and others to the other end of the laboratory. There, the laboratory has been completely transformed into a cage, containing all kinds of infected people.

The forms of physical mutation of these infected people were almost the same as the corpses Augustus saw at the door. The alien fangs and purple-black carapace turned them into hideous monsters, exposed to the naked eye. His skin was covered with ugly pustules, spikes, and pulsating tendons and meridians.

Unlike the corpses lying on the dissecting table waiting for dissection, the infected people in the cages are obviously still "alive". Their knees and elbows are twisted, and their calves and elbows are bent. It reached an incredible arc, as if their limbs had been twisted and then connected together with silk threads.

"They", these creatures that could once be called humans, staggered around in the cage like puppets, roaring like beasts from time to time. Fat flesh-colored tentacles filled their open mouths, and green acid and disgusting mucus flowed out of the mouths that could not be closed, dripping to the ground.

"Before they were infected, they were the police chief, construction workers, and doctors in Los Andares. In the face of infection, everything is equal." Francos said to Augustus.

"Marshal, please keep your distance. These infected people are quite special. Compared with other ordinary infected people, their bodies have undergone some terrible mutations."

"Its body is filled with a large number of unstable chemicals, which can be triggered by a Zerg enzyme to produce a devastating explosion." He emphasized to Augustus.

"Although we have added enough protective measures, please be sure to stay away from these monsters."

"You mean 'destroying the world and destroying the earth'? Just how devastating it is." Renault was a little unconvinced: "You have to know that they were just ordinary human beings before, and some of them had never even done farm work."

"When these infected people detonate unstable chemicals in their bodies together, it is enough to destroy this huge scientific research laboratory, and its power is directly proportional to the amount of chemicals in the infected people's bodies." Francos added.

"But the stench produced during the explosion is also devastating, and its effect is equivalent to some kind of biochemical poison gas."

Dr. Francos must have experienced the explosion he described, so much so that he shivered with fear as he spoke.

"A moving humanoid bomb." Augustus nodded: "Their movement speed seems very slow, but we must not take it lightly."

"Are they still conscious?" Augustus pointed at the ferocious-looking infected people.

"It's unclear." The doctor said: "We still don't know whether they still have the ability to think or whether their consciousness is trapped in a dark space and they have been living a nightmare that will never end."

"Being imprisoned in your own body. This is really a nightmare." Renault said: "I really don't want to see the people around me become like this one day."

"Are you sure you can develop an antidote?" Augustus sighed: "An antidote for worm infection."

"Unfortunately, with our current medical technology, there is almost no solution to zerg infection. We can only hope that the Umoyan people or federal scientists can make a breakthrough in this area." Francos said regretfully.

"Right now, we can only try to decipher the complex combination of genetic mutations and find patterns by studying the way the zeran enzymes work in these infected people," he said. "I believe this will allow us to develop new technologies in medicine and materials." Make great strides in the field of science to develop new power armor and restorative agents."

"If we can figure out how unstable chemicals work in infected people, new bioexplosives and poison gas weapons could also be developed."

"Well done, Doctor." Augustus said without hesitation in his words of praise.

At this time, a hurried staff officer walked through the laboratory towards Augustus with a report.

"Marshal, the investigation team you sent to investigate the signal anomaly in the southern hemisphere of Cha Sala reported that they discovered a secret federal base there and defeated the federal army stationed there." The staff officer told Augustus Say it after saluting.

"The federal force guarding there is named Cerberus (the three-headed dog of hell in Greek mythology, also translated as Cerberus). It is a force composed of a large number of fire bats and Goliath armed robots. They are in Another name in the federal communications network is Hellbringer."

"Judging from the intelligence obtained, this force seems to exist specifically to deal with emergencies. Their mission in Cha Sara is to clean up all out-of-control zerg, but the severity of the situation is obviously beyond the command of the Cerberus force. Officer’s imagination,” the adjutant reported.

"According to the data backup in the federal base, we have sufficient evidence that the federation has been trying to breed and control zerg in Cha Sara. They have built at least 7 zerg research centers in the southern hemisphere."

"Very well," said Augustus.

"Now, we have ample evidence to prove that the Federation is the culprit behind the Cha Sara tragedy."

Thank you to the helmsman of clement001 for the reward, thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes.

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