StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 264 The Teacher of the Benevolent

"Hurry up!"

At dusk, the evacuation of refugees in the Ma Sala Capital District is still in progress.

Under the gloomy twilight and the sky full of red dust, hundreds of thousands of refugees who had been evacuated to the wilderness by the Federation were rushing towards the Marsala City Airport under the escort of the revolutionary army.

These refugees used all the means of transportation they could get, including off-road vehicles, hover bikes, and troop carriers provided by the revolutionary army, but most of them still had to rely on their legs to complete this extremely difficult journey. journey.

The refugees gathered into a dark, slowly moving crowd on the red land of Ma Sara, heading towards the city of Ma Sara along a road from south to north.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and even the sun seems to be setting. The journey of less than a mile from the wilderness into the city of Ma Sara became unusually long at this moment.

In the distance is the city of Marsala, which is twinkling with lights. The interior of the airport in its center is already brightly lit, and bright points of light rise from there from time to time.

In the eyes of the refugees, the light from the Airport Star Tower is their only hope.

Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing crimson CMC power armor were mixed in the running crowd. They were carrying exhausted old people, women and children, and carrying medical kits and supplies on their shoulders. Their tall figures stood out in the crowd like indestructible giants.

In the public opinion propaganda of the Federation, these soldiers with the white grip ring logo on their armor were described as murderous demons, but it was this group of people who brought hope to the desperate Ma Sara people at this moment. They are called heroes by the Masala people, but their actual ages are only between 18 and 24 years old.

The refugees were all wearing dusty gray miners' overalls or thin shirts, and their faces were sad and panicked. More than a month ago, the Federation's Omega Squadron used force to forcibly drive their families into a refugee camp in the wilderness without any prior notice.

Residents in various cities and towns in Mar Sara thought that the rescue spaceship would arrive soon, and because they were in a hurry, they were driven by the Omega Squadron and just put on the most valuable small items in their homes and set off.

As a result, after arriving at the refugee camp, they discovered that except for a few tents set up by the Federation for them, there were no other supplies - including food, water, and clothing to keep out the cold in the cold dark night of Mar Sara.

In order to prevent the Masala people from using private communication equipment to tell the outside world what happened to the Sara system, there is of course no communication equipment in the refugee camp.

Not only that, Omega Squadron also used Marines and even Goliath armed robots to blockade various huge refugee camps to prevent refugees from escaping their control.

Lack of food, clothing, and hunger and cold claimed the lives of many Mar Sara people in the first cold night. The initial casualties were entirely caused by the evacuation measures of the Terran Federation.

As a result, before the Jormungandr swarm launched its attack on various parts of Mar Sara, quite a number of Mar Sara people died in extreme pain and despair.

In the end, no one could figure out whether the Terran Federation's rescue measures were saving people or killing people. Or maybe they were afraid that the alien creatures couldn't kill people fast enough, so they drove all the people into the wilderness and let them face the zerg and protoss.

With the federal army as a foil, the Kehal Revolutionary Army, which came to rescue the Ma Sara people, naturally became the savior in the eyes of mankind.

People looked at Augustus with reverence as they passed by. They had completely believed in all the promises that this gray-haired man with broad arms had made. These Mar Sara people would undoubtedly become staunch supporters of Augustus' revolutionary cause in the future.

The marshal of the Revolutionary Army who dares to command the army on the front line is more trustworthy than the generals of the Terran Federation Central Command.

"Hold on to your families and children, the Mar Sara Airport is coming! Hold on until everyone is on board. The spaceship will take off immediately and send us all out."

At this moment, Augustus was standing among thousands of refugees. He was shouting while wearing his great cloak that was almost covered by red sand, standing still among the advancing crowd. The refugees would split into two different groups when they came to Augustus, and finally merge again after passing Augustus.

Sarah Kerrigan wore a dark gray windbreaker with a long hem and a hood with a golden wolf emblem on her head. She carries a sniper rifle on her back and holds a red battle flag with the revolutionary army logo in her hand, just like a heroic red-haired Valkyrie.

"This is the last batch." After waving at the refugees not to stop, Augustus looked at Kerrigan beside her: "We must escort them to the airport."

"What about the latest reports from other areas?" he asked.

According to Augustus's deployment, each of his generals and the colonels of the Demon of Heaven were responsible for the refugees in an area. Augustus personally directed the evacuation of the most populous capital area.

"Except for Duke claiming that he encountered a little trouble, the evacuation of refugees in other areas went smoothly." Kerrigan said: "A few hours ago, Duke's men discovered a group of horses trapped in the mine. ·Sarah Miner, so he personally took an Alpha Squadron assault detachment to rescue people."

"It turned out to be an ambush by the zerg?" Augustus had already guessed it.

"Yes, the zerg found that as long as a human is trapped, his kin will do everything possible to rescue him. The leader of the Jormungandr swarm discovered this pattern and took advantage of it, setting a trap." Kerry Gan said.

"Duke's troops found hundreds of infected people and spider-like monsters after entering the tunnel, and fled there leaving hundreds of corpses behind."

"Let Duke record this failure in detail. All troops must read this report so as to take a warning." Augustus said.

Although the vast majority of the soldiers in Alpha Squadron were criminals who had been resocialized, even the discarded equipment was enough to make Augustus heartbroken.

Moreover, although resocialized soldiers lack abilities, they are different from ordinary soldiers who feel fear and stiffen their bodies when they see alien creatures. Even if resocialized soldiers face more terrifying monsters, their hands holding guns will never tremble. .

"It would be embarrassing for Duke," Kerrigan said. "You know his character, and you know that Duke cares most about honor and dignity — in other words, he loves to show off."

"That's good, so that the next time he gets carried away he'll at least think about the consequences," Augustus said. Edmund Duke was deeply ashamed of the fact that almost half of the negative textbooks that Revolutionary Army officers read came from Edmund Duke.

This also caused him to work harder and harder to prove himself. Fortunately, the recent incident of Duke leading the Norad III to force the Protoss Fleet back has restored some of his reputation, allowing Duke to gain the title of Lone Hero and Brave Orangutan in the Revolutionary Army.

"Where's the news about Governor Pleyel?" At this time, a middle-aged woman in front of Augustus suddenly staggered, and he immediately supported her like lightning.

The blond woman, who was almost fainting, glanced at Augustus with an expression similar to flattery and then looked back in panic, trying her best to stand up again. And she was so exhausted that she couldn't stand up anymore.

"I'm deeply sorry, Marshal, I'm sorry." She was only wearing a pair of worn shoes, and her feet were full of blisters.

"This is not your fault, it is the fault of the Federation and the Zerg." Augustus yelled next.

"Corporal Faraday! Take this lady away, she can't walk anymore."

"Sergeant Claire." Corporal Faraday, who was standing far away from Augustus, immediately ordered one of the marshal's elite guards under his command.

A tall soldier wearing crimson power armor with a golden emblem on his shoulder pads immediately ran over and helped the woman beside Augustus.

"It is an honor to serve you, Marshal," the soldier said to Augustus.

"It is an honor to serve the people," Augustus replied to the soldier.

"Marshal Augustus, you are really a hero. At that time, I thought you were traitors and traitors who were disturbing the order." The woman said to Augustus after being carried away.

"I made a mistake," she said.

"Let's go." Augustus patted the elite guard soldier on the shoulder and said.

After the soldier carried the woman away, Augustus looked at the slowly moving crowd behind him and felt that countless pairs of eyes were looking at him, paying attention to his every move.

The team behind Augustus still has no end as far as the eye can see. It is conservatively estimated that the number of refugees behind him may be tens of thousands.

"Where are Governor Pleyel's people now?" Augustus asked Kerrigan: "He only brought less than two thousand recruits - Renault's people followed him, but I still don't feel reassured."

"In the last report, the Governor had led his assault troops into Jacob Base and rescued more than 500 federal alien physiologists and federal soldiers from Jacob Base - the Governor also ordered people to pass A disk obtained weapons backup for Jacob's base."

"What are the losses?" asked Augustus.

"Only a few people were injured. Governor Pleyel personally led the charge. I heard that he single-handedly killed a bright red giant Hydra Hydralisk and used its huge crown as a decoration on his helmet." Kerrigan said: "Now the governor is leading his men back to defend the city of Mar Sara."

"." Augustus was stunned for a while.

Judging from the governor's appearance, he didn't look like he was particularly capable of fighting. Soon, Augustus warned himself that he had made the mistake of judging a book by its appearance.

"The Governor is really good at fighting." He said: "Maybe I should consider handing over the most elite troops around me to him. I have already made up my mind to hand over my Guards Division to Pleyel."

"Did they gain anything?"

Kerrigan walked into Augustus to prevent their words from being overheard by others: "They found the same psionic launcher blueprints in Jacob's base as we found in Cha Sara, but , the spiritual energy transmitter in Mar Sara Jacob's base is more complete and can transmit spiritual energy several light years away."

The psychic transmitter is still a secret that must not be made public.

The Tyranid Federation originally planned to use psionic emitters to attract the zerg to destroy their enemies, and in the end they would drive away the zerg and become their saviors. And if people know that such weapons are real, they will not only doubt the Federation, but also some people will doubt the Revolutionary Army, especially when the current trend of public opinion is completely controlled by the Federation.

Bite back and blame the enemy for what you have done is a common tactic used by the federal government.

"This kind of psychic transmitter has the ability to be put into actual combat in a real sense, which means that federal scientists have made breakthrough progress." Augustus said: "A distance of several light years is enough to influence a world. In a sense, this distance may be just right for the forward route of the insect nest."

"What did Swann say? I just had the prototype of the psychic transmitter handed over to him not long ago." he asked Kerrigan.

"Swann and Kaczynski are still working on this new weapon," Kerrigan said. "They said it gave them a lot of inspiration. Since the psychic launcher can emit psychic energy, it should also be able to Do other things by increasing the intensity of your psychic powers."

"Dr. Francos has discovered that the zerg's superior units control their clan members psychically, and perhaps we can use this principle to disrupt this psychic link, causing the masters of the swarm to lose their control over the other zerg. "

"I think this matter is worth a try." Augustus' eyes lit up: "Is there any progress on Swann?"

"Rory Swan said that he was asking his old acquaintances in Meinhof, Moria, and Umoyan to send him some blueprints for new weapons. He said that he had some ideas, but it was too early to put them into practice."

"Okay. Where did Swan get so many old acquaintances." Augustus shook his head.

"I believe he will succeed sooner or later."

"Swan is your most trusted engineer after all," Kerrigan said.

"No, I prefer his old acquaintance," said Augustus.

"Zergs have appeared in the direction of White Rock Base, and I am on my way to provide support." As Augustus spoke out to encourage the refugees around him, the headset under his hat continued to broadcast reports from the commanders of the various ground forces of the Revolutionary Army.

The Revolutionary Army is deploying divisions and brigade-level units to cover the evacuation of refugees in various parts of Ma Sara, wherever there is a human habitation, even if it is a small village forgotten by the Federation with a population of only a dozen or dozens of people. All received assistance from the revolutionary army.

"Where are my guards?" said Augustus. "Corporal Faraday!"

When Augustus gave the order, an earth-shaking roar suddenly came from behind the refugees. People can even feel the ground shaking under their feet. In that direction, the ground begins to sink in, and huge caves are soon revealed.

A large number of springtails and Hydra Hydralisks poured out of the burrows and rushed towards the slowly moving refugees. The sound of rustling and stroking of fangs and claws was terrifying. The nearest Revolutionary Army scouts and a company in charge of the rear were instantly overwhelmed, and the communication channel was filled with their dead roars and screams.

"All the warriors immediately gathered towards me and formed a defensive line," said Augustus.

Thousands of revolutionary soldiers wearing crimson power armor walked against the crowd toward the rear of the refugee team, forming a line of defense. A dozen giant Goliath armed robots walked heavily from the flanks of the crowd. . Arc tanks have been set up and artillery fire is roaring.

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