StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 317 Igesil Giant King Insect


After Augustus gave the order, a revolutionary army captain immediately shouted and ordered his company soldiers to shoot. They used almost all weapons that could destroy the chrysalis, including Mark rail guns and electromagnetic pulses. Grenades and explosives.

This triggered a chain reaction, and the four Fenris swarm Hydra Hydralisks that were originally guarding the chrysalis immediately transformed from a peaceful rest to an extremely manic state. Their huge sickle-shaped forelimbs climbed out of the warehouse by breaking open the blasted fiberglass door. Their brightly crowned heads roared and pounced on the revolutionary soldiers who were shooting at the chrysalises, as if they were walking out of an ancient tomb. Pharaoh Guards.

Not only were these massive Fenrisian hydralis far larger than any hydralis Augustus had ever seen, their carapace was also indestructible. Their chitin carapace seems to be fused with some special material or rare metal, making it extremely hard. Ordinary 8mm caliber electromagnetic rifle bullets will bounce off as soon as they touch the carapace, just like hitting the armor of a tank.

Four Fenrisian Hydralisks stood between all the bullets and cannonballs of Augustus's revolutionary army and the dark green chrysalis. Each of them was fifteen feet tall (about 4.5 meters), as if they were A true behemoth.

Not only that, they can even ignore the hot plasma fire released by the Revolutionary War Bat.

Augustus was seeing a brave revolutionary firebat trying to use the hellfire flamer in his hand to burn the Fenrisian Hydralisk in front of him, but the flames that were usually enough to burn the Springtails and Hydralisks to ashes were just Black marks were left on the surface of the Fenris Hydralisk's bronze-green carapace.

"Back off! Corporal Pascal, you are no match for him!" Augustus ordered the fire bat to retreat while calling for fire support from the one-man Rocket Team.

Augustus knew the Firebat, a highly decorated warrior in Harnak Hark's Red Devils' brigade of flamethrowers. Augustus once read this Firebat's name when he reviewed this unit, and the reason why he could remember this person was because of the conspicuous and densely packed Kaimorian Ripper badges on his CMC-250F power armor. and eighteen guild family emblems from the Kaimorian Conglomerate. ——It's like a tattoo engraved on armor.

Corporal Pascal was a Confederate veteran of Alpha Squadron during the Guild Wars, and the graffiti-like insignia on his armor represented the number of men he had killed. If you pay attention, you can also notice the symbols representing Cha Sara, Mar Sara and the Antiga Prime Planet Defense Force, and even the heads of two Tal'darin protoss.

But the fire bat didn't hear what Augustus said. This eccentric corporal liked to listen to hot heavy metal music on the private wiring inside his power armor to cheer him up when the high-energy gas fuel turned into raging flames. . Considering that this brave soldier never retreated, even if he heard what Augustus said, he would not obey the order.

Even though the giant Hydra Hydralisk in front of him remained motionless in front of the blazing flames, Corporal Pascal was still concentrating on pouring hot plasma into its belly - he was intoxicated by it. Corporal Pascal had burned many people alive, but not one such giant hydralisk was on his barbecue list.

It's just that this time Corporal Pascal didn't burn out all the enemies in front of him like he did in the past. The Hydralisk in front of him raised its forelimbs with huge bone scythes at the end and slashed down directly towards the fire bat, killing one that was still there. The arm that was still spewing plasma flames was completely cut off.

Then, the Fenris Hydralisk once again wielded the huge bone scythe and cut off Corporal Pascal's remaining arm at the root to ensure that this human would no longer pose any threat to itself. In the war with humans, the zerg gradually learned one thing, that is, killing a human will only eliminate the enemy's vitality, and seriously injuring the human will force several or even more people to take care of him.

As for the Zerg, there is no such concern at all. If a human kills an insect, hundreds of times more eggs will survive in the hatchery in the main nest, waiting to be hatched.

And this Fenrisian Hydralisk's alien-like ferocious mouth was always grinning at the base of the ears. It let out a shocking low roar as it attacked, and Augustus had no doubt that it could bite off a person's head in one bite. Half a body.

"Kill it! Kill this bastard!" In addition to the heart-wrenching screams of Corporal Pascal, there were several officers shouting attack instructions loudly in the communication channel. More Gauss rifles were aimed at the Fenris thorn. snake, but small-caliber bullets are useless against it.

At this time, a ground-attack missile from a Revolutionary Army armed robot whizzed past Augustus' head, hit the Fenris Hydralisk's huge crown and tore it apart, causing the entire bone to break. Part of his crown was torn off.

At this time, Augustus, Corporal Faraday and two other soldiers of the Marshal's Guard rushed towards Corporal Pascal who was lying on his back and fainted, grabbed him and dragged him back.

When Augustus and others handed Pascal over to the medics, a Goliath armed robot was rushing towards the Fenris Hydralisk at the fastest speed, using its inertia to use its omni-directional robotic arm. The alloy shield welded on the shoulder of the right arm hit its injured head, and the Gatling gun on the other mechanical arm continued to shoot at the Hydralisk's abdomen covered with hard scales, causing the monster to emit further sounds. Howling in pain.

This golden-red revolutionary army Goliath armed robot has undergone certain modifications. The two 30mm cannons were replaced with Gatling machine guns and a mechanical arm that can be equipped with mechanical claws and buckets.

Such modifications are common in the hands of the Kaimorians, because the Goliath armed robots can accept a considerable degree of modification. Not only that, they can even be equipped with the laser pulse cannon of the Wraith fighter.

After the Guild War, Goliath armed robots that were modified mainly to adapt to various changing battlefield environments could also be seen in the Tyranid Federation's army. The most common modification is to replace the cannons on both sides of the cockpit with flexible multi-functional robotic arms, which will make the Goliath armed robot more like a larger T-280 space engineering vehicle rather than a walking giant.

The pilot of the Goliath armed robot fought bravely against the Fenris Hydralisk, like an iron giant wrestling with a monster. A few hundred yards away, two other Fenris Hydralisks were killing Tychus and the Guards Division Combat Company. Fourteen or five Revolutionary Army soldiers had fallen to the ground.

Dark Templar Zeratul faced a Fenrisian Hydralisk alone, which made the Revolutionary Army soldiers behind him unable to take decisive aim. He didn't know when he had jumped onto the huge crown of the Hydralisk, hanging on the thorny edge of the crown like a matador on the back of a bull to prevent it from being thrown off.

When Augustus looked at Zeratul, the Dark Templar master had already stabbed the hard and thick skull of the Fenris Hydralisk with the psychic blade on his right arm, and carved out a hole in it with one knife. Huge bloody hole.

"Guards, kill that chrysalis!" After noticing that all the Fenris Hydralisks had left the warehouse, Augustus realized that this was an opportunity.

A group of Marshal Guard soldiers rushed forward without hesitation, but at this moment, a crimson scorpion suddenly emerged from the pulsing organic flesh pad under the chrysalis. Its gnarled body was twenty feet long, making it look like a giant millipede or an armored snake.

The scorpion is a monster in its own right, raising its upper body like a cobra and making a hissing sound. That was not the neighing sound of its vocal organs, but the inhalation sound coming from its carapace contraction.

A powerful elite scorpion, the unclean one.

The Unclean One opened its ferocious mouth and spat out a ball of scarlet neurotoxin at the Marshal's Guards approaching the chrysalis. The viscous red liquid that landed on the soldiers' golden-red power armor seeped under the armor in the blink of an eye. Almost without warning and without a cry, all fell.

Augustus fired a bunch of bullets at the huge red scorpion, but it only caused a burst of sparks.

"Follow me!" He waved his hand, and Corporal Faraday and the remaining marshal's guard soldiers followed their marshal towards the huge scorpion.

But the ground suddenly began to tremble violently, and the thick dark purple carpet clusters collapsed one after another. The walls of the entire warehouse covered with zerg organisms collapsed in the tremors.

A pair of extremely huge eyes appeared from the ground and slowly rose, and countless curled tentacles broke out of the ground.

"Oh God -" Corporal Faraday next to Augustus exclaimed.

It was a giant king insect that had buried itself entirely underground. Now it had woken up and broke free from the shackles of the concrete block, lifting the chrysalis and the entire warehouse up from the ground.

It was the largest king insect Augustus had ever seen. When it rose from the ground, hundreds of spiny appendages and tentacles were like the roots of a banyan tree, together with a large number of reinforced concrete debris. Falling in the air. This Overlord Bug is so huge that even the Goliath-armed robots look dwarfed in front of it.

Yggdrasill (yggdrasill, the world tree in Norse mythology, the middle part of its branches is where humans live.)

The giant king insect has an incomparable wisdom that other members of the zerg group cannot match. It looks down at the humans on the ground and makes a thunderous purring sound. The pair of pincer-like appendages hanging on its lower abdomen swayed from side to side, and the thick appendages on its body that stored a large amount of helium emitted a dangerous red flash, which came from its terrifying psychic power.

Augustus immediately understood that it was probably this extraordinary elite king insect that strengthened the psychic link between the zerg and disabled their psychic disruptors.

In a buzzing roar, the huge shell of the Iggsir Kingworm and the capsule below it unfolded, and hundreds of Fenrisian Allosaurus spread their thin bat-like wings and took off into the air. Rise up and surround it with screams of Trickle - Trickle.

At this time, Augustus received a report from the troops guarding the outside of the checkpoint. The detectors showed that a large number of zerg were approaching through the Nydus Worm network.

Before the situation got further out of control, the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge circle absorbing sunlight appeared. It was a wormhole that was about to take shape.

"Damn, the number of bugs is getting more and more." Tychus Finlay, who was shooting at a Fenrisian Hydralisk with a heavy machine gun, shouted on Augustus's channel.

The huge Fenrisian hydralis in front of Tychus was holding the bone-scythe hydralis on its forelimbs in the breastplate of a Revolutionary Guards Division soldier, trying to drag it away, while the surrounding soldiers Fire recklessly and roaringly to kill it.

"Retreat, leave this checkpoint immediately." Augustus realized that even if everyone was buried here, they would probably not be able to destroy this chrysalis anymore, and persisting in this meaningless attack would only Will fall into the swarm of insects.

The cerebrates of the Fenris tribe are quite smart, and even though they did not anticipate the arrival of Augustus and Tassadar, they will not be careless. The rare and specialized elites of the entire insect swarm were deployed around this chrysalis.

Cerebrates are not the corrupt and greedy federal governors in the Tyranid Federation or the generals who get into high-level positions only based on their background and qualifications. They are smart and cunning, proficient in strategy, and rarely make emotional and emotional mistakes.

While Augustus ordered the troops to retreat, he led his men to carry the soldiers of the Marshal's Guard who had fallen to the ground due to the scorpion's neurotoxin spores. The soldiers were already dying, but the toxins would not kill them immediately.

"Priest!" When Augustus called Zeratul, he noticed that the other party had already killed a Fenris Hydralisk and was standing on top of the giant king insect, fighting with the red scorpion insect, like Fighting a giant red snake.

Hundreds of Fenrisian mutalisks are descending upon Zeratul, making it increasingly difficult for the heroic Dark Templar to survive. At the same time, the height of the Igsil Giant King Worm continued to rise and flew towards the wormhole being formed in the sky until it turned into a black spot in the sky.

After being scratched by the sharp forelimbs of the red scorpion, Zeratul came to Augustus in a billowing cloud of black smoke: "These cunning creatures have escaped my eyes. They have always been here to protect me." The creature in the chrysalis."

"We need to think long term."

A large number of Fenris Swarm Zerg are still approaching here. They no longer attack the human city of Haji, but gather together and wait to evacuate the planet. The brainworms of this group obviously believe that Haji is no longer safe.

"Jim." Augustus carried an injured Marshal's Guard soldier on his back despite crying in shame, while communicating with the bridge of the Hyperion: "Damn it, prepare a tactical nuclear bomb. Not the little one with a yield of 10,000 tons. , take out all our wealth, there is a Revelation on the Norad III, that’s right.”

"Where is the target?" Renault asked.

Augustus reported a series of longitude and latitude coordinates: "There is a wormhole somewhere, don't worry about it, throw the nuclear bomb into it."

"Wow." There was an exclamation from Renault: "I like this trick, it's a great gift."

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