StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 286 All Tactics Changers

In early October 2491, the last Zerg main nest on Antiga Prime was cleared by the Protoss Expeditionary Force, and the renovated Governor's Mansion in the main city of Ansadar also welcomed its new owner.

On the vast red mesa of Antiga, the deep purple zerg carpet is slowly receding, and the ravaged land is once again exposed to the sun. When the vegetation becomes extinct and even the fungus carpet can no longer bind the sand on the ground, the red desert spreads as quickly as a flame in the wind.

The land that has been covered by fungus carpet will still be barren for a long time. Antiga's fragile ecological environment has long ceased to exist, and the planet has been completely reduced to a reddish-brown stone planet.

The threat of the swarm is gradually becoming distant from the people of Antiga, and even if their homes are destroyed and their families are slaughtered, pain and sorrow still torture those who are still alive, and life must continue.

Reconstruction work began around the four existing cities. With the help of the human revolutionary army, the surviving people picked up the broken rubble and began to build new homes on the lands that had fallen several times.

Fearing that Antiga Prime would become the main battlefield in the coming years, residents of all small and medium-sized settlements, including small towns and villages, were uniformly placed near cities with strong fortifications.

At the beginning, there was a serious shortage of water and food, and the nearby colonial planets were affected by the invasion of the insect swarm and were no longer able to provide support to Antiga. The Antigonians had only themselves to rely on, relying on synthetic food, groundwater, and food from hydroponic farms to survive.

More people joined the Revolutionary Army's garrison in Antiga to defend their homeland. People all over Antiga recognized the Revolutionary Army's dominant position on the planet, and it was in fact independent from the federal government.

As the people of Antiga celebrated their victory with cheers, Augustus Mengsk became the new governor of Antiga - although he himself did not recognize the title. The Revolutionaries skillfully took over the administrative and judicial functions of the Antigua federal government and did a better job than their predecessors. The Sheriffs and Sheriffs who came from the Revolutionary Army were the most popular in Antigua. people.

The red and blue star flag that symbolized the authority of the Terran Confederacy was thrown into the fire, and the new flag replaced a symbol of the authority and functions of a government. As early as twenty years ago, people in Antiga would not talk to others about being Federalists, and they would not do so now.

Antiga is part of the Tyran Republic. If you want to say where the capital of the Republic is, it is of course Korhal IV.

The Terran Federation, which once ruled Antiga, no longer has much energy or interest in dealing with this openly rebellious planet, and the Federation Council also believes that the main planet of Antiga, which is sandwiched between the zerg and the protoss, will definitely usher in a new war. With the same ending as Cha Sara and Mar Sara, Antiga's rebels will surely lose too many men trying to rescue them as they did in the past.

The Federal Council has realized that the threat of zerg is by no means as simple as the accident of one or two planetary alien experimental projects, because more than 4/13 federal territories have reported the discovery of zerg.

The outer interstellar trade routes are almost paralyzed, and some of the outer planets that are the main food producing areas have been severely damaged, causing the core world of the Tyranid Federation to have a precursor to a food crisis.

Six standard months after the Zerg invaded the human world, many Terran Federation planets were lost one after another. This terrible disaster even extended the territory of the Kaimorian Federation, forcing Umoyan to withdraw its scientific expedition team far away from the mainland. Countless people died and the lives of billions of people were affected.

In less than half a year, the damage caused by the zerg to the Terran Federation exceeded the total damage caused by the Kailian War. Even if the members and nobles in the Federal Parliament have any illusions about aliens invading a few planets and then stopping, they have to face the fact that alien invasion is a bigger threat that can subvert their rule. Threatening this fact.

This catastrophe forced the Terran Confederation to summon their fleets to strengthen the defenses of the Core Sector and attempt to rescue those worlds they believed were still valuable.

However, on the Revolutionary Army's detection radar, Omega Squadron and Delta Squadron are still lingering in the star system near Antiga to monitor the Revolutionary Army's every move - even when several surrounding colonies are being invaded by Zerg. .

It was noon in Ansadar, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. This was a rare peaceful time since the Gamu swarm and Sutur swarm invaded Antiga. The revolutionary army also got enough time to rest and recuperate, and allocated manpower to transport the wounded back to Umoyan.

Augustus was entertaining his new friend Tassadar, the executive of the Koprulu Expeditionary Force of the Protoss Empire, in the banquet hall of the Governor's Mansion on Antiga Prime.

The hall still has the splendid furnishings of the past, with expensive Tarsonis flat wool carpets and famous oil paintings and sculptures on the walls. For more than twenty years, this place has been the place where the hedonistic governor of Antiga entertained guests. Every day, celebrities dressed in velvet and silk and officials in suits and ties enjoyed themselves here.

And Augustus had nothing to entertain Tassadar, because the protoss relied entirely on their skin to replenish moisture and draw energy from the light of the star. There were no mouths on their narrow faces, which also meant that the protoss would not To ingest human food.

So, Augustus, who didn't have much humor, could only open the curtains in the hall and entertain Tassadar with the pure sunshine of Antiga.

There were only a few people in the huge hall, only a long mahogany table and chairs depending on the number of people. On the human side are Augustus, Kerrigan, and Raynor, while Tassadar only brought the protoss protector Zamara who went out with the expeditionary force.

Tassadar sat opposite Augustus, still wearing his elegant high templar robes, and his golden armor was inlaid with beautiful blue gems.

Zamara, the protoss protector next to the executive, was wearing a gorgeous dress. The dark blue robe was like a hanging night curtain, covered with crystals and gems. The teardrop-like pendants on both sides of the head of this female protoss sparkle in the sunlight. This costume must be related to the etiquette and traditions of the protoss.

"The warriors I sent to Char felt a terrible psychic signal there. Even if it was glimpsed from a distance, its power far exceeded any creature the Protoss Empire had encountered in the universe." Tassadar brought Disturbing news, which was why he came to see Augustus.

"The master of the swarm, this terrifying creature's psychic screams echoed in the universe when it descended on Char. It is far more powerful than I expected. In the long history of the Protoss Empire, we have never encountered such a creature. enemy."

"This is unfortunate news. If I were to say that I had already said that the Federation should not be left to Char, the Federation's congressmen and political commentators would say that I was thinking after the fact." Augustus shook his head. He hasn't received a specific report on Char's current situation, but he doesn't feel any surprise.

Although Augustus also sent more than one exploration fleet to Char, the accurate and fast jump technology of the protoss is still much more powerful than that of humans. When the Protoss had arrived at Char, Augustus' exploration fleet was still halfway there.

"I must tell you, even though it makes me sad." Tassadar continued to say to Augustus: "Your human colonies on Char have become a paradise for zerg, and the rest of us have become A monster with a hideous face.”

".This is the meaning of our fight." Augustus said dullly: "If we give up resistance, humans will sooner or later be assimilated by the zerg and become part of them."

"Rise up and fight, or perish. This is the fate of all races, including the protoss." Tassadar agreed with Augustus: "The arbiters of the Protoss Empire Council always ignore it and bring the empire to its knees. It is not the arrogance that has reached this height, but the followers of Kara who work together. If the threat of the zerg is underestimated, even the empire will perish."

"The cerebrates will regenerate, which means that we will never be able to completely eliminate the zerg. Despising the zerg is like despising the storm on the vast ocean of Aiur. Even the Ark will appear extremely small in the furious ocean."

"Sarth has been resurrected in Char, and its tribe has regrouped under its command." His sky-blue eyes, burning with psychic fire, were like candles swaying in the wind.

"In that world of lava and ash, the intense radiation from the Char binary star system is fatal to most life in the universe, but the zerg are thriving on that planet. This makes me doubt the birth of Was the original Zerg world also such a purgatory planet?"

"There is no creature that cannot be killed. I believe that even gods will die one day." Augustus didn't think so.

"I just haven't found a way to completely kill the brainworm Sass. Executor, did you notice the light rising from Sass's body after it died?"

"It is undoubtedly a kind of spiritual power, but it is completely different from that of humans and protoss." At this time, Sarah Kerrigan, a red-haired female ghost standing next to Augustus, joined the conversation.

"That energy gave me an extremely cold feeling. The hotness of the Templar's spiritual energy was completely different from the plasticity of human spiritual energy." She shook her fiery red hair and said.

"Our leaders suspect that the Cerebrate's ability to resurrect is related to this psychic ability."

"Void, the origin of the universe, the concrete system of cold and dark space, the other side of the real universe." Tassadar raised his head and stood up from the not-so-comfortable human seat: "Today we rarely mention it The void exists, but I can feel it, and the spiritual energy of the brainworm comes from the void."

"However, since Kas established Kara, the Way of Ascension, my people no longer draw energy from the void. Maybe I should return to Aiur and find a way to kill the brainworm in the Templar Archives on the Floating Fire Islands. "He said.

"Now it may be that only the deviant Dark Templars have mastered the method of using void energy, but it is unknown whether their legends and their existence are just fiction."

"You want to seek help from the betrayer?" Protector Zamara's cold voice sounded like water about to freeze under the glacier.

"I've been taught that the Dark Templar are traitors, and I hate them as much as the rest of the Qala followers." Tassadar said: "If the Dark Templar really exist, we have not encountered them. opportunities, I think we have to look for other options."

"." Tassadar continued: "Marshal Augustus, your people have been saved, I think we must leave this planet now. Too much time has been spent in Antiga to make the Protoss Empire supreme The wise men of the Council are dissatisfied, and more planets are threatened by the zerg."

"If we purify Antiga as soon as possible and immediately rush to other planets to eliminate the Zerg there, the spread of the Zerg swarm will be effectively curbed." There was no trace of anything in the words of protector Zamara. Emotional fluctuations, as recorders of history, the Valari clan of the Protoss Empire has always recorded everything that happened with absolute calmness and rationality.

"You don't need to explain to the humans why we did what we did, they don't understand what you did for them at all, because protecting the humans here, the controversy you caused in Aiur was enough for the Council to select from the Akiri Templars Replace you with a new executive," she said.

"Sacrifice a small group of people to save more people, this has always been a question worth pondering." Augustus said.

"You don't understand, and I don't expect you to understand." Protector Zamara said: "In the Protoss Empire, there are differences between the Supreme Council Arbitrators and the Templars in the fleet in response to the Zerg invasion. Extremely divisive.”

In the social system of the Protoss, some tribes rule the Protoss Empire as an arbitration class, another part fights for the Empire as Templars, and the remaining tribes are craftsmen and other professions. The path and future career that every protoss will take when they reach adulthood is fixed, which means that a child's future is already determined from the moment he is born.

Generally speaking, the Templar class cannot resist the authority of the highest-level Arbitrators, just like the commoner Kalai class must bow to the Templars. This shows that Tassadar suffered a lot during his time in Antiga. pressure.

"The Supreme Council believes that there is no need to save the 'lower humans' infected by the zerg and must be burned with fire, while Tassadar believes that the expeditionary force should uphold the Dawu teachings to protect the weak races."

"Who won in this dispute?" Augustus was more concerned about this question at the moment: "Thank you, the benevolent and great executive Tassadar."

"Let's count myself as the winner, thanks to the elders in the council who are still wise and kind." Tassadar learned some human humor from Augustus.

"I reported what I saw in Antiga to the Supreme Council and decided to lead an expedition to attack Char. The Zerg's rule in Char is not yet stable. Once they gain a foothold, there will be a swarm of zerg invading humans. A springboard for the world and Al,” he said.

"If we can make the Overmind feel threatened, they will definitely withdraw their forces in the Koprulu sector and return to defense."

"But El's coordinates have always been a secret, and the Zerg will never know it." Zamara said.

"Throughout history, we know that often things that were thought to never happen, do happen," Tassadar said.

"Be prepared for a rainy day." Augustus sensed Tassadar's intention. Besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao was also a trick used by Augustus.

"I will send a fleet to fight alongside you. No, I will personally lead an elite division."

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