StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 308 Nine Behemoth-class battlecruisers

In front of Augustus, outside the bridge window of the Loyalty was a magnificent battlefield. The battleships and spaceships of the Nova Squadron that have surrendered to the Revolutionary Army are fighting desperately with their colleagues on the edge of the Char System. The majestic battlecruisers aim their densely packed gun muzzles at the enemy dozens of miles away, and each group is in a barrage. The fleeting flames in the scene all came from a Wraith fighter plane or a transport ship.

Every battleship and every man showed no mercy to their once comrade-in-arms but now enemy opponent, like two fists clashing together fiercely, again and again. A large number of spacecraft fragments and wreckage were thrown far away with the shock wave of the explosion, flying towards celestial bodies hundreds of millions of miles away, until they were captured by the gravity of asteroids and planets.

In another salvo, two Nova Squadron battlecruisers that had turned their allegiance to the Revolutionary Army damaged a federal battleship named Achilles. A terrifying flash of light lit up the middle section of the Achilles, and the bright purple armor was suddenly charred black.

The Achilles did not retreat, but bravely fired back at the revolutionary warships.

However, there are only six Nova Squadron battlecruisers left that are still loyal to the Federation and can still fight. After the Hyperion and the other two Revolutionary Army battlecruisers turned around to join the battle, the Federation battleships have already at a certain disadvantage.

With an entire hostile protoss fleet nearby, the Federation fleet was no longer interested in fighting, and one by one, they were preparing to start their warp engines and prepare to escape.

"Stop them." Augustus ordered in the command channel of his own fleet.

The Hyperion joined the siege of the Achilles and blocked it with the other two battlecruisers, preventing it from immediately entering the jump state. It rashly opened the super-ship under the interference of strong plasma energy flow. The space-time channel is very likely to cause a terrible disaster.

Normally, the captain who issued the order would not even have the opportunity to be court-martialed.

The captain of the Achilles was determined to launch a short jump to avoid the attack of the Revolutionary Army warships, but the warship was severely damaged by the Hyperion's gunfire salvo close to its stern, and the relatively lagging behind The armor failed to protect it.

Within ten minutes, the exchange of fire between the warships of both sides turned into a rout of the federal fleet. A large number of armor fragments and spacecraft wreckage floated into the distance along with the wake of the warships as they escaped and the space-time vortex flashing with colorful radiation, as if Bottles drift along ocean currents, creating debris flows of debris and debris that stretch for dozens of miles.

When Augustus refocused his attention on the captain of the Loyalty as the bridge deck shook, the space war had come to an end. Four Federation warships escaped pursuit and left the Char system. Achilles and another sister ship, the Epaus, were unable to escape the battlefield with the other Federation warships because they were trapped and severely damaged.

The Allegiance did not join the battle. Augustus' troops only invaded the upper deck and the command mezzanine. The various decks in the middle and lower decks were still under the control of the Federation crews. They were stubbornly resisting the protoss under the leadership of some brave officers. The attack even attempted to recapture the battleship.

"Captain, if you can still listen to what I say, then I want to tell you that your fleet has been defeated." Augustus said calmly and in an undoubted tone.

"Order your men to surrender immediately to avoid unnecessary casualties. I pity those federal soldiers who are still fighting bravely. If they surrender immediately, I will definitely give them the opportunity to return to their hometown at the end of the war."

"You devil. Who threw you here from hell?" Captain Joe of the Loyalty was sitting on the ground, raising his face with a thick beard and staring at Augustus.

"Angus Mengsk and Katherine Mengsk gave birth to a terrorist and the leader of extremists. The war you brought has killed so many people, and you have to kill as many people as you want before you feel satisfied."

"You are the devils. Do you remember Kehal? This revenge is not over. Should everyone who stayed there deserve to die?" Before Augustus could speak, his guard captain, Corporal Faraday, raised his head angrily. He raised his fist.

“I am tired of telling others that iron and blood, sweat and sacrifice are the price that must be paid for change. If you open your eyes and look, you should see the farmers of Shiloh, Hailsin and Altera because of the federation. You should see that since the middle of the 25th century, the laws of the Terran Federation have been written to protect the interests of the rulers." Augustus's voice seemed to have some kind of magic, So much so that when he spoke, everyone would look at him unconsciously.

"The number of people who died as a result of the Federation's refusal to provide any assistance to the refugees from the fringe worlds displaced by the Zerg invasion was far tens of millions of times greater than the number of civilian casualties caused by the Revolutionary and Federation forces."

"It's all because of you rebels. Without you, how could we not save those refugees." The captain didn't seem to believe what he said, because his momentum was far behind Augustus.

Augustus just laughed it off, which was the unified statement of the federal military and official media. The mistakes were all the fault of the revolutionaries and rebels. If the Federation was guilty of anything, it was that their control of the people and the suppression of the rebels were far from sufficient.

Since Angus Mengsk declared independence on Korhal IV in 2489, three full years have passed since this white-hot revolution. The people of the Federation often see government troops and rebels fighting in some extremely remote place. News of the conflict between the edge world outpost and the space station, the conflict between the two sides has gradually become a norm.

"This guy is really a rock in the pit, smelly and hard." Tychus applied the words Augustus once used to describe himself to the Federation captain.

"Give him a few strokes and he'll be honest right away."

"Colonel Holler." Augustus looked at Jackson Holler next to him and said.

Hearing Augustus' words, Holler nodded, the gold in his eyes shining even more.

".I am the captain, and this is my order." Under Holler's mental control, Captain Joe of the Loyalty twisted his neck unnaturally, and moved his headset with trembling lips.

"The war is over, and resistance is meaningless. I order you to surrender to any enemy you see. It was my mistake that led to this defeat, and the blame should be placed on me," he said.

"I order you to lay down your weapons."

Joe's order resounded throughout the decks and cabins of the Loyalty, making a big impact especially among the resocialized soldiers. Even those Federation officers with independent judgment soon realized that the Loyalty had become an isolated island in the universe. It would not be long before a large number of rebels and protoss boarded the ship in the lost dock.

Augustus glanced at the trembling captain of the Loyalty again, and thought about the stance from which this middle-aged man said those words. Not everyone can leave everything behind and join the revolution, especially the revolution. The army's victory is still not obvious. After all, those who enthusiastically joined the revolutionary army were only a minority.

For those men who have already started a family, this usually means that he is likely to abandon his wife and children, and follow the rebels whose future seems unclear to places a few light years or even further away for many years.

"Corporal Faraday, lock him up," Augustus said.

"Captain, I will never execute anyone who surrenders. If you are unwilling to leave the past behind and serve the Revolutionary Army, you will also be given the opportunity to go home - of course after the Federation is overthrown."

Augustus would not refuse to include the federal regulars in his own army, since they were, after all, professional soldiers.

When Corporal Faraday waved his hand and ordered two soldiers of the Marshal's Guard to take away the captain of the Loyalty, Augustus leaned in front of the console on the bridge of the battleship, from which jumped out the Hyperion and the Thunder Spawn. The portrait of the captain of the Revolutionary Army battleship.

After waiting for a few minutes, the numbers of the four Nova Squadron battleships that fought for the Revolutionary Army in this battle also appeared in the battle sequence on the screen. They are all captains whom Holler used his powerful psychic and psychic powers to control or turn against during his years in charge of Nova Squadron, secretly swearing allegiance to freedom rather than the Federation.

"What have you done to the captains of these battleships?" Augustus asked Holler softly. He did not believe that he conquered these captains who had at least several thousand men under them with his personality charm.

"I can't forcefully change their thinking and self-perception with just my mental power." Holler walked behind Augustus and put his hands behind his back: "I can only use my mental power to temporarily It cannot directly take over the control of other people's brains over their bodies, but it cannot directly distort their thoughts."

"What I can do is, like the neuromodification of resocialized soldiers, subtly adding some different memories to these people to bias their understanding of themselves." He explained to Augustus: "If things continue like this, these people will think that their allegiance is to me rather than to the Federal Naval Command and the Federation itself."

"But this is dangerous, and it doesn't always work, otherwise you would have controlled the entire Nova Squadron over the years." Augustus said.

Without advance contact, premeditation, or detailed planning, Jackson Hole fell to Augustus. Originally, Augustus thought that he was lucky if he only captured one or two battlecruisers.

"Yes, I have not succeeded many times, and those with a determined mind can find the deviation between the transplanted memory and the original memory." Holler said truthfully: "They are also very likely to find themselves being manipulated one day in the future. It’s something that adds an extra memory.”

"That is to say, it is not stable, and it will take a long time to control them." Augustus nodded.

"So the captains of those battleships should be replaced because they may betray us." Holler had naturally spoken as a revolutionary army.

"Of course." Augustus would not allow a captain whose loyalty could not be guaranteed to command a battlecruiser that was precious to the Revolutionary Army. Even most of the crew had to be replaced. Soon, these battlecruisers, once part of Nova Squadron, would be filled with Revolutionary soldiers from Korhal and Mar Sara.

Those federal soldiers who originally belonged to the Nova Squadron must prove their loyalty before they can be incorporated into the Revolutionary Army's combat order, and these must be confirmed by deep mind reading by psykers in the Revolutionary Army. This was a very difficult mission. At least 40,000 to 50,000 Nova Squadron soldiers surrendered, while there were less than 30 psykers in the Revolutionary Army.

He knocked on the console and saw a communication on it from a Nova Squadron battleship, a Federation behemoth battlecruiser named Eris.

"Augustus, I followed the Protoss to capture this battlecruiser. God, you can't imagine how brutal the battle was. The captain of this battleship even buried his own battleship to stop us." Renault's image appeared on the screen on the console.

"Fortunately, Tassadar's templars beheaded him. What a good man, but too bad he was an enemy."

"I am Duke, and the plan went well. I led the protoss to kill all the Nova Squadron members who dared to block the way." Duke's image also appeared, and at this time his arrogant voice fell on Augustus' ears. It's not as bad as before.

"We are clearing the remaining resistance forces on various decks and cabins. Many people are trying to escape using the battlecruiser's lifeboat." He said arrogantly.

"These ships don't have warp engines, so they can only wait to die in Char."

"Contact these ships. If they are willing to surrender, I will not leave them here." Augustus said to Duke.

"Received-" Duke's avatar disappeared and he was busy completing Augustus's mission.

At this moment, on the main screen of the bridge, cameras and sensors are aiming at the assault boats and landing craft dispatched by the Achilles and Epaos, the Hyperion, the Thunderbringer, and the Norad III. They are still trying to get closer to the two power engines, but they are constantly being forced back by the firepower of the laser cannon team.

The crews of Achilles and Epaus still did not give up resistance. Although they were unable to complete the jump, most of the battlecruiser's weapon systems were still functioning normally.

The two battlecruisers have become mobile fortresses, and it is not easy to break into them.

"Sooner or later, Achilles and Epaus will be ours." Holler smiled.

"Any fool can see that." Tychus said as he took a box of high-end cigars from the filing cabinet on the bridge of the Allegiance, secretly thinking about how many good things he could get on the battlecruiser.

"What are the zerg doing?" Augustus switched to the radar surveillance map of the Loyalty and found that no life signal of the zerg was detected on it: "It seems that the zerg are busy attacking Aiur and have no time to pay attention to us."

At this time, six Nova Squadron battlecruisers with dark purple paint and shining nova logos had appeared outside the bridge, and two more were on the right side. When Augustus takes complete control of these battlecruisers, the three battleships he brought from Antiga will become a fleet of twelve battleships.

Together with the original warships, this means that Augustus already has two squadrons of federal naval forces in his hands, not to mention Tassadar's fleet will follow him.

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