StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 279 Calling the Fleet

In September, the gray industrial buildings of Ansadar are bathed in the golden midday sun. To the south of the golden city are thousands of iron-gray canyons and steep and majestic mountains, which are the traces left by the evaporation of Antiga's ocean and geological activities.

Just like leaves, shells and other miraculous creations of nature, no planet in the Koprulu Sector is exactly the same. The vast land of Antiga was once a holy place for geologists to study the evolution of the planet.

However, today's Antiga Prime is no different from Cha Sara and Mar Sara that were once infected by zerg. Dark purple and brown zerg jelly carpet covers 9% of its surface. Tens of mountains, rivers and lakes, the entire planet's organic architecture of tower-like worms is the pulsating veins and tendons lining the carpet.

The land of Antiga is like a pot of boiling dark purple porridge, and there is only one life form left on the land covered by the carpet, and that is the zerg.

The destruction of a planet by the swarm of insects is complete and indelible. The planet they occupied is left with nothing but desolation and death, and only the zerg and the creatures they have assimilated are left there.

More than a thousand transport planes and fighter planes painted in gold and red were roaring over Ansadar. Orders to mobilize the army were passed from one end of the city to the other, and bright red flags were flying from one end to the other.

About 50,000 revolutionary troops wearing red power armor are boarding armored hover trains and armored personnel carriers. The white, black or gold grip ring badges on the soldiers' shoulder armor highlight their identities. Chariots, tanks and mechas roared to the front line, and all floating buses were used to transport soldiers to the front line.

The Korhal Revolutionary Army seems to be the fourth armed force that cannot be ignored in addition to the Terran Federation, the Kemerian Consortium and the United Umoyan United States. They have the ability to attack and capture a planet instead of acting as a terrorist organization in the sector. The edge of the game is small.

The Tyranid Federation controls their army with noble officers and brainwashed soldiers. Family and honor connect the Camorian guild guards, while the Revolutionary Army believes that the wars they wage are all for salvation.

"There are at least twenty-two first-level main hives, twelve second-level main hives, and three third-level main hives in the canyon south of Ansadar. Buildings and organisms in their organic media are corrupted by the zerg. There are thousands of buildings.”

In an armored command vehicle driving at high speed on the Ansadar Highway, Augustus was sitting on a seat in front of a control panel that displayed command system data. Sitting next to him was Sarah Kay, who was reporting to him. Regan.

"As long as the main nest is destroyed, the swarm will have no way to hatch more zerg." Augustus said: "Every time we recover a city, burn everything with fire. As long as we can hold Antiga for a period of time, the Federation will Abandoning fringe planets without resistance will be despised by everyone."

The most important thing is that Augustus must find a way to break out of the death cycle of zerg invading a planet - saving people - protoss destroying the planet. Humans are unable to negotiate with the Overlord Swarm. The best known option is to unite with more powerful protoss to eliminate the zerg that invade the human galaxy.

"The latest news is that the Federation has just lost Char, Thaddeus and Norris. They did not put up much resistance and gave up the land they obtained in the Great Colonial Era and the Kailian War," Kerrigan said.

"The Char. Federation should not throw it away, they will regret it soon." Augustus said. "No matter how large the Federation's fleet is, it is still limited. They can only concentrate on defending the most important planets or strategically located hub galaxies. Some planets have only a few small towns with less than 10,000 people, and some planets have a population of less than 10,000. Many yet at the center of the zerg invasion."

"Although this is cruel, even though the Terran Federation's system based on human civilization always emphasizes that human lives are priceless, they are always trampled on." He said with emotion.

"Every planet has a clear price tag in the eyes of the Tyranid Federation Council. Those remote, resource-poor planets that are difficult to control should be abandoned as a matter of course, while important core worlds must have fleets. guard."

"It's very realistic," Kerrigan said, "because they can't defend so many planets."

"But those who have been abandoned won't think that way." Augustus shook his head: "The Federation is right. The dead will no longer point fingers at them."

Now, worlds like Tarsonis have heard rumors that the rebels took advantage of the Zerg invasion to capture Antiga. Amid the Federation's overwhelming publicity, the threat of the rebels seems to be more worthy of attention than the alien invasion. things.

The mainstream media all believe that Augustus' Korhal Revolutionary Army will flee Antiga after "looting" it, because according to common sense, the war between the protoss and the zerg will soon destroy a vibrant planet. The habitable planet became one of the most bland stone planets in the universe.

The news of the fall of the fringe worlds was quickly covered up by all kinds of irrelevant politics and gossip news. Even so, the Tyranid Federation was still using various methods to cover up the fact that it had abandoned the colonial world and emphasized the relationship between the rebels and the colonial world. Threat from their "alien allies".

Two years after the end of the Guild War, the Tyranid Federation once again entered a state of war mobilization, which helped the Federation continue to strengthen their military power, but the people's complaints did not diminish at all with the arrival of aliens. . With the Keha Revolutionary Army as an example, rebellions in various places continued unabated.

The command vehicle drove across the highway at high speed, heading towards the outskirts of Ansadar from a section of the dismantled fortification wall. The revolutionary army's armored troop carriers are advancing along the road, and the suspended trains full of suspended soldiers are passing through the villages that have been deserted for a long time.

"The two Sala vanguard infantry divisions led by Governor Pryor have stepped out of the range of the psychic jammer. They detected multiple different zerg heat source signals on the vast plains of Ansadar." Kerrigan stared at the other side. Said a control panel.

In the command system of the Revolutionary Army, Augustus and others would often refer to Governor Pryor, who had just joined the Revolutionary Army, as "Governor Mar Sara" because he was probably the last and only Mar Sara. A federal governor who is still alive.

The troops led by Governor Mar Sara were mainly composed of ethnic groups from the Sara system who were filled with anger because of the destruction of their homeland. They were eager for revenge and dedicated the blood and heads of Zerg to the already dead Sara system. .

Augustus turned to look at the distant city and the mountains approaching from the observation window: "I have reminded the governor not to go deep alone, because the main force of this attack is the protoss and not us."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a slight buzzing sound, and hundreds of black, twisted space-time rifts appeared in a broad red platform in the distance, as if they were black holes devouring light and colliding energy. swirl.

About half a minute later, the first huge, suspended blue-purple crystal tower appeared from the surging space-time rift. Then, it was as if the scene on the canvas became reality, like a city of Atlantis submerged in the ocean rising from the ice-blue sea. The illusory mirage suddenly became a clear and tangible reality:

The protoss building complex jumped from their home planet Aiur to the location of the micro-positioning beacon on the main star of Antiga. One by one, gorgeous golden and blue buildings suddenly appeared in the city of Ansadar with the spreading spiritual atmosphere. west.

Those charming and elegant protoss buildings are made of special metals and are integrated without any trace of welding, as if they should have been like this since before they appeared in this world. It was the universe itself rather than living things that cast them. . Each of the splendid and beautiful Protoss buildings should be the work of a genius Protoss architect, who should be the Michelangelo among humans.

The brilliant and splendid architectural style and the radiant gold on the protoss buildings reflect the same color in the sky. The unfolded protoss Kedarin crystal matrix is ​​filled with pure blue energy.

"What's going on? What are the Protoss doing again? Their gleaming 'pyramids' are going to blind my eyes." The exclamations of the Revolutionary Army commanders suddenly came from the Augustus command channel. , Tychus's rough voice and Harnak's shrill voice stood out among a series of calls, reports and inquiries:

"These are much more beautiful than Tal'darin's, just like the sandcastle I built on the beach of Terrador IX."

"Shut up, Tychus, and carry out your mission. We need you to hold the right flank of the 1st Guards Division." Augustus said.

"Okay. I must wear a pair of sunglasses next time." As soon as Tychus entered the battlefield, he kept talking nonsense: "Good boy, you have a pair, ah~ it is mine."

"I am Rondestein. The protoss are sending ground troops to the surface of Antiga Prime in a way they have never seen before. I will continue to keep an eye on them."

"I'm Jim. Thank God, the protoss are finally here. I should really treat them to a drink when this battle is over -"

"Continue to carry out your original mission." Augustus stood up from his seat, holding on to the seat and looking through the observation window at the sudden appearance of the Protoss City.

"Let's see what Tassadar's forces can do."

At this time, the leaping and fighting star building complex in the distance became more and more clear in Augustus's eyes. The light generated during the initial leaping had faded, and the hum generated by the harmonious resonance of countless crystals The sound was like the soft sound of ice colliding, the sound of gurgling mountain streams and some kind of harmonious, natural music melody.

Rotating space-time rifts can be seen on these majestic golden-blue buildings, and the blue glare is like flowing air currents and storms.

Templar warriors of the Protoss Expeditionary Force wearing golden armor walked out of the gorgeous and elegant buildings. Accompanying these tall protoss warriors were pure golden "giant armored vehicles" and stars moving slowly on the ground. The spiritual chariot is made up of curved, smooth golden armor pieces layered on top of each other, shaped like a silkworm chrysalis made of gold.

Thousands of spider-shaped walking mechas walked out of the shining portal. This glittering protoss army seemed to appear from the City of the Sun, and their armor and armor seemed to be made of gold and sunlight. the same.

In the sky, protoss warships appeared one after another from the invisible force field. The slender and elegant protoss stick-shaped and needle-shaped warships were like open fans chasing the remaining flying creatures of the Gamu swarm across Anti. Plus a featureless blue-gray sky.

Human fighters can also be seen among these Protoss fighters. Although Tassadar did not fully understand the meaning of Augustus's so-called first military exercise between the Human Revolutionary Army and the Protoss Expeditionary Force, this generous The protoss leader still agreed.

"This is the army of the protoss - this is the first time I have seen so many regular protoss armies. They look similar to the Tal'darin protoss but are completely different in many ways." Kerrigan told Augustus All said.

"Even from such a long distance, I can feel the powerful energy contained in those protoss buildings and protoss warriors." She entered a state of induction similar to meditation.

"Every protoss warrior - or templar as they call them - is an extremely powerful psyker, and some of them are like a moving psychic storm to my perception. "

"The Protoss is a race that is sensitive to spiritual energy and has a very long life. Human life is not too long for them." Augustus said.

From the moment the Protoss army appeared, they moved to the relatively vulnerable right flank of the Revolutionary Army. After the combined army marched two hundred miles, an active volcano group located in the continental plate south of Antiga appeared in Augustus' eyes.

There are millions of zerg and their towering buildings, and the entire mountain range has been transformed into connected giant nests, in which countless eggs and larvae are buried, and the adults of the Gamu swarm The zerg are loyally guarding their lair.

The rocks began to shake as the crunching of carapace against each other became more frequent as the zerg advanced rapidly. Furious zerg are emerging from their underground lairs, roaring to tear apart any foe who dares attack their lairs.

The revolutionary army quickly spread out in the rugged ravine landscape in front of the hive, while the landing force of the Protoss Expeditionary Force stood in front of all humans.

The protoss' arrogance does not allow them to fall behind the inferior races that should receive their protection, nor does it disdain humans to share the honor of victory.

Through the observation window of the command vehicle, Augustus could only see the arc tanks set up in front and could not overlook the entire battlefield. The images returned by the reconnaissance planes and the fast-moving troops that replaced his eyes and ears. .

Augustus took two steps in the command car and gave the order before tapping the sole of his foot again. Now that the Zerg fleet has been defeated by the Tassadar Protoss expeditionary force, both humans and protoss are able to carry out orbital bombardment without restraint.

"Call the fleet," he said.

"Launch all our missiles and nuclear warheads and tell Warfield there is no need to save ammunition for me."

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