StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 285 I am immortal!

Augustus stepped on the sticky carpet on the ground, stepped over the squirming growth tumors, and came between several high-ranking protoss templars wearing shining golden armor. Insect intestines and thick pulsing meridians can be seen everywhere on the ground, and the air is filled with the terrible smell of rotten flesh and pus-producing sores.

A huge, fleshy fat insect is curled up between human electronic components covered with a large number of zerg tissues and vesicles. It is shaped like a wriggling beetle larvae, and its body is round, like a fleshy arc. Tank cannon barrel.

The Cerebrate is clumsy and slow, fragile and fragile. It has neither a strong carapace to protect itself nor sharp claws to tear apart enemies who dare to get close to it. A slow-moving Cerebrate must be protected by its clan members. Protect.

In any case, in Augustus' eyes, the current appearance of the brainworm is like a happy fat man lying on the sofa watching TV.

At this time, there is no longer a Hydra Hydralisk to protect the brainworm. Augustus can kill it at any time with the P-20 electromagnetic pistol on his waist.

Augustus noticed that when he observed this brainworm, it was also examining the stars and humans surrounding him. This fragile-looking worm-like creature appears calm and calm, as if it has no idea of ​​its impending fate.

The screen covered with abscesses and stains was still playing UNN news about Augustus. A man with a ridiculous beard was chatting and laughing with a blonde woman with a proud bust, while giving Augustus Stuart made some not-so-funny jokes while satirizing the unreasonable political demands of the revolutionaries.

The brain worm can obviously understand the meaning of words and words, otherwise it would not spend time on it. This is most likely because the worms obtained this knowledge from the assimilated human brain.

The protoss were watching all of this, exchanging views on the brainworm—and the news about Augustus—in their own Kara mind-connection networks with psychic waveforms that were imperceptible to humans. Some kind of special encrypted communication, but for a human like Augustus it was absolutely silent.

The protoss may not understand why a person who should be called a hero by his tribe would be slandered in this way. This is absolutely impossible in the social system of the protoss empire.

About a hundred Protoss Templars were watching, and more pairs of eyes shining with blue psychic flames were staring at the brainworm. At this time, the fighting outside the cave has not subsided, and tens of millions of Gamu swarm insects are still pouring out of various caves, trying to take back the leader of their group.

The garmu swarm became more violent than ever before, and Kerrigan and Harnak were assigned by Augustus to lead the rest of the army and the protoss to defend against the zerg attack outside the cave.

"A fat worm, so disgusting." Tychus Finlay walked among the tall and slender protoss warriors carrying a shotgun. He occasionally encountered the armor and elegant robes of the templars. This rudeness and arrogance aroused the dissatisfaction of these aliens.

The protoss have no sense of humor, but old Tychus still has a lot to complain about: "Look at this guy, what could be uglier than it is? An underdeveloped, deformed and obese insect."

The Cerebrate did not respond to Tychus's sarcasm. Its soft and ugly skin was emitting a shimmer, and this shimmer was like breathing, sometimes shining and sometimes faint.

"Augustus Mengsk, where is that human woman? I can sense her, where did you hide her?" With the rhythm of the light on its body surface, the brainworm moved its fat white body and turned to Augustus.

The words of the brainworm appeared directly in Augustus' mind, just like what the protoss could do.

"Tell me, tell me quickly! My Lord and Father are looking for her."

"I will not hand her over to you." Augustus looked at this fat worm that was emitting a light white shimmer, and was sure that it could understand human language: "She is better than thousands of armies."

Augustus knew exactly what kind of monster Kerrigan would transform into once she was captured by the Swarm Overlord. The Queen of Blades in history has slaughtered eight billion people. She has the power of the zerg and the experience and wisdom of humans at the same time. This terrifying opponent is comparable to thousands of armies.

Even if Augustus's own emotions are not involved, he will never let Kerrigan fall into the hands of the swarm. Otherwise, humanity may just lose a powerful psyker, and the zerg will have one more person who can sweep the science. Lu's Queen of the Swarm.

Even if he thought about how many people he wanted to die, Augustus would sincerely feel fear and hatred for the blue face of the Queen of Blades.

"Why not do that?" The brainworm's logic is obviously completely different from Augustus's, and the light it emits shows a strange shape: "We came for her, and we will leave for her."

"Exchange. Yes, an exchange, with equal or unequal items in exchange, each has what he needs." It said.

"Give her to me and we'll leave."

Augustus' eyes were stern, his cold gray eyes were sharp and menacing: "No, never, there is no room for negotiation."

Even if the Overmind gets Kerrigan, the Zerg will never let humans go. The zerg have no concept of keeping their promises at all. Even humans who follow this path often break their promises and use this as their wisdom and strategy.

"Dagos, I knew this was useless." The brainworm seemed to be talking to another brainworm or a group of brainworms through the void.

"It looks like it's not afraid of death at all. Hey, Fat Worm, do you know we're going to kill you soon?" Tychus couldn't hear what the Brain Worm was saying at all, because the other party directly conveyed the meaning to Augustus. in your mind, but no one else can hear it. The communication method between cerebrates is similar to that of protoss, they almost never speak.

"Death? Human beings, ignorant and ignorant, only the primitive impulse for sex is left in your poor brain tissue - a miserable primitive creature." The brainworm heard Tychus's words, and it was obviously still a very talented person. Tempered individuals.

Even it had to admit that it had failed in the war against the Tassadar Protoss Expedition. The protoss did not destroy the planets infected by the zerg in the past. This time they chose to dispatch ground troops to face the swarm directly.

"You don't understand the true meaning of evolution. Death is not important, only the essence is important." The voice of the brainworm appeared directly in the minds of all humans and protoss present.

"When I kill you, you will know what is most important." Tychus said and took a military Torrent SR-8 shotgun from a soldier next to him - ancient and obsolete, but The hundreds of lead bullets it fired were enough to kill the brainworm.

"The value of keeping it is much greater than killing it. After all, this is the first brain worm we have discovered." Augustus stopped Tychus, thinking that worms are left behind.

Augustus has his own plan. If he can capture and control a brainworm alive, he will be directly controlling a group of people. This kind of thing is not without precedent.

It's just that it's quite difficult to imprison and control an older brainworm, because only those with the longest and most powerful psychic powers who have followed the master for the longest time can be given their own names. If you want to control a brainworm, those newly born and not yet named are the best choice.

"You actually want to enslave a brainworm? How dare you?" But just like other psychic creatures, the brainworm can also read minds, and it is obviously furious at Augustus's words.

Although the Cerebrates were far less concerned about Augustus than Kerrigan, they were still gathering intelligence on their enemies.

".Slave Master Mengsk." The brainworm's vocabulary is quite rich: "It's just a body. I can abandon it at any time and be reborn in another world."

This is why this brainworm has the confidence to talk to the enemy here. The master can resurrect all the brainworms it creates. It only needs to reshape a body for the dead brainworm, and it can be reborn.

Brainworms are not afraid of death at all. If the main master is still alive, they are immortal.

"This is impossible!" a high-ranking templar who had been listening for a long time shouted angrily.

"Why is it impossible?" Brainworm asked him, "I'm very curious."

"I say, it's better to kill it quickly, the bugs outside are already crazy." Tychus's way of dealing with enemies has always been simple and rough.

At this moment, a high-level templar led a group of templars to walk in. It was Tassadar, the executive officer of the Protoss Expeditionary Force. All humans and protoss present spontaneously made way for him.

"Brainworm Sars." Tassadar came to Augustus and fell from the air. Standing on the ground covered with fungi, the executive didn't seem to care at all whether it would stain his blue shirt. .

"I am seeking a conversation with you," he said to the brainworm.

"Why do the swarms come to devour or kill? There are hundreds of millions of stars in this universe. Why do you choose this world?"

"." The brainworm Sass originally wanted to ask why I have to talk to an enemy like you, but it still held back: "We are enemies, and I don't have to explain to the enemy."

"If you want to capture me alive, greedy star spirit, then I advise you to save your worries." It said lightly: "Your time is running out, the noble insect swarm will devour everything."

"How many brainworms are there like you? Are they all as powerful as you?" Tassadar is far more cunning than Augustus imagined. He is trying to use this brainworm's competitive spirit to get more. Information.

"Of course, I am one of the few who got a name." Sass's pride stopped abruptly: "That's enough, Protoss, don't expect to get anything more from me."

After a moment of silence, Tassadar looked at Augustus, seemingly seeking his opinions and opinions.

"We have no time to waste." Augustus's communication channel was filled with the shouts and screams of the soldiers. He had determined that the idea of ​​capturing the brainworm Sass alive did not make much sense. Unless the Overlord is dead, unless the Cerebrate cannot regenerate elsewhere.

"Kill it, my brothers and sisters," Tassadar ordered.

"You don't need to do anything." Tychus pulled the trigger of the shotgun before the Templars showed their psychic blades and fired a series of bullets at Sass. The ugly fat bug immediately spattered disgusting juice.

Cerebrate Sass let out a scream and a high-pitched howl, and the pain as a protective mechanism still existed in his genetic sequence. Even at this time, Sass still had the energy to leave a scene and say: "I will not die, I will be reborn in a world of ashes and flames. When I return, death and shadow will come as scheduled."

"The swarm is an immortal creation that devours everything, and the universe is its food."

After Tychus fired a round of bullets, the big, radiant flesh bug died. Then, just as Augustus, Tassadar and others saw, a pale yellow light group suddenly rose from the body of the already curled and shriveled brainworm, and the light group seemed to be a tentacled jellyfish.

Tychus cursed, changed bullets, and continued to fire at the light group, but the bullet just passed directly between the light groups.

Tassadar's bright sky-blue eyes sparkled even more, as if thunder and lightning were flowing. He stretched out his two hands and released a powerful psychic pulse formed by a dark blue arc at the rising figure. group of light, but still failed to hurt it.

Humans and protoss have used all kinds of means, no matter whether they are live ammunition or energy weapons, they can't make the light group show signs of weakness. The ball of light rising into the sky swayed upwards through the dark dome and rock walls of the cave until it disappeared.

With the death of Zerthas, the Zerg in the underground worm tunnel completely fell into madness, putting all their energy into fighting with their own kind. The pressure on humans and protoss in the underground insect tunnel has also been greatly reduced.

Antiga's garmu swarm will remain in a state of madness for quite some time before the cerebrate Sarsas returns and takes over its colony. The coalition of humans and protoss can take advantage of this period of time to eliminate the remaining zerg and regain the lost territory.

"What on earth is that thing?" Tychus muttered in his heart: "Soul? This is really weird."

"The world of ashes and fire." While Tychus and others were still wondering about the light group, Tassadar had already grasped the information revealed in Sass's words before his death.

"A world full of volcanoes, lava and ash." Augustus' reaction was as quick as Tassadar's.

"Is that the Zerg's base camp in this sector?" Tassadar looked at Augustus.

"Obviously, the dead brainworms will be reborn in that world." Augustus said: "The Lord, the supreme ruler of the insect swarm, must also be there."

"That place is probably in the Koprulu sector, otherwise it will take quite a long time for Sass to come back."

"The known planets that have been invaded, occupied or 'colonized' by the zerg can be counted and confirmed." Tassadar said: "And there are very few planets that meet such conditions."

"Char." Augustus knew the script.

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