StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 270 The Destruction of Marsala

Chapter 270 The Destruction of Ma Sara

The process of driving out of the gravity field of the planet Mar Sara was long and dangerous in the eyes of Augustus. Groups of purple allosaurs chased the prey they caught, and the "big mouth" below them spit out flying blade insect symbionts. .

Once these ugly little monsters land on a human spacecraft, they will use their sharp teeth to bite through the outer wall and bury themselves inside, waiting for a brilliant explosion a fraction of a second later. As long as there is enough time, the blade insects can even bite through the thick armor of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser.

When the shuttle broke away from gravity and jumped in, the pilot had to drive carefully to avoid the wreckage of various spacecraft flying at extremely high speeds in synchronous orbit. Some of the wreckage was huge and obviously came from a federal battlecruiser or garbage cleaning ship.

The battle in space has come to an end, because the Protoss fleet intervened in the sky battle between the Revolutionary Army fleet and the Jörmungandr swarm in outer space a few hours ago.

The protoss fleet dealt a heavy blow to the Jörmungandr swarm and drove their flying creatures from the battlefield. The huge protoss expeditionary force never left the system.

In the external camera of the shuttle, three huge steel ships, the dark blue Hyperion and the Norad sister ship, are moored in deep space, like blue whales in the deep sea.

The shuttle that Augustus was on entered the apron through the open docking bay door on the side of the Hyperion, and stopped under the guidance of the orange-clad ground crew.

The artificial atmospheric air inside the Hyperion was mixed with the smell of engine oil and sweat, but it was still more tolerable than the surface of Mar Sara, which was full of stinking corpses.

At this moment, the tarmac was filled with Ma Sara refugees who had just walked towards the transport ship and shuttle. The faces of these disgraced people were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster. And since this is not the first time that the Hyperion has handled a refugee rescue mission, these refugees are being arranged in an orderly manner into various cabins that have been emptied.

In this case, no one cares whether the living environment is too crowded.

Victor Kaczynski, deputy to Rory Swann, chief engineer of the Revolutionary Army, was in charge of the command and dispatch work in the Hyperion shipyard. He immediately made a brief report to Augustus, explaining that the Hyperion hull of damage.

Augustus stayed on the tarmac for a few minutes and ordered the sergeant major at the dock in charge of refugee resettlement to arrange for all the refugees as soon as possible and distribute water and rations to everyone. As for children, they may also have the opportunity to receive a piece of candy or military chocolate.

Then, Augustus took Sarah Kerrigan, Tychus, and Faraday through the ship's elevator and went straight to the bridge of the Hyperion. The person commanding the ship was Jim Raynor. Vice-captain, a Korhal IV graduate from the Naval Academy in Tarsonis.

After returning to the Hyperion, Augustus immediately took over command of the battlecruiser.

He asked various captains in the fleet, including the commander-in-chief of the fleet, Horace Warfield, to report on the combat situation on the bridge's command channel, and received immediate responses on various channels.

According to reports from various battlecruisers and affiliated formations, all transport ships transporting refugees have returned to port. As for those who did not come back, the above people can only appear on the missing list.

"I'm so glad you're back, Augustus. If something unexpected happened to you, so many people would be completely shattered." Warfield's dark face was on the main screen of the bridge in front of Augustus. At this time, he had already grown a beard, and he had a natural image of a majestic general.

"The bugs can't kill me yet, General."

Augustus looked at Warfield on the home screen and said, "What about losses?"

"We lost two Mammoth-class and Goliath-class transport ships, as well as many shuttles and APOD spacecraft, at least two hundred A-17 Wraith fighter jets and more Avengers in low-Earth orbit and space. It crashed in combat, and none of the ace pilots there made it back," Warfield said.

"If it weren't for those troublemakers in Omega Squadron, we wouldn't have lost so many people," he said.

"Martin and Gothic were severely damaged, but with the repairs of engineers, they were able to keep up with the fleet and complete the jump."

"Omega Squadron must pay the price, but now we have to leave the Sala System quickly. Order the fleet to prepare to jump in fifteen minutes. The new coordinates are the Famorian System, 3,271." Augustus said to the entire fleet commanded in the command channel.

"Received, the Children of Thunder are entering the preset jump channel."

"I'm Duke, Alpha Squadron following this order."

"This is the Napoleon II. Captain Rick Kidd is reporting to you."

A series of responses immediately came from the fleet's command channel, and each battlecruiser began to return space fighters and tactical attack aircraft to the dock.

"The Ernos calls the bridge of the Hyperion. I am Lundstein. Marshal, the Protoss fleet is firing at Mar Sara!" Lundstein's face suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Connect the picture to the main screen." Augustus said.

The scene on the main screen seemed familiar. The main ship of the protoss fleet was bombarding the orange Ma Sara. The white-hot beam stirred the atmosphere of Mar Sara, and colorful radiation immediately covered the planet's surface, like an oil film floating on the water.

Mar Sara, a planet that once supported more than four million people, has now suffered the same fate as her sister planet Cha Sara. Her surface is now densely covered with lakes of scalding lava and scalding steam, and the entire ocean has been evaporated dry.

"The protoss destroyed Mar Sara, and all life on the surface was extinct. This planet is no longer worth colonizing," Kerrigan said.

"The Protoss is ahead of all of us when it comes to burning bugs," said Tychus, who was standing behind Augustus.

"This is indeed the most effective approach." Augustus said: "If the zerg in the Sarah galaxy are not eliminated, they will soon use this galaxy as a starting point to fully invade the Koprulu sector."

"The Koprulu sector is just a pebble standing in front of the zerg. Sooner or later, they will eat the entire universe."

"Yes, they must do this, otherwise the Sara galaxy will become a breeding ground for zerg." At this time, Renault walked in from outside the bridge. Behind him were Matt Horner and several Rangers. Almost all of these men were injured. After a day and night of fighting, they only relied on their youth and physical fitness to keep them from falling.

"." Augustus sighed softly.

"How are Elizabeth and her family?" he asked Renault.

"They are very sad, just like all the Ma Sara people. They are at a loss and don't understand why devout people suffer such misfortunes." Renault sighed in the same way.

"People are cursing the Federation and are deeply saddened by the destruction of their homeland. Although I hate to say it, the Ma Sara and Cha Sara people now are just like the Korhal IV people in the past. Full of sadness and anger, Desire for revenge."

"Hate is a double-edged sword," said Augustus.

"Among the people of the Sara system, there are more and more people supporting separatism. I heard many people chanting to join the revolutionary army and take revenge on the Federation, the Zerg and the Protoss." Raynor said.

"If they want to join the army, then I will welcome them." Augustus looked at Renault and said.

"The Ma Sara people are the descendants of early pioneer miners and soldiers, while the ancestors of Cha Sara are jailers and prison guards. The harsh living environment has tempered the people of the Sara system, which makes them more successful than the Korhal people. Able to conquer and fight well."

"How are you going to arrange for other refugees from the Sara system?" Reno asked Augustus.

"Send them to Agria or somewhere else?"

"Agria is no longer safe." Augustus stared into Renault's eyes: "It is safest to send them to the core world. Otherwise, if the zerg invades the planet where the refugees are resettled again, we will still These people need to be moved again.”

"But the noble lords of Tarsonis will not sit back and watch the country bumpkins and mud-legged people in the edge star sector. No one is willing to bear the resettlement problem of so many people." Tychus smiled.

"We are very clear about the federal style. They will only abdicate responsibility. The federal government will definitely commit to solving the refugee problem, but the appropriation bill may not be passed until all the refugees are dead."

"No matter what, we must move the refugees to the core world as much as possible." Kerrigan said: "Or somewhere outside the territory of the Tyranid Federation."

"The territory of the Kemorian Commonwealth is not safe. We can only go to the United States of Umoyan." Augustus said: "Umoyan should be safer if it is far away from the battlefield."

"Since the Umoyan people are not very keen on colonization, there are many planets within the United States that have not yet been colonized."

"That's all we can do." Renault nodded.

"Honestly, I'm starting to worry about my hometown of Shiloh and the people in this town. I still have many classmates who are still there, carrying on their father's work and doing the same work that generations of people have been doing," he said. .

"I really can't imagine what kind of human tragedy it would be if the Zerg invaded Shiloh. There are hundreds of millions of people up there."

"How can we save so many people?" Tychus said: "If bugs invade multiple planets at the same time, the people on them will not be as lucky as these people today."

"We are not fire captains"

"We will appear wherever we are needed. Tychus, I believe that the Federation will never sit back and wait. If the Zerg invades the core world, then they will definitely be forced to jump over the wall."

As Augustus was talking, the picture on the main screen suddenly changed. A splendid bridge and a tall protoss in purple and white robes appeared on the screen. He was tall and strong, and the golden shoulder armor on his broad shoulders stretched upward, higher than his head, like shining metal wings.

The soft silk robes of the protoss are covered with smooth golden armor. The armor has the same natural beauty as all the protoss' creations. The gems and crystal ornaments on her buttoned jumpsuit are decorated with beautiful patterns, and the hem of her battle armor robe is inlaid with blue and purple crystals.

There is a shining blue halo attached to his body, which is the plasma spark blooming from spiritual energy.

The technical soldiers on the Hyperion were confused for a while. It seemed that the protoss had used some kind of technology to simulate human radio signals for communication purposes.

"I am High Templar Tassadar, the executive officer of this fleet." The voice of the protoss in shining armor was deep and soft, but it was like the roar of sea waves and thunder.

Star spirits do not speak with their mouths. Their voices are a direct reflection of the thoughts in their minds and the most direct expression of their emotions. This seems unbelievable to humans, but the protoss is born like this.

"We are the Templars of the Protoss Empire. We were ordered to destroy the zerg that invaded the human world. I am deeply sorry. We came too late and failed to save your tribe who were infected by the zerg."

"I am the commander of this human fleet, Marshal Augustus Mengsk of the Korhal Revolutionary Army." Augustus' expression remained unchanged.

"I salute you, Tassadar, Executor of the Protoss. Your deeds of saving humanity are witnessed by me and my compatriots," he said.

"...You really understand, I can understand." Tassadar's sky-blue eyes were very different from those of humans, as if they were burning flames. The fire in his eyes swayed with his emotional fluctuations, and the subtle changes in his facial muscles constituted an expression in a certain sense.

"You are different from the humans we have met. They hate us and fear us. I can understand why they are like this, because that is human beings." He said.

"You can understand that we are doing this to save humanity rather than simply killing people. Compared with death, being infected by the zerg is the most terrible fate." Tassadar praised Augustus.

"You are an outstanding leader, wise and kind. You are also a hero worthy of respect among the Templars."

"Thank you for everything you have done for humanity." Augustus said: "I hope that the experience of fighting side by side in the Sara System can become a bridge to maintain the friendship between humanity and the Protoss Empire."

"In future battles against the Zerg, if the Korhal Revolutionary Army and the Protoss Empire's army meet on the battlefield, I think we should not be enemies of each other, but should help each other to eliminate the Zerg threat together."

"After all, the zerg are our common enemy."

".I think it should be so. There is no need for protoss and humans to be enemies of each other." Tassadar's voice was still as deep as the sea.

Although Augustus did not hear any laughter, he believed that if Tassadar were a human, he would be laughing at his words.

Because the Protoss Empire is far more powerful than humans, they neither regard humans as a threat nor have they any need to seek help from humans.

"We never expect to be grateful, because this is what the eldest son of God has done for countless epochs. Protect weak races and maintain order and balance." Tassadar has no intention of mocking humans. He is open-minded and tolerant, selfless and upright. .

Most protoss are arrogant and look down on humans, but Tassadar is an exception.

"Augustus Mengsk, I hope we never meet on the battlefield," Tassadar said.

"The remnants of the Jormungandr swarm are fleeing, and we are going to completely destroy them. Now, we must leave."

"May Adun grant eternal peace to our enemies."

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