StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 316 No mercy

"I knew it was up to no good."

After hearing what Augustus said, Tychus rushed forward with the heavy machine gun in his hand. Along with him, there were more than 30 revolutionary army red magic fire bats and the dark leader Ze who moved like a shadow. Latu.

The Firebat troops in the Revolutionary Army have different names from those of the Federation. They will proudly call themselves the Red Devils, because Hanak Hank, the first Firebat in the Revolutionary Army, still regards his troops as Part of the Devil in Heaven.

A fully equipped combat company of the Guards Division of about 120 men strode past both sides of Augustus. These elite soldiers were equipped with a large number of AGG-12 rifle grenade launchers, Punisher grenades, and individual rockets. The missiles and electromagnetic weapons are enough to deal with the Zerg's hard chitinous carapace and the Protoss's plasma shield.

Augustus ordered his soldiers to attack while calling for more reinforcements. He believed that the zerg would defend this new agent of the swarm to the death.

When a Goliath armed robot with a Revolutionary Army flag on the cockpit passed by Augustus, he announced his last order and led the marshal's guard and several companies behind him to start advancing.

In Augustus's sight, Zeratul in the front moved forward like a fleeting shadow. His steps in the light and shadow were elegant and coordinated, as if he were a cat approaching its prey, so fast. Incredible.

In comparison, Tychus and other huge fire bats seemed too bulky. They were able to keep up with Zeratul only because the dark templar master deliberately slowed down his speed.

This time the zerg did not roar and attack the humans. They hid behind the high walls of the infected border checkpoint and in the shadows behind them, watching the attackers' every move.

"Deploy the psionic disruptor quickly!" Augustus waved his hand and ordered the engineers in the team carrying the psionic disruptor components to assemble it immediately, but then a hunter-killer hydralisk roared lowly.

Hundreds of Hydra Hydralisks, whose carapace shimmered metallic green in the sunlight, swam through the fungus clusters like snakes, moving the spines on their backs to launch dense venomous spines at the incoming enemies.

These deadly spines, which can shoot through 2cm thick stainless steel shields at a distance of 500 yards, have sharp jagged edges and green acid. In the blink of an eye, they pierced the Firebat powered armor at the front and penetrated their helmets. inside of goggles. The sound of the spine needle penetrating the hard alloy steel armor was as crisp as a sharp knife cutting through a piece of white paper.

The Firebats, who were pierced by dozens or hundreds of spine needles, died the moment they fell to the ground. Their armor servo system immediately locked the entire connection port of the power armor and the site of massive bleeding. Under normal circumstances, this would help the people inside to hold on until the arrival of the medics, but now it is just a lock on a cold steel coffin.

The combat company fire support team of Guards Division veterans behind the Firebats almost simultaneously fired ground-attack missiles and used heavy weapons such as railguns at the Hydra Hydralisks at the checkpoint to suppress fire.

The distance between them and the Zerg was rapidly shortening. After Augustus took another slightly hurried breath, Zeratul and the human vanguard behind him were less than fifty yards away from the entrance of the checkpoint. distance.

There were large springtails gathering at the entrance, ready to attack. They were like hunting dogs hiding behind the trees, pacing around the walls and barbed wire outside the checkpoint, as if they were thinking about where and when to attack them. The enemy launches the most fatal blow.

Augustus was surprised to find that the zerg of the Fenris swarm were obviously smarter, or in other words, more cunning than the individuals of other groups.

When at least two hundred Fenris springtails gathered at the entrance of the checkpoint, they were like a group of hungry but still patient wolves. They were as bloodthirsty as the zergs of other groups, but they knew when to act. The best time to attack.

Even though they are few in number, the Fenrisian group of Cerebrate Nagar is still one of the main attacking groups in various insect hives under the Overlord. They possess absolutely deadly acumen and hunter's precision. If the zerg of other groups are crazed beasts, then the Fenrisian group are keen wolves.

Fenrisian zerg are deadly and even elegant hunters among the swarm. Their mission is to find excellent genes for the Overlord and capture prey that is of great benefit to the evolution of the swarm, thus expanding the gene pool of the entire zerg.

Coming from a signal that could not be detected by humans and protoss, the interior of the checkpoint suddenly boiled, and hundreds of Fenris springtails approached the incoming enemies from different directions at the same time. Although the genetic sequence of springtails in the insect swarm is inherently good at speed and agility, the Fenrisian group is obviously faster and more agile.

The revolutionary soldiers under Augustus often described springtails as ugly, skinned dogs with scars and moss, because they are indeed ugly, but Fenris springtails are covered in a copper-green carapace like a beetle. middle. The sickle-like appendages on their backs and the transparent vein-like insect wings fluttered as fast as a moving lightning.

Following these springtails are numerous Fenrisian hydralisks. They are not as huge and dangerous as those of the Tiamat tribe, but they are faster, swinging their spiked snake tails on the slimy carpet. When it moves, it looks like a black mamba snake swimming in the grass.

Zeratul was the first to fight the Fenris zerg. He followed a group of moving shadows to a zergling that was beating towards him with its strong hind limbs, stretching from the cuffs on the back of its folded hands. The green psychic blade that came out cut off half of the monster's head in one breath of Augustus.

Then, Zeratul turned to a Fenris Hydralisk that was rushing towards him, dodged to avoid the fatal blow from its sickle-like forelimbs, and casually used the psychic blade in his hand to slice away the thorn as he turned around. The snake's relatively soft belly.

Augustus' eyes could hardly follow Zeratul's movements. For the first time, he felt the limitations of human eyes. Very different from his usual slightly rickety elder appearance, Zeratul on the battlefield is a deadly and elegant killer. He kills the Fenris springtails and hydralisks that rush towards him one after another like an elegant man. The swordsman waltzes through the enemy's throat.

Extraordinarily elegant and agile, graceful and deadly, this seems to be the innate talent of the protoss. What distinguishes the protoss from humans is not only their appearance and customs, but also their different body structures and functions.

Humans have never seen with their own eyes how Zeratul and the Dark Templar fight, and Zeratul taught Tychus and other Revolutionary soldiers behind him a lesson, telling them never to try to provoke anger in the future. A Dark Templar.

Zeratul told Augustus that a Dark Templar should hide himself, attack from the shadows, seize the opportunity, and wait for the opportunity. But in Augustus's eyes, the Dark Templar Master just charged forward and chopped his enemies into pieces in a flash of sword.

Zeratul may be deadly and powerful enough, but he's not powerful enough to face an entire swarm on his own. As Zeratul killed the roaring Fenris zerg one after another, Tychus raised his Honeywhisper heavy machine gun and fired a series of depleted uranium bullets at a row of zerglings. The Red Devil Firebat behind him raised his His own flamethrower fired out streams of dense plasma flames.

More than a dozen springtails struggled and collapsed in the stream of fiery plasma ejected by the fire bat army, crackling like burning dried platycodons.

Augustus was in the middle of the advancing column, surrounded by Corporal Faraday's Marshal's Guard and two giant Goliath armed robots. When the densely packed Fenrisian springtails tried to attack Augustus from the flank, the Goliath armed robot beside him quickly calibrated and opened fire. As the 30mm cannon barrel rotated, one after another the springtails were blasted into pieces. fragments.

But these springtails are not only extremely agile and fast, but they have obviously adapted to human attack methods. Their zigzag formation is quite spread out, and humans can easily sweep away several of them with a missile or a row of bullets. Even more zerg are simply impossible.

At this time, the psychic disruptor carried by the revolutionary army was activated, but the zerg here did not seem to be affected much.

The jammer failed again.

An agile Fenris springtail nimbly jumped over the corpses of its kind lying on the ground and moved around among them, jumping left and right, heading towards Augustus along the gap between the Goliath armed robots and the Gauss rifle barrages of the revolutionary soldiers. Pounce, as nimble as a coyote or a fingered sparrow. For a moment Augustus could almost see the frightening scarlet eyes of the screaming little monster.

Augustus was convinced that the springtail was coming straight towards him. He raised the Gauss rifle with the golden wolf emblem on the butt in his hand and aimed at the rapidly moving springtail, calmly aiming. and shooting.

Augustus had this quality when he was in the Turasis boot camp. Even if the cannonball fell not far from his feet, he could still keep shooting.

When dense swarms of zerg rush towards the front line, this momentum is enough to intimidate any enemy in front of the swarm. As long as a human soldier can shoot at the enemy accurately and without making mistakes, then he can be regarded as a A veteran.

Just when Augustus emptied the first magazine, the moving springtail was hit by a row of bullets. Augustus didn't know whether the bullet that killed the springtail came from the gun in his hand, but no one cared about it at this time.

Even though the zerg of the Fenrisian swarm are more deadly and dangerous than those of other swarms, they still face the elite. The soldiers around Augustus are all the best warriors in the Korhal Revolutionary Army. Their equipment is also the most sophisticated, comparable to the federal special operations forces and the most famous elite mercenaries in the Koprulu sector. squad.

The zerg that invaded Haji obviously did not expect that Augustus' troops would come here. In the eyes of the brainworms of these groups, this plan should have been seamless.

Augustus' men quickly repulsed the Fenris swarm's attack and forced them back, creating an open path between the swarm and the border checkpoint.

The Fenris swarm has temporarily retreated, but judging from the vibration frequency on the surface, a large number of supporting zerg should still be on their way through the underground tunnel worm hole network.

By the time Augustus arrived at the entrance of the checkpoint, the steel door stained with a carpet of creeping bacteria had already been torn apart by the zerg, and the remaining part was densely covered with scratches left by the zerg's fangs and claws. Sharp scratches. All the zerg organic tentacles with spines had been swept away by Zeratul and Tychus, and the remaining Fenris zerg were forced back to the warehouse inside the checkpoint.

One of the warehouses was particularly well-defended. The Firebats and Guards Division companies behind Zeratul and Tychus were launching a final fierce attack there. There were dozens or hundreds of corpses of Zerg and Revolutionary Army soldiers on the ground.

Many people had their hands and feet cut off by the scythes of the Hydra Hydralisk or pierced through their chests by spiked tentacles. Their bodies lay in a pool of blood and were torn apart.

At this time, Augustus left a dozen Goliath armed robots and arc tanks to guard the direction they came from, and brought his own guards to support Zeratul and Tychus.

There are still more than a dozen Fenris zerg guarding the entrance door of the warehouse. Behind them is a huge fiberglass door, with vine-like intertwined tentacles and tough cyan veins attached to its smooth surface, like chains. The door was also locked, and the entire warehouse wall was covered with an organic main nest honeycomb shell and a staggered hard exoskeleton.

Augustus personally killed the last Fenris springtail in front of the warehouse and ordered the demolition crew to use D-type explosives to blow open the door.

When the flying fiberglass fragments scratched Augustus's shoulder armor, the scene behind the door made his eyelids twitch.

It was a huge, oval-shaped pupa or cocoon, composed of sharp skeletal nails and a skin-like green film. It was more like the soft eggs of snakes than the cocoons formed by the transformation of insects. The chrysalis shines like the sun, emitting bright light in a dim environment.

Augustus could see a humanoid creature inside the chrysalis through the thick, sticky wall of the chrysalis. It should be a minor child, curled up in the chrysalis filled with fluid.

After that, the chrysalis will be brought to Char or other places for further transformation by the evolution master of the insect swarm. The cells of this humanoid creature will be deconstructed, stretched, extended and reassembled by the insect swarm into an incredible creature.

Near the chrysalis, four Fenrisian Hydralisks prostrate themselves like snakes surrounding snake eggs. Their bright green crowns are almost half the body of Augustus, and the pair of huge bone scythes on their forelimbs seem to be inserted into them. Bone-colored greatsword on wooden floor.

The robe with the VEVE pattern painted with bright red paint on the chrysalis and several pieces of paper filled with various symbols make the place look even weirder. If you look up, you can see that the top of the warehouse is hanging. with a skull and extracted bright red human spine.

What's amazing is that even though there are hundreds of rifles, grenades and rocket launchers aimed at them outside, these four Fenris Hydralisks are unusually calm, as if they are lying at the door to watch the house in the midday sun. Nursing home dog.

The hydralis just made a threatening hiss, sometimes raising its crown like a cobra to look at the humans outside.

"This is so weird." Tychus had goosebumps all over his body.

"My mother——"

"He is still alive. I can sense that this human being named Gabriel Tosh still has clear thinking." Zeratul slowly walked towards the chrysalis regardless of Augustus's shouting.

"He was in mourning, he was crying."

"Can this child be saved?" Augustus asked Zeratul.

"The zerg have infected him, and this infection has changed his nature at the genetic level. As far as I know, this is irreversible." Zeratul replied.

"This is my order." Augustus ordered without mercy after a moment of silence.

"Destroy this cocoon!"

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