StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 263 Governor of the God of War

The capital district of Mar Sara has experienced war, but the city hall building, the governor's office and the new Hagia Sophia are still well preserved. These vertical rectangular buildings have pointed and high domes, which are very different from the half-domed houses of the Masala settlers.

Prior to this, only the most powerful, wealthy, or both in Mar Sara could enter the Governor's office.

Within a few days of the arrival of the new Governor of Mar Sara, Mr. Pleyer, this young and promising gentleman of Tarsonis immediately rectified the corruption and malfeasance in the Governor's Palace and various subordinate agencies.

This airborne governor of unknown origin gained the trust of the commanders of the capital area's garrison and militia organizations in a short period of time, and took over control of these military organizations.

After that, Governor Pleyel vigorously executed a group of federal officials who had committed serious crimes and promoted cronies from the grassroots. Before the Omega Squadron and the revolutionary army landed, he had actually taken control of the administrative power of the city of Mar Sara. and military power.

It is said that Governor Pleyel executed hundreds of federal officials for dereliction of duty, shooting twenty people every ten minutes. Those who were shot were declared treason and apostasy at the same time. At the same time, the gang forces entrenched in the Capital District were also uprooted.

If the fear brought by the aliens had not destroyed the will of the Mar Sara people, and the Omega Squadron invaded Mar Sara in front of the Zerg and deprived it of its rights as a governor, then this outstanding governor must have Able to control situations easily.

However, after the vanguard of the revolutionary army arrived in the capital area, the ruthless and talented Governor Ma Sara quickly surrendered. He claimed that his surrender was not due to fear or fear of death, but just to seek a chance for the people trapped in Mar Sara.

Augustus rushed to the office of Governor Mar Sara in the afternoon of the same day, and met with the young governor who was thought to have offended someone before being sent to the vast sea of ​​​​insects.

"Nice to meet you, I am Augustus Mengsk, the leader of this federal resistance army." Augustus hurried through the courtyard of the governor's office filled with exotic herbs, and walked in the courtyard of the governor's office. Behind the sun-wood spliced ​​door of Cha Sala, I met the long-awaited Governor Pleyel. ——After Cha Sara is completely destroyed, this door will surely be worth a lot of money.

"What should I call you, Governor or Commander?"

Governor Mar Sara opposite Augustus is a rare Asian. He has short black hair and pupils, and looks to be around thirty years old. Governor Pleyel wore a crisp blue suit. He was not tall, only slightly taller than Kerrigan, but his back was straight and his eyes were sharp. The Governor's face is long and he looks much younger than his actual age.

While waiting for Augustus, Pleyel was dining. These days, the city of Mar Sara is full of refugees. The former Governor of Mar Sara took away almost all the property in the government warehouse when he fled. Pleyel can only use the militiamen who are still loyal to him these days. The cans and bread provided were barely enough to get by.

Even so, the governor, who was obviously of extraordinary origin, prepared luncheon meat, ham, coos meat and stewed mushrooms for Augustus. The textile tablecloths on the dining table and the silver tableware left by the previous governor were completely in line with the cumbersome etiquette standards of the Tarsonis nobles. Augustus believed that the other party was at least a young man who often mingled in the social circles of the founding families. noble.

Considering that zerg usually use spores to spread creep and infection, Augustus, Raynor, Kerrigan and others who followed him frequently frowned when they saw the mushrooms.

"I am just an unknown governor... I have my own opinions on commanding the army, but I am not qualified to be called a commander by a marshal." Governor Pleyel invited Augustus as soon as he saw him. He sat down and the latter accepted the invitation calmly.

"There are not many people left in this city. Omega Squadron drove most of the people into the wilderness. I am surrounded by only a few thousand militiamen and tens of thousands of civilians who follow me." He said.

"People who know me always say that my greatest advantage is that I rarely make mistakes, so my bosses are always willing to let me do thankless tasks. I have declared my allegiance to you. In short, call me whatever you want. "

"The best general is always the one who makes the fewest mistakes." Augustus said: "Governor."

In his memory, this player-controlled commander was a super strong man and an invincible god of war who kicked off the zerg and fought against the Federation, and finally led people to invade Tarsonis.

"Successor to the Mengsk dynasty, leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army and the Sons of Korhal. From the Pride of Water to Terrador, from Valhalla to Tarsonis, your name is known to everyone. In Tarsonis, there is a rumor among the founding families that you have ascended the throne in Umoyan and been crowned as the new emperor." Pleyel then said to Augustus.

"Even if half of the Federation's rumors about me are true, my troops have already been pointed at Tarsonis." Augustus smiled and sat across from Governor Pleyel.

"Sir, you should be very aware of the false propaganda the federation has against us." He said, "I heard that you are an enlightened person and you should not listen to the UNN's slander against us."

"I have never heard of the news that I want to become an emperor. This is simply unbelievable. In today's era, how could anyone want to go against the trend of the times and reverse history. It is precisely because the founding family of the Federation is already The de facto royal family, so they are also afraid that I will take their place." Augustus also wondered how the rumors that he wanted to become emperor emerged.

Now it seems that this kind of rumor should only spread among the small social circle of Tarsonis nobles. Similarly, rumors about Augustus can be said to be increasingly demonized. Some people also say that he is a powerful psychic who uses mental power to control people's minds. Some people claim that Augustus controls the mind that can enslave people. neurotropic agents.

All in all, as Augustus achieved a series of victories in the edge systems, those who hated him in the Federation hated him more, and those who respected him loved him more.

"It is precisely because they are afraid that I will do this that they use all their words to slander me." He finally said, taking out a perfectly roasted piece of beef from the plate on the table.

"Mr. Governor, we don't have time to eat now. Mar Sara is full of ferocious alien beasts and federal soldiers, and there are also aliens of unknown origin who are ready to bomb the place indiscriminately and want to roast us. Ripe."

As Augustus spoke, he opened his arms towards Governor Pleyel and unbuttoned his cloak, revealing the dark gray straight uniform of his subordinates. In this process, the golden wolf head badge on Augustus was particularly conspicuous.

Behind him, Raynor and Kerrigan were standing behind his seat. The former stared at the former federal governor warily, while the latter gathered the crimson cloak that Augustus had taken off.

"Only when you are full can you have the strength to deal with the enemy, Marshal Augustus."

"Never before has a man like you received so many names as a devil, a warlord, a wandering hero, a demagogue and a source of heresy." Pleyel's attitude towards Augustus He was very respectful, and there was no hint of praise in his words.

"So, what do you think of me?" Augustus paid considerable attention to the governor in front of him.

"Of course, you are by no means any of the people they say." Pleyer looked at Augustus and said: "In fact, you simply meet all my illusions about integrity and greatness. The Federation has abandoned everyone here. , you are the only one who comes here to save us at the risk of being caught between two groups of aliens."

"You're just too young, really too young. I didn't expect you to be so young."

"I will take this as a compliment." Augustus said: "Governor, what do you think of these two aliens who suddenly appeared in the Sarah galaxy?"

"Honestly, before I came here, I thought aliens didn't exist at all. That was all a lie to children. But the fact is that they really exist, and they are much more powerful than us and much more powerful than humans. I'm afraid there is only the legendary Earth. The Federation can deal with them, and the humans in the Koprulu sector are just a small colony." Governor Pleyer said.

"Zergs are products of the Federation's biological laboratories. They thought these monsters were just independent species living in several galaxies, but they did not expect that their populations spread throughout the universe. The protoss are the gardeners who keep order in the universe. , their mission is to eliminate pests and species they consider overevolved." He said while chewing the food on the table.

Although the decorations on the table were quite elegant, the appearance of this distinguished former federal governor was not very elegant. His mouth was full of food and he looked very hungry.

I heard that before the arrival of the revolutionary army, the governor had been distributing the little food left in the governor's mansion to the refugees, while he himself ate very little.

In Tarsonis, only those who are smooth and cunning can survive in the political struggle for power, while those who are honest and selfless are often ostracized. Governor Pryor is undoubtedly a very capable person, but his coming to Mar Sara is more like the result of a certain political struggle.

Because no one would think that running to an edge planet where monsters are rampant at this time is a bad job. If serving as governor in a poor sector had previously been considered a form of exile, then coming to the alien-infested Mar Sara was simply a death sentence.

And the only Federation force in the system, Omega Squadron, paid no attention to Governor Pleyel, with only the militia supporting him. All federal transport ships have basically evacuated Mar Sara, and the federation even left a new governor here.

Then, the possibility that he had offended someone and was thrown into Ma Sara to take the blame for the previous governor was very high.

"The zerg have lost themselves on the road of evolution, so the protoss rushes to destroy them."

"This is closer to the truth." Augustus said: "What I can tell you is that the zerg arriving at Mar Sara is just one of their infinite swarms, which is even larger than the Jörmungandr swarm. There are dozens more insect nests, and the protoss fleet like this is still not the only one among them."

"Governor, the Federation only wants to protect their own core area and leaves the devastated edge systems unchecked," he said.

"I really can't imagine what the people of Mar Sara would do without you..." The governor had already swept across the entire table when Augustus had just swallowed a few pieces of meat.

"You are a very upright person." Augustus nodded and said, "For these people you have never met, you are willing to betray the Federation...collude with the rebels."

"Didn't you do the same thing? Marshal Augustus." The governor and Augustus looked at each other and smiled.

When Governor Mar Sara took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, Augustus stood up, and everyone present knew that this little dinner was over.

"Let's go, Mr. Governor. There is no need to stay in this Governor's Palace any longer. Let's go to the airport." Augustus said to Pleyer: "After we leave, Mar Sara will definitely face the investigation. ·Sarah’s fate.”

"What do you need me to do? Let me be your military clerk or civil officer, or I can start from the lowest level as a private." The governor wiped his mouth with satisfaction.

"No, more precisely I want you to serve as the commander of the troops." Augustus said: "From now on, I will draw the most elite troops from each legion and division to form a special tactical force. This This force is specially designed to deal with aliens, with an initial establishment of about 10,000 people."

After chatting for so long, Augustus was able to confirm that he was the governor of Mar Sara, because his predecessors were extremely miserable. Compared with them, Governor Pryor was simply the glory of the Union.

"Are you serious?" The governor was obviously shocked. This surprise was not because he was commanding an army, but because he didn't understand why Augustus trusted him so much after just chatting with him for a few words.

This trust moved him but also puzzled him. Apart from Augustus's discerning eye, the governor could not think of any other explanation.

"I was just an administrative staff member before, and when I became the governor, it was just a rush." ​​He said: "If you want me to lead an army, then it should be after I have won many battles to prove my ability. Exit...but I have never led any army except the militia."

"I believe in your ability." Before walking out of the door of the governor's office, Augustus' eyes stayed on the Cha Sara sunwood door at the door of the office.

"We are leaving anyway, so why not take all these valuable things with you." He gave instructions: "Let Corporal Faraday lead someone to knock down the door."

"That sounds like a bandit," Governor Prior said.

"I am not short of money, but the revolution is short of money." Augustus said: "I remember there was a church nearby, and the people in the church were the richest."

"You don't really want to do that." Renault smiled sinisterly. Most of the time, these people were quite devout in their belief in God. But this church in the city of Mar Sara comes from a sect that breaks away from other branches of Christianity. They believe in a local god rather than God himself, and they are considered pagans.

"You know what I'm thinking," Augustus said. "Anyway, all the monks have fled."

"You are really a wicked person." Renault said with a smile: "Today's religion is really getting more and more messy. According to the investigation, there are still people in Mar Sara who believe in aliens... and those who believe in zerg and protoss. Yes, some people are welcoming aliens with open arms."

"They are always obsessed with things they don't understand. In the final analysis, what they believe in is the power itself."

"Marshal, a federal base called Jacob's Base is calling for help. The federal troops there have sworn that if we save them, they will turn their allegiance to us." At this time, Kerrigan suddenly heard from her. A report from the Marshal's headquarters came into his earphones.

"Look, it's time for you to show your skills, Mr. Governor, the victory you want has come."

"I will mobilize the nearest Ranger unit immediately," Raynor said.

"No, you just need to follow my militia." The governor adjusted his suit: "I will prove your vision."

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