StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 313 Shocked Augustus for a Whole Year

In January 2492, the space-time channel exited.

This is a special fleet with a large scale but an unusual combination. The golden-red steel giants of the Human Revolutionary Army sail together with the golden-blue battleships of the Protoss Expeditionary Force. They are escorted by a large number of small and medium-sized human and protoss battleships, fighter planes, and bows. The two sides shuttle up and down.

At the front of the combined fleet were two human and protoss flagships, the Hyperion and the Star Shuttle, traveling side by side.

If the bridge of the Hyperion is different from the past, it is that Rory Swann, the chief engineer of the Revolutionary Army, has made a new round of ongoing research on it with reference to the new design of the newly captured Federation Nova Squadron battlecruiser. Ongoing renovation work, such as upgrading to more advanced navigation maps, radar scanning systems, sensor arrays and sophisticated anti-eavesdropping devices spread under the bridge plywood.

Of course, the most prominent change is the numerous cables of various colors that are too numerous to sort out, which is why Swan, wearing an orange-gray engineer work uniform, and his men are working overtime here.

However, this "Meinhof dwarf" seems to be enjoying these arduous tasks.

The main console on the bridge of the Hyperion is also different from the past. The keyboard is inlaid with a crystal clear, three-foot-tall green void crystal. It has obviously been well polished and is shaped like a warm piece of crystal. cobblestone.

This is the Xel'Naga Void Crystal that Augustus discovered in the corridor of Mar Sara Purgatory. After Zeratul and his Nerazim engineers boarded the Hyperion, they kindly repaired the shards of void crystal and placed them in human computers, adding, according to the Dark Templar, The space-time technology of Sagulas.

But according to Swann: Those dark-skinned protoss just stuck a few pieces together with some unknown glue, and then inserted them wherever they wanted.

Although humans, including Augustus, doubted whether the crystal could make the passage of time faster, in any case, the computing speed of the Hyperion computer was indeed much faster.

As for the ancient stone slab that was unearthed together with this crystal, Zeratul gave his own answer by studying the Xel'Naga writing on it: Those writings are not chaotic gibbering in the void, all words come from The Void Forerunners all come from our Creator, and they all point to the same point. The Xel'Naga artifact fragment is the key to opening a door in the universe.

For the Xel'Naga prophecy on this stone tablet, Zeratul chose to stay on the human battleship Hyperion to decipher these beautiful words that were similar to the protoss words but had completely different meanings.

Augustus prepared a clean and quiet cabin for Zeratul and the several Dark Templars who followed him, and also ordered a Revolutionary Army captain to pay close attention to the requests made by the Dark Templars in order to do his best. .

Only during the period when the Hyperion entered the hyperspace voyage and rushed to Haji, Zeratul and his Dark Templar warriors had been living an ascetic life, spending most of their time on the silk soft seat cushions. Sit quietly and meditate. Although Dark Templars do sleep and rest, they do not appear to engage in recreational activities like humans.

The Dark Templar sit like silent statues. They will also take in water. When they feel "hungry", these protoss will go outside the cabin and go to the bridge or public observation window to bask in the cosmic rays for a while.

"Hai Ji, a place of chaotic right and wrong. Grandi City on the Morrissey subcontinent is the capital city of this planet. There are about three million people living in that city." At this time, Renault was sitting at the console The search system of the battleship database is operated on the command chair.

"More than a century ago, early colonists discovered mysterious ruins on Haiji. Later, the planet was also affected by the colonial wave during the expansion of the Tyranid Federation. After a series of terraforming, it was incorporated into the Federation. In the huge colonial territory." Renault said while browsing the information on Haiji planet.

"No matter what, the federal governor of Haiji is absolutely incompetent, otherwise this planet would not be what it is now." Finally, Renault concluded: "This planet has a harsh environment, but the land is not barren. Considering its location On the federal interstellar shipping network, even if we sell our resources, most people here won’t live in such misery.”

On the unfolded holographic projection main screen, a gray satellite and the huge rocky planet it orbits are constantly rotating.

"I believe it's because these outputs have been swallowed up by someone." Augustus is wearing a dark gray cloak and a captain's hat with a gold emblem, just like the wise and powerful image on the propaganda poster: "The poor here The wealth gap is even more exaggerated than in Tarsonis."

"Who is the top military commander there?" Augustus asked.

"It's General Saul Korek." Renault swiped the screen of the console a few times and said with a grin: "It seems that this is a general with outstanding merits. Judging from the local news, he is closely related to the popular science The Korhal rebels on the edge of the Lu Sector have fought many tough battles."

"I swear I have never fought against General Korek." Augustus shrugged.

"Maybe that's because this is a small character wandering on the edge of the battlefield, and it didn't attract our attention at all." Renault joked.

"Give the general a face, Jimmy." Augustus turned to the other side and looked at the other command chair next to Renault, which was the young Terrador No. 9 man Matt Horner. Although Matt still seemed immature, he soon gained the attention of Augustus for his strong faith and intelligence and studiousness.

Matt Horner was of good character and seriousness, and Augustus trained him as a battlecruiser captain and even a future fleet commander.

"Matt, is there any feedback from the radar surveillance system?"

"Yes, sir, the zerg are invading this planet." Matt looked up at Augustus and said. Today, Horner is shadowing the Hyperion's first mate, where he works as a radar scan and siren reporter.

"Almost all major gathering places have been invaded by the swarm, and more than 10 million people have been affected. All interstellar ports have been blocked by the Zerg air force. They obviously don't want anyone to escape Haiji."

At the same time, the main screen of the Hyperion appeared on the main screen of Haji's surface, which was a desolate world composed of gray dust and huge craters.

The dark purple carpet of bacteria is spreading on the surface of Haiji at an alarming speed. The raging insect swarms are flooding cities one after another. The originally gray planet Haiji shows slowly growing insects on the satellite display. Gray-brown scars.

"Our life detector shows that there are only about 800,000 zerg that invaded Haji. Compared to planets like Mar Sara, Antiga and Char, they are really insignificant." Matt continued to report .

"Compared to the tens of millions of bugs grinning at you, these are still ordinary." The panel in front of the Renault control controller said.

"The zerg groups in Haiji are also different from those we have seen on previous planets. They are sparse in number, but they must have some other advantages. We all know the characteristics of the zerg, they do not need the genes of the weak .”

"You know, even a scumbag like Tychus has his redeeming qualities."

"Find out where they attack from," Augustus said.

After a while Matt Horner said: "The scans are in, sir."

"There are at least four Swarm Leviathans in Haji's high-altitude orbit. It is conservatively estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of zerg in their bodies. We have never seen this kind of creature join the battlefield, but it is obviously bigger than Beibei. Sheamus is more aggressive and threatening," he said.

"They are terrifying enemies. Each one is much larger than the protoss and human warships. This is a level 10 psychic creature, and we must deal with it carefully."

"This shows that the Overlord attaches great importance to this operation and will not allow failure." Augustus nodded: "When sending the reconnaissance force, the insect swarm only dispatched Behemoth."

Scans of Leviathan appeared on the main screen in front of Augustus, so massive that they dwarfed the asteroids and rocks that passed around them.

The body length of these swarm Leviathans can reach 4 to 5 miles, and some of them are larger than this. Even the Hyperion, the largest in the Revolutionary Army, looks small in front of these giant creatures. At the same time, unlike the Swarm Behemoth, which mainly functions as a transport ship without any ability to fight back, Leviathan is more aggressive. It is a terrifying space predator rather than a slow herbivorous creature.

Behemoth is more like a filter-feeding giant whale shark, while Leviathan is a ferocious toothed whale.

"Send out our fighter planes and reconnaissance planes. I need to know the landing point and route of the zerg." Augustus said, staring at the huge swarm Leviathan on the main screen.

"If they are looking for a new swarm agent, then it should be a high-level psyker with outstanding psychic talents. Pay close attention to possible psychic fluctuations. Send all our science ships and ghost teams Get out and find the psyker before the zerg."

"Augustus, our equipment cannot monitor the situation of the entire planet." Renault said: "This kind of thing can only be a matter of luck. We can only pray that it happens to be when our equipment scans there."

"What I'm more worried about is that we have arrived too late." Augustus said: "The zerg jumped directly to Haji through the wormhole opened by the Overlord. They arrived at least two to three days earlier than us. .”

"Sir, we have received a communication request, and the address shows that it comes from the Haiji Governor's Mansion." Matt, who was sitting on the command chair on one side, reported at this time: "A highly encrypted communication signal, if that It’s a distress signal, so there’s no need to worry about it being leaked or being eavesdropped.”

"Come in." Augustus ordered: "Listen to what Mr. Governor has to say to us. After all, he is a local."

"Sure enough, it's you, Augustus Mengsk." The picture shows a fat-faced middle-aged man wearing a bowler hat. A few gemstones can be vaguely seen under his gentleman's suit and blue-patterned scarf. necklace.

Judging from the way he is hunched over while sitting, these gorgeous jewelry must be an extremely heavy burden for him.

"The rebel fleet and the protoss aliens. I knew it was you who brought these alien creatures here. Only you would get involved with aliens." He looked like a mental patient. Twitching and chattering like an epileptic.

"I've known for a long time, who else but you, how could the remote areas of Haiji be invaded by Zerg. The fall of this colony is all because of you!"

"Damn, I remember which federal governor said something similar." Renault whispered: "These stupid federal bureaucrats and fat wastes, they never think about their own problems."

"Is this what you want to say?" Augustus glanced at Governor Haji, the contempt in his eyes was self-evident: "Your people are being slaughtered, think about what you have done for them instead of getting angry here."

"You look like a fat lame duck."

"Take the Governor down, it looks like he has gone completely crazy." At this time, a big hand covered with power armor alloy gloves stretched out from the side of the camera, pulling the man who looked like he was weeping with incomparable anger. The slobbering Governor Haji pushed away.

A man with a golden beard appeared in front of Augustus. As he sat down on the red velvet seat of Governor Hagi, he took off his hat with the army eagle emblem, revealing that he seemed to be oiled. The same sparkling head.

"I am General Saul Korek of Haji, the highest-ranking military commander on this planet." He punched the expensive Cha Sara sunwood table in front of him: "I have been here all my life. Fight you people, lawbreakers, criminals, lunatics and regime subversives."

"I want to tell you, Augustus Mengsk, Haji's zerg have been effectively controlled, and the defenses of the major cities are impenetrable. Fleet support will arrive soon, and the federal territory does not need the intervention of you scum. Stay out of your own business.”

"If you dare to accuse me of cooperating with the rebels, I will tear you alive." After saying these words, General Korek disconnected the communication link, as if he hated Augustus to the extreme. .

Renault said in surprise: "These people think they can hold the main cities, but what should people in other places do?"

"Are they crazy?"

"I'm afraid so," Augustus said after hesitating for a few seconds.

"Order General Duke and Colonel Holler to prepare to send landing troops and hospital ships. We are about to land at Haji."

"Listen to this federal general, he wants us to mind our own business." Renault said mockingly.

"Who is he?" Augustus said in a rare angry tone: "Make him mad!"

"Much mad at him!"

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