StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 293: The Federation does nothing on a daily basis

Before Zeratul finished speaking, the two Dark Templar warriors behind him disappeared without a trace in the billowing black smoke. Just as they arrived, the protoss used some kind of phase warp technology to leave and go in search of their other brothers and sisters.

The Dark Templar never take the front door.

"This is the forward base for the Mirror Plains landing point. I am Tychus Finley." Tychus Finley's ferocious face flashed from the main screen.

"The zerg has launched an attack on us. This is no small matter. There are at least hundreds of thousands of zerg attacking here. I can almost feel the bugs running under my crotch. There are damn tunnel worms everywhere." He explain.

"The worst part is, the psychic disruptor doesn't work! I think it's completely broken and Swann's engineers can't fix it."

"Invalid. Trouble always comes one after another." Augustus held his breath and paced in place unconsciously.

"Tychus, hold on to the Mirror Plains base. I will ask Captain Cormoran in orbit to send support troops." He ordered: "I grant you this right. Once you think this war is irreversible, withdraw immediately." Send out all the troops."

"I'm just waiting for your words. If you don't deal with these bugs, they won't know the pain unless you use cruelty." Tychus turned his head, as if he didn't know fear at all.

"I'm going to eat fried worms tonight, oh they're so cute." Behind him were several similarly burly revolutionary soldiers.

The school officer and a group of soldiers were standing ready. It was obvious that they were on the front line rather than in the command center.

This is Tychus's command style. Although he is very, very happy to fish in the safety of the rear or do some sneaky things when he is interested, if this war is related to Tychus's own life and death, then He would rather shoot his stupid commander to death and command the army himself than leave his fate to others.

"Finley's tough guys, we are in a huge trouble - everyone can eat half a big bug alive with lava sweet sauce." He laughed, and before the communication ended, there were also rumors around him came the equally loud response.

Tychus doesn't always surround himself with the worst bad guys, smart people who don't drag others down, good people with noble moral character, and most importantly, the type who never abandons those people in battle. May be trusted.

"Captain Cormoran." Augustus then contacted the commander of the Revolutionary Fleet who was in high-altitude orbit.

The other party is a middle-aged man with a thick beard. He is from New Sydney, a planet on the edge of the Federation. His beard is reddish. For this reason, many people in the Revolutionary Fleet call him the "Red Beard of New Sydney."

Comoran was originally the captain of a commercially modified assault ship of the Revolutionary Army. He was later promoted to the Leviathan-class battlecruiser Thunder Child by Augustus, who was unavailable. ) captain.

The Son of Thunder is already the only three Leviathan-class battleships remaining in the Revolutionary Fleet. The other four Leviathan-class battlecruisers seized from the Dalarian Shipyard have been unable to keep up with the behemoths. Class battlecruisers were destroyed or scrapped due to wars between them.

The Children of Thunder is still a heroic battleship with outstanding achievements. It should have been honorably retired or sent to a scrap factory to continue to shine for mankind. However, the Revolutionary Army is really short of battleships. They do not have an interstellar shipyard capable of manufacturing large space battleships, so they can only continue to use battleships that should be eliminated.

Despite this, the surviving battleship can still achieve the firepower of a capital ship after being upgraded by the Swan Engineering Group, and its old engines have also been replaced. It is believed that this Leviathan-class battlecruiser will serve the Revolutionary Army for a long time, until it is no longer able to break away from the planet's gravity or Augustus believes that it deserves a good rest.

"The call is being connected. Marshal." Captain Cormoran was wearing a dark gray Revolutionary Army captain's uniform and a wide-brimmed hat with gold panels. He stood as tall as a pine: "What are your orders?"

"The fleet immediately reinforces the front lines. We need the support of orbital bombardment and Wraith fighter squadrons."

"Yes, sir," the captain replied seriously.

Immediately afterwards, Augustus ordered the Hyperion and Norad III to support the landing troops.

This is not over yet. At this critical juncture, the first thing Augustus thought of was the landing force of the Tassadar Expeditionary Force. At this time, he had no time to be reserved: "Adjutant, contact the nearest Protoss ground force. For our sake For the sake of a common enemy, we need their support, the sooner the better."

After issuing a series of orders, Augustus was ready to leave the command room and personally command his army. But at this time, Augustus noticed Zeratul standing quietly next to him, looking thoughtful.

"The psychic disruptor is the kind of weapon that disrupts the psychic link between the insects, making it difficult to move forward." Zeratul slowly looked at Augustus: "I think I understand, this is a premeditated plan. A long-running attack.”

"The Overlord has been eyeing you since humans landed, but they may not be the only enemies you have."

"Other enemies" Augustus immediately thought of a possibility in his mind and flashed with cold anger. "Nova Squadron, what did they do?"


Duke once reported to Augustus that they had received a request for help from the Federation Nova Squadron. The reason why Nova Squadron landed on Char is still a mystery, and Augustus believed that they would never come to this purgatory planet. Hot spring.

"Until then, my Dark Templar have been keeping a close eye on any army on the surface of Char, the zerg, the templar, you and the humans in purple armor."

Zeratul stood next to Augustus, his voice sounding like a calm old man: "Your fellow humans have deployed a special weapon near here."

"This weapon is amplifying the psychic signature of one of the human psykers," he continued.

Hearing what Zeratul said, Augustus immediately understood what Nova Squadron was doing: "Psychic launcher!"

Alpha Squadron received a request for assistance from the landing force of Nova Squadron - but it must not have been originally sent to them, or perhaps the Nova Squadron sent to the ground did not know what the consequences of their mission would be.

Of course the psionic emitters would attract the swarms, which was the real reason why the men of Nova Squadron were surrounded.

Augustus also knew that the psionic disruptor was a powerful weapon against the zerg, but that another human weapon, the psionic emitter, could counteract this effect. As long as there are enough psionic emitters, the Revolutionary Army's psionic disruptors will be ineffective.

"We didn't know why they did that at first, but such a dangerous move alerted me." Zeratul's voice sounded in Augustus' mind again.

"That signal strengthens the psychic link between the Overlord and the Cerebrates and their tribe. When the signal of that weapon is strong enough to completely cover up the strange interference wave in your camp, the powerful Overlord and the Cerebrates They can regain control of their own tribe."

The dark templar master's eyes sparkle with green psychic fire, which seems to reflect his wise soul.

"I don't know if this is something that humans have in common. You are always trying to reveal your existence to the universe regardless of whether there are enemies in deep space, trying to master powers that even you can't understand. When Saduras The Kakulu pterosaur devoured too much food, and the only fate waiting for it was to starve to death."

"This group of scum." Augustus had long been aware of the corruption, depravity and selfishness of the Federation. When the Federal Parliament decided to nuclear Pinkha IV, there was absolutely no possibility of reconciliation between them.

While the Revolutionary Army was fighting for the survival of the Terran human race, the Terran Federation only wanted their death.

"Tychus, retreat, there is no need to continue this war." Augustus reconnected with Tychus, who was about to fight, and changed his order without hesitation.

The psionic launchers deployed by Nova Squadron will also bring another terrible impact, that is, Zerg from all over Char will swarm. In this way, the revolutionary army's landing point in Char will immediately become the most dangerous place on the planet.

In this way, there is no need to hold on to the landing point, because it is impossible to hold it, even if everyone involved in the expedition is included.

"What? I'm in high spirits." Tychus' voice paused: "But if you order me to leave this hellish place, then I won't object."

"Corporal Faraday, let the most loyal and brave guards protect the Xel'Naga artifact fragment." At this time, Augustus still did not forget the importance of the artifact fragment.

The order to the fleet was also revoked by Augustus. Now they only have one task, which is to send enough transport ships and fighter planes to cover the retreat of the landing troops. Augustus would have to be crazy to want to fight to the death with the entire Zerg on Char, which should have been something the Protoss Expeditionary Force could do.

After speaking, Augustus walked out of the door of the command room, and Corporal Faraday followed him closely. Zeratul glanced at the human command center and followed.

Normally, neither the Templar nor the Dark Templar would come into contact with humans, let alone regard each other as friends of equal strength.

When Zeratul was talking to Augustus, he discovered that the other person was a rare human who truly ruled his people with kindness and majesty. This kind of person was rare even among his people.

A human commander who dared to lead an army to face the zerg in the expedition to Char was worthy of Zeratul's attention, and his patience with Augustus came from this.

When Augustus walked out of the command room door, the four members of the marshal's elite guard in the aisle immediately put down their Gauss rifles on their shoulders and followed him. Several civilian personnel responsible for collecting and processing intelligence hurried past Augustus, clutching documents and electromagnetic pistols in their hands, which were the only weapons that could protect them.

As Augustus quickly ran out of the command center, the green rectangular marching tents, towering radar towers and artillery positions at the Alpha Squadron landing base suddenly came into view.

These large-caliber electromagnetic cannons are the basis for Alpha Squadron's fire suppression. When dealing with Zerg, their power is by no means inferior to the Arclight Tank's Mjolnir siege cannon.

Wearing white power armor, with black and gold eagle and wolf heads on the right breastplate and shoulder armor, the Alpha Squadron soldiers were rushing to various bunkers and heavy firepower points with high spirits under the command of Renault.

Some of these Alpha Squadron soldiers were once resocialized soldiers aboard the Warfield Iron Justice, and still believe they are fighting for the Terran Confederacy, because their modified brains cannot distinguish between government forces and rebels well. military differences.

In the process of neuromodification surgery, doctors did not add relevant memories and skills. When Alpha Squadron fights Confederate forces, they still refer to their enemies as rebels.

This will no longer happen, and all federal resocialization has undergone further transformation. At the same time, the ever-advancing resocialization technology is also working hard to reduce the defects of reformed soldiers and preserve their personality as much as possible.

Guarding this base are two battalions of the 1st Marine Division of Alpha Squadron. Due to the lack of sufficient replenishment of resocialized soldiers, the number of these battalions has always been maintained within a range that barely maintains the establishment.

These troops are led by senior officers from the Revolutionary Army, and their loyalty is what Augustus relies on to keep Alpha Squadron firmly in his hands.

"Your warriors are all brave and have noble ideals." Zeratul's body was a little stooped, but his body was still strong. His strong and broad feet were silent on the ground. Every step he took was equivalent to Augustus taking two steps, and he soon caught up with him.

Even as aging irreversibly weakens the protoss' power, Dark Master Zeratul remains one of the most powerful Dark Templars alive today.

"They are the most selfless human warriors I have ever seen." He gave his opinion like an elder Augustus rather than a stranger whom he had only met a few times.

"But the zerg group you are facing is the oldest and most terrifying one. The zerg of Dagoth are more powerful than any enemy that humans have ever seen in the past. There are also groups of Sass and Nagar."

"Do you think we are certain to lose?" Augustus walked towards Jim Raynor who was directing the defense work on the southern fortification wall of the base, which was facing the Tiamat swarm.

".You have shown bravery beyond your years." Zeratul did not answer Augustus' question.

Augustus did not feel any witty humor from Zeratul's voice projected in his mind, at least that's what the other person thought: "Such a compliment makes me happy, elder. Maybe it's just because my mental age is higher than Really older."

As he spoke, Augustus had already come to Renault's side, and the latter was ordering the engineers of Alpha Squadron to use electroplated 15mm shields to strengthen the defense.

It was very close to the vanguard of the Tiamat swarm. The frontmost springtails were less than 500 yards away from an abandoned Alpha Squadron outpost. Augustus could even smell it. The smell of blood brought by the insect swarm.

"How's it going? Jim." Augustus asked Renault.

"It's not good." Renault said truthfully: "It's just that Duke's people are coming back, and at most they can just give the bugs a few more pieces of meat. Maybe we can ask the stars for help."

"Star Spirit." Augustus thought that he had also sent a distress signal to the Star Spirit. If there was support from the Star Spirit, then they would not be so desperate.

Just as he was talking, with the buzzing in the wind, several shining protoss gold-blue fighters jumped over, followed closely by a large number of transport ships and protoss assault boats. All the zerg in the area were heading here, and even without the help of humans, the commander of the protoss ground forces had already noticed something was wrong.

"It came just in time." Renault smiled: "They came just as I said it, just like they always do."

"Okay. It seems that we don't need to escape for the time being." Augustus shook his head, thinking that in such a situation, he should do this to turn the tide of the battle.

Since most of the Zerg in Char will be attracted here by the psychic transmitters, and even the Tiamat swarm that guards the Overlord all year round is here, it means that at least the defensive force of the core insect hive area where the Overlord is located will definitely weaken.

Thinking of this, Augustus looked at Zeratul.

"I am ready to fight alongside the warriors of men," Zeratul said in response to Augustus.

There are no six thousand today. No need to be careless.

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