StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 278 Pest Control Plan

A few days later.

After the psionic disruptor was first used in Ansadar and achieved initial results, the Korhal Revolutionary Army immediately announced that the threat of the zerg had been effectively contained, and the entire city was under the protection of the army and new weapons.

The residences and order in the main city of Ansadar that were destroyed in this prolonged chaos have also been rebuilt. The military government composed of the Revolutionary Army Marshal Command and the August National Security Council temporarily took over the city. .

After removing the influence of the federal government from local laws, Augustus and his officers still used laws familiar to the locals instead of Cohal IV to restrain city residents to maintain order.

At the same time, a series of robbery crimes and armed conflicts between various gangs caused by the insect swarm invasion and government shutdown have also dropped significantly. Those who want to make a fortune from the chaos or deliberately plan to create chaos have been Soldiers were sent to prison.

After the new government took a series of decisive measures aimed at quickly re-establishing order, the industrial areas that supported the entire city's economic lifeline, such as manufacturing plants and crystal smelting plants, resumed operation to produce supplies and military vehicles for the revolutionary army.

At the same time, in the dreary and depressing first-level military blockade established to resist the invasion of Zerg, those young people who had lost their jobs because of the war and had nothing to do and the numerous local street punk racing parties turned to The Recruitment Center is set up in Ansadar to join the Revolutionary Army.

Unlike those federal soldiers who were attracted to join the army by the propaganda of cool walking mechas, generous benefits, and comfortable routine vacations, the recruiters of the Korhal Revolutionary Army never relied on deception, coercion, or other shady methods. To obtain military sources, new recruit candidates will be fully informed of the significance of their enlistment and the consequences when joining the Revolutionary Army.

Even so, whenever the revolutionary army goes to a place, there are always countless people who want to join the revolutionary army. Some people just want to defend their hometown, while others are fascinated by the glorious but illusory ideals behind the revolutionary army. They firmly believe that their bloody battle is not for the interests of the founding family of the Federation and federal officials, but to re-establish freedom and peace. New order.

Especially in a place like Antiga Prime, the so-called freedom fighter is much more popular than the title of federal lackey.

Revolutionary Army Marshal Augustus Mengsk had just attended the enlistment ceremony of about two thousand Antiga recruits a few minutes ago, and accepted the oath given to him by these soldiers as the supreme commander of the Revolutionary Army.

Augustus walked out of the passage on the side of the recruitment center, surrounded by soldiers such as Kerrigan, Corporal Faraday, and Raynor. On their left side, there are two different passages enclosed by yellow and black isolation boards. One of them is a crowded queue of new recruits, and the other is militiamen and retired soldiers with military experience.

When Augustus, wearing a great cloak decorated with bronze epaulettes, walked past the Antican recruits who were preparing to join the army, the passionate young people pursued him like a superstar, even the most unruly ones. Drag racing gangs, professional crash racers and even the Mafia regard him as "a brilliant and special person".

For Augustus, such scenes have long been familiar. He has now become a symbol of revolution and freedom. He is the kind of person who often appears on propaganda posters, wanted posters and in the UNN universe news studio. .

The mainstream media in the Terran Federation vigorously denigrated Augustus' reputation, making him a well-known figure, even more famous than the members of the Federation Parliament.

Augustus said a few words of encouragement to the young men who were about to join his army, and then walked to a block outside the recruiting center under the admiring eyes of the people.

"Seeing those young people reminds me of when I first joined the army. I was sixteen or seventeen years old, ignorant and ignorant. Rather than being adults who could take responsibility for their own choices, they were more like childish children." Augustus All said.

"Most of the people who died first on the battlefield were these people. They were so nervous when facing the Zerg that they even forgot to shoot. Regardless of courage and wisdom, many people died the first time they set foot on the battlefield. Only the luckiest ones Only people can survive until the year they retire," he said.

"...There must always be people to serve as soldiers, and there must always be some people to protect other people."

"If this war that engulfs multiple galaxies continues, it is very likely that hundreds of millions of warriors will die as a result." Kerrigan said: "But without you to form an army, so many people will die for one Fighting for a common goal, no matter how many warriors there are, they will ultimately be scattered."

"They come to us because of their homeland or because they want to be heroes, whereas people like Leno or Matt Horner have more pure and noble aspirations."

"Peace has long since left us." Augustus waved his hand and put aside his sentimentality: "Only you are always comforting me, Sarah, and Tychus and Hank will cause me trouble. .”

It must be said that in Augustus's eyes, Kerrigan, a beautiful girl with fiery red silky hair, was petite and lovely, with a beautiful face and a perfect figure. She's almost perfect, except for the meanness she shows in trying to protect herself.

Influenced by her past growth experience, Kerrigan is like a little beast who is strong on the outside and weak on the inside, covered in spikes and thorns to protect herself.

"Hmm." Kerrigan shrugged: "You don't know Tychus and the others are very jealous of my position in your mind. They always think that we can't hear what they are saying, but they forget that I can read minds. ——According to some planets, I am a witch."

"You are not a witch, my dear." Augustus glanced at Kerrigan, sighed in his heart, and stopped talking about this matter:

"The evacuation work in other cities should have been completed. Once the remaining psychic disruptors are activated, we can be free to deal with the main nest of the zerg in Antiga, eliminate the zerg from the root, and prevent the pest infestation In the future.”

"There hasn't been any movement from the Zerg and Federation troops today?"

"After crushing the landing forces of Nova Squadron and Delta Squadron, the Gamu Swarm retreated to their main nest on the red mesa of Antiga. The Federation fleet has tried to engage our fleet several times. , but the fleets commanded by Warfield avoided them in time." Kerrigan said.

"If the Zerg hadn't killed them, we don't know how much sacrifice we would have to make." Augustus had seen the razed Federation landing force base. When Raynor's Rangers arrived there, the Federation base had already been Torn to pieces by the swarm of Gamu.

Renault could hardly find a complete body there. The brown power armor of Delta Squadron and the purple armor of Nova Squadron were discarded aside like tinfoil cans that had been torn apart at random. The specks of flesh and blood were integrated into the dark purple carpet above the surface, and were absorbed by the sticky gelatinous substances as nutrients.

It was definitely an extremely tragic scene, and Reno described it as a pot of boiled meat.

"There are now fleets of ours, the Swarm, the Federation, and the Protoss in the outer space orbit of Antiga Prime."

Kerrigan said: "From the moment the protoss fleet appeared in the Antiga system, they launched an attack on the zerg fleet staying in Antiga's orbit."

"The flashing blue arc on the horizon these days is a sign that the Protoss fleet is firing in orbit, and both our fleet and the Federation's fleet can only choose to avoid its edge."

"It sounds like two giants are fighting in the garden of mankind. They can crush the garden and the house with one foot. We can only hide aside and tremble." Augustus said.

"Currently, it seems that the Protoss fleet has an absolute advantage in the space battle. The aftermath of the fleet's main gun alone destroyed the mountains south of the equator of Antiga and created a huge chasm." Kerrigan said. said Augustus.

"They were able to quickly mobilize their forces to deal with the zerg on Antiga Prime. But since the protoss had destroyed Cha Sara and Mar Sara without hesitation, those in command were worried that they would do the same. Destroy Antiga."

"The commander of the protoss fleet, Tassadar, is a benevolent 'person'. Unless he believes that the planet is hopeless, he will never take extreme measures." Augustus' understanding of Tassadar Much more than Kerrigan knew.

"If we can work together to eliminate the zerg on Antigonus, then they won't have to destroy the planet."

At this time, Augustus noticed several advertising airships with flashing blue and red lights hovering over Ansadar.

These large spaceships driven by refined high energy can not only serve as luxury air cruises for wealthy people to visit cities and natural scenery, but also can project holographic projection advertisements that are often 65 feet (about 20 meters) wide to the ground during flight to promote the tower. Exotics from Thannis and other Prime worlds.

Nowadays, these advertising airships are used to promote Augustus's revolutionary ideas and the numerous crimes of the Terran Federation. The promotional airships will broadcast the programs of the Revolutionary Army Radio and the latest developments on the Antiga front. At certain times, the airships also Screened UNN news programs will be broadcast.

Through these UNN news, Augustus was able to roughly know what Tarsonis and other mainstream worlds thought about the destruction of the Sara galaxy and the battle on the Antiga front. Although the UNN has begun to emphasize the threat that invading alien races may pose to humanity, most people in the core world do not pay too much attention to it. After all, the battlefield is still many, many galaxies away.

Sometimes these propaganda airships will project the image of Augustus delivering a powerful speech, and his father Angus Mengsk's speech will also be recorded. In Augustus' view, this method of propaganda was not much different from the loudspeakers in the fields.

When Augustus was walking towards an armored vehicle guarded by guards on the roadside, several A-17 Wraith fighter jets passed by at high speed, chasing an alien dragon that was out of control due to a psychic disruptor. Augustus flew overhead.

When Augustus looked towards the sky, he suddenly noticed that there was another sun that lasted for more than ten seconds next to the lukewarm sun in the sky - it was a ship that exploded. Protoss battleship.

The war between the protoss and the zerg in space is about to be decided.

"Tassadar will contact us soon." Augustus did not get on the armored vehicle that was about to drive to the marshal's headquarters. Instead, he asked his men to take out the holographic projection communicators they carried with them. This was a gift given to Augustus by his brother Arcturus on Turasis II.

A green holographic projection screen then unfolded in front of Augustus, with various data from the marshal's headquarters on it.

Augustus did not wait long before he received a report from Warfield in the Revolutionary Fleet. The latter bluntly stated that the Protoss Fleet had defeated the Gamu Swarm fleet. The Federation fleet nearby also witnessed such a scene, which made humans even more convinced that the Protoss and the Zerg were incompatible enemies.

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never believe what happened in the outer space orbit of Antiga. Now the planet's synchronous orbit is full of Zerg corpses and the wreckage of the Protoss warship. They almost destroyed it. An Antiga moon occupied by zerg." Even the calm Warfield was shocked by this.

"We received the communication request from the flagship of the Protoss Fleet and immediately transferred it to the Antiga Command." He said.

"The Federation fleet has retreated to the edge of the Antiga system. It seems that what happened in the outer space orbit of Antiga scared them enough."

After Warfield's portrait disappeared, the image of Tassadar, the executive officer of the Protoss Expeditionary Force, suddenly appeared on the holographic projection screen composed of three-dimensional light and shadow in front of Augustus.

"En Taro Adun, young human commander Augustus Mengsk." Even though the Executor's voice came from a communication device rather than a direct will from the human mind, Augustus could still hear the waves crashing against the rock wall. The roar.

"When you landed on this planet and fought bravely against the zerg, our probes witnessed it all." Tassadar said: "Even among the human race, you are worthy of respect as warriors."

"We are willing to defend Antiga Prime at all costs, even if it costs blood." Augustus said.

"The Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire once ordered me to destroy this infected human planet, because the law enforcement officials believe that once the human planet is infected, it is hopeless. Only purification melted in flames can prevent the zerg from continuing to spread in the universe. ." Tassadar said.

"Your courage gave me hope that the zerg could be eradicated without purging the planet. I decided to disobey the Supreme Council's orders and send ground troops to help you eliminate the zerg from Antigon."

"The Templars of Sargas will help you rid this planet of zerg, and let them see the wrath of the Sons of El!"

"This will definitely cause you to be blamed and your reputation will be damaged." Augustus felt sincerely happy, because before he could ask for the cooperation of the protoss, Tassadar was already determined to support him.

In fact, Tassadar has never been willing to destroy a living planet. As long as there is another way to save it, he will try it.

"Hail, Executor Tassadar," Augustus said sincerely.

"Honor the warriors and the dead."

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