StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 267 Only dead bugs are good bugs

"The specific location is."

"No. 411, Tangming Street, in the northern area of ​​Mar Sara City. This can be found on any satellite map, Marshal."

"Convey my order to General James Reno, and ask him to immediately lead his troops to the above-mentioned location to perform a rescue mission. Note that the rescue targets are protoss." Augustus used his communicator to convey his message accurately. Order.

"Yes, the Marshal's batch of spaceships are about to take off. The Chief of General Staff asked me to ask you."

"I will remain on the surface, young man, until everyone is safely evacuated."

While Augustus was speaking, he had already approached the fortification wall outside the airport, and was climbing up the fortification wall that was widened and reinforced with fine steel through a spliced ​​metal ladder.

Holding a C-10, the red-haired Ghost Kerrigan followed Augustus, followed by Corporal Faraday, Tychus, and a squad of Marshal's Guard soldiers.

"It's fucking amazing. Boy Jimmy is going to be shocked, isn't he? He's going to ask our marshal if he's kidding." As the burly Tychus climbed up the ladder in his power armor, he said The soldiers behind him felt that the ladder was crumbling.

"I learned a lot from the Tal'darin protoss, that is, the protoss are an extremely arrogant race that despises life. Just like bugs, it is useless to talk to the protoss about morality and kindness, because they have none. This concept. The temper of the protoss is like the stones in the pit, smelly and hard." Tychus continued to export his views on the protoss race to Augustus.

"I agree with you, Tychus. But in other words, this statement is just right for you." Augustus climbed onto the wide fortification wall and looked down at Ma Sa outside the wall. Lacheng.

The engineering group of the Revolutionary Army built this strong defense line in less than four days using modular plates and all the materials they had at the Ma Sa Airport and the Federal Engineering Station, but everyone just hoped that it could be as strong as possible. Block out the zerg for a while.

Heavily armed revolutionary soldiers stood on the fortification walls, equipped with electromagnetic guns, Gauss heavy machine guns and flamethrowers. Dozens of spinning ground-attack missiles were ready to fire at any time. After Augustus climbed onto the fortification wall, the officers and soldiers on it immediately saluted Augustus.

When Augustus appeared, the warriors were clearly in high spirits. Presumably, even if they were allowed to attack the Zerg's lair, these iron-blooded warriors would not hesitate at all.

".I don't think so." Tychus's eyes were about to get angry, but he didn't dare to lose his temper at Augustus. Tychus, whose face turned purple from holding it back, then heard a burst of laughter, so he had to shout angrily at the soldiers of the marshal's guard behind him.

"Don't laugh! Damn it, you idiots only deserve to kiss my ass!"

"What do you think of my marshal's guards? Each of them is a hundred times stronger than you. If they were still in the army, they would already be officers." Corporal Faraday was standing behind Tychus with a smear on his face. Full of each other's spit.

Corporal Faraday immediately said sullenly: "Who are you? If Marshal Augustus hadn't valued you, you would only be a robber or a bandit now."

Tychus immediately stood still. His face was full of anger, and the veins on his cheeks popped out. It seemed that he was preparing for a big fight.

But Tychus is not a brainless person, and all his bluffs are to satisfy his own purposes. Tychus knew that the marshal's soldiers were deeply trusted by him, and it was not a good thing to offend these people - the most feared thing was blowing the pillow.

"Now is not the time for a fight. Next time, I will definitely have a good fight with you." Tychus put down a scene and followed Augustus dejectedly.

"The protoss did help us a lot, Tychus." Augustus ignored Tychus who was furious, because he knew that the latter could calm down just as quickly as he lost his temper.

"There are sighting reports of Protoss ground troops from various places, and at least hundreds of thousands of people have been rescued because of their actions to stop the Zerg. Moreover, if the Protoss don't care about our life and death, then they can use their Star Destroyer weapons to destroy The whole Marsala." Augustus did not look at Tychus, only looking at the deep darkness beyond the fortification walls.

"This proves that the protoss hope - or that they are working hard to keep humans alive. As for those planets, cities and humans that the protoss believe have been infected and cannot be saved, they will not hesitate to put them to death Burn them all together with the zerg."

The area in front of Augustus was once a central park surrounded by greenery. In the arid and desolate Mar Sara, this central park is an extremely rare and beautiful landscape, because there are more than a dozen geysers and geysers in the center. Dense woods. The people of Mar Sara once described this as the worst image project at the end of the century, but now this beautiful park is covered with a thick purple-black carpet.

Many cars of dignitaries and their families were parked in the park. At this time, they had turned into twisted alloy steel frames wrapped in tumors and viscosity. There were fragments of broken glass and floor tiles everywhere on the ground. Countless bugs were gathering in the darkness, and those red eyes were glowing in the darkness.

The swarm of zerg is coming from the south of the airport. A large number of zerg are crossing the central park in front of the fortification wall and running towards the north. The zerg closest to Augustus's position is only two to three hundred meters away from the machine guns of the Revolutionary Army. Yards, the soldiers on the walls could even see the glowing red eyes of the springtails and the colorful crests of the Hydra's hydralisks in the searchlight light.

The sound of countless claws on the ground combined with the rustling of the horny scales on the abdomen of the Hydra Hydralisk scraped the ground together, like a roar. In Augustus' memory, he had only heard such a sound in a documentary on the Record Channel - the sound of millions of migrating wildebeest running at the same time on the African savanna.

What puzzled Augustus was that most of the zerg ignored the brightly lit airport and headed towards the north of the fallen city.

"In that direction, is the star spirit?" Augustus looked in that direction.

"The protoss is much more attractive to zerg than humans." Kerrigan stood on the right side of Augustus and tapped the goggles on her forehead.

"To find and consume all protoss - this is the deepest imprint in the zerg DNA. The zerg have a strong reaction to our psykers, which may be because they regard human psykers as planets." Spirits." She carefully felt the thoughts of all the zerg within a mile, and found that their simple and single thoughts only contained the desire to devour the protoss.

"Taldarin has made it very clear to us that in their tribe, every protoss is a psyker, and bugs like psykers the most." Tychus patted his butt and walked over.

"Every protoss is a nasty telepath, and all protoss can read minds. A fifth-level psyker can make the zerg rush over after smelling it from more than ten light years away. So many protoss If the spirits come together, the insects will go crazy."

"We still know very little about these two races." Kerrigan shook her head.

"Why did the Jormungandr swarm, or rather the zerg, invade the Sara system? What is the historical relationship between the protoss and the zerg." She said: "This couldn't be more obvious. We have known each other's existence before."

"Humanity will launch a war for many reasons, nothing more than cultural conflicts and the pursuit of territory and resources. As for the zerg and protoss, we can't understand their thoughts, just like rats and ants can't understand what humans are thinking. Something the same."

"We will figure it out. We only lack one in-depth communication with aliens." Augustus said.

"Maybe we can reason with the protoss, but what about the zerg?" Kerrigan said.

"To deal with the zerg, what we can do is to unite with the protoss to defeat them." As Augustus said, he opened a holographic projection device he carried with him: "Of course, what I most hope is to be able to directly or indirectly Control a hive force."

This holographic projection device itself only has the function of projection, and its only and most important function is to project a small holographic projection plan of the city of Marsala in front of Augustus.

On this holographic projection map, the red triangle represents the zerg, and the ice blue square represents the protoss. At this moment, a large number of red triangles are converging towards the north of the city. On the large fluorescent green background, they look like steam heat flowing from the pressure relief valve port of a battlecruiser.

The ice-blue square representing the protoss is being swallowed by the zerg at an extremely fast speed, while the dark green icon of the human rescue force is tearing a hole in the zerg like a sharp knife.

"Good job, Jimmy," Augustus said, looking at the screen.

As he was talking, the roar of the transport ship taking off and the cheers of the crowd came from behind Augustus and others, and more people escaped from this actual hell on earth.

In the distance, the insect swarm responded with bursts of roars. The sharp chirping and the sound of flapping wings became closer and closer, as if there were hundreds of millions of giant locusts flapping their wings at the same time.

"Insects are not blind after all." Tychus said slowly in his deep and magnetic voice: "They are coming."

As Tychus said, the sudden appearance of a large number of flying zerg creatures in the sky sounded the alarm for people.

The huge king insect is like a hot air balloon suspended in the sky. Although it seems to humans on the ground to be just a black spot above their heads, this strange alien shape looks like a mixture of crab claws, jellyfish body and carapace. The creature is much larger than the springtails and Hydra Hydralisks on the ground.

Thousands of king insects are suspended in the sky, like balloons parked among the high-rise buildings in the central city of Mar Sara.

Each king insect is surrounded by dozens or even more allosaurs. This flying creature that has been incorporated into the gene pool by the insect swarm has frightening fangs and claws and a pair of broad skin and flesh wings. Its snake-like body occupies most of the body, like a biological cannon that continuously spits acid.

Each alien dragon has many pairs of orange-red eyes, which are like red dots symbolizing danger signals in the sky.

Surrounding the King Insect and the Mutalisaurus are a large number of creatures similar to flying crabs and large bats, especially the latter. These flesh-colored bats with large wings are obviously not afraid of human fire at all.

As soon as they see human fighter planes or spaceships, they will collide head-on with a fighter plane or spaceship that is flying at high speed, even if it does not include the terrible explosion caused by chemical catalysis in their bodies. A starship would also be a terrible disaster.

On the ground, the number of Hydra Hydralisks in the Jörmungandr swarm even exceeds the number of springtails. On the surface, there are about seven or eight giant Hydra Hydralisks with blood-red carapace and huge head crests leading them. ethnic group.

"The bugs are coming!" the soldiers on the sentry tower shouted loudly, and everyone rushed to their posts.

"I just need to kill a few tons of bugs to refresh myself." Tychus's bad character is reflected in all aspects, but he is undoubtedly a bug removal enthusiast: "I have killed a lot of bugs, does it matter if I kill a few more? "

“The only good bugs are dead bugs.”

As Tychus spoke, he walked up to the machine gun tower nearby, "politely" asked the main shooter to get down, and then he pulled up the machine gun and started shooting happily.

This man may be a villain with a bad personality, but if he is asked to do bad things or fight, the villain Tychus will never hesitate.

"The enemy only deserves to lick our buttholes!" Tychus cursed and roared, bullet casings flying under the orange gun flames.

"Free fire! Don't save ammunition!" When the commander on the fortification wall gave the order, everyone on the fortification wall opened fire at the same time.

The springtails and Hydra Hydralisks in the front row suddenly fell under the intensive firepower of the revolutionary army. Blood, broken carapace and screams suddenly resounded throughout the night sky.

Each man injected himself with a modified Umoyan enhancer before the battle, which provided adrenaline that could sustain these warriors for more than six hours.

One after another, the zerg fell in front of the human Gauss rifle, and the 8mm caliber Impaler spike bullets could easily tear through human skin and body armor. However, the soldiers had to waste a lot of bullets to penetrate the Zerg's hard chitinous carapace, and now it is necessary to use special depleted uranium armor-piercing rounds to achieve initial results against Ultralisk.

Augustus stood side by side with the other soldiers holding the Gauss rifle in his hand, shooting the zerg near the fortification wall one by one. At first, Augustus still had enough energy to aim, but later the number of zerg became so large that he could easily shoot without aiming.

It has to be said that the vibration of the rifle and the wail of the flying Zerg carapace are indeed things that make people feel a surge of adrenaline hormones.

Large swaths of zerg flying creatures flew past the fortification walls, spitting green, highly corrosive acid at the human soldiers below. And as long as it is stained with a little acid, even the armor plates of the power armor will start to melt. Many people were completely melted in the acid spewed by the flying crabs of the alien dragons. They only had time to let out a few screams before twisting and falling, like paper skins dissolved in strong acid or thin sheets curled in flames. Tissue paper people.

Only a black residue was left.

The anti-aircraft firepower of the Revolutionary Army shot down many flying zerg creatures, but they were still numerous.

Swarms of springtails and Hydra Hydralisks fell in front of the fortification walls until blood covered the ground, and fragments of internal organs and carapace almost covered the ground.

Then without warning, the zerg retreated briefly.

But soon, an inhuman roar came from the darkness, a cry from the dry vocal cords of human beings.

One after another, the shambling infected, and the alien monsters that were once humans began to walk towards the base from all directions. Some of the infected were even wearing damaged power armor, holding Gauss rifles, and shouting. Fight for the ideals of the Union or the Revolution.

Now, these humans who had turned their allegiance to the swarm staggered toward their former compatriots, teeth and claws bared, and the cracks around their ferocious mouths were filled with tentacles and saliva.

"Hold on, my warriors," cried Augustus.

"No matter the Federation, Protoss or Zerg, they can't defeat us!"

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