StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 312 Gabriel Tosh

Chapter 312 Gabriel Tosh


The sky was still pouring rain, and the hurricane whipped up sewage, pipes and plastic on the ground and crackled towards Tosh, making it almost impossible to open his eyes.

In the heavy rain and bursts of thunder, no one could hear what Tosh was saying. They could only see a crazy dark-skinned child running around in the rain, talking to each other about the witch Tosh's grandson being killed. Voodoo made him completely delirious.

After running a few hundred yards, Tosh turned back to his shack.

It was then that he remembered that he had left his grandmother behind.

"Where are they? I can't see them." Grandma walked out of the dilapidated shack, letting the rain hit her high priest's robe.

"Can you see them?"

"No, but my witchcraft can sense them. Grandma, I'm sure those monsters in the sky are not the messengers of Manan Thres." Although he is still a teenage boy, Tosh's mind Already more mature than adults.

"We will be saved when we get to Grand City."

"The people in the city won't let us in," my grandmother said hoarsely. "The people behind the walls are greedy and evil. They don't believe in witchcraft and hate it. They are all enemies of Manan Thres." .”

"They have no time to take care of us." Tosh took his grandmother's thin and sharp fingers like eagle claws and pulled the stubborn old priest out of the shack.

In Tosh's heart, his grandmother has an incomparable status. Tosh has been considered a "real" user of witchcraft since he showed extraordinary abilities. Tosh is respected by the Voodoo sect at a distance, while others are worshiped by the Voodoo sect because of their fear of the unknown and mystery. Tosh has been alienated or avoided for a long time out of fear.

As a powerful psychic who was born with the ability to read minds, Tosh knew that there was only one person in the world who still loved him deeply, and that was his elderly grandmother.

Her thoughts, words and deeds left a deep imprint on Tosh's heart and deeply affected him.

Grandma followed Tosh into the violent rainstorm outside the shack and ran towards the depths of the slum. If it were in the past, Tosh's grandmother had always been a strong female leader and the head of the family. She had always been the one who made the most decisions in the family. She had not received a systematic education, but was full of opinions and insights.

But now, Tosh's grandmother is too old, her thoughts sometimes become sluggish, and her body is no longer as tall as Gabriel Tosh, who is about to catch up with her in height.

Tosh ran with his grandmother in the fierce wind, feeling that the sweeping hurricane was sweeping away everything on the ground. They ran through shabby huts, shacks and streets made of low-profile car tires.

During this storm, everyone hid in their homes and shivered, unaware of the coming danger.

They were about to cross the entire slum and onto the road, until a sharp scream pierced the night sky, and a monster with fluttering flesh wings was hovering over Tosh. More monsters flapping their wings appeared, and their number was increasing, approaching hundreds.

Tosh had never heard of the existence of zerg, and he knew very little about the wild animals in this system.

These monsters hover over the slums like vultures looking for carrion. Their dragon-like heads have four pairs of scarlet triangular eyes, and their snake-like bodies are covered with sharp spikes and carapace. They are weird and twisted.

With a scream of terror, the monsters landed on the roofs of slum huts and shacks and lifted off the tiles and water-proof awnings. They used the spikes on their tails to pierce the victims' bodies and grab them into the air. It's like peeling back the hard shell of a shellfish and scooping out the meat inside.

The monsters grabbed the wailing and screaming people and rode the wind, flying high into the air.

Only then did other people in the slums poke their heads out to figure out what was going on, but it was too late. More monsters fell from the sky, grabbing the wailing people and carrying them into the air.

This is a nightmare scene. In the darkness of the storm, one after another howling people are captured by monsters falling from the sky. These people were quickly thrown down again and fell to pieces with blood flowing everywhere.

Darkness, hurricanes, rain, thunder and countless high-pitched screams attacked Tosh, forcing him to keep running forward.

A flapping monster targeted Tosh, skimming low over the ground and lunging toward him.

At this moment, Tosh obeyed his instinct under tremendous pressure and released the spiritual power that had been suppressed in his body. An invisible psychic shock hit the monster's brain tissue, and it immediately flapped its wings feebly a few times before landing heavily on an abandoned agricultural grain thresher next to it.

In a matter of seconds, it turned into a puddle of green, highly corrosive acid. With a tooth-searing creaking sound, the threshing machine slowly melted into the acid.

Tosh didn't dare to take a look and just continued running forward. Grandma could no longer keep up with Tosh's pace, so the child actually carried his grandmother on his back and ran with extremely strong physical strength and will. Most of the children in the slums of Grande were emaciated due to malnutrition, but witchcraft gave Tosh powers far beyond ordinary people.

He has passed through the slums and onto the road. In less than ten minutes, he can enter the city walls of Grande City with automatic machine gun turrets, armed outposts and anti-aircraft missile towers. An entire federal army is stationed there. division as well as an armored brigade of Goliath-armed robots.

Originally, such a remote planet did not need to station such a large army. It was enough to maintain a militia that could resist the Kaimorian interstellar pirates.

These were prepared for a man named Augustus Mengsk and his evil-doing rebels. General Saul Korek, the federal governor of Haji and the top commander of the garrison, seemed to believe that the devil in heaven and the revolution The military will attack this planet, so in the past few years they have been taking a series of measures to enhance the military strength of this planet.

Several more monsters roared and rushed towards Tosh, but they were all hit by powerful psychic shocks and fell to pieces.

"They are the embodiment of death, the messengers of Manan Thres," the grandmother on Tosh's back said hoarsely: "They are the banshees of the goddess of death, they are harvesting death."

Behind Tosh, the entire slum was shrouded in the death shadow of countless flying monsters, and it completely turned into a hellish slaughterhouse. There is blood and cries of human death everywhere, and the feelings and thoughts of each person at the moment of death will flood into the mind of Tosh, who is extremely sensitive to psychic energy, making him on the verge of collapse.

One after another, the outlines of larger shadows appeared from the sky, like round, shelled jellyfish. They moved slowly in the sky, surrounded by a large number of flying creatures.

At this time, a beam of light tore through the darkness. It was the light of a Federal Army armored vehicle, followed by the sound of brakes and the running sound of servo motors.

Several twelve-foot-tall Goliath armed robots appeared in the light of the armored vehicles, and their pilots raised their 30mm cannons and pointed them at the sky. As the cannon rotated at high speed, the dense barrage instantly blasted a swooping alien dragon into a pool of bloody fragments.

Behind the Goliath armed robot at the front was a red-blue federal flag and the inverted triangle emblem of the local armored force. The giant Goliath walked forward in stride, and its speed was no less than that of a vehicle.

"It's an Allosaurus! Damn it, how did the Antiga monster get here? It must be reported to the Federal High Command." A hoarse voice came from the loudspeaker of the commander of the Goliath Wing. Smoking and speaking in a choppy voice.

Another dozen roaring mutalisks approached their target, like black shadows wandering on the ground.

"Fire!" the federal commander yelled and ordered.

About seven or eight Goliath armed robots lifted up the Hellfire anti-air missile launchers. Nearly a hundred anti-air missiles roared into the air, tearing apart all the invading alien dragons. A large amount of residual limbs and blood followed. Heavy rain fell continuously from the sky.

"Command, tell the general, we are in big trouble." The federal commander said: "We need to immediately blockade Slum No. 16. Not only Wayne Street and Enlester Block, the entire slum must have been infected by the worm. Yes, they must have been lurking here for a long time."

“It’s all the fault of Grande Town Hall and the council.”

"It's the army! Help us! Help us!" Tosh put down his grandmother on his back and jumped up, trying to make the soldiers in the Goliath robot aware of his existence.

"Locking the target." The voice of Goliath's built-in intelligent and design-assisted fire control system made Tosh feel like he was falling into an ice cave. For a moment, he almost thought they were about to fire on him.

"Stop, don't waste bullets." The federal commander drove his huge Goliath robot to Tosh and noticed the trembling old grandmother wearing high priest robes next to the child.

"It's the people in the slums who are really unlucky."

"Help us! Sir." Tosh said incoherently as he tried to get closer to the Goliath robots for shelter. "There are still a lot of people out there. There are tens of thousands of people in the block."

"Go away." The federal commander pointed his gun at Tosh and said contemptuously: "This bastard may have been infected by the zerg, and he will bring the plague into the city."

"One step forward and I will kill you, understand?" the federal sergeant yelled through a loudspeaker.

Tosh immediately raised his hands to show he was unarmed.

"Call the command center. There are civilians here, general." A woman's voice came from the cockpit of another Goliath armed robot.

"Shall we let them pass?"

"I understand, General." The woman said immediately: "This is an order from the command center. The cordon is immediately raised. This road is blocked and no one is allowed to enter."

"The engineering troops will be here in a moment. We need to establish a defensive line."

"Do you understand? Go back, you bastard from the slums, the son of a cockroach and a rat woman." The commander of the Goliath Wing lowered his cockpit in front of Tosh, and the shining cockpit lights commanded Detosh could barely keep his eyes open.

"You damn Mudblood, bedbugs stay with bedbugs. Don't bring us the zerg infestation."

Tosh's eyes widened. He knew that people in the city didn't see the people in the slums as human beings, but he didn't expect that they didn't care about the lives of people like him.

"Now, stand back, yes, look behind you." The federal commander said in a cold and ruthless tone: "Go back to your doghouse."

"Look, those people are really damned." Tosh's grandmother sat on the ground and whispered to Tosh.

"Manan Thres will not let them go," my grandmother said, coughing, her voice growing weaker. My grandmother had lived as long as this slum, and many people said she had died long ago, but was still clinging to life through witchcraft.

"We just want to live." Tosh shouted, and no one noticed the red light attached to his body.

"Sorry, kid." The female Goliath pilot should be an adjutant. She walked towards Tosh and said, "We can't let you go. No one knows how long this place has been infected. Once the zerg is on a planet, If it takes root, the infection will spread immediately.”

"Infection is an enemy more formidable than teeth and claws. Only the Korhal rebels will risk infection to save people, but no matter what, it is no different than suicide."

"You don't need to explain so much to him. Many people die in slums like this every day." The commander of the Goliath Wing emphasized.

"We should forgive them. After all, she has already apologized." Grandma Tosh's voice became weaker. Her voice was hoarse and sharp, with some kind of terrible creaking sound, like a screaming laugh.

Tosh slowly sat down on the ground next to his grandmother.

Behind him is the slum where the zerg is raging. Behind the slum is the ocean with huge waves. No matter which direction you go, there is a dead end.

At this time, some slum residents who escaped from the claws of the alien dragon escaped. There were about hundreds of them, followed by more than a dozen circling alien dragons.

The Goliath robot team lined up and opened fire. The hot gunfire swept over the people on the ground and the mutalisks that flew too low, turning everything in contact into a puddle of debris.

The next group of people ran out of the slum and were mowed down one after another. Tosh just listened silently, the people's desperate screams and grief and anger deeply reflecting in his heart.

Tosh's use of his "witchcraft" is still very rough, and he is not yet capable of killing everyone in this Federation Goliath robot wing and the army behind them in an instant. Tosh can use his insanely powerful psychic powers to blow out the brains of a few of them in an instant, but the rest will kill him instantly.

A feeling of despair tightened in Tosh's heart, and the hatred for these people, the Tyranid Federation and the Zerg was growing crazily in Tosh's heart.

He is on the verge of losing control. He can no longer control his innate and terrifying power. An unprecedented psychic storm is forming.

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