StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 265 The bloody battle with Marsala

Chapter 265 The bloody battle with Ma Sara

"It's Springtails, Hydra Hydralisks, Thunder Beasts and swarms of scorpions. Their 'limited brain capacity' can only support the most primitive desire to kill and bloodthirsty."

Sarah Kerrigan planted the bright red Revolutionary Army flag in her hand into the red sandy soil of Mar Sara, and grabbed the butt of the C-10 "Canister" shotgun from behind her shoulder with one hand. And he pulled it out like a giant sword from behind. The momentum really seemed like he was wielding a giant sword.

With the crisp click of the gun being pulled, Kerrigan raised her wild eyebrows: "Stand behind me, honey."

"I don't like what you said." Augustus frowned when he heard about scorpions. In his impression, these giant scorpions are often associated with poisonous mist and viral plagues.

Scorpions are rare in their group. Whenever they appear in large numbers, it means that the swarm is focusing its attention on this area. The humans who fight these monsters can be said to be the most unfortunate group in the world. One of the people.

While Augustus was speaking, Corporal Faraday had already approached him with a dozen members of the Marshal's elite guard.

"Go to the front line." Augustus took a C-14 electromagnetic rifle from Corporal Faraday's hand and walked towards the revolutionary soldiers who were forming a defensive line behind the refugees, wearing dark red power armor. The Revolutionary Army soldiers and the arc light tanks and Goliath armed robots behind them have now formed an indestructible front.

In front of the battle line was the rising red dust. From a distance, it looked like an incoming sandstorm that was several miles long and dozens of miles wide. In the rising dust, the fangs, claws and mottled skin of the alien creatures were vaguely visible. They howled and made a clicking sound as their spikes rubbed against their carapace.

The rustling sound of the zerg's march was like the sound Augustus had heard in the summer fields, the low hum of swarms of insects.

The arc-light tanks of the Revolutionary Army continued to fire at the advancing Zerg. The sound of the artillery was rumbling, and the landing of the artillery shells stirred up a sky full of sand, blood, and flesh and blood tissue and carapace with chitin hard shells.

The swarms of insects were not disorderly when they charged, they were like an army that advanced and retreated in an orderly manner. Springtails and huge Thunder Beasts charged forward, followed by Hydra Hydralisks and Scorpions.

Because the number of zerg swarms is so huge, even if the driver of the arc tank doesn't take aim, every shot can hit the zerg's head.

Even so, such casualties are really insignificant for the huge insect swarm. The eggs they hide in underground insect nests and hatcheries can hatch more zerg at any time to make up for this loss. As long as the insect nest has not been destroyed, the brainworm Ark of the leader of the Jörmungandr swarm will Able to summon a steady stream of its clan members.

"There are at least hundreds of thousands of these zerg. Jimmy, where are your people?" Augustus said in the commander's communication channel.

"The rangers and I were complaining just now that there are so many bugs." Reno's response immediately came from the communication channel. His voice was mixed with the whistling of the wind. It was obvious that the Masala cowboy was happily enjoying himself. Racing vultures.

"All in all, I and more than two thousand rangers are working on the left and right wings of your current zerg force. The zerg crawled out of those collapsed holes, and their underground network extends throughout Mar Sara." Raynor said: "We We're trying to use frag grenades to kill as many zerg as possible, and then use explosives to seal those caves."

"Although they will burst out of the ground again soon, this will presumably delay it for a while."

"Hurry up, cowboy, time waits for no one." Augustus ran all the way, helping up some refugees who fell from time to time. Fortunately, the physical fitness of the people of Ma Sara is much stronger than that of the people in the core world. Even if they have traveled a long distance, they can still speed up and run again under the threat of death.

If Omega Squadron had not taken away all the weapons of the Mar Sara people, they would have been fighting to the death with the invading Jörmungandr swarm.

Among such a group of people, hundreds of Revolutionary Army soldiers ran against the direction of the crowd towards the direction where the bugs were attacking, leaving behind broad backs of everyone.

"I am as fast as the wind." Renault said: "Haha. No need to rush me, Augustus, I will deal with those bugs right away."

Renault's troops have the largest number of vehicles in the entire Revolutionary Army, including a large number of Vulture vehicles, command vehicles, reconnaissance vehicles, and Camorian light tanks equipped with 12mm machine guns.

It is Renault's rangers who are responsible for reconnaissance, harassment and raiding in the crisis-ridden Mar Sara. They always appear when a certain team of immigrants is in the most critical moment. After successfully repelling the zerg, they leave like a whirlwind. Go and retire with success.

While talking to Renault, Augustus still had enough energy to run. His well-trained body was not inferior to the strongest warriors in the revolutionary army. By the time Augustus felt that the defense line was near, the mighty Jörmungandr swarm was already very close to them.

In front of Augustus, several rows of Revolutionary Army soldiers were raising their Gauss rifles to aim at the Zerg vanguard, which was getting closer and closer to the front. The scene in front of Augustus reminded Augustus of the scene when he first set foot on the battlefield, except that the enemies he faced were no longer Camorians, but endless swarms of insects.

The emblem of the whip ring is painted on the shoulder pad of every Revolutionary Army soldier's right arm, and the political commissar of the Pan-Taylon Revolutionary Party who is responsible for ideological work among them will also have the Revolutionary Party's emblem painted on his armor. Mark - a panda with sharp eyes.

And Augustus seemed to be able to hear the beating heartbeats of these warriors and see the cold sweat on their foreheads.

Fighting against humans is completely different from fighting against zerg. These alien creatures meet all human imaginations of grotesque and terrifying alien creatures. Once knocked down by zerg, the hideous-looking monster will immediately tear the victim into pieces or Eaten alive. If this is already a very tragic way to die, infection is the most terrible outcome.

Considering that they are about to fight the Zerg, recruits in the Revolutionary Army's boot camp must be exposed to Zerg corpses or living samples before graduation. They cannot leave the military camp until they can overcome the fear of the aliens. This prolongs the process of recruiting recruits to a certain extent. to the actual combat cycle.

The Tyranid Federation does not need to consider this. When they implant combat skills into the brains of resocialized soldiers, they can also add protection against zerg and protoss.

"Damn it. This damn pest." Kerrigan cursed lowly before raising the C-10 shotgun and opening the optical sight.

The first ones to fire were the Goliath armed robots. Their cockpits, which were higher than the ground, could take in the overall situation. The weapon system would automatically lock onto the running Zerg and use 25mm cannons and missiles to smash the jumping Zerg into a ball. A rotten mess of bullets, carapace, and flesh.

There were flying shells and screams of alien monsters everywhere, and all kinds of roars seemed like thousands of creatures from hell roaring at the same time.

"Fire!" The person commanding this force was a lieutenant colonel from the second class of the Demons of Heaven. He has now become an accomplished senior commander.

Following the lieutenant colonel's order, the Revolutionary Army soldiers couldn't wait to pour bullets from their rifles. The intensive firepower immediately cleared away a large number of running springtails. The magnetic nail bullets penetrated the relatively fragile carapace of the springtails and destroyed them. They were beaten into a bloody sieve.

And even if it was hit by dozens of bullets, even if its brain had been penetrated, the springtail could still run more than ten yards before dying before falling to the ground.

Among the springtails are huge thunder beasts. They are huge, far larger than human tanks and all mechas. At first glance, the thick walking legs of the Brontosaurus and the pair of bone blades with curved tips on its jaws resemble those of mammoths from the Earth's age, but the multiple pairs of scarlet eyes, drooping tentacles and drops on its head No amount of saliva can be associated with mammals on earth.

The zerg that appeared in Mar Sara far exceeded the zerg in Cha Sara in both type and quantity. The number on the surface of the planet alone exceeded 100 million.

Thunder beasts, these monsters that are dozens of feet tall can almost ignore the bullets of human Gauss rifles with the thick carapace behind them. Even the cannons of Goliath armed robots and aerial Wraith fighter planes are just a tickle for them.

Every moment a zerg fell to human fire and bullets, but then more zerg fell. When the zerg at the front came within fifty yards, the Revolutionary Army soldiers began to throw the electromagnetic grenades they carried. With the blessing of the power armor servo system, the distance they threw was even further.

After Moria and his party, the Revolutionary Army had no shortage of bullets and grenades, and they even had such a surplus that they could throw out boxes and boxes of grenades. The blue electric pulse released by the electromagnetic grenade immediately swallowed up the frontmost Zerg and exploded them into a pile of flesh.

But at the same time, more springtails jumped out from the charred corpses, and the Hydra Hydralisk also entered its attack range. Its arched back immediately ejected deadly spines wrapped in green acid. These sharp spines instantly pierced the armor of the front row revolutionary troops and penetrated their flesh.

Fighting the Zerg on the vast plains was almost like seeking death, but at this time the Revolutionary Army was the only barrier between the people and the Zerg.

If it were in the past, Augustus would never choose to fight the zerg here anyway, but he could not let hundreds of thousands of Mar Sara people be slaughtered by the zerg.

Augustus could also feel this despair when he fought side by side with these warriors. Human weapons were not unable to penetrate the carapace of the Zerg. Even automatic weapons could hurt the howling little monsters like Zerglings, but The problem is that there are simply too many swarms.

It only took a few minutes from the time they appeared to the close combat with the Revolutionary Army. After suffering thousands of casualties, the surging insect swarm quickly rushed to the defense line of the Revolutionary Army soldiers despite artillery fire. Massive numbers of screaming Zerglings descended upon the soldiers' armor and tore them to shreds.

When a huge thunder beast rushed into the middle of the revolutionary army's battle line, the revolutionary army began to retreat steadily. Its head shook its huge "tusks" and swept left and right, each time overturning a dozen soldiers wearing power armor. The soldiers crushed their armor like crushing cans.

The wailing in the communication channel continued one after another, and the sounds of broken bones and gnawing flesh never subsided.

Augustus could even see the spikes and protruding claws on the springtail's back in front, and the sound of the hydralisk's spines piercing the armor was endless. When Augustus kept shooting, there were even helmets full of holes rolling to Augustus' feet.

Right in front of Augustus, the Hydra Hydralisk jumped in front of the front line and used the bone scythe ejected from its forelimbs to cut off a young Korhal Revolutionary Army soldier at the waist.

Immediately, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and bright red blood splashed onto Augustus' face.

Kerrigan fired a steady shot at the Hydralisk. The 25mm canister bullet passed through one of the Hydralisk's eyes and immediately took away the monster's life.

The snake-like body of the Hydra Hydralisk fell to the ground, and the end of one forelimb stabbed into the chest of a Revolutionary Army soldier. The bone sickle passed through the chest, bringing out dripping blood. Just like that, the soldier who had just celebrated his twentieth birthday this year "embraced" the Hydra Hydralisk and fell to the ground.

"Stick to the defense line, I am Marshal Augustus, and I am fighting side by side with you." Augustus shouted on the communication to maintain the morale of his own soldiers. His words more or less inspired the warriors who were facing countless zerg.

The thought that they were fighting alongside the greatest warriors in Tyranid history gave them immense courage.

Retreating at this moment is undoubtedly the stupidest decision, because humans cannot outrun the zerg. In the face of fear, a retreat can immediately turn into a catastrophic rout.

Just when this was about to turn into a tragic defeat, the Revolutionary Army's air force arrived in time.

More than a hundred bombers and Cerberus fighter planes modified from APOD-33 transport aircraft flew across from low altitude and delivered a large number of incendiary bombs and pulse bombs to the ground, creating a line of flames and charred corpses in front of the revolutionary army's front. constitutes a dead zone.

Augustus had already called for air support. When the defense line was in danger, the bomber formation passing through the sky cleared away a large number of Zerg on the ground, greatly reducing the pressure on the Revolutionary Army. At the same time, Raynor also brought good news. His rangers filled in the tunnel entrance of the Jormungandr swarm, and the swarm's attack slowed down.

With the subsequent air force support, the Revolutionary Army barely resisted the first wave of the insect swarm's attack. After spending hundreds of lives and two Goliath armed robots, they were able to deal with a few of them. The Thunder Beast breaks into the defense line.

Ten minutes after the encounter broke out, the Jormungandr swarm finally retreated. They killed more than a thousand Revolutionary soldiers and beheaded many more before withdrawing.

There were corpses scattered in front of Augustus, including humans and zerg. The broken chitin carapace and the power armor made of new alloys and shaped ceramics were covered with a thick layer of blood.

On the battlefield, only the flag of the revolutionary army was still flapping in the wind, and the once bright red flag was stained with blood and acid.

"Have all the refugees left?" The smell of blood made Augustus feel dizzy.

"The officers stationed at Mar Sara say they have entered the city," Kerrigan said.

"Bring back the remains of the victims." Augustus ordered over the communication channel: "I will not allow them to be infected by the insect swarm and become monsters and walking zombies. I will take them home."

I have a day off tomorrow. My eyes don't feel very comfortable, probably because I overuse them.

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