StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 307 Seizing the Ship

Through the external camera in front of the lifeboat, the hammer-shaped bow of the bright purple-painted Nova Squadron battlecruiser in Augustus' eyes was gradually enlarging. Compared with the battleship's hull shimmering with magnificent golden edges in the star's light, this lifeboat was nothing more than a fruit fly about to alight on a grape.

HMS Loyalty, a magnificent Behemoth-class battlecruiser, was finally completed and launched at Bennett Shipyard. It was built during the Kailian War and upgraded during the Korhal IV Rebellion with the addition of a prototype Titan Reactor to power more laser cannons and a giant fusion cannon that would be fielded in the future.

Although the human battlecruisers are not as gorgeous and exquisite as the protoss battleships, they are the pride of the Tyranids, with their powerful shapes, spectacular stainless steel armor, and bright white lights embellished on them. It is the model and representative of human giant ships and cannons in this era.

This lifeboat marked 303 began to approach the battlecruiser Loyalty and drove along the side close to the bright purple armor plate. Looking forward along the side, another Nova Squadron Behemoth-class battleship The cruiser was just ahead and to the right of the bow of the lifeboat, about a dozen miles away. Another battleship of the same class was parallel to the Loyalty, but farther away.

All battleships and escorting frigates, destroyers, supply ships and troop carriers are maintaining relatively stationary and high-speed movements. Driving a spaceship smoothly into the dock berth places extremely high demands on the spacecraft driver.

The lifeboat circled the Allegiant's dock entrance for several minutes, waiting for the dock's landing bay to open. Holler pulled out a 2D control panel from next to his seat and entered a series of codes on it to open the door of the landing module, as if a steel giant faced space and opened his mouth.

The blue light at the dock entrance immediately poured out from it. When the lifeboat sailed into the port, Augustus noticed that several T-280 Tarsonis space engineering vehicles were fixed by cables on the alloy steel elevated frame at the dock entrance. Moving at the edge of the deck, the faint light of the welding fire disappeared briefly.

Seven other lifeboats of the same model followed closely. These spacecraft, which were supposed to be full of wounded and fleeing people, did not arouse the vigilance of the captain of the Loyalty. After it was learned that Colonel Holler was on the first lifeboat, the craft were ignored.

Augustus stood up the moment the lifeboat stopped and followed Holler down the alloy gangway.

The dock berth of the Loyalty is very empty. Most of the fighter planes and transport aircraft are performing tasks outside. There are only various ground crews in orange overalls. They are driving space engineering vehicles and unloading robots to and from the dock. It's about repairing damaged aircraft.

When Holler walked down the gangway, a Nova Squadron officer wearing dark purple CMC-300 powered armor was running towards him with several soldiers. There are not many soldiers guarding here, probably less than one combat platoon.

Even in wars between humans, boarding battles rarely happen. Only the Kaimorians will use their numerous and fast assault boats to seize Federation battlecruisers in fleet battles. This is also the way for interstellar pirates to deal with it. A method commonly used by large freighters.

"Colonel Holler, thank God you are still alive. Without your orders, the entire squadron would be in chaos." The Nova Squadron officer was a tall, thin man with rough eyebrows. He lowered his helmet visor so that Holler could see it. Clear your face. He may not be very familiar with Holler, but at least he knows who his commander is.

The officer was stunned for a moment when he saw Augustus in crimson power armor behind Holler, and then he rubbed his eyes: "Augustus Mengsk shit, I must be dreaming."

The officer took a few steps back, his face dark with fear. For a rebel leader with such a reputation as Augustus Mengsk, his first reaction was not that Holler captured Augustus, but that Augustus descended from the sky with human and divine soldiers.

Before he could say anything, Tychus stepped out from behind Augustus, took two quick steps, clenched his iron fist and moved towards him. The officer immediately fell on his back, blood was pouring out from his broken nose, and his eyes turned white.

"Wake up from this nightmare, poor thing." Tychus looked at his bloody fist, raised his chin, and the scars on his face looked even more ferocious.

"Tykes Finley, Demon of Heaven." The remaining soldiers of Nova Squadron were stunned on the spot. Only another officer with the rank of lieutenant suddenly shouted: "Rebels."

Before he could finish speaking, Tychus struck him cleanly to the ground with another fast and hard punch.

"It's nice to meet you, sweetheart." He had just suffered a defeat at Holler's place and was full of anger.

"I am Colonel Jackson Holler." Holler looked at the soldiers who were completely at a loss and had stunned expressions: "The rebels have invaded this battleship. I need you to get ready in twenty seconds. Defeat the enemy."

"Yes, sir, fighting for the Union." The soldiers immediately stood up straight and saluted Holler.

Just by looking at their appearance, it would be difficult for ordinary people to spot the difference between resocialized soldiers and ordinary soldiers, but if you pay a little attention, you can notice the barcodes on the back of their helmets. And the Federation never viewed resocialized soldiers as human beings.

"Soldiers, remember your mission. Order and fairness are the cornerstones of the Terran Federation." Holler said.

"Always faithful."

"Are they idiots?" Tychus felt bored and returned to the lifeboat to take out his heavy machine gun.

At the same time, Tychus made such a big noise that it was difficult not to attract the attention of the ground crew above the dock. Some of them were still busy with their work, but they all realized that something was wrong.

A federal engineer who was sitting on a pile of supply boxes and smoking a cigarette shouted loudly: "I said, what is going on? Those two soldiers look seriously injured."

Most of the ground crews and engineers in the Loyalty dock did not dare to speak. There were always a few people who were desperate and confused about the situation and tried to figure out what was going on by shouting.

"I am Colonel Holler. There are rebels mixed into this spaceship." Holler replied without changing his expression: "If they want to seize control of this battleship, they must eliminate this group of rebels."

"Okay, okay. Aren't the zerg and protoss troubles enough?" The engineer believed it, but when he saw clearly who were getting off the lifeboat, he almost fell off the supply box.

Stepping out of the lifeboat were not soldiers, engineers, and scientists, but protoss templars in shining armor. The protoss warriors stepped out of the lifeboat one after another, thousands of sparkling blue eyes all looking in the same direction.

This time, the engineer didn't dare to speak anymore.

Augustus and Radnarnix looked at each other. The latter gave an order, and a large number of Protoss Templars rushed into the corridors and passage entrances of the ship. Any human soldiers who dared to resist them were killed. It can be cut with a sharp blade and blood will flow freely.

"Follow me, Marshal." Holler made a gesture and asked his Nova Squadron resocialized soldiers to walk at the front, heading all the way to the straight ladder with the indicator arrow.

"You'd better not lead us into a trap." Tychus picked up his Persuader heavy machine gun: "I will keep an eye on you, do you understand? If you want to betray us, I will kill you His skull was smashed."

"The Federation won't plant a spy at the expense of so many battleships, right?" Holler said.

"That's not possible. Who knows what is going on in your ghost's head. You may hate the Tyranid Federation, but you may not like us." Tychus shook his head and said.

"Yes, I really don't like you." Holler said: "If you really think that I can do witchcraft, then you'd better be careful." (Jackson Holler is the director of the Tyranid Empire's Hidden Blade-Ghost Agent Program A member of the United States and one of the first psykers to use terrazine on themselves.)

Augustus paid no attention to the quarrel between the two men. Tychus is not likeable to begin with, and Holler is obviously a very sophisticated and ambitious person. This kind of power-seeking person is not so difficult to control. In fact, Tychus is not very keen on reaching the upper echelons of the revolutionary army - although he thinks that is not bad, as a higher position is more conducive to his use of power for personal gain.

Tychus's mind was filled with thoughts of returning to his old profession if the revolution failed. He was a chaotic factor, but for Augustus he was still much more reliable than Holler, who had just surrendered.

After Augustus followed Holler into the elevator, the alarm inside the Loyalty finally sounded. The captain of the ship had obviously seen clearly what happened through the dock's surveillance screen: "I am Loyalty." Captain Joe, we have been invaded. Jackson Holler betrayed the Confederacy, I repeat, Jackson Holler betrayed the Confederacy and he is no longer our commander."

"Protoss, they are coming. Augustus Mengsk is bringing them here! They are Augustus' rebels! Run!"

"This is a trap, we are surrounded, evacuate immediately!"

"As you say, I'm not a devil." Augustus thought they didn't need to be so nervous.

The ladder kept rising, and when it stopped, it was already on the uppermost main deck. The corridor leading to the command area cabin was already filled with fully armed Nova Squadron marines.

"Fire!" the officer commanding the unit shouted immediately.

"Stand at attention." Holler straightened his military cap and said calmly.

"Put the gun away and unload the bullets."

Dozens of soldiers in purple power armor responded to Holler's order with a series of flawless movements of standing at attention and holding their guns. The tinkling sound of bullets falling was clear in the corridor inside the ship that suddenly became quiet. Audible.

All resocialized soldiers recognized Holler, and in their neuro-modified brains, as the supreme commander of Nova Squadron, Holler's orders were clearly superior to anyone else's.

"Damn, why did you betray us? You treacherous dog." The Nova Squadron officer said as he took out his own P-220 electromagnetic pistol and aimed it at Holler.

"I'm sorry." Holler's black pupils turned golden.

The officer then turned the gun on himself and fired.

"Who are these people?" Tychus had goosebumps all over his body. At this time, Tychus suddenly remembered the red-haired female ghost next to Augustus. Since Kerrigan served Augustus, she has rarely killed anyone, which makes Tychus almost forget that high-level human psykers are those who can kill others with just one glance.

High-level psykers are very rare, and tortured childhoods often make them more cold-blooded and even have twisted personalities than ordinary ghost agents, but this type of people have a purer mind.

In less than a second, Holler lowered his head and raised it again, walking past a group of Nova Squadron soldiers who were standing at attention on both sides of the corridor waiting for orders. The thin, resolute faces of these soldiers were reflected in their masks. Face.

"Does it hurt you to kill someone?" Augustus asked Holler.

"Yes, Marshal, the memory of the deceased before death will be rooted in my mind. Only brainwashing can forget it all." Holler hesitated and replied: "But I can't be brainwashed, which means I can't forget. Those memories.”

"Then you had better not do that after this," said Augustus.

Augustus was convinced that Jackson Holler was probably the most powerful psyker he had ever seen besides Kerrigan and Nova, and was one of the very few who possessed special abilities. And, at least in his opinion, the man was not hopeless.

Holler continued forward, and almost every step of the way someone rushed out to stop him. The Confederate colonel wore only a blue navy uniform and a Union Guard medal on his shoulder, but no one could harm him.

By the time they rushed to the bridge, Radnarnix's Templars were already waiting for them. The bridge was full of traces of a fierce struggle. The captain of the Loyalty collapsed on the ground. At his feet was an electromagnetic rifle that was cut off by a psychic blade.

"Lieutenant Colonel Joe, there is no need to work for the Federation anymore. Sooner or later, they will play with fire and burn themselves." Holler said and walked to the captain of the Loyalty: "It's time to establish a new order. The zerg and protoss are poisoning our homeland. , the Tyranids need a clear leader."

"He is Augustus Mengsk."

The lieutenant colonel didn't speak, just remained silent.

Outside Loyalist's bridge, the lines of the Nova Squadron fleet were in disarray, as the four battlecruisers supporting Holler opened fire on the remaining battleships. When Augustus looked over, a Nova Squadron battlecruiser was ejecting hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles at her sister ship, leaving a large trace of burns and damage on the side of the battleship. .

Although the number of rebel warships was not dominant, because the federal warships did not know which warships had betrayed the federation, after several Nova Squadron warships jumped away first, the remaining federal warships began to retreat.

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