StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 277 The federal army was splashed by AOE

A villa and mansion in the center of Ansadar's main city that originally belonged to Antiga's resource tycoon was recently converted into a headquarters. Under this low, flat Palladian classicism trial building mainly made of red bricks and diamond-shaped translucent glass is a safe chamber made of thick alloy steel walls. It goes deep into the ground. The thickness of the reinforced wall alone is more than 60cm, which is enough Protect against nuclear blasts from tactical nuclear weapons.

Considering that the Tyranid Federation has sent ghost agents to assassinate those with political dissent more than once, using bloody and cruel methods to eliminate dissidents, although Augustus himself often appears at the forefront of the war, the Marshal's Revolution The Guard still wanted him to be in the safest place possible while commanding the troops.

Even with ghost agents like Sarah Kerrigan protecting Augustus, Corporal Faraday still believes it's not foolproof. Now not only the Tyranid Federation, but also the Zerg are thinking about killing Augustus. As for what the protoss thinks, no one knows. There is no guarantee that they will not have a break with the revolutionary army one day.

There are many tough guys in the Revolutionary Army who can lead soldiers to charge into battle and generals like Warfield who are capable of commanding the overall situation. As long as Augustus still stands on the battlefield, the Revolutionary Army will be an army with a soul.

"People from several cities near the main city of Ansadar attacked the federal government in the city after you broadcast to all Antiga. They took off the federal flag on the city government building and burned it, and replaced it with The red flag of the Revolutionary Army." In the underground safe room, Kerrigan was giving a military intelligence report to Augustus.

“Good news has also come from other regions. In some places, federal officials have taken the lead in rebellion and have already hidden our flags in their homes - followed by requests for us to rescue or eliminate local zerg. ."she says.

"Maybe they still have the flag of the Camorians hidden in their house. This is already commonplace." Augustus laughed it off.

"We don't have that many manpower to guard dozens or hundreds of cities and settlements yet. It's best to have as few areas and directions that need to be defended as possible." He stood upright, with one hand behind his back and the other. The supporting hand drew something on the tactical map on the LED screen.

Above is the star map of Antiga's main star and its two satellites, as well as the map of the main battlefields on the planet's surface. The battle lines it covers stretch for more than ten thousand miles.

"Concentrate the main population into the largest cities and then station troops, and then use psychic disruptors to build defenses. Let the locals stock up on food and prepare for a long battle. We must defend Anti. add."

As Augustus was speaking, he stared intently at the battle map on the screen while picking up a small glass of brandy from the wine cabinet next to him. To this day, the Mengsk family's taste for wine still affects Augustus, which can be seen in his father and brother.

When Augustus was thinking or feeling dull and miserable, when coffee had no effect, he would often cheer up by drinking a small amount of alcohol. Augustus was a good drinker, and he always dabbled in strong drinks. The last time he was drunk was when Josephine died.

"Your orders will be carried out as always." Kerrigan casually pinned her fiery red hair behind her chest as she spoke, walking past the mahogany tables and chairs on one side.

The underground safe room is not spacious and can only accommodate Augustus, Kerrigan, Corporal Faraday and their elite guard soldiers.

Even so, this underground secret room with redwood floors is fully equipped with all the necessary equipment, including automatic washing facilities, tables, chairs, and beds. The warehouses on the lower floors store enough storage for the residents to live for several years. water and food for a long time.

The secret chamber is powered by a miniature fusion reactor to power all the facilities inside. Even if the entire planet becomes silent, the underground safe chamber can maintain normal operation.

Such standards were prepared to deal with a possible nuclear war, because after the Federation used nuclear bombs to destroy Korhal IV, people no longer doubted that the Federal Government would impose nuclear bombs on the rebellious colonies under its rule.

"The worm tunnel network of the Gamu swarm near Ansadar is still growing, and the number of detected zerg lifeform signals has exceeded 200,000." When Kerrigan approached Augustus, The mechanical intelligent lieutenant in the lower right corner of the screen began to issue warnings.

"The swarm is about to attack," the mechanical adjutant said.

"Sarah, how is the deployment of the psychic disruptor?" Augustus sipped the wine in his glass.

"The engineers of the engineering team have completed assembly and are starting the psychic disruptor. The lead engineer reported to me that they will be able to activate the psychic disruptor in ten minutes," Kerrigan said.

"The faster, the better." As Augustus said, the screen switched to an overhead view of the city of Ansadar taken by the fleet from a high-altitude orbit.

At this time, swarms of Gamu insects with dark orange carapace are gathering on high platforms in all directions of Ansadar. The squeaking and howling alien monsters are like a rising tide rushing towards the alloy steel fortification walls outside the city, buried deep in the The bunker cluster on the ground and the missile cluster on the wall calibrated the shooting angle with the buzzing sound of rotation.

There seemed to be countless golden and red flags of the Revolutionary Army flying on the tallest building in the Ansadar complex. In the sky, there were Wraith fighter jets, Avenger fighter jets, and Camerian Cerberus fighter jets painted with the Revolutionary Army insignia soaring in the sky. , the flight formation roared over the city, causing the glass windows of residential buildings to rattle.

In the city squares and other public places, hundreds of thousands of Ansadar people are gathering spontaneously with weapons, ready to support the front line at any time.

Compared to the period of federal rule, the people of Antiga were obviously more willing to support the military operations of the Revolutionary Army. This is not only because of the revolutionary army's commitment and every word and deed of practicing its revolutionary ideals, but also because compared with the revolutionary army, the federal army is more like the terrorists and butchers who kill the old, weak, women and children promoted by the federal government.

And just as the insect swarm was getting closer and closer to Ansadar, the psychic disruptor in the center of the city was activated, and an invisible wave spread in all directions like ripples on the water.

And just as Augustus saw, the zerg that were approaching the Ansadargam swarm suddenly stopped their pace. At the front were springtails, Hydra Hydralisks, Thunder Beasts, and Scorpion Worms. The insect swarm army composed of , mutant dragons and insect swarm guardians stopped while advancing at high speed and fell into a sluggish state, as if they were intelligent machines that had not received instructions.

The tight and orderly attack formation then became chaotic, and the originally violent ones began to fall into a dazed wandering state. Some particularly violent zerg even extended their fangs and claws to their compatriots.

Not long after, the swarm began to fall into a frenzied state of fighting each other, and the zerg born in different main nests were all killing each other.

The psionic disruptor covered an area within a twenty-mile radius of Ansadar, disrupting the control the garmu swarm cerebrates had over their members, causing the zerg within to attack each other like their ancestors on Zerus. , each fighting.

Soon, rivers of blood flowed outside the city of Ansadar, as the zerg killed each other and fell to the fangs and claws of their own kind.

The alien dragons in the sky struggled together like falcons fighting each other. Driven by their instincts, the explosive mosquitoes uncontrollably crashed into the helpless king insects floating in the air. Scarlet blood, carapace and organs were like a torrential rain. Like falling towards the ground.

The remaining insect swarm retreated into the tunnel insect corridor in confusion. The ruler of the Gamu swarm, the Cerebrate, is likely to take a long time to figure out what kind of weapons the humans of Antiga used to cause such chaos and make him lose control of the members of the swarm.

This may well have been a bolt from the blue for the cunning brainworm, as the Swarm Overlords have never lost control of the members of their pack since they created these advanced hive-sapient beings.

"Very good. Swann and the others did a good job." Augustus could hear the cheers of the staff officers on the command channel, which meant that humans already had weapons that could effectively counter the Zerg.

However, at the same time, the sound of breaking glass suddenly came from the underground safe room, and Corporal Faraday and the guards all pulled out their guns.

"What's going on? My dear." The smile on Augustus' face suddenly solidified, and he turned his head and glanced at Kerrigan with sharp eyes.

For Augustus, whose PSI value is only level 3 (most Tyranid psychic levels are between 0 and 2), this artificially created psychic waveform can only bring him a slight sting. It hurt, but it was a huge roar in the mind of Kerrigan, who was extremely sensitive to psychic powers.

In a place where Augustus couldn't see, Kerrigan frowned. Just a trace of his powerful psychic ability overflowed and detonated a wall lamp with golden patterns and all the wine bottles and glasses on the table. Zhu Red port wine immediately spilled all over the floor.

Seeing Augustus' eagle-like gaze, Kerrigan couldn't help but move back to avoid him. Kerrigan has extremely painful memories of losing control of her powers, and she fears others, especially Augustus, fear her because of it.

However, what Kerrigan didn't expect was that Augustus turned around and held her in his arms without hesitation.

"Calm down, everything will be fine. This bit of psychic energy is just a breeze on the ocean to you." Augustus said.

Seeing this, Corporal Faraday and others put away their weapons and turned to cleaning up the glass fragments shattered by Kerrigan's telekinesis.

"Does the psionic disruptor affect you too?" he asked.

"I can feel my psychic powers being weakened," Kerrigan said. "But it's not noticeable."

"Obviously the zerg's psychic powers are different from those of us humans." Augustus believes that this weakening may not be a bad thing for Kerrigan, which means that the possibility of the Overmind discovering her is reduced. .

"What's your current psychic level?" he asked Kerrigan.

"It looks like nothing has changed." Kerrigan put down her eyepiece: "It's still 10."

"...I know this feeling, top students say so." Augustus said.

Kerrigan blushed and retreated from Augustus' arms. Although Kerrigan also longs for the feeling of being protected, she is not that kind of weak girl. In fact, after putting on the ghost combat suit, Kerrigan is able to kick a person's neck with one kick.

"Adjutant, contact the engineering team on the Hyperion and ask them to make more psychic disruptors. I need to deploy this kind of equipment throughout Antiga." Augustus faced the screen again and said.

"At the same time, I want them to improve on this basis. Now that we can create a psychic disruptor, we can make it a portable weapon."

"What are the Federal landing forces at Antiga doing now?"

"Commander, the detector has detected a large number of zerg appearing near the federal station, and the zerg near Ansadar are gathering there," the mechanical adjutant on the screen reported to Augustus.

"It is expected that the federal army will be overwhelmed by the swarm in fifteen minutes."

"What happened?" Kerrigan scanned the screen, but she soon understood.

“To paraphrase Jimmy, wow—someone’s in for a bad day,” Augustus said.

"They originally came to deal with us, but after we use the psychic disruptor, the Zerg will find that the only enemy on this land is the federal army. After all, the federal base is not far from us. "He said.

"If the brainworm of the Gamu swarm had the same intelligence and some emotions as humans, he would definitely be angry. And the federal army, which knows nothing about it, is the target of its anger."

"The Revolutionary Army Rangers are calling the headquarters. This is Jim. The bug is heading towards the federal base - it's really an eye-opener." Reno's voice came from the communication equipment of the headquarters.

"Whoa - someone's in trouble," he said.

"Following your orders, my men and I are racing twenty miles outside of the Confederate compound. Do you want to intervene? We're ready to tap dance over the dead bodies of Confederates."

"You know, Jimmy, this matter is beneficial to us. Be careful of the Federation's man-made troubles diverted to the east." Augustus said: "Be careful and always monitor the communications of the Federation landing troops."

"It's good to hear." Renault said: "They asked for this. If these people had stayed in the orbiting fleet honestly, they wouldn't be so unlucky today."

"Okay. I'll keep an eye on them." He said and closed the communication.

"Adjutant, switch the monitoring channel to the main channel." Augustus said.

"Perhaps the cerebrates of the Gamu swarm are looking for differences between the two human armies, us and the Federation? We will never be able to figure out what is going on in the minds of the zerg. Their moral values ​​and ways of thinking are all different. Very different from humans.”

Augustus kept staring at the home screen until more than ten minutes later, the radio communication on the monitoring channel came out with bursts of cries of the federal landing troops being swallowed up by the raging swarm of gamu bugs, and he left there in silence. .

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