StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 271 The loss of homeland

About three weeks later.

In the United States of Umoyan, Ikaros IV.

As an agricultural world in the Alliance Planet of the United States, Icarus's capital airport has never seen so many people pouring into it in one day. This made the airport overwhelmed and had to limit the tonnage and number of inbound spacecraft.

Augustus, who was wearing a dark gray fitted officer's uniform, was standing on the side of the exit of the terminal building with a silver frame and a blue crystal glass dome, watching the refugees from the Sara system pouring out of the exit.

Outside the exit is the pure blue sky and fresh air of Icarus IV. Umoyan's white alloy buildings stand among the green lawns and forests. As the terrain rises and falls, a flock of brown birds are flying into the distance.

All this is as beautiful as a world in a painting.

Icarus is one of the most beautiful planets in the world of the United States. It belongs to the Umoyan colony. Its rich soil has created thousands of acres of fertile fields and charming golden autumn.

If the Icarans had not abused pesticides in pursuit of crop yields in recent years, causing irreparable environmental damage, then this planet would be much more beautiful than it is now.

After learning about what had happened in the Sara system and the massive invasion of Zerg, the Umoyan democratically elected parliament adhered to the original intention of forming the parliament with humanitarian concern and agreed to use Icarus IV as a transit place for the temporary resettlement of refugees from the Sara system.

At the same time, Umoyan also asked Augustus to share his experience in fighting the Zerg. At the same time, all the union worlds and autonomous territories in the United States were also strengthening their defenses. A strong sense of danger has always inspired the Umoyan people to strengthen their armaments.

Now, those in high positions in the world of Umoyan have reacted. The threat of zerg invasion will replace the oppression of the Tyranid Federation for a long time.

The existence of protoss and zerg will no longer be a secret unknown to the public. The new generation born and educated in this era will naturally accept that humans have to compete with the other two races in the universe for resources and living space. Know. And if you are not careful, what awaits the humans on the planet Koprulu is likely to be the fate of species extinction.

Even if humanity will never give up its internal struggle, the fight for the survival of the race will be something that Koprulu humans and even all humans in a pan-Teran sense must face.

Kerrigan, Raynor, Faraday and others are following Augustus with a team of elite guards, while Warfield, Tychus, Harnak and others each have their own missions. Every time they reach a friendly or neutral planet, the revolutionary army will replenish the losses in personnel and materials and repair the warships there.

At this moment, standing in front of the exit of the port passage were Umoyan alien research experts and infectious disease prevention and control experts wearing white biochemical protective suits and orange goggles, as well as a large number of doctors. In order to enter the refugee camp prepared by the local government for the Sara system, these people must also prove that they do not carry the Zerg virus.

Although doctors in the Revolutionary Army have tested them, and the existing zerg viruses are not extremely contagious and do not have a long incubation period. They are only spread by certain zerg species carrying deadly viruses. However, Umoyan still emphasizes re-testing to ensure that the risk is controlled within an extremely low range.

Those who can stand here and be tested again are lucky, because the people who were previously detected by the Revolutionary Army doctors either turned into monsters and were thrown into space, or they were lying dying in the cabin of the medical ship.

"The medical level of the United States of Umoyan is as high as their achievements in the field of high-tech. Could it be that even they have no way to solve the Zerg virus?"

Looking away from the people who kept pouring out of the exit, Augustus looked at Sarah Kerrigan beside him and asked.

"It's not hopeless." Kerrigan gave Augustus a sad look in return: "The amino acid arrangement of the Zerg virus is something humans have never seen before, and it is mutating every moment."

"Military doctors have been telling those infected that we have a solution."

"Before people discover that there is no cure, at least it can give the patients hope," Augustus said, "so that they will not be so miserable."

"The people of the Sarah Galaxy have suffered enough." Renault sighed.

"Is there any progress in our alien biological laboratory?"

"Dr. Francos believes that the genetic material of the protoss may contain methods to deal with the zerg virus." Kerrigan replied.

"The doctor has taken his assistants and students to test the effect of the zerg virus on the Tal'darin protoss." Kerrigan knew what Augustus was thinking.

"By the way, I remember that there was a Tal'darin protoss in our alien laboratory - I heard that in addition to ingesting a considerable amount of terrazine every day, he would lie down and 'eat and wait to die'. In order to obtain terrazine, he would not hesitate to participate in the Francos Various experiments."

"Francos's mobility is as good as ever." Augustus asked with concern, "What's the result?"

"The implanted virus was unable to infect the protoss but that's possible because the zerg virus that infects the protoss is completely different from the one that infects humans," Kerrigan said.

"A drop in the bucket." Augustus had no hope for this.

"Tell Dr. Francos that the fate of hundreds of millions of humans depends on the results of his experiments."

"This is a heavy burden. You are putting Franco on the moral rack." Renault shrugged.

"You are always like this, Augustus, you know the nature of each of us very well, and you know how to arouse our fighting spirit," he said.

"Duke is a villain. He is selfish and pursues honor, so you are satisfied with his vanity. Tychus only cares about money, so you will give him money."

"This is a reflection of your wisdom."

"Jimmy, on a deeper level, this is just an exchange of interests." Augustus' eyes were calm and cold.

"But you are different to us. I can't think of anything worthy of your use." Renault said.

"That's different, Jimmy." Augustus was silent for a while. He did not follow the refugees out of the Icarus Airport, but returned to the dispatch hall of the airport through a narrow passage.

Among them, there are quite a few refugees from the Sara system waiting to get out of the airport.

In the center of the dispatching hall is a huge holographic projection screen. The UNN logo on it shows that this is the broadcast screen of the UNN Universe News Network's Tarsonis main station.

What deserves Augustus' attention is that more than three months after the Zerg appeared in the Sarah galaxy, UNN finally began to report news about aliens. People in the hall stared at the big screen with angry faces, cursing the federal government's evasion and inaction.

In the Sara system, the revolutionary army rescued refugees regardless of sacrifice, but the Tyranid Federation did not help and still wanted to deal with the revolutionary army. It can be said that the revolutionary army is desperately trying to pull the refugees out of the abyss, while the Federation is thinking about kicking both the revolutionary army and the refugees back, and then closing the coffin board.

"I can already imagine the commotion this news will cause on Tarsonis and other Federation worlds." Augustus looked at the home screen.

"It is obvious that the news of the discovery of alien intelligent races caused an uproar in the territory of the Tyranid Federation." Kerrigan said: "At the beginning, UNN and other mainstream media just told the people of the Federation that there were aliens in this universe. There are two races, the Protoss and the Zerg."

"Didn't they say that the zerg are terrifying monsters that eat people and that the protoss can emit beams of light that can decompose humans?" Augustus said coldly.

"It's still the same as before. Avoiding the important and minimizing the light. Breaking the facts into multiple fragments and then reassembling them according to what they want. As long as they change the word order and add some rhetoric, what they want to express may be completely opposite to the facts." Kerrigan Said sarcastically.

"In fact, at the beginning, humans were still thinking about how to share human culture with aliens. Toy companies even launched commemorative editions of Zerg and Protoss toys, which were a great success."

"But the Federation had not yet given the specific images of the protoss and zerg at that time." Augustus smiled silently.

While Augustus was talking, the holographic projection screen was still playing the image of the UNN news program host.

"The protoss here destroyed Cha Sara. Everything on the planet was burned to the ground. The number of survivors is still being counted. The army has withdrawn from the Sara system."

"Now they are finally beginning to face this matter." Augustus said: "But it seems that they completely blamed the destruction of Sara's sister planet on the protoss, and completely ignored the zerg that actually devoured those two planets. .”

"At first, the Federation tried to block news about the Sara system, and Omega Squadron did it almost without leakage. Although we knew what was happening there, with the Federation controlling the media, our voices could only fall into silence. " Kerrigan said.

"But in fact, not long after we evacuated the Sara system, the zerg invaded the five edge worlds of Char, Antiga, and Little Atticus, all of which were attacked by different zerg hives. This is obviously beyond the scope of Due to the expectations of the Terran Federation, they had no choice but to make public what happened to the Sara system.”

"Char." Augustus suddenly looked at Kerrigan with sharp eyes, which almost startled the latter.

"What's wrong?" Kerrigan wanted to read Augustus's thoughts, but she gave up after thinking about it.

"I still remember Char. It was a red planet full of magma lakes." Reno remembered something: "I heard about Char many times when I was in the Federation Marine Corps. I heard about you. My brother Arcturus has also been to that place."

"During the Guild War, Char used to be the main battlefield between the Federation and the Kemerian Alliance because it contained precious heavy metals and minerals. Later, both sides used battlecruisers and nuclear weapons. As far as I know, the environment there now is simply It’s even worse. It’s almost uninhabitable, and there are basically only a few miners and troops stationed on it.”

"To put it bluntly, the Federation will not care about that damn place at all," he said.

"As for the planets of Antiga Prime and Little Atticus, the Tyranid Federation may have some nice words to say."

"This is too bad," said Augustus. "We should not give up Charles if possible. It is a pity that we have so few men."

He sighed deeply and said nothing more.

As soon as Augustus finished speaking, the host on the holographic projection screen in the hall suddenly said with righteous indignation:

"The soldiers discovered a large number of Sons of Korhal members before the protoss destroyed Cha Sara. They were still destroying military facilities and massacring refugees during the alien invasion."

"There is no doubt that the evil protoss is Augustus Mengsk's lackey. He betrayed the interests of mankind and colluded with aliens to deal with the orthodox government!"

"Nonsense!" This immediately caused the angry Sala people to roar.

"Fart!" Even Renault yelled. The young man with black hair stared angrily. He had already taken out the revolver given to him by Augustus and pointed it at the holographic projection screen.

"How many of our good brothers have died in order to save people. If you had not just blocked the news but evacuated the refugees quickly, things would not have turned out like this!"

After all, Renault is still a hot-blooded young man. Although he has a calm personality, he can't help but lose his mind when he gets angry.

"Put it down! Jimmy" Augustus shouted angrily.

"It won't help even if you shoot it. It's a holographic projection screen, not an LED 2d screen." He added.

"You can't break it even if you hit it."

Hearing Augustus speak, Renault immediately woke up and slowly put down the revolver in his hand. His face turned from green to red and he was speechless.

Renault soon realized the terrible consequences of shooting in the crowd, and his face was flushed with shame.

"You idiot!" Augustus yelled angrily.

"Next time, hit a real person in the face instead of an image."

The people around him were still yelling and cursing the Terran Federation Government's inaction and incompetence, so much so that Augustus couldn't hear what was being said on the news.

Augustus could only see the crimson flag of the Revolutionary Army and the roar of a springtail.

"The Federation cannot tell the difference between the Revolutionary Army and the Sons of Korhal, or they are simply unwilling to tell the difference." Kerrigan said: "In the eyes of the Federation, the Revolutionary Army and the Sons of Korhal are both terrorists and subversives of order."

At this time, the voices of the people in the hall suddenly became quieter, because a well-known member of the Tyranid Federation Parliament appeared on the news program.

"Citizens of the Tyranid Federation, I want to tell you that the aliens who are enemies of mankind are not only the protoss, but also the zerg controlled by Augustus Mengsk using potions. Both races are humans. sworn enemy."

"There is only one way out before mankind: all mankind must unite under the banner of the Tyranid Federation and repel the invading enemies."

"We must defend Antiga, Little Atticus, Halsain and all other fringe worlds. The Tyranid Federation Navy has always been at the forefront of defending humanity." He said impassionedly.

"But the traitor Augustus Mengsk and his rebel forces started a riot in the rear at this time, attacking the soldiers who were fighting alien threats! This gang of thugs only valued their own interests, and Turning a blind eye to the critical survival of the Human Federation!"

"You are so cute, Congressman Peart." Renault said sharply: "You don't need to hide what you have done so much."

"Let's go, we can't stay in Icarus for too long." Augustus patted Reynold's broad shoulder.

"Where do we go now?" Kerrigan asked.

“The closest thing to us is Antiga,” Augustus said. “Wherever the people need us, we will be there.”

"Look, the zerg will not stop their attack. In the future, more planets will be invaded. The situation in Koprulu will definitely exceed the imagination of the Tyranid Federation. And the biggest fear of the Tyranid Federation is that things happen. It’s completely out of their control.”

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