StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 268 The Blade of Tassadar

The battle continued until 5:20 in the morning. The fortification walls in all directions of Mar Sara were piled with infected human and zerg corpses, and the entire battlefield was dyed red with blood.

The defense line was broken up by swarms of insects several times and retaken by Augustus' warriors. The number of casualties exceeded the total number of casualties of the Guards Division in previous battles combined.

The number of infected people has exceeded Augustus's estimate and seems to be greater than the total number of missing and dead people in Mar Sara. Revolutionary Army scientists can only speculate that this is either Mar Sara's federal alien laboratory experimenting on people from other planets, or that it is infecting people and even able to reproduce on its own.

The Jörmungandr swarm faced by the Korhar Revolutionary Army is not only the main hive among the zerg that executes attack orders, but also one of the most numerous and powerful zerg hives among the zerg. They flooded the abandoned Malar swarm. ·Sarah colony is just a matter of time.

When the last batch of transport ships departed from the airport took off, countless infected bodies were already piled up in front of the fortification wall where Augustus was. The corpses piled up into a mountain, raising the height of the ground by four or five feet. This allows the infected person to step onto the fortification wall by stepping on the mountains of corpses, even if they don't know how to use a ladder.

This undoubtedly indirectly lowered the height of the fortification wall, allowing the alien creatures coming like a wave from behind to climb up the high wall on the former's body. The infected Tyranid, as numerous as sea sand, swarmed toward the surrounding fortification walls like a black wave.

At the same time, transport ships continued to take off from the launch port on the high platform in the center of the airport. Every half hour, a large number of transport ships climbed rapidly dragging red-orange tail flames.

Large numbers of zerg flying creatures closely followed these spacecrafts. They started thrilling high-altitude competitions with brave human fighter pilots while swarming towards the transport ships that were rising in height.

From time to time, huge flesh-colored bats, named Explosive Mosquitoes by Revolutionary Army alien scientists, hit the pusher machine at the tail of the transport ship, exploding the straight-climbing transport ship into a ball of fire. The fragments of the transport ship that disintegrated amid the screams fell to the ground like fireworks. The humans inside either died instantly before they had time to react, or were burned alive.

And when the mosquitoes rush to the ground, they will undoubtedly become a terrible living bomb.

Anyone who has experienced anything will never forget this thrilling night in their lifetime.

"Which batch of evacuees is this?" Augustus was swinging a Gauss rifle with an empty magazine and shooting at the infected man who climbed up the wall on countless corpses, hitting him until his brains burst.

Kerrigan, who was beside Augustus, held the C-10 canister spear in her hand and accurately fired two shots one after another, distorting her body and infecting people. Then she flicked her long fiery red hair and turned around. Kill the infected man climbing up from the fortification wall on the other side.

Even Kerrigan was exhausted after a long night of fighting, with a slight sheen of sweat on her forehead. Corporal Faraday, wearing crimson CMC-300 powered armor, held a rail gun and fired at a Hydra Hydralisk mixed in the infected army. An MK-12 piercing bullet directly shattered the monster's long body. The mandible is full of spikes and fangs, and the bullet casings ejected from every shot make a dull sound when they hit the ground.

There were corpses everywhere around them, including those of Revolutionary Army soldiers, as well as a large number of infected people and zerg. Those infected people who are far from their original appearance are now just a mass of alien monsters similar to humans, squirming and twisted flesh formed by the fusion of deformed tissue carapace and curled tentacles.

Clothes, hats, power armor, and what they had worn as humans had become a mixture of veins and tendons that looked like tumors embedded with scraps of metal and fabric.

"The control tower swore that was the last batch, and people were successfully evacuated." A communications soldier in the command center replied.

"The transport ship from the fleet to pick us up will arrive on the ground in fifteen minutes. General Warfield said that they were held back by the Zerg air force and could not support more of our manpower."

"Listen, boys. Rescue will arrive in fifteen minutes. Hold on, we will almost rescue the wounded and take care of the wounded. If you cannot take away the bodies of your comrades, we would rather burn them than leave them to bugs." Augustus said on his side Change the magazine in your hand while switching to the command channel.

"Tough guys of Korhal, each and every one of you is a hero."

While Augustus was speaking, an alien dragon with a bright purple carapace fell from the sky with the scream of bullets. This monster with a wingspan of more than thirty feet (about ten meters) flew through the low air like a snow owl falling to the ground to kill, and landed on the heads of the two marshal's guards beside Augustus.

"Lanzel, shoot over your heads!" Augustus raised the Gauss rifle in his hand and began to shoot at the rushing alien dragon. At this time, his posture of holding the gun was no longer as stable as before. So many bullets were fired.

When the two marshal's guards heard the sound, they immediately raised their guns and shot overhead.

After all, the alien dragon was just a body of flesh and blood. Its open flesh wings soon had many holes, as if the skin had been pierced. But this did not affect the normal flight of the alien dragon. It really looked like an evil dragon falling from the sky, casting a fast-moving shadow on the ground.

A few hours ago, under the cover of the Revolutionary Army's anti-aircraft missiles and machine guns, the flying creatures of the Zerg were unable to invade the skies above the airport and defensive positions without restraint, but now their number has increased, and the human anti-aircraft firepower is still there. Continuously weakening.

After descending to an altitude of forty or fifty feet, the egg-laying organ at the end of the allosaur's serpentine tail accurately projected at least a dozen bright green symbiotic creatures.

After being hit, the Revolutionary Army soldier at the bottom was immediately blown into a ball of fragments, armor and bones that were digested by acid. The screams disappeared in an instant.

Then some other symbiotes bounced and landed at the feet of another soldier not far away. The symbiotes shrank into a bright green color in an extreme period of time, becoming a short life cycle from birth to decline.


"Sarah, kill it!" Augustus shouted.

Kerrigan turned around when she heard Augustus's call. Psykers' talent for shooting is almost innate. She completed the steps of aiming and shooting in a few seconds. The 25mm canister bullet hit the body of the mutalisaurus with a sharp roar, and the latter immediately screamed and fell down, making a dent in the protective wall.

But even so, this alien dragon was still alive after falling. One of its wings was obviously completely broken and hung down weakly. Its body was covered with bullet marks, and blood flowed to the ground from wounds all over its body.

The Allosaurus roared and struggled like an out-of-control beast on the bumpy alloy ground, opening its bloody mouth at the nearest enemy until Augustus accurately threw an electromagnetic grenade into its open genitals. In the organs, the blown flesh and blood immediately splashed all over the floor.

Before Augustus had time to celebrate, another massive group of infected people climbed up the fortification wall, and at this moment there were only ten soldiers guarding the place.

There were corpses everywhere, and everyone's death was extremely miserable. Some were corroded by acid and turned into a black residue, some had their hands cut off by the Hydra Hydralisk, and some were dragged down by their feet by infected people. The fortification walls were torn to pieces.

"The reserve battalion immediately reinforces the front line. We need support." Augustus took a deep breath and rushed to the nearest infected person.

It was an infected Marine of Omega Squadron. The scratches of past honors could still be vaguely seen on his dark CMC power armor. The white inverted U-shaped badge and skull logo were now covered with a layer of proliferative tissue and pulsating Covered by attached tendons.

The orange matte helmet of the Omega Squadron Marine is like a broken egg. There is a dark hole in the mask, and there are multiple flesh-colored tentacles sticking out from the jagged edge of the hole. The built-in computer in the power armor is still working, but there is no sound left in its communication device except for messy electrical noise.

The federal marine still held the Gauss rifle tightly in his hand, but he had forgotten how to shoot, not even as good as a chimpanzee who knew how to use a stick.

Before joining the army, all federal recruits must swear that they will never abandon their rifles. The rifle is their best friend and their life. However, the swarm had now truly bonded him to his rifle forever, the tentacled and knobbed weapon becoming a part of him—an organ rather than a weapon.

He might have once been just a labor camp prisoner who had undergone brainwashing and neurotomy surgery. He was originally a soulless walking corpse, but becoming part of the insect swarm did not allow this soldier to regain his freedom. Perhaps death is the eternal relief.

The Jörmungandr swarm has assimilated him. This soldier, who used to be able to catch up with a hoverbike when running at full speed, is no longer as nimble as he used to be. He drags his convulsing and twisted body and moves slowly, with his mouth full of strange words. Muttering words that were repeated over and over again. It's nothing more than the words "Loyalty and the People of the Federation" that are very common on recruitment posters.

The spikes and long claws sprouting from the joint bones of the infected human body are enough to tear into pieces a fully armed human soldier. Anyone who despises these miserable monsters will end up being minced meat or one of them.

For humans who have been assimilated by the zerg, pain and other sensations no longer exist, and the emotion of fear is just a distant memory. He only exists as a sentinel to guard the Jörmungandr swarm.

Augustus fired a bunch of spiked bullets at the monster in an instant, and the sound of bullets hitting the armor was endless.

Under the strong firepower of the Gauss rifle, the monster fell without any honor or dignity. The appearance and posture of its death were very different from that of a praised federal soldier. It could only be vaguely identified from its appearance that it was once a human being.

Immediately afterwards, more infected Marines of Omega Squadron climbed up the city wall. Their power boots with turned-out armor scraped against the alloy ground, making bursts of tooth-piercing sharp sounds.

The army of infected people moved forward, clinging to the corpses of their own kind, and every time an infected person fell, more would take over.

"Tychus!" Augustus shouted.

"What endless alien monsters!" At this time, Tychus on the high platform next to him noticed the situation around Augustus. He immediately held the handle of the heavy machine gun and swept across the Marines of the Omega Squadron. Until all the bullets are empty.

"Die, die!"

When the assistant machine gunner yelled that he had no more bullets, Tychus simply walked down with a Gauss rifle, shouting obscenities such as bastards, and knocked the last remaining Omega Marine off his feet. The skull was opened.

At this time, the infected people under the fortification walls gradually became fewer and fewer, replaced by real zerg. Obviously, the brainworms of the Jörmungandr swarm have had enough of playing the game of pitting humans against humans, and are tired of the new toy of infecting humans.

A more intense attack will begin soon. Augustus knew that his exhausted warriors no longer had the strength to cope with the next attack.

"I have never fought this kind of battle. I thought we came to Mar Sara to kill insects, but now it has turned into a zombie game." Tychus walked to Augustus: "Do you have any cigarettes? , boss."

"Why don't you go see if there is any smoke on those people." Taking advantage of the interval when the insect swarm reorganized their attack, Augustus was able to take a breath.

"Where's Jimmy boy? I haven't heard from him for a long time. It seems like a century ago that he ran to save those protoss heads." Tychus heard what Augustus said. Literally flipping through the corpses of Omega Marines, but he was looking for bullets instead of cigarettes.

"It makes me miss him."

"You care so much about him?" said Augustus.

"A little," Tychus said.

"Yes." Augustus nodded: "Jimmy arrived there more than an hour ago. However, the besieged stars have no intention of being rescued."

"To be more precise, those Protoss warriors are here to help us stop the Zerg. And each of them can fight one against a hundred."

"So there is such a good thing." Tychus grinned.

"These golden protoss are completely different from the Tal'darin protoss. If you hadn't said so, I would never have believed that there were people in this world who were willing to throw away their lives for other people, let alone that they were outsiders. A star."

"You can't say that, Tychus. There are always good people among humans, and there are also good aliens." Augustus said: "We are just unlucky enough and lucky enough. These protoss in the Sarah galaxy They happen to be the ones who don’t want to harm humans.”

"It's obvious. You and Jimmy are both typical good guys, and I'm a bad guy. But since those protoss don't need our rescue, then our trip was not in vain." Tychus spread his hands.

"To be precise, my goal was achieved. The protoss noticed our goodwill, so they were willing to have a brief communication with Renault. It can be said that we have established a communication bridge with these protoss in the Sara galaxy. " said Augustus.

"I look forward to a direct conversation with the Protoss Fleet Commander."

"So you don't care about the life and death of those aliens at all. You don't save them out of any damn sympathy but for political purposes. I can tell from your father that politicians have dirty hearts." Case cursed.

"So, where is Jimmy?" To be honest, Tychus was more concerned about Renault than what the aliens were doing.

"Not long ago, he said that he was almost there and had brought reinforcements." Augustus glanced at Tychus, and flashes of light appeared on the horizon in the distance.

Five Revolutionary Army patrol speedboats rushed to the front, followed closely by the shining golden fighter planes and transport boats of the Protoss. These protoss fighters have elegant fuselages and butterfly-like wings. Hornet-like interceptors buzz at low altitudes, followed closely by crescent-shaped battleships and slender cylindrical reconnaissance aircraft.

The golden fighter jets and battleships are like countless Venus flying from the sky, and the bright light is like scattered gold.

"Reinforcements have arrived, warriors. Pack your things and prepare to board the ship. Don't leave anyone behind." Augustus said on the communication channel.

There was a sparse and not very enthusiastic cheering from the surroundings. The warriors were exhausted and did not trust the protoss who had just bombed Cha Sara.

"Are you sure they are not here to kill us?" Tychus's voice must have been more frightened than surprised.

"It's really rich. These fighters must be worth a lot of money. Are they willing to sell them to us?" Tychus shrugged.

"The price is easy to negotiate, we can sell it to the Umoyan people -"

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Fix the bug in the previous chapter. The fact that infected organisms ignite immediately when encountering strong ultraviolet rays should be a special case of Meinhoff. Common planetary infected organisms (such as Haiwen) can also appear normally during the day. That description has been deleted.

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