StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 259 Executor Tassadar

"The executive officer detected that the human spacecraft is a Behemoth-class battlecruiser, and its parameters have been uploaded to the Star Shuttle Star Array."

On the splendid bridge of the Star Shuttle, the flagship of the Protoss Expeditionary Force that departed from the home planet of Aiur, Expeditionary Fleet Executive Officer Tassadar, wearing the high-level templar vestments in purple, black, and black, was gazing at the star array. Hologram projected from above.

The golden bridge decorated with beautiful precious metals, gems and azure blue Kedarin crystals echoed with the melodious chants of music when the crystals resonated. All the protoss dressed in golden and blue gorgeous armor and white robes They are all bathed in the water-like light that ripples like bright stars and crystals outside the energy-shaped wall.

In the ice-blue, radiating eyes of the executive officer of the Protoss Empire, a dark red human battlecruiser with a hammerhead-shaped bow was heading towards him at the maximum speed it could achieve.

More than a hundred rectangular and cone-shaped human warships and fighter planes followed the flagship closely. The orange-red and blue propeller tail flames looked like a trembling little light spot, as if they would be destroyed by the universe at any time. Devoured by darkness.

"We are about to enter the range." In front of the console inlaid with blue gems, a Protoss Templar reported to Executive Officer Tassadar. He has no mouth or vocal organs, but he can still speak. His voice had a slight psychic resonance when he spoke, as if he were speaking in an echoing mountain stream.

"Lens calibration in progress."

"Is this a fleet carrying diplomats?" Standing next to the silent executive was a protoss woman wearing a white hooded robe. There was only a Kedarin crystal on her simple robe. The hem of the pendant hangs down to the ground, and the long bundle of golden ornaments is tied neatly behind the back.

This is Zamara, the protector from the Elvirari clan. Her duty is to follow Tassadar, the most outstanding executive officer in the Protoss Empire, and his expeditionary fleet, which was ordered to purify all insect swarm threats, and record the various events. The events that occurred during the battle were intended to enlighten future generations.

Although protoss is not a mammal creature, its female body curves are charming and elegant even from a human perspective, with delicate and smooth gray or blue skin and an S-shaped waist curve.

"They turned on all the weapon systems. This is not self-defense, because humans are using all the energy required for the shield on the weapon systems. This is an obviously hostile attack." the executive officer's deputy replied.

Through the psychic link network Kara connected through the nerve bundles on the back of the head, the protoss on the bridge realized at the same time why humans did what they did.

After witnessing the protoss fleet's main battery firepower as it destroyed Cha'Sala, the Terran commanders concluded that their warship shields were of no use at all, so they all bet on their ridiculous ballistic weapons and primitive energy weapons. .

There is no doubt that this is a suicidal attack. Even if it is just a comparison of the number of battleships, the protoss is hundreds of times more than humans. The gap between the protoss and humans is so great that they can look down on this young race from a high position. In their eyes, humans are just babies waving stones in front of their eyes.


"A suicidal attack."

“The bravery of a bug.”

A calm voice without any emotion echoed in the bridge of the Starshuttle. Perhaps in the eyes of humans, their huge steel ships are the highest display of their strength, but in the eyes of the Protoss Empire, they are nothing more than rags piled up with scrap metal and flies that can be killed with a single swat.

"Executor, the human spacecraft has entered the range, do you want to destroy it?" A Templar asked.

"They are the only human warships here, there is no one else." Tassadar has been meditating since the fleet arrived at Mar Sara, and has not followed the orders of the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire to destroy this orange-gray planet. .

"These humans have no retreat, because behind them is their homeland. If our planet is about to be destroyed, we will rush towards the enemy one after another, even if we use our bodies to block the enemy's blades and gunfire. "

"What a heroic warrior, what a tragic sacrifice."

At the same time, a feeling of respect and sadness was transmitted to the minds of all crew members through Kara's spiritual connection. The executive officer's subordinates all felt the sadness of his moment.

For a long time, the Protoss Empire has been observing this young race when humans first arrived in the Koprulu Sector. Their understanding of humans far exceeds their image. Even the Earth, the home planet of humans, once had protoss. The probe even witnessed the human Apollo moon landing.

While the humans in the Koprulu Sector have been feeling smug and lonely because they are the only advanced intelligent race in the universe, they don't know that there is a pair of eyes watching them closely. Protoss scholars have been watching this race, watching humans kill each other, plundering the planet's resources for development, and the rise and fall of various civilizations in the past.

When Tassadar was more than a hundred years old, the ancestors of the Tyranids, Kemorians, and Umoyans had just begun to multiply on their respective home planets, and he watched this race gradually multiply and prosper.

"It's over." Tassadar calmly issued his order: "Enter the sub-folding force field and order a retreat."

"This human spaceship is of no importance at all. You should destroy this planet. It has been infected by zerg and is terminally ill." Protector Zamara said in a cold and decisive voice.

"If we continue to let it go, the zerg will spread in the universe like a virus, and this sector will become a diseased and corrupt tissue in the body of the universe." She said.

"You were the first to discover the zerg, Executor, and you know we can't just sit back and do nothing."

"All this is for the Dawu teachings. The eldest son of God has always followed the footsteps of Xel'Naga. We are the only correct and just judges in this universe and the protectors of weak races. We must eradicate the pests in the universe, otherwise it will be worse. More races will be destroyed.”

"You know what I'm thinking. The reason why I retreated is just because there are still many uninfected humans surviving on this planet." Executive Officer Tassadar said: "In addition to destroying the planet, maybe we can also solve the problem of alien diseases." There are other ways to worm.”

"But the order of the Supreme Council is..." Zamara's light blue eyes flashed.

"I will explain to the Conclave," Tassadar said.

"You will face the censure of the Conclave and the heavy pressure that comes with it." Although there were considerable differences with Tassadar on this matter, Zamara still accepted the Executor's order.

Because of Kara, the spiritual connection network that connects the thoughts of all the firstborn sons of God, they can empathize and see things from each other's perspective. Here most disagreements and conflicts are nipped in the bud, and hatred and suspicion are dispelled before they lead to disaster.

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