StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 272 Antiga Frontline

"Report your location, Tychus."

Augustus stood on a riverbed that had long since dried up and signaled the soldiers of the First Brigade of the Guards Division behind him to stop. Following Augustus's order, about two thousand Revolutionary Army soldiers behind him wearing crimson CMC power armor immediately stopped uniformly within a few movements.

This is a unit directly under the command of Marshal Augustus. Only resocialized soldiers can follow the same strict orders and prohibitions as them.

The right wing of the Guards Division is composed of Jim Raynor's more than 500 rangers riding light vehicles, and the left wing is composed of more than 40 arc light siege tanks and several regiments of Goliath armed robots. Armor.

From where Augustus was, he could already vaguely see the outline of a city. Domed colonial buildings stood in the dusky sand, and the black shadows of high-rise buildings divided the orange sky into jagged shapes.

That is Andazal, the capital city of Antiga Prime.

Augustus had already heard of this place name many years ago. Since more than ten years ago, this city has repeatedly launched rebellions against the Tyranid federal government. News of the rebellion has spread to Korhal IV.

Since then, the city has been under the control of the Terran Federation's strict military control and repressive policies. The people of Andathal are also one of the forces closest to Korhal's revolutionaries. The local resistance organization is secretly supported by Angus Mengsk, the father of Augustus.

This is also the reason why Augustus chose to come to Antiga Prime first. With the support of the locals, the rescue operation will be more effective with less effort. If possible, Augustus would be happy to temporarily take over the Tyranid Federation's control of the entire Antiga Prime and declare to the world that it is independent.

"I am Tychus Finlay, a Stirling Wolfhunter approaching Andathal. Hopefully the Federation officers there are ready to greet us." Tychus's voice came clearly from the Augustus helmet. came from the communication device inside.

Although the number of Federation troops stationed on Antiga Prime far exceeds the combined garrison of the two planets in the Sara system, they are still in an extremely disadvantageous situation when fighting the Zerg.

Therefore, when the government of Antiga began to seek support from other surrounding planets and Tarsonis, Augustus's fleet received a large number of distress signals before reaching the planet.

The information revealed in the signal all indicates that the main defense forces and military fortresses of Antiga Prime have been destroyed by the zerg. The Federation forces had been routed, and the Antigonians' weakly defended cities were exposed to the zerg's fangs and claws.

In the past few weeks, the Governor of Antiga personally commanded multiple battles aimed at defending the main cities of Antiga, but this layman's indiscriminate command led to disastrous consequences.

Governor Antiga mistakenly believed that the zerg were just a group of beasts without any intelligence, so he hurriedly gathered all his troops and marched towards the seemingly defenseless zerg main hive.

However, it turned out that this was an obvious trap. Antiga's planetary defense force, colonial marines and militia were all wiped out. Even the Federation general who commanded this army was dragged into the underground lair by the zerg. middle. The Governor of Antiga, who was hiding in the Governor's Office, fled the planet overnight and his whereabouts are unknown.

Since then, before the Federation fleet has arrived at the main star of Antiga, all the Federation military forces in Antiga have been annihilated. At this time, the Kohal Revolutionary Army who arrived at Antiga has become the only one who can possibly save The military power of the Anticans.

Augustus was leading his own army to rescue Andathal, which was surrounded by worms. Since the federal garrison stationed in the city refused to open the airport to the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army had to travel overland from the nearest landing point to the main city of Andazar.

"We met a lot of bug 'scouts' along the way. Damn, bugs are everywhere here, like a rotten red apple with worms." Tychus's in Augustus' helmet The sound suddenly became intermittent and interrupted from time to time.

"I must remind you that the bugs here are faster and stronger than those in the Sara system. As soon as they appear, they will rush to destroy you. Compared with this, the Jörmungandr zerg in the Sara system is just a worm. A cat that only plays slowly with the mouse.”

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that he had suffered strong signal interference, and Tychus's voice was interrupted by a burst of electrical noise.

However, Augustus was not too worried about Tychus' safety. He should be worried about the enemy who was about to face this revolutionary Tyrannosaurus. The only thing Augustus had to worry about was that the uncontrolled Tychus would destroy everything in its path like a mad beast.

Fortunately, Augustus finally taught Tychus the importance of people's hearts, and he would not smash down civilian houses.

"Marshal, zerg have been spotted at two o'clock, the number is unknown." While Augustus was trying to establish a communication link with Tychus again, Corporal Faraday beside him pointed to the right front of Augustus.

"It's Zerg. They're not easy to deal with. I'd rather deal with several times as many federal soldiers." Renault took a few steps forward and took out his revolver.

"The consciousness of the zerg has obviously increased. The underground in this area has been eroded by them. They are moving under our feet!" Sarah Kerrigan took her C-10 shotgun from behind and said Pull down the eyepiece on your head.

The soil on the surface of Antiga Prime is dry and hard, but this does not prevent the zerg from digging their burrows underground and establishing a well-developed network of underground worm tunnels similar to ant nests. Through these underground passages connecting various insect nests to hatcheries, zerg can appear on various battlefields in a short period of time to launch surprise attacks or blitzes.

"Establish a defensive line." Augustus said with a frown.

The people behind Augustus reacted immediately. The soldiers drew their guns and loaded their guns. The arc tank put away the twin 80mm cannon and set up a stabilizing bracket with the hiss of the pressure relief valve opening.

The Goliath armed robots moved with heavy steps like giants to the front of the line together with the Firebat troops wearing thick power armor. The rotating machine gun barrels were constantly calibrated according to the determination of the aiming system. Angle.

"Brothers, watch your back, be careful not to get bitten by bugs!" Reno added in the command channel.

At this time, a series of terrain data appeared on the HUD display on the Augustus power armor helmet visor.

Antiga Prime was once a world with vast oceans and dense lakes, but now only the scour marks and dried oceans all over the planet's surface are left to prove that this planet was once a blue ocean planet.

Now there is not much difference between Antiga and Mar Sara. The only thing worthy of praise is the unique "desolate and barren" scenery and the melancholy beauty described by the poet.

It is precisely because of this that the surface of Antiga Prime is mostly flat alluvial plains, canyons and hilly gullies that were once the seafloor. There were almost no obstacles on the vast red plain in front of Augustus, and he had an unobstructed view. Therefore, he could easily see the running swarm of insects in the distance.

Only a few miles away from Augustus, the dust kicked up by the running swarms of zerg covered the sky and closed the sun, and the sun seemed to be obscured by the dust kicked up by the running swarms.

"This is a new Hive Force." The picture on Augustus's helmet kept zooming in as the camera focused. With just a little comparison, he could see that the Jormungandr group in the Sara system and the Anti Add the difference of zerg.

The zerg that appeared on Antiga had a bright orange crown and a partially convex carapace of the same color, compared to the purple Jörmungandr swarm. Their speed is obviously faster, and their attacks are as fast as lightning.

"There are obvious differences between the zerg of Antiga and the Jormungandr of the Sara system. The different colored crowns and decorative specialized tissues should be for the convenience of distinguishing each group," Kerrigan said.

Generally speaking, both the Tyranid Federation Joint Command and the Revolutionary Army Marshal Command will generally only name the zerg that appear in each galaxy with the name of that galaxy, such as the Sara swarm or the Antiga swarm.

But soon, humans discovered the obvious differences between various hive groups, and they did not just stay in the same galaxy or the same planet.

Each hive colony is different.

For example, some ethnic groups are large in number and always flood enemies in their way with attacks. Some ethnic groups are small in number but specialize in hunting or searching for excellent genes in the universe.

Others will be completely driven by the rage genes and excess hormones in their bodies, killing everything until they die like crazy berserkers. These ferocious zerg obey only the masters of their own clan, and in some cases even attack their own kind.

It is this distinction that makes humans invariably name the zerg in each nest with special names.

"In the code name of the Tyranid Federation's command system, the insects in front of us are named Garm (garm, the hellhound in Norse mythology, the guardian of the gate of the underworld, always appears with blood all over its body) ." Kerrigan said to Augustus.

"The zerg that appeared on the other side of the planet had metallic blue-like crowns. They were named surtur, the first fire giant in Norse mythology, possessing a huge flame. sword)."

"According to the intelligence we received from the fallen Antiga Federation Command Center, the fighting methods of the Gamu swarm are very different from those of the Jormungandr swarm. Even in the case of absolute superiority in numbers, They are also used to launching surprise attacks, and once the attack is blocked or at a disadvantage, the zerg of the Gamu swarm will immediately retreat," she said.

"Now we know that what controls each worm hive group is an unknown zerg creature called a cerebrate. The cerebrates of the Gamu swarm seem to have a very cautious character. Usually, unless you are sure of winning with one strike, , otherwise the Gamu swarm will not take the initiative to attack. As for the Sutur swarm, they seem to rarely appear."

"So the Zerg's brainworms have already eaten us?"

"Let them also see the human Cerberus missiles. Where is our air support?" Augustus shouted on another channel.

"The squadron is on its way, sir." His question was immediately answered by an Air Force lieutenant colonel, who was driving a heavy bomber and leading a formation rapidly passing over the ground troops.

Revolutionary Army pilots who have experienced many battles and received exceptional promotions are all aces among aces. Each of them has the courage and consciousness to die with Korhal's enemies at any time.

"The ground is full of bugs. Sir, where should we fire? They are everywhere." The voice of the Air Force Lieutenant Colonel came immediately.

"Then fire everywhere." Augustus gave his answer quickly and without hesitation.

"As commanded. Guys, we are flames. Anyone we touch will burn both our enemies and ourselves!"

Even though he has become a lieutenant colonel, this young and energetic pilot still always says some amazing words like he did in junior high school, just because he thinks it is very impressive.

Augustus did not wait long.

As the bomber formation passing through the sky cast a shadow, a large number of incendiary bombs and high-explosive missiles fell in front of the revolutionary army positions. The ground immediately fell into a sea of ​​fire, a large number of zerg were blown to pieces, and the howling of the zerg suddenly weakened a lot.

However, after only a moment of calm, the rustling sound started again. Although the bombing killed a considerable number of zerg, it was not able to stop their progress.

The Gamu swarm obviously has more springtails than the Jormungandr swarm. These little monsters as deadly as raptors are the basis for the Gamu swarm to launch attacks, and they are the embodiment of the fear spread by the worm swarm.

The arc light tank opened fire first, and the devastating firepower of the 120mm impact cannon immediately covered the group of springtails at the front, followed closely by the ground-attack missiles carried by the revolutionary army's Goliath armed robots specifically to deal with the zerg.

The fierce firepower slaughtered the swarm of Gamu insects in front of them like a gust of wind. Even the hard carapace of the zerg could not withstand the human fire.

However, at this moment, the red hard land behind the revolutionary army's front suddenly began to collapse, and a large number of dark orange-skinned Gamu swarm insects poured out from the caves that caved in.

"Damn it," Renault cursed, "I should have known these bugs would do this. They are much smarter than that cold-blooded and cruel bastard Duke."

"The front army moves forward, and the third and fifth battalions move closer to Major Nelifa's arc tank. Hold the line, reinforcements will arrive soon." Augustus ordered.

"Where are the reinforcements?" Renault asked a stupid question.

"Duke's Alpha Squadron is right behind us." Augustus replied: "As long as we hold on, the offensive and defensive situation will be reversed, and then we will surround these bugs.

"Although Duke has no brain, if you just tell him to move forward, then his poor brain may be able to understand." Reno was still laughing. Even in the face of tens of thousands of zerg, this brave man remained calm.

"The Gamu swarm will not let us go easily... because it may be very clear that humans are extremely vulnerable when they are isolated and helpless, and once they enter the city to build defenses, they will not face an encirclement and annihilation battle in the wild. A siege with great losses." Augustus' eyes were sharp.

"I thought bugs didn't care about losses at all." Renault shrugged.

"Jimmy," Augustus said.

"The most terrifying thing is that we know that they may really not care about losses. Excessive losses on local battlefields mean the failure of a battle for the zerg cerebrates, and the masters of the swarm do not allow failure. "

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