StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 281 Killing a Brain Worm

"What? Are they really going to do that? Antiga's government is corrupt enough. The Federation is crazy, for God's sake." You don't have to listen to Kerrigan to read the thoughts from Augustus Fluctuating on the surface, her jade-green eyes were turning into a golden color with surges of psychic energy due to anger.

"My dear, after the Korhal IV incident, the Federation has completely lost its original bottom line." Augustus looked at Kerrigan: "For a long time, violence has dominated all human worlds."

"General Warfield, they are more like forcing our fleet to fight them. We cannot allow the Federation to bomb Antiga without restraint."

"The Protoss fleet was discovered at 4 astronomical units at 50 degrees on the port side. Are they going to intervene in our 'dispute' with the Federation fleet?" Warfield said.

"I'm sending you the footage. You can see the footage we shot in the power armor's headset. I originally thought that the protoss couldn't tell the difference between us and the Federation itself, just like we didn't rely on the tags on our feet. It’s like you can’t tell two chickens apart.”

"When the chickens were pecking each other in the cage, they started to interfere? In this case, the protoss should not ignore the Kailian war." Augustus said: "It seems that the protoss will not interfere with us The internal contradictions of these 'lower races'."

A video with snowflake-like garbled code was transmitted to Augustus' headset. In the picture, dozens of federal battlecruisers with flashing lights were moored on the edge of the pale yellow Antiga star, and a large number of Wraith fighter planes were swarming out of the battleship's port.

For a moment, there was a ripple in the synchronous orbit of Antiga Prime. A golden-blue fleet composed of at least a hundred Protoss aircraft carriers and thousands of fighter planes suddenly appeared and approached the Federation Delta Squadron and Nova Squadron. The combined fleet formed.

This must have caused great confusion in the Federation fleet. The frequency of radio communication in various communication channels increased more than ten times in a very short period of time.

The Federation has already seen how the main guns of the Protoss fleet destroyed the Sara Sisters from orbit. No matter how confident the Federation's naval generals are in their new armor, they will not think that steel can withstand enough to evaporate the ocean. The main cannon of the protoss that explodes the surface of the planet into crystals.

The reason why the Federation fleet dared to approach Antiga was mainly because they believed that since the protoss would bomb the planet sooner or later, there would be no problem if they dropped some missiles in advance.

Another reason is that they clearly saw that the Revolutionary Fleet in space was not attacked at such a close distance from the Protoss Fleet. But now the commander of the federal fleet has figured out that people are different.

The protoss fleet had already made a gesture of imminent attack, but they did not launch an attack immediately. The Federation's brown and purple-painted steel fleet faced off with the protoss' golden-blue fleet for several minutes, until Delta Squadron's flagship jumped away first and the Federation fleet retreated.

The Protoss fleet understood the Federation fleet's intentions and forced them away.

And this Federation fleet has spent too much time in Antiga. The Federation Council in Tarsonis must be angry at their incompetence at this time.

"If the general commanding this fleet was not the general of Nova Squadron but Duke of Alpha Squadron, he might have rushed up." Augustus no longer paid attention to the war in outer space orbit.

"These federal bastards will have to pay for what they did and reap the consequences."

Augustus immediately ordered the dispatch of Renault Rangers and Mar Sara Governor Pryor's troops to search for possible surviving insect nests, and ordered the air force's transport planes to land immediately to transport wounded soldiers and corpses.

Then, the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps on the Ansadar Plains established a communication base station at the location of the destroyed Gamu Swarm Nest. Several Revolutionary Army Marine Divisions began to withdraw to Ansadar one after another, while the 1st Guards Division commanded by Augustus was responsible for breaking up the rear.

While ordering his troops to retreat, Augustus remained in place to keep an eye on the movements of the protoss ground forces. He found that this protoss force was resting on the bloody corpses of tens of thousands of zerg. Some protoss were doing tasks such as cleaning the battlefield - cutting off the valuable zerg fangs and claws as souvenirs. This should be related to the customs of certain tribes of protoss.

The protoss forces have always maintained a certain distance from Augustus's revolutionary army, and have no intention of communicating with humans.

"The main zerg nest in this area has been cleared - this means that the zerg in Ansadar has been cleared. Next, we only need to deal with the remaining zerg nests in Antiga." Kerrigan was talking to Austria. As Gusdu was speaking, he suddenly noticed that he, Corporal Faraday and others were all looking up into space.

Kerrigan tilted her head, and her long fiery red hair was tossed to one side. Even the wind in Antiga was red when the sparks of the battlefield flew past the ends of her hair.

A magnificent protoss warship is emerging from the dark clouds in the Antiga sky. It is not so much a battleship as it is a glorious golden palace or a handicraft composed of obtuse angles, acute angles, beautiful geometric shapes and spiral shapes.

Its slender and streamlined golden hull forms gracefully and lightly in the sea of ​​clouds, like golden leaves and a golden ship chopping waves. Storms and lightning surround the hull of this battleship, and countless wasp-shaped and butterfly-shaped battleships are surrounding it. holding it.

Above the heads of Augustus and the others, several Wraith fighter planes with orange flames spraying from their tails were flying towards the incomparable golden ship, leaving several condensation trails in the sky.

"Flagship of the Tassadar Expeditionary Force, Star Shuttle." Kerrigan said, looking at the battleship.

Judging from the information currently available to the Keha Revolutionary Army. The fleet led by Executor Tassadar was just a temporary expeditionary force formed by the Protoss Empire to eliminate the Zerg, and the history of the expeditionary warships itself could even be traced back more than ten centuries.

In other words, at least in the era when humans were still looking at the stars by the fire, the protoss might have been able to build these super battleships that were enough to burn the planet.

"It's so beautiful." Augustus lowered his head.

"War and aesthetics coexist. This looks more like something to be put in a museum. Based on our human chronological scale, these battleships can be considered antiques." Kerrigan suddenly realized that Augustus When looking at those protoss battleships, the gray eyes seemed to be filled with pink peach blossom stars.

None of the noble and famous ladies in Tarsonis enjoyed this kind of treatment, including Kerrigan.

Of course, Augustus was not purely admiring the Protoss warships. If possible, he hopes that human warships can also have main guns that can flatten planets, strong plasma shields, and a large number of incredibly powerful ship-based interceptors.

"Even antiques can easily destroy the giant steel ships that humans are proud of. The Federation spaceships in the orbit of Mar Sara that were destroyed by the protoss fleet due to zerg infection were directly vaporized." Augustus Said to Kerrigan.

"If Tassadar hadn't been commanding this fleet, we wouldn't even have a chance to get close to Antiga."

While Augustus was talking to Kerrigan, a slender, golden Protoss shuttle emerged from the lowered hatch of the Starshuttle.

The shuttle stopped about a few hundred yards away from Augustus, and out of respect for the Protoss, Augustus ordered his guards to line up to welcome him.

He guessed that this might be an envoy or diplomat. Of course, there might not be such a profession in the Protoss Empire.

Augustus could not find anything similar to a hatch on the outer shell of this Protoss shuttle. He could only see some beautiful polygonal windows and exquisite patterns. A protoss high-ranking templar appeared from a sunken iris on the side of the shuttle, and then a row of protoss templars wearing gold and blue armor walked out of it.

These protoss warriors are taller than human warriors wearing power armor. Compared with the Ta'darin protoss warriors the Revolutionary Army had seen, Tassadar's protoss warriors had exquisite and shining armor, with soft light white silk robes lined under the armor.

Protoss warriors rarely wear helmets. Their chins, which are too long compared to humans, have metal decorations to cover up their rounded edges. The ends of their long nerve bundles are sandwiched with gorgeous golden ornaments and crystals.

A tall protoss wearing purple and white robes and armor finally appeared. Around his waist was a cross-shaped belt inlaid with blue gems, and the armor was like shining platinum and liquid silver. A storm of concentrated psychic energy lifts him, allowing him to hover several feet in the air.

When he walked like Augustus, he seemed to be riding arcs and storms, really like a god. When Augustus realized that it was Tassadar, the other party was already close at hand.

"En Taro Adun, Executor Tassadar." Augustus held out his right hand, wrapped in servo and armor.

Tassadar hesitated and read the meaning of the handshake from Augustus's shallow consciousness. The Protoss Executive's shining sea-blue eyes narrowed in a slight arc, and then he stretched out his hand and shook it with Augustus.

The Protoss's hand is very wide, almost the same size as two or three human hands. He has wrinkled light blue skin, and the ends of his fingers are trimmed with thick nails. However, the palm of the powered armor is not too small, so Augustus' palm will not be completely covered.

"Salute to Aden, Marshal Augustus." Tassadar's voice appeared directly in Augustus's mind: "You may not know the meaning of Aden, but I want to tell you, friend, he is The hero of our race saved us from destruction by the Dark Templar."

Although humans are a race with low-level psychic abilities compared to the protoss and cannot control the flow of their own thoughts, it was easy for Tassadar to read Augustus' thoughts, but he did not do that.

Tassadar noticed Sarah Kerrigan next to Augustus, and his eyes stayed on her for several seconds. Apparently, Tassadar was astonished that there were such powerful psykers among humans.

This refreshed Tassadar's understanding of the upper limit of human psykers' psychic levels, and he may believe that there may be more than one such psyker among humans.

Standing next to Tassadar was a female protoss wearing a white robe. Her light blue eyes only showed indifference towards humans and seemed to be indifferent to everything.

Augustus speculated that this should be a protector of the stars, a role similar to a human being who writes history. The difference is that they are living libraries of mobile databases and knowledge.

For example, the scene of Augustus and Tassadar meeting today will be directly saved in the form of memory by this protoss protector, and the viewer can re-experience everything that happened today from her perspective. Usually, only those elders who are considered the greatest executives and the Supreme Council will have protectors around them to witness and record important moments in history at any time.

Protoss protectors are few in number, and Rohana, the highest protector on the Spear of Adun, is supposed to be the one with a higher status.

"You wonder why I'm here," Tassadar said.

"." Augustus was indeed confused, but he didn't like the feeling of having his thoughts read through.

"After a long period of detection and reconnaissance by the Sargas Templar, we discovered the giant main nest of the Zerg on the other side of the planet Antiga. The war advisor believes that the Zerg's brainworm is there." Thasa Dahl still knows much more about zerg than humans.

"The swarm is like the nerve endings extended by a brain, and the cerebrate is their main brain. As long as we can kill one cerebrate, the swarm will collapse."

"Have you really done that?" Augustus knew that even if the brainworm was killed, it could be resurrected by the master. A brainworm whose body is killed can be reborn in another reshaped body. If you want to completely kill a brainworm, you must use the void owned by the Dark Templar, another faction of the protoss. energy.

However, Augustus has not encountered the Dark Templar of the Protoss so far, and he knows nothing about the coordinates of their home planet of Sagulath.

"It is not true that we have encountered the zerg for longer than you." Tassadar said: "But there is no doubt that the zerg must also be a creation of our god Xel'Naga, because they also have an interest in the Khedalin Crystal. reaction."

"We'll try to kill a cerebrate and see what effect that has - so we don't have to sacrifice our warriors' precious lives to fight against a horde of zerg."

"Perhaps that will be useful." Augustus looked like he was thinking about Tassadar's words. However, he knew that the resurrection of the brain worm actually takes time. The short-term loss of a brain worm is likely to have an irreversible impact on the swarm.

To be honest, these words of Tassadar have gone beyond the scope. Now perhaps no one except Augustus can understand the meaning of the terms "Xel'Naga" and "Kedalin Crystal".

After all, at this point in time, a human should not know so much about the protoss or zerg.

"What is Xel'Naga?" Augustus asked knowingly.

"They are our creators, the gods who have guided the protoss clan in history. Because of the Xel'Naga's teachings, we were able to quickly move from the tribal era to the interstellar age. It's just that the Xel'Naga is no longer in El and we have arrived. Anywhere." Tassadar showed patience.

"I know you don't believe in the existence of gods, but to my ancestors at that time, those technologies that are not fully understood today were supposed to be miracles."

"God?" Augustus smiled: "I am my own god."

"Are they no longer there?"

"The Xel'Naga left long ago. After that, our tribe fell into long-term division and catastrophe." Tassadar said: "Without the great Kass, we will continue to be divided."

".So, when can we kill that brainworm." It's not so much that Augustus is not interested in the history of the protoss and their gods, it's better to say that he knows too much that he doesn't want to dig deeper. Get to the bottom of it.

Augustus was more concerned about when the zerg on Antiga Prime could be eliminated, so that he would have time to stabilize his rule on this planet and help other fringe planets.

"Before the next solar cycle, after the moon sets," Tassadar said.

"Do you really think we can help you?" Augustus said: "It seems that you don't need our help to kill the brainworm."

"We are happy to fight alongside real warriors. And compared to the indigenous people, we really don't understand the terrain of this planet." Tassadar said.

"What I learned at Fortress Arden and in the Templar Academy taught me that pride does nothing to help a war," he said.

"I have seen human power in you, in you."

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