StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 273 Corrupt Antiga Government

A copper 25mm canister bullet spun and landed on the hard reddish-brown soil of Antiga, making a shallow depression.

A Hydra Hydralisk whose spine was shattered by a 120mm concussive shell from an Arc Light Siege Tank lowered its high head, and red blood trickled out from the bullet holes.

A 12-foot-tall Goliath armed robot stepped on a twitching Gamu springtail across a battlefield littered with corpses. The sound of bones breaking came from the still-dead alien monster under its feet. .

Augustus passed through a blood-stained battlefield, filled with corpses of Gamu swarms and human machines with broken carapace and blood flowing everywhere. He walked up to a huge Hydra Hydralisk and kicked its brightly colored crest.

A dozen Revolutionary Army soldiers holding C-14 Gauss rifles in both hands were walking past Augustus. The Ranger's Vulture vehicle propeller sprayed ice-blue flames and flew over the heads of the soldiers, attracting A few curses.

Among the soldiers passing by Augustus were the Marines belonging to Edmund Duke's Alpha Squadron. Their shining white power armor and golden eagle emblem were quite eye-catching on the red land of Antiga. Attention.

Under the orders of General Edmund Duke, commander of the Alpha Squadron of the Revolutionary Army, the resocialized soldiers in the squadron will repeatedly brush their power armor made of new alloy steel every day to ensure that he can achieve the "shine" of the general. "Quartet" requirements.

There are several transport planes hovering in the sky, and the bodies of the injured and the deceased are being transported to a medical spacecraft containing a large amount of medical equipment.

"This Hydralisk disabled one of our Goliath armed robots. We don't know how much it will cost to repair it." Kerrigan shot another shot into the heart of the Hydra Hydralisk.

Some Revolutionary Army soldiers were doing the same thing as Kerrigan, rescuing the wounded while giving those tenacious Zerg a shot. Because dead zerg cells will quickly combine with proteins and produce new cells, if these monsters are not completely killed, they will slowly recover and reappear on the battlefield.

"We don't have time to get some souvenirs, boss, we are still in a hurry to help justice." Renault opened his helmet with the pattern of the devil in heaven.

"Look at these carapace, they are so hard. These claws are so long that they can cut off a person's head. What a monster." Duke slowly walked towards Augustus. He shook off his helmet, and the sharp-edged His head and scalp were shiny.

"The alien monsters I encountered when I was in Brutus were nowhere near as scary as the zerg," he said.

Duke's support came quickly, and the Marines of Alpha Squadron became very brave and immediately launched an attack on the Gamu swarm behind Augustus and others, breaking the siege of the swarm.

Although the commander of Alpha Squadron is a reckless butcher and a strategic gambler, it is undeniable that the military literacy and combat capabilities of the Alpha Squadron soldiers are quite outstanding, otherwise they would not have been defeated by the Kaimorians in the past. I hate it to the core.

"Come on, General, last time you boasted about defeating several predatory beasts, we were as happy as if you had just saved the world." Renault shrugged.

"We are saving the world now." Duke didn't look very happy. He reminded Renault: "General Renault, you have to remember your identity. You are a general. There is no such thing as joking on the battlefield."

Duke and Reynold's line of heavenly demons were not easy to deal with, and he had a better relationship with people like Collins and Pryor, who were both federal surrender officials and military officers. Similarly, Renault looked down upon Duke's cold-bloodedness and arrogance, and they always sneered at each other when they got together.

"I must have said something inappropriate," Reno said.

Augustus used the iron gloves of his dark gray power armor to knock the crested head of the Hydra Hydralisk in front of him, which was covered with layers of chitin carapace: "Bjermunga, the zerg of the Gamu Swarm. The ones they get are bigger, and the most significant difference is that they are faster and stronger."

Even with its brain dead, the monster's tough muscles remained taut, and its huge, still alive heart continued to beat, pumping blood out of its healing wounds.

"Among the Zerg groups, some individuals are obviously more powerful than others of the same species. This can be seen in Springtails and Hydra Hydralisks. I believe that Ultralisks, Mutalisks and even other Zerg Such individuals exist among insects, but we have not encountered them yet."

"They are undoubtedly the elite individuals of their group, the kings of the same species, and the most powerful servants of the Cerebrates." Augustus said.

"If we want to kill these elite individuals, we need to pay a heavier price."

"Jimmy, the enemies we encounter will only get stronger and stronger. The zerg are still evolving, and their numbers are as numerous as the sand on the sea. It takes us at least four months to train a warrior, and the leader of the zerg only needs one command, The swarm's hatchery will give birth to billions of zerg."

"This is unfair, how the hell can this be done?" Renault cursed.

"This is reality. It's the coffee and rotten clothes of the hillbillies. It's the stinking ditches of the edge planets. It's everything you can see when you open your eyes. It's terrible." Duke snorted: "Young man with a Marine background Kids just throw soap at each other in the bathroom."

"This is a war between races, not a chess and sandbox game that follows fixed rules." Augustus said to Reno: "The bugs will not tell you when they eat our colonies, I am going to go this way." One step."

"The Tyranid Federation may not yet understand that the war between the zerg and humans is related to the survival of a race. Either the human civilization continues to stand in the galaxy, or the endless darkness of the zerg engulfs everything."

"Keep moving. The brainworms of the Gamu swarm may be much more cunning than we thought, and this will not be the only attack they launch." Augustus said.

"If I were it, I would wait patiently for humans to let down their guard and make a fatal mistake."

"Did you hear that, brothers? The bugs are lying in their 'wet' chambers watching whether we will make mistakes. But the tough guys of Augustus will never make mistakes." Renault looked at the soldiers who were passing by. they shouted.

"We are the Marshal's personal soldiers!"

Renault's words immediately received a strong response from the soldiers.

"Maybe the bugs are watching those idiots from UNN in their lairs commenting on the Zerg on the TV, questioning the intelligence of humans because of the idiots of these noisy alien experts." Duke said.

"There is no doubt that the Zerg can definitely do it." After Augustus finished speaking, he followed the advancing troops.

"When the Cerebrates find out that we actually gave their tribe various names according to mythology, they may find it interesting." Kerrigan walked behind Augustus.

He had to bypass the huge worm creature in front of him. The body of the swarm of Nydus Worms was like a beached blue whale. Its dozens of tons of body radiated under the vicious sunlight of Antiga. The pungent smell is nauseating.

Augustus crossed the huge Nydus Worm and followed the army westward.

The Andazal area, the capital of Antiga, is mostly flat land with hard soil, which is extremely suitable for human armored troops to gallop around. What Augustus regretted was that there was a lack of stable water sources here, and he thought that growing vegetables on Antiga was undoubtedly a very difficult task.

A Terran Federation military base outside the main city of Ansadar soon appeared on the HUD display in Augustus's helmet. A regular Federation Army battalion was once stationed in that large military base. But now the base is completely silent.

The separation walls and iron gratings outside the military base are covered with a sticky, carpet-like attachment, which looks like muscles tearing open the skin. A huge command center has turned completely dark brown, as if it was wrapped in moldy yogurt, like a brown rotten apple that has wilted in the sun.

Only the radars in the base were still functioning, but no one knew who was controlling those devices. In the past, the battlefields of Antiga were always filled with scavenging birds, but now there were not even half a living creature here.

"This is really weird," Reno said, pointing to the exterior wall outside the military base.

"What a hell, isn't it?" Kerrigan said. "The zerg have infected this military base, and the people inside have either turned into monsters or been eaten to the bone."

"Blast it away, otherwise who knows what more terrifying monster won't pop out of it," Duke said.

The outer wall of the military base was covered with a layer of purple-black flesh-colored vines and thorns attached to snot-like membrane wings, and it didn't take long for Augustus to discover that those vines were deformed human intestines.

"General Duke is right, we cannot let these monsters continue to harm people." Augustus ordered.

"Bomb these buildings."

A company of Goliath armed robots and about twenty arc-light tanks surrounded this dead base. A large number of Revolutionary Army soldiers began to equip themselves with grenade launchers and short-barreled grenades. The intensive artillery fire destroyed the Federation in just a few minutes. military bases were razed to the ground.

There was a piercing howl in the smoke, and Augustus could see a huge zerg queen cut into several pieces by sharp metal fragments in the collapsed command center wall.

This zerg queen was surrounded by Terran Federation Marines wrapped in amniotic membranes. Their dark brown power armor was covered with spikes, like new shoots emerging from the ground.

"God, if we hadn't seen this infected base, God knows how many hateful monsters would have appeared there." Renault was shocked.

"We destroyed a hatchery of abominations." Augustus' reaction would not be any better than Renault's, but he had always been quite calm.

"Can anyone hear me? I am Sheriff Johnson of Norman Town. We are surrounded. Can someone come and save us?"

At this time, many people's power armor built-in computers received a signal like this: "There are wounded and children here! Someone come and help them!"

"Go and see," Augustus said.

"The people who can persist until now must be the best warriors in Antiga." He said.

"Send out scouts first, this is probably a trap."

At this time, Augustus's troops were quite close to the distant city of Ansadar. The distant city looked like a giant with dark gray skin lying on the red plains of Antiga.

It was a gray industrial city, a city built on Antiga's mining industry. Ansadar's bureaucracy is rife with corruption, governance is chaotic, local tax laws and government orders are confusing and contradictory, and orders are changed day after day.

One federal official after another is constantly plundering the wealth here, and corruption and recovered bribes are used to manage everything in the Federal Parliament and the Founding Family or to hire lawyers to defend themselves in court.

Later, the people there had to establish order and law themselves, which was one of the reasons for the frequent rebellions in Antiga. However, the local rebel forces were unable to deal with the Federation's resocialized soldiers, so they now regarded the achievements of the Augustus Korhar Revolutionary Army as an exciting success.

Augustus' troops continued to advance through a salt-alkali land covered with red thorns, and a devastated colonial town slowly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

There are a large number of Gamu swarms wandering around the town. Most of the buildings have become rubble. Only a part of the Antiga militia is still using old-fashioned weapons to guard the last few bunkers. and automatic machine gun towers.

"Even the militiamen are more capable of fighting than the people of the Federation." Renault is completely in a position to say this, because he has served as a militiaman for Mar Sara: "We have to rescue them quickly, time waits for no one."

"General Duke," said Augustus.

"Everyone, follow me!" Duke took the lead, leading hundreds of resocialized soldiers from Alpha Squadron to support the besieged Antiga militia.

"Quick, quick, quick! You brainless apes!"

"What's going on? This place is so close to Ansadar City. Is there no one to rescue them? I heard that there are not many Zerg attacking Ansadar." Renault said: "It's not like they can't free up their hands to attack Ansadar." Nearby satellite towns reached out to help.”

"The answer is obvious. Those federal officials who are terribly afraid are holding all the troops tightly in their hands, for fear that if more than a hundred people are sent out, the city will fall." Augustus said.

"Since the Federation executed the last batch of governors and officials of the Sara system who escaped, these people who are greedy for life and fear of death no longer dare to escape."

"Marshal, the fleet in high-altitude orbit of Antiga has just discovered a golden Protoss fighter. General Warfield said that he received a message from the Protoss fleet..." Suddenly, Kerrigan asked Augustus report said.

"They said they won't be purifying Antiga Prime for the time being."

"Purify? Use burning to purify." Renault said: "In the past, people on Earth also dealt with psykers this way...burn them alive."

"Because they thought those people were witches."

"I understand." Augustus nodded.

"I knew Tassadar would come to Antiga. Wherever there are zerg, they will be there."

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