StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 282 Searching for Brain Worms

the next day.

Augustus woke up on time, stretched out his hand and knocked over the electronic clock of classical craftsmanship before it was ready to tick. Next to her, Kerrigan was looking at Augustus calmly with her charming jade-green eyes, her long fiery red hair tied up before going to bed spread out on the pillow.

During the more than two years that Augustus served as Marshal of Korhal's Revolutionary Army, former Confederate Ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan served as Augustus's personal bodyguard—in every sense of the word.

This is an enviable job, especially for those female ghosts who admire Augustus and the demon medics in heaven.

But so far, Kerrigan has proven that she is irreplaceable.

"Good morning, my dear." Augustus said as he stood up, picked up the shirt, dark gray military jacket and trousers on the hanger, and walked on the creaking mahogany floor towards the sonic bathroom.

"It's a sunny day, I hope this weather will make you feel happy." Kerrigan admired Augustus's bronze skin and Greek sculpture-like muscles, feeling her fascination with this man.

Capturing the sixteen-year-old Kerrigan was actually quite simple.

Kerrigan had never felt cared for or loved by someone of the opposite sex, and Augustus gave it to her. Kerrigan, who is only 28 years old, is still just a girl after all, and she always has many unrealistic fantasies about love.

A red-haired girl who was trained as a cold federal killer finally found the meaning of her existence in the revolutionary cause, and found the feeling of love and being loved in Augustus.

When Augustus came out of the sonic bathroom, he had already put on the straight uniform of the marshal of the Revolutionary Army. Augustus had many such uniforms, each one ironed and arranged by Kerrigan himself.

At this time, Kerrigan had already put on her black Umoyan Shadow Guard uniform. This uniform was redesigned to add the function of weakening the wearer's psychic signal, making it difficult for Zerg who are extremely sensitive to psychic energy to attack. Detected signs of her presence on the battlefield.

This kind of tight-fitting black uniform can perfectly outline Kerrigan's curvy figure, and Augustus has no way of finding any fat on her body.

The breakfast of a revolutionary marshal is no different from that of senior officers in the marshal's command and ordinary revolutionary soldiers. Warm croissant, peanut butter and concentrated hot coffee can ensure that Augustus will always be at his best for the rest of the day. status.

"That Protoss Executor Tassadar is much easier to talk to than we thought. When they destroyed Cha Sara without hesitation, we all thought they were just pure destroyers." Augustus concentrated on dealing with While the food was on the table, Kerrigan was packing her backpack.

"There is no conflict, Sarah." Augustus swallowed the last piece of bread and drank the cup of coffee.

"Hopefully the troops I named are already waiting for me on the tarmac."

Augustus put down the cup and climbed up a metal ladder in the safe room. After opening several layers of fortified security doors, he climbed out of the room and entered a low red brick house.

Corporal Faraday and his elite guards are guarding it. These loyal and brave warriors have sworn that they will stand between the marshal and danger at any moment. Among them were Jim Raynor and Harnack Hank, who were already ready to go, while Tychus Finley, who was yawning, had just walked in from the door.

Tychus was never late, but he wasn't even a minute early. This burly man always believes in the creed of being able to touch and touch at work, and he will only be active in rare situations.

"Marshal, I still don't think it's wise for you to lead the team yourself." Corporal Faraday said as soon as he saw Augustus.

"Come on, kid. When Augustus kicked the Camorians' butts with the Demons of Heaven, you were still rolling in the mud in the streets of Stillling." Tychus walked past Corporal Faraday. Said with a side glance.

"There's nothing our marshal can't do." Renault's confidence and trust in Augustus even exceeded his own.

"I know you are worried about the safety of the leader." Harnak patted Corporal Faraday on the shoulder: "Don't worry, we will definitely die in front of him."

"Don't worry, Corporal, I'm not old enough to have to be stuffed into a nutrition cabin or a coffin." Augustus looked at his men's watches: "I hope the troops hunting brain worms are ready. I want to The leaders are all the most elite soldiers drawn from various armies."

Since the Protoss Expeditionary Force was the main force in this battle, Augustus was not prepared to deploy too many troops at the location of the Gamu Swarm Cerebrates. What he needs is a most elite elite team that can kill the brain worms in one blow at the minimum cost.

As Augustus spoke, he took the lead and walked out of the door of the Red House. Not far away, there was a helipad with a dozen APOD transport ships parked on it. Each transport ship is painted in gold and red, with the revolutionary army's white whip ring and black and white panda head insignia on it.

There are about two companies of about two hundred revolutionary soldiers standing near these transport ships. The one who is giving the command to stand at attention is Augustus' latest capable general, Governor Mar Sara Pryor.

In the Korhal Revolutionary Army, Pryor was awarded the rank of lieutenant and was mainly responsible for commanding the troops in the Sara system.

"Your troops are ready, Marshal." Lieutenant Pryor was full of energy and high morale.

"Thank you for your outstanding work, Mr. Prior." Augustus said: "Get on the ship and set off. We must arrive at the assembly point at the scheduled time."

"I hope those protoss are worthy of cooperation." Tychus did not trust the protoss and judged others by himself. All people should be full of lies, let alone some aliens.

"If the protoss wants to use us as spearmen, I'm going to kick the butts of those blue-pointed heads."

Augustus shook his head, turned to Renault and said: "Jimmy, when I am not in the command center, you will be in charge of the revolutionary army. This should not be a problem for you. The senior staff in the command center will help." You take care of those damn papers.”

"It sounds like you just want to avoid your job." Renault cheered: "I don't think I can be a marshal. My abilities are not as good as yours."

"Sooner or later, these rabble will have to be handed over to you, Jimmy." Augustus said as he boarded an APOD transport ship whose engine was roaring loudly. Kerrigan and Corporal Faraday followed him.

"You are the boss, you have the final say." Renault spread his hands.

The fleet of transport aircraft painted in gold and red quickly took off and climbed rapidly in the orange-grey sky of Antiga, gradually driving out of the force field range of Ansadar's psychic disruptor.

It was just dawn at this time, and strong winds would always hit the Ansadar area at this time, blowing away the lingering mist over the Ansadar Industrial Zone.

The red sun in the sky was shining on the awakening Ansadar Plain and the Joey Grand Canyon, which was originally a trench. In Augustus's eyes, the city gradually turned into a black dot that was getting farther and farther away. The traffic flow in the urban transportation network is like black ants.

Augustus's transport ship began to accelerate after rising thousands of feet into the air, and the horizon became a spinning halo of light that was left behind in the distance. About two wings of Revolutionary Army Wraith fighter planes were escorting the transport aircraft formation, and from time to time, fighter planes left the formation to drive away the alien dragons that were trying to approach.

This mixed formation has been flying out of the atmosphere and into space, leaving the ground far behind.

As the spacecraft was traveling rapidly, several Revolutionary Army engineers who set off with the spacecraft moved a black metal box in front of Augustus.

"We don't yet have a production line for mass production of psychic disruptors. All disruptor components require engineers to weld them, and the output is limited." said an engineer wearing a gray-green flat-top hat.

"It takes at least three minutes to activate the psychic disruptor and keep it running stably." He said: "But once it is activated, the zerg inside the force field will fall into madness - even more crazy than when they have sanity. Please pay attention. , even so they will still attack our soldiers."

"In other words, Swann means to let us use it sparingly and not to damage these hard-won equipment." Augustus nodded.

At present, the Korhal Revolutionary Army has activated a total of four psychic disruptors in Antiga to protect three cities and a major military fortress. Approximately more than six million Antiga people are housed in the cities and fortresses. The revolutionary army's attack team is still continuing to study psychic transmitters and psychic disruptors in the hope of making more progress.

The development of new technologies does not happen overnight. Even if you have theoretical reserves, it may take a long time to manufacture the weapons in your concept. It's like Augustus wanted Swann and Umoyan to research Yamato cannon technology in advance a long time ago, but they haven't come up with anything good yet.

"That's what he should mean." The young engineer did not appear timid at all when facing Augustus.

"It would be great if all the bugs died as soon as they were activated." Tychus said: "This shouldn't be difficult. I say that Swann and the people in the technology laboratory should study this kind of thing. As soon as the red button is pressed, the bugs will If they all die, that’s enough."

"If we can make the psychic links between brain worms and king worms connecting their clan members backfire on themselves, then we should be able to get such an effect." This young-looking engineer didn't think this was an extremely crazy thing. Possible ideas.

"Just do that, Augustus will pay you the funds, and there will definitely be a bonus when the time comes." Tychus is willing to be generous to others, since he is not the one giving the money anyway.

"Colonel, I didn't join the revolutionary army for the bonus." The engineer shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, we can't do it with the current technology."

"Then you're not talking nonsense?" Tychus felt that he had been fooled.

"Humanity's technology has been advancing." The engineer said: "During the Battle of Kailian, the new weapons and concepts successfully developed by the Tyranid Federation and Kaimorian in four years far exceeded the total of the past half century. .”

"Good steel should be used on the blade." Augustus said: "I hope this psychic disruptor will work wonders."

When the transport ship arrived at its destination, it was still dark there. A large number of protoss spaceships shining with golden and blue light were waiting for Augustus there. Each golden spaceship was like a brilliant sun.

The protoss fleet in Antiga's orbit had already conducted a series of orbital bombardments on the land beneath their feet. The ground was ablaze with red flames and flashes, and some zerg tower-like buildings ignited by protoss beam weapons were still there. It was burning, and the fire burned the sky red.

The protoss troops have landed on the ground and are advancing towards the burning insect nest.

Even after being swept across by the beam weapons of the protoss warships, there are still a considerable number of zerg surviving on the ground, either the lucky ones hiding deep underground or the thick-skinned thunder beasts.

A large number of shining light blades are like blue torches releasing bright fire. From time to time, psychic storms sweep across the earth, rolling up hundreds of blackened insect corpses, and blue electric arcs are like thunder snakes galloping around. Insect carapaces fell like rain.

The camera on the belly of the transport ship is directly connected to the HUD in Augustus's helmet. He can intuitively see what is happening on the ground.

"It seems that we no longer need to take action." Tychus was calculating something shrewdly with his narrowed eyes: "When the protoss has dealt with these zerg, we will take action to kill the brain worm."

"How many zerg are there down there?" Augustus asked.

"The sensing device on the spacecraft shows that the protoss army has an absolute advantage and the zerg are retreating steadily," Kerrigan said.

"Land," Augustus ordered.

After the spacecraft landed on the harder surface on the other side of the Antiga planet, Augustus and others who walked out of the hatch could clearly feel the heat in the air.

The ground beneath their feet suddenly turned into a time filled with flames, and the ground was littered with the black-smoking corpses of zerg. Augustus saw the smooth golden remains of some Protoss mechas and thought that the battle here was not a one-sided massacre, and the Protoss had also suffered considerable losses.

A high-level protoss templar running at high speed came straight towards Augustus. Behind him were more than a dozen protoss templars wearing armor and swords. Each protoss warrior had a double blade and a sword. Both eyes glowed brightly in the darkness.

"Marshal Augustus Mengsk, the zerg here suddenly attacked us. We are not allowed to attack the zerg main nest here in advance." Perhaps it was nature, even though the high-ranking templars used it against Augustus. The honorific title, his tone could not be called eager and respectful.

"The Templars are searching for the Cerebrates hiding in the main nest. Maybe you can help us."

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