StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 292 Tiamat Swarm

While Augustus was thinking a lot, Zeratul turned his head and looked at the Xel'Naga artifact fragment suspended in mid-air, his eyes seeming to penetrate the long river of time.

Obviously, he did not pry into Augustus' inner thoughts, and he did not know that the master had most likely learned the bad news about the specific coordinates of the star spirit's home planet Aiur.

Although the ancestors of the Dark Templar were expelled from Aiur by the Supreme Council thousands of years ago and were forced to live in exile in Thagurath, which was forever in the twilight, they still regarded it as their eternal home planet and holy land.

"This Xel'Naga creation is different from the ordinary." Zeratul observed the artifact fragments slowly rotating in the air: "It is a masterpiece of the Xel'Naga and has unimaginable power."

"What kind of power? The kind that can directly sweep away a large area of ​​insects?" Renault tried to get closer to the dark templar warriors, but the latter just stared at him calmly. The Dark Templar don't seem to see the humans here as a threat at all.

"You need to see this with your own eyes, child." Zeratul closed his eyes.

"In other words, even you don't know." Rather than saying that Renault is a very smart person, it is better to say that he is better at dealing with these puzzle-like words.

"Yes." Zeratul said frankly: "This Xel'Naga creation contains unpredictable power. It is connected to the void."

"Void." Augustus will not tell Zeratul the bad news that El's coordinates may have been exposed yet, because he has no way to explain why he knows this.

"We know that it is a magical natural phenomenon, another dimension of the universe." Augustus asked, "Is that why my men hear strange noises when they are around it."

"I'm afraid so." As a protoss, Zeratul was far less arrogant and indifferent than the templars in Tassadar, but answered Augustus' questions patiently.

"If you are a member of the Nerazim, then you will find that such sounds are all too common when the Dark Templar meditate and connect to the void." Zeratul said.

"Like the chirping of birds and insects in the forest, the sound of wind and grass, and the low roars of wild beasts, some of the sounds are fragments of prophecy and shallow philosophy, while others are irrational roars," he said.

"The human will cannot withstand this kind of pressure, and the Dark Templar hone themselves in this way and absorb the energy of the void."

"That sounds scary," Raynor interjected.

"That's why we're here." The female Dark Templar following Zeratul took a few steps forward.

This immediately aroused the vigilance of Corporal Faraday and the ghost agent "recruits" around Augustus.

"It's too dangerous," she said.

"So you're here to take it away. For God's sake, we worked so hard to dig this scrap metal out of the mud of Mar Sara." Renault really wanted to say, what can you do? Dealing with this troublesome thing was really helpful, but now the Xel'Naga artifact fragment belongs to Augustus instead of him.

"No." Zeratul's voice rang in the minds of Augustus and others at the same time: "We just hope that you can turn off the signal enhancement device, which is constantly releasing interference waves from this Xel'Naga creation. The ground is amplified, which also has a certain attraction to the zerg."

"Turn it off." Augustus nodded and immediately ordered: "Seal it up."

The several engineers who were frightened by the Dark Templar were very brave. At least they put the Xel'Naga artifact fragments back into the transport container and sealed them without any omissions.

"You are the wise man among mankind, the leader among them." Zeratul, who had achieved his goal, praised Augustus. His words were like a riddle that connected each other: "The invisible hand connects us. Together, destiny is being woven into a thread."

Then, Zeratul took a few steps back and prepared to leave, as if his purpose here was really to let the humans here turn off the device to avoid getting burned.

Zeratul didn't know that Augustus' purpose was to lure him, which was a mistake.

But if the person in the command room just now was not Augustus but a general of the Tyranid Federation, or if Duke was here, then they would never have the patience to listen to what Zeratul had to say, and they would have fought it out long ago. You die and I live.

Of course, three Dark Templar warriors are enough to deal with dozens of heavily armed ordinary human soldiers.

"Wait, Dark Templar Zeratul." Augustus said, "Since you can completely kill the Cerebrate, then I think we need the help of the Dark Templar."

Augustus spent so much effort to find the Dark Templar just because he wanted them to help him deal with the brainworm. At this time, what could you do to sit down and continue chatting nonsense? Zeratul couldn't stay, so it was better to tell the truth.

"We have no reason to help the aliens." The male Dark Templar behind Zeratul said in a not-so-good tone. His robes, armor, and armor decorations were also different from the other two Dark Templars.

He wears no veil, just a black helmet decorated with springtail mandibles, and his armor is studded with trophies such as hydralisk skulls. A Zeratai hunter, a tribe of hunters among the Nerazim tribes.

".Glad to do so." Zeratul made a calm gesture toward his companion.

"We are here to destroy the zerg. This is honor and duty. The Dark Templar will not reject a friendly ally."

"Please take a seat." With the support of the power armor's servo system, Augustus would not feel tired even if he stood for a few more hours, but he believed that doing so would help create a less tense atmosphere.

"Okay." Zeratul's green eyes twitched: "We just need a place to rest. Thank you for your tolerance, human commander."

It was hard for Zeratul not to be surprised by Augustus' extraordinary calmness and unimaginable tolerance for foreign races. He did not completely understand the human race, but was well aware of human greed, cruelty, cunning and cowardice.

But Augustus was different, completely different.

When they suddenly broke into the command center, Augustus acted as calmly as a neighbor dropping by at home. But why does he believe that these people are not here to assassinate him, or that this absolute calmness and reason are the reasons why he can lead so many humans.

Just like other protoss, Zeratul originally only had sympathy and tolerance for the human race.

There are many chairs in this command room, and they are all the most comfortable and luxurious command chairs in Alpha Squadron. And while these chairs are adjustable, the protoss are huge giants to them.

Zeratul reluctantly found a floating chair suspended on the ground. The other two Dark Templar warriors did not show politeness to the humans in front of them, and each found their own chairs.

Augustus sat down on Duke's command chair. This expensive chair could fully withstand the weight of the power armor. Corporal Faraday and the ghost agent responsible for protecting Augustus were unwilling to let down their vigilance at this time, especially the latter. Even if contact with the cold void psionic energy of the Dark Templar made him feel a sting, he remained tight. Staring at them.

"Don't you feel scared?" Zeratul looked at Augustus seriously. Just because Augustus could calmly invite the invading aliens to sit down under such circumstances, Zeratul admired his courage and extraordinary generosity.

"A little, actually," Augustus said with a smile.

"I was really frightened when you suddenly appeared. Fortunately, we have already met the Star Spirits and got along well."

“It wasn’t just a little bit,” Reynold added. “I thought I was going to die and all I could think about was my mom’s chowder, No. 8 Whiskey, and Little John.”

"You should be talking about the protoss in high-altitude orbit. In fact, they have already parted ways with us." Zeratul did not read Augustus's thoughts, but he already understood the meaning of Augustus' words.

"What, it turns out you are not in the same group?" Renault was obviously surprised: "Dark Templar, Templar, I originally thought you were all expeditionary forces of the Protoss Empire."

"The Protoss Empire." Zeratul's green eyes narrowed slightly, seeming to be sad: "We do not belong to the Protoss Empire. The Dark Templar chose freedom and truth."

"The Nerazim protoss refused to integrate into the Kara, and each child had its own nerve bundle cut off. This is why we were banished, because the Conclave will not tolerate this behavior."

"It seems that just like the differences between the Tyranid Federation, Camorion and Umoyan, the protoss also have their own factions." Augustus signaled Renault not to make a fuss: "Haven't you already met the Tal'darin protoss? ?They are also different from the templars of Tassadar."

"Okay. No wonder even Tassadar couldn't kill that brainworm, but you can." Raynor figured it out.

"The Overlord and its cerebrates also use void energy similar to ours, and only void energy can harm the cerebrates and even the Overlord." Zeratul said: "What our compatriots in the Protoss Empire control is the They have long since disconnected from the spiritual energy circulating in the Kara. Only the Dark Templar are still absorbing energy from the cold void like the ancestors of the Protoss."

"Okay, then the next step will be much easier." Renault nodded: "We will kill the zerg guarding the brain worm, and then you will behead it."

However, before he finished speaking, the eyes of Zeratul and the other two protoss turned into crescent moons. Renault believed they must be laughing, which made him furious.

"You are brave, James Raynor." Zeratul learned Raynor's name while briefly analyzing Raynor's thoughts. This is a quite formal title: "But I'm afraid this matter will not be as simple as you think. .”

"The death of Cerebrate Gwen was due to the negligence of the Zerg Master. It had never seen an enemy like the Dark Templar." He explained to Raynor: "After your army launched an attack on Gwen's hive, At that time, it sent out almost all the hive warriors."

"Gwen's tribe is ferocious and violent, but their numbers are not as large as other tribes. My warriors and I sneaked into his nest and attacked from the shadows."

"Now, the Overlord and its brainworms will definitely not make the same mistake again. This is a race that is constantly evolving and learning."

"The brainworm will definitely not appear easily again." Augustus fully agreed with Zeratul's statement: "It will be even more difficult to get close to or even kill a brainworm like before."

Augustus did not hold out any hope of eradicating all the Cerebrates in a short time, not to mention that while the Overlord of the Swarm was still alive, it could create new Cerebrates at any time.

As long as the Overmind lives, the zerg will never die.

However, the Dark Templar are still vital. In the past, humans and protoss had no effective way to deal with the cerebrates, and Zeratul's warriors were magical weapons to suppress the cerebrates.

"The brainworms themselves have no fighting power. They can command their own clan members through psychic links from light years away." Augustus continued: "After Gwen's death, they have no need to put the brainworms in danger. under."

"However, there are always more solutions than trouble." He finally said: "Creating opportunities when there are no opportunities, even the Cerebrates will make mistakes. We can also work with the Templars of Tassadar to deal with most of the Zergs first, and then Zeratul kills the cerebrates in the main hive."

However, Augustus undoubtedly exaggerated the role of humans in this war. Even without their help, Tassadar's troops could defeat the main hive of the zerg.

At this time, the Protoss Empire had not yet completely declined. Their many colonies outside of Aiur were still prosperous, and their huge fleets were still scattered across the galaxy.

"Tassadar." At this time, everyone could feel Zeratul sighing - although he was not really sighing. Sad emotions caress the hearts of others like water flowing through a river valley, making them feel it.

"They will not cooperate with us. A thousand years are enough to change everything. The gap between the Dark Templar and the Templar has become too deep." He said.

"Thousands of years ago, when the Nerazim were considered heretics who abandoned Kara, the prejudice between us was already so deep, and now more so than ever."

"We will never fight side by side with the Templars." The anger of the Zeratai Dark Templar behind Zeratul was obvious.

"The Nerazim are the ones who were deceived and persecuted, but the El Protoss portrayed themselves as the victims. So despicable and shameless, this is their style."

"In the face of the threat of the zerg, we can also put aside our past prejudices." Zeratul only felt sad about the history of the split between the Aiur Protoss and the Nerazim.

"Don't let Orega's hatred and hatred for the El Protoss affect you. Since his return to Tamatroth, the anger has spread among our brothers and sisters."

"Maybe Orega is wrong, but the El Protoss is not as wise and kind as you." The Dark Templar's mood quickly stabilized due to Zeratul's comfort.

"I believe that among the Protoss clan, wise men with reason must account for the majority." Zeratul said: "Orega is still our brother, and his ideas also represent the views of many people in this generation of Dark Templar. .”

"Then you must have never seen the Tal'darin Protoss." Raynor complained.

"Tassadar is different from other protoss." Augustus said to Zeratul: "Maybe you just lack certain communication between you."

For Augustus, he was happy to see the reconciliation between the Dark Templar and the Templar. After all, they could only kill more brainworms by working together.

"I hope so." Zeratul stood up, ready to leave.

But Augustus's words still moved him.

Zeratul walked towards Augustus and took out an equitriangular instrument inlaid with sharp dark green crystal: "This is a communicator. On this planet, once you need the help of the Dark Templar, we will Will show up."

"But I have to tell you, because in the past I only traveled around the universe with some brothers and sisters, and now only a relatively small number of Dark Templar warriors are still following me." He told Augustus.

"You must use this communicator with caution, otherwise"

"Why don't you follow us." Augustus wanted Zeratul to follow his troops, otherwise God knows where he would find them at the most critical moment.

As he was talking, Duke's image flashed on the communication screen in the command room. The camera in the command room was automatically looking for Augustus, and it was inevitable that Zeratul and others would also be photographed.

"I'm Duke, Marshal. What do you damn bullshit aliens want to do with our Marshal?" Augustus' eyelids twitched when he saw Duke almost jumping up.

"I'm going to peel off all your skin!"

"Don't worry, General Duke, these are some of my protoss friends." Augustus stood up and walked towards the main screen.

"." Duke carefully confirmed whether Augustus was under duress. He noticed that Renault and Corporal Faraday were still carrying guns, and he was immediately relieved. Duke's simple mind could not imagine any conspiracy against Augustus, or he selectively ignored that possibility.

"Marshal, while the Berog (Fire Demon) swarm is going crazy, we have cleared the two main nests at point B and point C." Duke's square chin was raised slightly, as if he was thinking about it. Be proud of your achievements.

Zeratul and others who were about to leave stayed for etiquette or other purposes to listen to the conversation between Augustus and Duke. They also seemed to be very interested in the human battle plan.

"We received a distress signal. It seemed to be from Nova Squadron," he said.

"Nova Squadron?" Augustus frowned: "They also sent a landing force to Char. The people of Nova Squadron must have escaped the surveillance of our fleet. What do they want to do?"

"You can even think about it with your butt. It's definitely not a good thing." Renault snorted heavily.

"Do you know what they do?" Augustus asked.

"There are two troop transport ships and a scientific research ship there." Duke replied: "Anyway, based on my understanding of Nova Squadron Commander Holler, at least they are definitely not trying to follow us or us on the ground. It’s the zerg’s intention to fight a tough battle.”

"Do you want to save them?" Duke asked Augustus.

"Save it if you can," Augustus said.

"Well, I can only say that there is not much hope." Duke gave an order to dispatch the transport ship to an Alpha Squadron officer beside him.

"But let's leave it to fate," Renault said.

"Alarm - the life signal of the zerg has been detected." At this time, the voice of the mechanical intelligent adjutant suddenly rang. At the same time, Duke's picture on the main screen quickly shrank, and a series of letters and numbers jumped crazily.

"Zergs? Are they coming?" Renault hurriedly walked to the main screen.

"How is it possible?" Duke also heard the siren, and he immediately said in disbelief: "A newly designed psychic disruptor is also set up at the landing site. Its psychic interference field can cover an area of ​​thirty miles in diameter. In other words, the zerg cannot get close to our base at all."

Psionic disruptors have become the standard equipment of the Revolutionary Army in the war against the Zerg. Every division-level unit has distributed at least two psionic disruptors within a twenty-mile range. This technology is currently unique to the Revolutionary Army.

"If those bugs weren't originally coming for us, then it must be the fragments of the artifact that attracted them." Renault immediately thought of this possibility.

"It must be that artifact." Zeratul walked over: "It attracted the zerg that flocked to it."

"What's more troublesome is that unless these zerg don't know the function of the psychic disruptor, they will definitely know that this trip is in vain." Augustus didn't believe that the zerg would do such a thing even though they knew it. Things that failed.

An ominous premonition forced Augustus to make a quick judgment, and he knew he could not delay.

Augustus immediately opened the communication channel and radio channel of the entire base: "I am Augustus Mengsk. Everyone is picking up weapons and preparing to fight. A swarm of insects is approaching our base."

"Combat alert level one, soldiers, this is war!"

"The situation is not good." Renault opened the command room and walked out, leading several of his rangers to the Alpha Squadron base to command the frontline troops.

"Duke, return to the base of the landing site immediately." Augustus immediately ordered: "Immediately!"

"I know." Duke had no time to care about the Nova Squadron soldiers who sent out distress signals. He eagerly roared and announced every order he had to his soldiers.

After Duke was sent to clear out the Zerg main nest, there were less than 500 Alpha Squadron marines left in the landing point base, including quite a few medical, engineering and logistics troops.

"Lieutenant Colonel Roland, immediately dispatch all the reconnaissance aircraft on the tarmac. Adjutant, connect the satellites arranged in Char orbit. I need footage from all high-altitude orbiting satellites within a forty-mile radius of the base." Augustus pressed. Stare at the screen until a picture appears on it that is being continuously enlarged.

Thousands of zerg with red carapace and spikes are running on the ashes of the burning land of Char, enveloping the sky with gray-white smoke like a gray torrent.

The Tiamat (Creation God and Sea Goddess in Mesopotamian mythology) swarm is the oldest, most numerous and most powerful of the Zerg cerebrate clans. They crossed the range of the psychic disruptor interference field and were not affected in any way.

"Damn it..." Augustus realized that the psychic disruptor had failed.

Zeratul looked at the picture on the main screen, then turned to look at the two Dark Templar warriors following him.

"Gather all the warriors aboard the Void Seeker," he said.

"Nerazim, draw your sword."

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