StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 306 Nova Squadron


Tychus regained control of his body after slapping himself. He roared angrily and let out a strange cry before attacking. With his eyes wide open, he rushed towards Holler like a red-eyed bull.

He had never been so angry as he was now.

When the gigantic Tychus ran rampant through football games within the Revolutionary Army in this manner, no one could stop him. Tychus was in his prime, extremely strong, and a true monster in human form.

But then Tychus's left foot caught his right foot and he fell forward, landing on his face.

"I told you, I hate psykers the most." Tychus grumbled, "They are either crazy, uh... or insane."

"Hahaha. A nice paratrooper landing, Mr. Finley, but your butt is too high, so I'm going to give you a zero." Few people have seen the gloomy and arrogant Duke laugh heartily, but he He was smiling happier now than when he was told that he was about to be awarded the rank of general.

"You deserve it, Tychus." Raynor smacked his lips: "It's time for you to learn some lessons. Remember to hold your butt tightly and be a good person."

No one disputes that Tychus should learn some lessons to calm him down. In the revolutionary army, no one except Augustus could control Tychus, and even Renault, the actual second-in-command, could not do it.

"Did you see it? Marshal Augustus, this is my ability. Controlling people's central nervous system and brain lobes is just the simplest application. I can also distort other people's thoughts and self-perception." Holler said coquettishly: "Soon, I will become your right-hand man. You must need my ability."

"So you can control me?" Augustus asked him.

"No, you are strong-willed, and twisting your will is only useful to those weak-hearted cowards." Holler wiped the cold sweat that had just broken out.

"Really? Did you decide to follow me for power or ideals?" Augustus was undecided. He could not immediately believe what Holler said. And Augustus had to admit that if Holler was his opponent, he would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.

Jackson Holler is a rare talent. Human psykers with PSI level 8 or above are extremely rare.

Holler thought he would tell the answer right away, but he hesitated in a rare move.

"Revenge against the Federation so that no psychic child ever suffers a fate like mine," he replied.

"I didn't expect that there would be people like this in the Nova Squadron." At this time, Duke on the side whispered: "How corrupt is the Federal Navy?"

"I originally thought that the entire federal navy was full of cowards, sissies, and trash who could only sing while chewing oats." Reno heard Duke's words.

"You brainless idiot, what do you know about the navy?" Duke spit out something sweet.

Duke still remembers the time on Turasis II when a group of Marine recruits led a group of men to beat up the fleet soldiers of Alpha Squadron in a bar. Later he learned that the leader of those Marine recruits was August. All.

"Do you know this person?" Renault didn't want to dwell on this issue.

"I don't know him." Duke said bluntly: "I don't know him. There are only two possibilities. Either he is the kind of scion of a small aristocrat who can only linger on the edge of the social circle of the big aristocrats to form gangs, or he is a young man. Some are federal military academy cadets who have been promoted as civilians.”

"But someone who can command a naval squadron cannot be an incompetent nobleman who has been promoted in the army by virtue of his family's power and prestige. He is a psyker. As far as I know, the only psykers in the army are psionic agents. , there will be no other possibility.”

"I will take you in and give you all the honors and status a talented person deserves, but you must prove your loyalty to me." Augustus did not stay on this issue for too long, and now he had a question in front of him There's almost enough chance that Holler isn't making it up.

Augustus knew very little about Jackson Holler, whose identity had always been a mystery among the intelligence networks of the Revolutionary Army OGB, Sons of Korhal, and the United States of Umoyan.

Like other officers who had been promoted in the Union Army, Jackson Holler was also a noble, but his qualifications were only ordinary. Despite this, he was promoted like a noble officer with a bright future in the Terran Confederation's naval hierarchy, rising to the rank of Captain and leading the Nova Squadron, a force built for covert operations and special operations.

After Angus Mengsk started the rebellion on Korhal IV and Augustus Mengsk rose to power on Mar Sara, Nova Squadron was rapidly expanded into a large naval squadron to deal with Augustus' men. The threat posed by the Kohal Revolutionary Army in the Sara system.

Previously, the main shipyard of Nova Squadron was in the Antiga Prime system. One of their main tasks was to suppress the local situation that became increasingly turbulent due to the rise of Augustus Mengsk. Jackson Holler, who leads the Nova Squadron, is an unremarkable figure. He did not even achieve any feats during the Kailian War that were worth writing about on the UNN and Federation Battle Flag websites and forums.

However, when Holler proved that he was a psyker, Augustus believed a lot of what he said, because the Federation would never allow a psyker to dominate an entire naval squadron, but he still would not Let your guard down about Jackson Holler.

"There are a total of seventeen battleships of Nova Squadron and Omega Squadron in the Char Galaxy, and there will also be several research ships of Deep Blue Squadron." Holler said his plan without hesitation: "There are thirteen battleships currently in operation. Following me, others are on missions to establish outposts and mining bases at the edge of the system."

"As the commander, I will announce to other captains that my flagship is completely destroyed before it can be towed into the giant dock for repairs, so all crew members must be evacuated." He said: "More than four thousand crew members will be separated. Evacuate to various battleships."

"At that time, our people will be able to take advantage of the situation." Renault said immediately.

"Good idea, then we will seize control of those battleships."

"This is not an easy task. There are at least one or two thousand people on a battlecruiser. There are not enough of us." Duke pointed at several Alpha Squadron soldiers around him and said.

"It would be different if it were a lifeboat full of protoss." Augustus realized that this was his only choice at the moment, and he had to do it as soon as possible. The severely damaged battlecruiser under his feet was very dangerous. Soon it will turn into a coffin floating in space due to insufficient energy supply of the life support system.

The other battleships of Nova Squadron would never have imagined that their commander had rebelled, and that the enemy's allies were still protoss.

Augustus looked at a Templar standing next to him. The other person immediately looked at him calmly. He was Radnarnix who was ordered by Tassadar to take Augustus to the Star Shuttle's transmission platform. .

"The Executor ordered us to cooperate with your actions." Radnarnix has been listening to the conversations between humans and fed back directly to Tassadar through Kara.

"This human is the most powerful human psyker I have ever seen, and he didn't lie."

Augustus breathed a sigh of relief. He could not find any reason to let Tassadar continue to help him seize the Nova Squadron's warships. Perhaps the other party also believed that the Federation should be punished or lose the ability to pursue them.

"Most of the soldiers on this battleship are my followers, and they will drive lifeboats for you." Holler said: "All port entry orders and standard instructions are set by me, and this will not be an obstacle. You have to What they do is to invade the captain's room and seize control of the battleship, paralyzing the entire battleship, and finally liquidate the remaining people."

"How sure are you?" Augustus asked.

"Of the remaining twelve battlecruisers, the captains of four have been controlled by me." Holler said: "At the same time, we send spaceships disguised as lifeboats to the remaining battleships, and we can probably rob at least three of them. control."

"Prepare the lifeboats." Augustus looked at the flickering main screen next to him, which displayed the structural diagram of the battlecruiser. Most of the areas had turned red to represent danger, life support and atmospheric stability. The values ​​of the device have dropped to the critical point.

"Execute the new battle plan. Prepare to board the ship. Edmund and Jim, each of you will bring a troop. The protoss will cooperate with your actions." He said.

"Holler and Radner Nix are following me."

Augustus had a very good memory. Tassadar only called Radnarnix's name once, and he remembered it in his heart: "Do you understand your mission? Guys, if you understand, we will set off."

Duke and Renault immediately left with their people. Under the order of Radnarniks, a portion of the Protoss Templars each followed these humans.

"Get up, Tychus." Augustus walked to Tychus' side: "How long are you going to sleep? Isn't this shameful enough?"

Holler immediately blinked innocently, indicating that he no longer controlled Tychus.

"Damn it, you damn bastard, don't think you can do whatever you want just because you know some witchcraft!" Tychus suddenly got up and rushed towards Holler again with thunderous momentum, but then he followed He fell to the ground with a loud noise.

"It's not my fault, Marshal." Holler spread his hands.

This time, Tychus got up quickly. He gave in, but he still didn't spare Holler: "This matter is not over yet. Don't let me find out about you."

"Come here, Mr. Finley." Holler raised his hands and said in a nonchalant tone: "In these years in the Ghost Academy, the only thing I have learned is how to kill my target neatly. .”

"That's good. I need someone here who can oppose you. Duke is no match for you in a fight." Augustus said and led his protoss allies towards the launch bay. Inboard elevator.

The internal structures of the Tyranid Federation battlecruisers are similar, and you can find the way through the indicator arrows. At this time, the battleship was trembling more and more and was on the verge of collapse.

When the straight ladder descended to the entrance of the launch bay on the lower deck, about a hundred Protoss Templars were following Augustus, and at the same time, people continued to join their team from various corridors.

"How many more people can the lifeboats here hold?" Augustus asked Holler as he ran.

"There are enough lifeboats left for all of us," Holler replied.

"Does this include the remaining crew members here?" Augustus looked at Holler.

"There are not so many lifeboats left for them." Holler said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Those people don't need to be saved. They are either resocialized soldiers or professional soldiers, no."

"Approximately how many people are left?" Augustus interrupted Holler.

"There will probably be less than two thousand people." Holler's eyes flickered.

"Call the Hyperion and immediately dispatch lifeboats to Nova Terra, the flagship of Nova Squadron. They must be able to hold at least three thousand people." Augustus called his fleet on the communication channel.

"You are indeed different from those people." Holler's voice changed: "If someone could lend me a helping hand at that time"

"But now I hold out my hand to you," said Augustus. "Now that it is so, take it."

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Holler's eyes changed: "People say that ghost agents can kill a person in a few seconds. We can kill a person in a thousand different ways. This is our existence. meaning. The federal government has always used assassination and persecution to maintain its rule."

"I am willing to give you a chance. Just like I have given a chance to anyone who is willing to change his mind." Augustus knew how dangerous a psyker with a PSI of over 8 was, if there were not other hidden people around him. He really didn't dare to get so close to Holler among the other Revolutionary Army ghost agents and the Templars of Radnerix.

"The propaganda of the Sons of Korhal is true," Horler said.

"Which part?" Augustus had seen some promotional materials sent to him by his brother, and was deeply impressed by those shameful and boastful parts. After all, even the Tyranids' Lamp Emperor All the words can be said.

"All of them," Holler said seriously.

"You can't believe this guy, he's weird all over." Tychus, who was following Augustus, said. After today, Tychus hated psykers even more.

"Who am I to trust? I don't need you to decide, Tychus," Augustus said.

They have arrived at the launch port where many lifeboats are docked. These lifeboats are all painted in bright purple with the Nova Explosion logo and the federal red and blue flag pattern on them.

Augustus took the lead into a lifeboat, driven by a captain in the marshal's guard. Radnarniks came in with more than fifty Templars, who remained silent for a long time whether in battle or on the march.

When the guidance light came on, the lifeboat drove out of the launch cabin amidst a roar of engines, and the black space seemed to be close at hand.

In the distance, two deep purple battlecruisers of Nova Squadron were approaching their flagship. The blue-white lights on the sides and the tail flames of the escorting Wraith fighter fleet were clearly visible. They knew nothing about the approaching danger.

"This is Jackson Holler, Loyalty, open the hatch immediately," Holler said over the lifeboat's communications unit as he approached a Nova Squadron battlecruiser.

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