StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 280 Melee from all sides

When Augustus walked down the two steps at the exit of the armored vehicle's command cabin, he and Sarah Kerrigan, who was following behind him, were able to see a spectacular sight.

In the distance, several small suns rose at the same time in the volcanoes, highlands and valleys and streams between the mountains occupied by the Gamu swarm. The mushroom clouds raised by the huge fireball obscured the space, and the shock wave moved at a speed of tens of miles per second. Diffusion, the light and heat released expand rapidly with the hot air.

The suddenly heated wall of air swept across the hard crimson land of Antiga and engulfed everything in its path. Countless running zerg were torn apart, and the broken carapace, together with the gravel and sand, were lifted high into the air. The ground was thrown up, forming an overwhelming rain of debris.

"It's time for these monsters to see the power of mankind. A single nuclear bomb can kill thousands of warriors."

Protected by a power-armored facial helmet, Augustus could look straight into the center of the nuclear blast.

This advanced set of CMC-300 commander armor can also effectively protect against damage from extreme environments such as stellar radiation and nuclear explosion radiation. In the early days, the Tyranids had marines wearing first-generation power armor go deep into the center of a nuclear bomb explosion to test Its protective capabilities, and power armor has proven to be worth the investment and its cost.

"Even a large-scale nuclear strike on a desolate planet like Antiga is a questionable strategy. If the zerg invade a populous planet like Shiloh, we cannot use unbridled fusion strikes against the zerg. Yeah." Kerrigan had a different view.

"You're right. Even if we destroy a planet to defend it, the loss of the zerg is only a small setback compared to their huge number. The swarm will look for the next target to attack, and we will then We can only guard the remaining ruins." As Augustus said, the Protoss fleet launched their attack.

Thick blue beams of light pierced through the thick smoke one after another, hitting the main zerg nests with precision. The huge organic buildings that were still standing under the shock wave of the nuclear explosion exploded into splashes of blood and fragments. The skeleton of the giant creature was burned in the fire.

The blow penetrated deep into the ground and flattened the towering mountains in front of Augustus, triggering a terrifying volcanic eruption. Magma continued to pour into the zerg's lairs in all directions, igniting red flames. The main hive area of ​​the garmu swarm became the center of a thermonuclear reaction, leaving only charred or burning earth and zerg.

The earth began to shake, as if the continental plates carrying the mountains and rivers were moving.

"Is it over?" Augustus was not talking to himself, but directly asking Kerrigan beside him.

"Obviously not, my marshal." In Kerrigan's psychic induction, the simple, bloodthirsty thinking of countless individuals has indeed been greatly reduced, but there are still quite a few zerg still alive - they passed Tunnel worms move deep underground in web tunnels, and the depth of the tunnels protects these monsters.

"I can feel that their underground thinking garam swarm has been given a single goal, which is to tear apart humans and protoss. The cold fury of the brainworm Sass drove the gamu swarm into extreme madness. "

"Prepare to fight, soldiers, the zerg have not been completely eliminated." Augustus ordered on the public communication channel of the entire army.

"Follow your commander's orders and protect your comrades. Your rifles and powered armor will live and die with you in this war. We are the Korhal Revolutionary Army, the last barrier between the zerg and humans. Hold the line, I am with you and I will never fall.”

Following Augustus's order, the click of a gun being loaded, the sound of armor clashing, and the buzz of the mecha's servo system sounded simultaneously. Countless figures that looked small on the earth were in the light released by the fire and explosion. Long shadows were drawn out one after another, and even a sixteen-year-old boy seemed like a tall mountain standing tall.

Various responses continued in the communication channels, and different oaths from various troops proved to Augustus that they were ready to do everything for the final victory of mankind - although Augustus could not hear what they said. the words said.

Augustus took out a Gauss gun from the armored command vehicle and used a pair of optical binoculars to scan the front line consisting of Revolutionary Army soldiers, fire bats, Goliath armed robots, chariots and tanks. It was composed of armor, steel The battle line with the engine was like a high wall.

The battle line stretched for several miles from east to west, and the golden-red paint was a perfect protective color and camouflage on the land of Antiga.

Just a few seconds after Augustus finished speaking, a large number of springtails and Hydra Hydralisks came from the hard red soil in the southwest. The sound of their carapace rubbing against the ground was accompanied by the crunching of springtails as they moved. The sound is chilling.

Thousands of zerg came from the land in all directions and used their sharp claws to easily crush the hard soil and gravel, roaring out of the ground. Their orange chitin carapace refracted under the light released by the explosion. The metallic luster is like flowing black tide.

The Garmu swarm will never blindly launch attacks from the enemy's strongest defense front. Their cerebrates are more willing to surround the enemy from all sides, or order a hive army to attract the enemy's attention and then concentrate their forces from the weakest defense line. Local attack. Like using a sharp blade to pry open a clam's shell, targeting the weakest point.

"Fire - fire - fire!" One after another, the Revolutionary Army commanders issued orders, and the order to fire was transmitted to various units along with the radio waves.

The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army quickly adjusted their formation, and the Gauss rifle fired a deadly and dense barrage. Hundreds of springtails were penetrated by the screaming spiked bullets or blown into a pile of minced meat by the artillery shells.

At the same time, the roar of a high-ranking Templar rang out from the Protoss troops directly in front of the Revolutionary Army.

He doesn't need to speak out to command all the warriors in a spiritual network like Kara, but just like the roar of a giant beast in the El jungle, this war cry that contains some kind of spiritual language is enough to shock the enemy's will. .

"Templars, reveal your shining blades."

Following the Protoss Commander's order, the neatly dressed Protoss Templars activated the azure psychic blades in their wrists one after another, and thousands of shining blades bloomed with bright light.

Immediately afterwards, this army consisting of less than 8,000 Celestial Templars, Dragon Knights, and hundreds of Scarabs began to advance against the charge of the Gamu swarm.

Any of the protoss warriors who have practiced this art for hundreds of years is equivalent to a master swordsman among humans. They wield their double blades swiftly and gracefully without any unnecessary movements to show off their skills. Every time the blade is unsheathed, it can cut. A zerg's head pierces their huge heart.

The Protoss Templar's gleaming, dense psionic blades can cut through almost any material with ease, and the psionic blades made of concentrated psionic energy are indestructible.

The four-legged spider-shaped Protoss Dragon Knight mecha phase tearing cannon weaved a brilliant blue barrage in front of the Templars, while the slow-moving, trilobite-like Protoss Scarabs It is constantly releasing a kind of high-explosive smart bomb with amazing power.

The smart bomb, which looks like a blue comet, is closer to a human missile with automatic locking function. Once it explodes, it will release a brilliant blue electromagnetic force field, which is enough to sweep away a large number of zerg or paralyze human machines.

While humanity was still resisting the swarm's attack, the protoss army was crushing the raging zerg torrent. The Protoss are a rare and long-lived race, which makes each of their warriors an experienced elite warrior. The lifespan of each Protoss warrior is longer than the history of humanity in the Koprulu Sector itself.

"Damn idiot protoss, we can't fire at their position like this - what age are they still thinking about stabbing people with knives? It's like a group of primitive people throwing stone locks and arrows at each other in a starship Spear." At this time, the artillery commander's roar came from Augustus' command channel.

"Maybe they think it's cooler, Nord, just focus on dealing with the zerg in other directions. If these protoss still need our support, it will definitely be a losing battle." Augustus said.

As Augustus was speaking, the charging Gamu swarm was getting closer and closer to the soldiers around him. A large number of zerg fell on the way to the charge, and the air was filled with the stench of blood and saliva.

The nearest springtail was only more than 800 yards away from Augustus, and it was quickly swamped by the bullets of hundreds of revolutionary soldiers in front of Augustus.

But that's how the swarm attacks, and even if the sacrifice of a dozen Zerglings only results in one Marine, it's worth it to the entire swarm.

When more Zerg rushed in front of the Firebat troops at the front of the battle line under a hail of bullets, the wall of flame raised by the plasma flames ejected from the flamethrower withstood the Zerglings' attack. Following the commander's order, some Revolutionary Army soldiers began to equip grenade launchers, focusing on dealing with the huge thunder beasts and deadly scorpions.

When Augustus swept towards the battle line on his right, a huge thunder beast had already rushed in front of several fire bats. Its huge, scythe-like fangs swept past a dozen fire bats and revolutionary troops. The soldiers cut through their armor, and it rushed among the soldiers and slaughtered them like a rampaging rhinoceros.

This had disastrous consequences. When the battle line was breached, more and more springtails and Hydra Hydralisks ran under the monster, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of human soldiers.

When Augustus looked there, he could clearly see a springtail jumping up and onto the chest of a revolutionary soldier.

It is as light as a cat jumping on the bed or a desert jerboa leaping into the grass. It looks like a child stumbling into the arms of a giant, but its blood-stained fangs and claws symbolize It's definitely a monster from a nightmare.

It was not a harmless pet or a weak ball of yarn. When the springtail crashed into humans, it was like a bloodthirsty raptor.

This screaming little monster opened its bloody mouth with the slit extending all the way to the base of its ears. From a certain angle, it looked like a weird, humorless smile, or the smile of a Cheshire cat. It stretched out a sharp claw with long spikes and pierced the soldier's dark orange matte mask, and blood immediately stained the inside of the helmet red.

This zerg was obviously not satisfied with this. It immediately pierced the spike of the other forelimb on its chest into the breastplate of the power armor.

With just a tearing sound, the squeaking and howling monster tore the power armor apart like it was tearing open a can wrapped in tinfoil with its bare hands. It dragged the dead revolutionary soldier away from the roaring crowd with a foot in its mouth. As he walked, the springtails behind followed him and tore him apart with a roar.

These ferocious-looking monsters also let out different roars while tearing apart, which to Augustus clearly sounded like the excited cries of wild dogs as they ate their prey.

A dozen Hydra Hydralisks with orange carapace crawled forward, their long snake-like bodies streaking across the gravel and gravel. They inserted their long sickle-shaped forelimbs into the earth, arched their backs, and ejected hundreds of them. Thousands of poisonous thorns.

These needles, which were strong enough to pierce the armor of the front baffle of the tank, instantly nailed the fire bat at the front. Immediately, several matte helmets riddled with holes rolled to the ground, and light and shadow came from the dense holes in the helmets. Spill.

"Sergeant Mond, lead your men to cover the gap! Otherwise we will have to spend more money to recapture him!" Anger filled Augustus's mind, and he yelled as he shouted from the people around him. Faraday took an electromagnetic gun in his hand and held it and fired at the huge thunder beast.

At this time, the huge Thunder Beast was already covered in wounds. Its body was covered with bullet marks and huge wounds. There were at least forty anti-tank rocket launchers and more Gauss rifles pointed at it. Even so, this thunder beast stood still until it was hit by several rounds of armor-piercing grenades and collapsed.

The behemoth also crushed several fire bats and dozens of springtails and hydra hydralisks when it fell, stirring up a burst of red dust. As more supporting soldiers rushed to fill the gap, the charging zerg were finally pushed back temporarily.

However, hundreds of Revolutionary Army soldiers were already lying on the ground. Many of them were brutally torn to pieces, while those who were rescued by their comrades in time lay helplessly on the ground.

Even the tight servos of the power armor could not lock the huge wounds they had torn open. Only large amounts of injections of sedatives and analgesics could keep these soldiers awake.

Most of the soldiers with blurred and distracted eyes could not hold on until the rescue ship arrived. Their arteries were cut open, and their blood flowed away as fast as sand in an hourglass.

Finally, the Gamu swarm retreated, abandoning the destroyed nest and beginning to retreat. Gradually, bursts of cheers came from the revolutionary army's front.

"The swarm has retreated." Augustus' forehead was covered with sweat: "Medic, hurry up and save people."

"Destroying these hives means there will be no more zerg around Ansadar for quite some time, giving us time to keep pushing until we drive the zerg out of Antiga," he said. Said Kerrigan of Shotgun.

"This is the fleet, I'm Warfield." More than ten seconds later, just as Augustus was about to order an army to be sent deep into the destroyed main nest to eliminate any zerg that might have survived, Warfield's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Delta Squadron and Nova Squadron have moved to the high-altitude orbit of Antiga's main star... They are opening the bomb bay." Warfield said with a solemn voice.

"I suspect they want to bomb Ansadar."

"The Federation. They must be crazy." Augustus said, "The Protoss building is right next to it."

"Unless they want to piss off the protoss," Kerrigan said immediately.

"But maybe the Federation doesn't care about that at all, because they consider both the protoss and the zerg enemies."

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