StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 262 Protoss Ground Forces

The crackling sound of the burning zerg and the beast-like roar made many soldiers present shudder. The blazing flames almost lit up half the street, and soon the smell of burnt protein spread in the wind.

This alien monster, not much bigger than a local large dog, remained sensitive and excited under the influence of adrenaline. However, when it happily emerged from under the manhole cover, Hanak Hank and his men were well prepared. The elite fire bat immediately sprayed a ball of hot plasma flames on its face.

Augustus and the revolutionary soldiers who protected him did not feel any pity in their hearts as they watched the monster twist and struggle in the flames, desperately trying to shake off the flames attached to its body.

The first springtail that suddenly sprang out was just a signal for this elite team of zerg to launch an attack, and more springtails jumped out of the sewer wells soon after.

Springtails that emerge from the underground sewer system are 1.5 times as long as ordinary springtails. They possess some extremely rare atavistic features, with colorful sail-shaped spines extending from their backs to their tails. With a harder chitinous carapace and sharper pale claws, these alien monsters are more like a small tank.

They may be commanded directly through psychic links by the leader of the Jormungandr swarm, the Cerebrate Yark, a loyal scion and servant of the Overlord who did not die in Cha Sara's destruction. Yak is commanding the huge Jörmungandr swarm army at the same time in the brain chamber of each deep space Behemoth, which is densely covered with central nervous system and soft tissue.

The wall of flames in front of the fire bat failed to stop the springtails that poured out one after another. They were like rats pouring out of the rice warehouse or groups of hyenas leaping out of the sewer wellhead, until these alien monsters poured out their flesh and blood. Their bodies resisted the raging flames, and more springtails jumped from their fallen kin and fell on the heavy power suit armor of the fire bat troops.

The Revolutionary Firebat's improved CMC-250 power armor is much stronger than ordinary Marine power armor, so these little monsters cannot cut through thick armor in a short time. But even so, the two pairs of sharp dense bone scythes on the springtail's back can easily cut through and insert into the relatively fragile helmets of the fire bats, cracking open the soldiers' heads.

Other springtails endured the scorching flames and pierced the plasma feedback device of the fire bat's flamethrower with a pair of long knife-like claws on their chests. This could block the flamethrower and cause the hot flames to flow backwards. The inside of the Fire Bat's power armor turns the power armor itself into a scalding oven.

What awaits those fire bats and fire-breathing soldiers is an extremely tragic fate, just like the retribution for burning many people alive, they all eventually died in the flames they emitted.

These springtails are quite smart, and they have found ways to deal with humans instead of just charging. Local battles broke out across Mar Sara, and whenever the zerg in a certain area discovered a human weakness, this technology was synchronized to all new-born zerg through genetic material.

The Zerg, a dangerous and deadly race, have been evolving, doing their best to eliminate defects in their genes until they reach the pinnacle of biological evolution, perfection.

Since Firebat powered armor is generally two feet taller than ordinary CMC-200 or even CMC-300 powered armor, the Marshal's Elite Guard soldiers holding Gauss rifles and individual rocket launchers behind the Firebats can only rely on the Firebats' Fire between the shoulders to avoid accidentally injuring your comrades.

"Ah - ah -" Facing the wails of the fire bats, the elite guards could only use rifle bullets to end their lives from behind, so that they did not have to endure the pain of being burned alive.

Many fire bats do not die at the hands of their enemies. The most painful way to die is to be trapped inside their own powered armor and burned alive. At the same time, few people are willing to endure the high temperatures and put on Firebat powered armor. Therefore, the Firebats in the federal army are basically death row prisoners who have been resocialized. Only the Firebats in the Revolutionary Army are lunatics who voluntarily join the army.

Augustus could hear the pained screams of the fire bats, and it pained him deeply to see those brave warriors wailing. At this time, it is the best choice for your comrades to end their lives with a pistol, so as to prevent them from enduring the pain before death.

To this day, countless revolutionary soldiers and spies have sacrificed their young lives for the revolutionary cause.

"Find a way to block the mouth of the well." Augustus ordered: "Throw all our grenades and explosives in."

The members of the Marshal's Elite Guard behind the Firebats immediately carried out this order. After Moria purchased a large amount of ammunition left by the Kaimorian Alliance after the Kaimorian War, the grenades and bullets carried by each Revolutionary Army soldier were Much more than before.

With the help of power armor, soldiers don't have to worry about payload, which is something ground and air transport commanders should consider.

"Damn, it would be great if Zander was here at this time. He would be able to find a few boxes of explosives from his armor." Reno shouted while holding a C-14 Gauss rifle and shooting.

Max Zander, the Demon of Heaven, is no longer with Augustus. He is now the commander of the Revolutionary Army's airborne troops. Under Zander's example, the airborne troops of the Revolutionary Army turned into explosive maniacs who fired electromagnetic grenades at the enemy as soon as they landed. The airborne division of the Revolutionary Army felt as if it had just experienced a large-scale carpet bombing.

"Throw them all out!" Tychus roared at Corporal Faraday and his Marshal's Elite Guard soldiers: "Even the old lady can move faster than you!"

An earth-shattering explosion responded to Tychus's roar. The blue electric pulses and arcs set off by the electromagnetic grenade surged out from the blasted sewer well. The sky-high light instantly drowned the springtails inside, and immediately the soldiers were in front of them. It got quiet.

But then, a similar individual that was even larger than the previous springtail poked its head out of the gorgeous arc. It had a huge head and bright red, blood-like skin, and bright orange eyes flashed. A flash of intelligence.

If the springtails just now were slightly larger large dogs, then this is a male lion in its prime. Its extremely hard leather skin is covered with a blood-red carapace, as if it is stained with dried blood. .

Under Augustus's order, the remaining fire bats retreated one after another. A platoon of marshal's elite guards used all the weapons in their hands to aim at the newly appeared monster and shoot, but then everyone was surprised to find that the bullets had no effect at all. It cannot be harmed.

"Good boy, a big guy." Tychus said: "I bet that's the mother of those bugs just now, and now it's here to take revenge."

However, this bright red giant springtail just poked its head out and retreated back into the underground cave. At this time, two nearby revolutionary military camps also came to support, and the Zerg had no choice but to retreat.

"A king among springtails." Renault said: "It ignores flames and electromagnetic grenades, and its carapace is simply comparable to those mammoth-like giant zerg found on Turtle Island. It doesn't look simple."

"Every fool knows it's not simple." Tychus chewed the cigarette in his mouth and put away his heavy machine gun: "And I don't see how that thing looks like an elephant. Don't think we didn't learn it in elementary school. Live those things.”

"That's what Augustus said." Renault looked at Augustus behind him.

"Well, after all, the marshal is the biggest here." Tychus said: "They retreated."

"They know we're a tough nut to crack."

"Rescue the wounded quickly." Augustus ordered: "Ask the nearby troops to send a medical squad over."

"Sarah, can you feel anything?" He turned to Sarah Kerrigan beside him.

"The swarm is confused." Kerrigan pressed the front brim of her hat: "They don't understand why we discovered this raid. They will find out why. They will retreat into the shadows, waiting again, waiting for the next opportunity. "

"It sounds like you need to be more careful recently, Augustus." Renault said: "The bugs have read our minds, and they know that you are the soul of the revolutionary army."

"The leader of the brainworm Aak Jormungandr." Augustus repeated the name: "As long as you kill it, its tribe will definitely fall into chaos."

"I have heard an old saying, repay it with retaliation." Renault said: "But no matter how you kill it, it may not even be on Mar Sara."

"There will be a way." Augustus looked at a wounded Firebat who was being pulled out of the power armor. He knew that each Zerg nest had a Cerebrate as its leader, and Cerebrates were actually the brains of tens of millions or even billions of Zerg. Once the Cerebrate dies, its hive troops will go crazy.

But Cerebrates are actually immortal, because the master of the swarm can resurrect dead Cerebrates. Only the Nerazim Protoss, another branch of the Protoss, can permanently kill the Cerebrates, sealing their chance of resurrection.

As Augustus spoke, he walked towards the wounded man who was being carried on a stretcher, and noticed that the man's entire chest had been torn open by a springtail. The hideous wound indicated that the possibility of his survival was not high.

The comatose fire bat did not wait for Augustus' greetings. He closed his eyes tightly and was carried onto an APOD transport plane that landed nearby.

Harnack, the soldier's immediate superior, silently carried the stretcher away.

This is a soldier from the Ma Sarashiro region. He is not only fighting for the revolution and the orders of his superiors, but also for his hometown.

The surface of Mar Sara is infested with zerg, and such sacrifices occur almost every minute. The zerg are not Federation troops. They are deadly and numerous, and will only actively retreat under rare circumstances.

And Augustus had already seen death, and death in battle had become commonplace.

"Facing the zerg, we suffered heavy casualties." Raynor looked at the charred corpse being pulled out of the scalding Firebat power armor and closed his eyes in pain: "We are facing the zerg, and it will take time to evacuate."

"We have evacuated more than half a million people, but we still need time to take away other people. But the zerg will not just watch there, they are endless, and we can only take human lives to fill them." He said.

"Yes, our army only has a few hundred thousand people." Augustus said: "We need reinforcements, whether they are the Federation or the Protoss."

"People who believe in the Federation are definitely the stupidest fools in the world. As for the Protoss." Renault shook his head: "We know very little about them. I heard that the Protoss landed in Mar Sara not long ago. Someone I saw their ground troops in gold and silver armor.”

"Is this true? I don't really believe it."

"I also received reports from Lundstein, Nord, Zander, and Duke. They all discovered the Protoss ground forces." Augustus said: "The places where the Protoss ground troops appeared are... The center of the Mongardian main nest is located among countless zerg."

"Although they did not make any contact with our people, every time the protoss troops appeared, the zerg around our base and refugee camp began to retreat." He said.

"Obviously, the protoss is helping us and buying us time to evacuate the refugees."

"Is there such a good thing?" Tychus was surprised.

"You mean that the commander of that protoss is a kind man, is that possible? He was merciless when he blew up the spaceships in the high-altitude orbits of Chasala and Marsala."

"This is really the best news I have heard in this time." Renault said: "Having said that, why should the protoss help us."

"Protoss? If it's them, why don't they just blow up Mar Sara. It would save trouble." Tychus didn't believe it either: "In their eyes, we may be no different from the zerg."

"I don't know," said Augustus, "but it's a good thing for us."

As Augustus said, the ground troops of the Protoss Expeditionary Force that landed on Mar Sara did help the revolutionary army and the refugees a lot.

The situation in Mar Sara has become more and more complex, with the Jormungandr Swarm, the Federation Army, the Revolutionary Army, and the Protoss Expeditionary Force all fighting with each other for different purposes.

"I hope we can meet with the commander of the Protoss Fleet. If that doesn't work, I also hope to have a formal dialogue." Augustus said.

"Maybe they can help us deal with the Federation?" Tychus had a bad idea.

"This should be unlikely." Augustus shook his head: "They will not interfere."

"Let's go to the governor's palace in Mar Sara." Augustus took a long breath and felt sad. Augustus was always fighting and waging war, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it.

"I heard that the new governor of Mar Sara wants to see me."

"New Governor?" Renault shrugged: "How many is this? I heard that the Federation sent a new Governor after we left. But when the Zerg invaded, he ran away again. The current one should be the first. Three already.”

"Ma Sara has had three governors in one year. I have to say that the efficiency of the Federation is unique in this regard." Tychus said sarcastically.

"I heard that he was very unlucky. The Federation sent him to deal with the rebels and the Zerg problem. As a result, not long after he arrived at Mar Sara, the Governor's Mansion was controlled by our people." Augustus said: "Let us Go meet that unlucky guy, a governor-level federal official surrendering to the revolutionary army is big news worth handling."

"I remember the new governor's name is Pleyekotai. Don't scare him."

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