StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 260 I have General Duke

"What are you doing, General Duke!"

With Augustus' cautious character of making decisions before taking action, he would never have rushed forward so recklessly if he had commanded Norad III.

The protoss fleet has an absolute advantage in terms of firepower and numbers. Apart from Duke, there is probably no other general in the human race who is as ready to take action at any time as he is.

Duke is rough and unruly, and he will never look back when he sets his sights on one direction. If Alpha Squadron faced a piece of tofu, then of course they would be able to smash everything in front of them. If the front was an iron plate with steel nails, Duke would have to fight to the death.

This old nobleman of Tarsonis with a bad temper seemed to have no idea what fear was.

As the commander of Duke, he must have the ability to control a strong horse and point it in the right direction.

"As you can see, Marshal, we are going to stop them!" This man, who was called a viper by Renault and others, has a resolute expression at the moment and a burning gaze. Whether he is stupid or ignorant, he really has a sense of fearlessness in him. courage.

Duke, a disgusting old aristocrat, didn't care much about whether there were millions of lives on Mar Sara waiting for him to save. He only fought for merit and other things related to personal interests.

Like Reno, who truly loves the people he wants to protect, Duke only loves himself, and he only cares about himself.

"These protoss warships have just destroyed a planet. Their warships must have exhausted their energy and do not have the ability to fight us." Duke analyzed calmly and came to a conclusion.

"No ship will challenge a huge fleet alone without support. They will definitely think that our support fleet will arrive soon, and they can only retreat at that time."

"Then have you ever thought that they don't care at all whether we have a supporting fleet or have not considered this matter at all." Augustus was furious: "You idiot."

Although if Augustus guessed correctly, the protoss executive commanding this protoss fleet is very likely to be the future protoss hero Tassadar, and this executive at least does not have any ill intentions towards humans. He would slaughter humans at will, but Augustus couldn't gamble on anything uncertain.

While Augustus was angrily scolding Duke, Norad III had been heading towards the protoss fleet in the orbit of Mar Sara at the fastest speed. Even though Augustus ordered Duke to retreat, Norad III still plunged into the attack range of the protoss fleet.

Before Augustus had time to say a few more words to Duke, a technician's shout came from the bridge of the Norad III.

"General, the protoss fleet has disappeared."

"Take the picture immediately," Augustus said.

The Norad III was now very close to the protoss fleet. The huge protoss fleet was like a magnificent golden city floating in the deep black sky. This is an extremely shocking scene, as if humans are sailing towards a lost floating city.

While the technicians were talking, the protoss fleet warships on the screen disappeared one after another in the distorted light and shadow.

"The Star Spirits have retreated." Augustus was stunned for a moment, but soon smiled: "They helped us a lot."

Originally, the situation in the Sara galaxy was quite chaotic. Neither the Jormungandr Swarm nor the Federation Navy's Omega Squadron could be easily defeated by the Revolutionary Army. They wanted to evacuate the Mar Sara refugees on a large scale between the two. Almost impossible.

But now that the Jörmungandr swarm has suffered heavy losses from the Protoss fleet, the pressure on Augustus is much less. But the protoss fleet is still a threat, because Augustus doesn't know when they will suddenly jump to the Sara system and burn Mar Sara. After all, the protoss is really elusive.

"Hahaha, they are scared." Duke reacted in a very short time and accepted the reality of the "Star Spirits' hasty retreat". He laughed loudly: "They are vulnerable, whether it is the golden Star Spirits or the Star Spirits. Tal'darin protoss are all the same."

"As long as they face an enemy who can fight back, the protoss will immediately run away." He said proudly, smiling uncontrollably, as if he had never been so proud in his life.

"Well done, Duke, the facts prove that your decision is correct." Augustus first praised Duke: "I will give you a medal."

"Yes, a new style, a new badge and a new name. It is still shiny and golden. It is definitely different from the hundreds of medals you have. At the same time, I will consider awarding you the rank of major general after this battle. Ma Sara The people were saved thanks to you, but I didn’t expect that you were the one who saved Ma Sara.”

"General, have the protoss still not responded to our call?"

Augustus did not remain happy for long, and his keen mind soon turned to more important matters.

".No." Duke originally thought that Augustus would praise him a few more words to satisfy his vanity, but he didn't care. The important thing is that the power in his hands has increased again. This is what Duke is most addicted to.

"Let me see, those arrogant pointed heads don't even bother to talk to us. In their eyes, we are just monkeys and savages." Duke said, "But it doesn't matter. In my eyes, they are not even comparable to monkeys." , just a big pile of dung.”

"We don't know whether they will come back again, and whether they will destroy Mar Sara when they come back." Augustus walked around in the central command room in the revolutionary army fortress.

"General Duke, you are the only battleship still in the Sala system." He stopped and thought for a moment before saying.

"I need Alpha Squadron to land in Mar Sara immediately to complete the preparations before evacuating the refugees - the guerrillas we left there will pick you up." Augustus said.

"Then you have to get in touch with the refugees in various parts of Mar Sara and ask them to go to the expected landing point of the transport ship to prepare for evacuation. At the same time, you also have to deal with some of the Jormungandr swarm troops that have invaded Mar Sara and the forces that are in the process of evacuating. Control the Omega Squadron Marines there and protect the refugees who follow us.”

"Why do we have to do this kind of thing? I don't understand how saving so many people will help us overthrow the Federation." Duke frowned, but did not want to disobey Augustus's order: "The federal government never We will allocate funds to save some refugees, let alone save an entire planet. This kind of thing often relies on voluntary donations from non-governmental organizations."

"I know very well what those people in the Federation are like. Of course, I am not nobler than them."

Duke is not a man with a long-term vision. Most of the time, his attention is between the eyes.

"It is precisely because the federation won't do it that we have to do it." Augustus said.

"We never claim to be saviors and saviors, but no one else will do this except us. And the people of the Tyranids will eventually remember everything we have done, and remember that the Revolutionary Army is a benevolent army. "

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