StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 331 Oasis Town

Oasis Town.

This is an ironic title. Oasis represents hope in the desert and desolation, but the actual oasis towns have nothing to do with this word.

It was lifeless, with neither gurgling water nor green vegetation.

Oasis Town is a town built among gray-brown mountains and rocks. The whirlwind in the mountains rolls up rust-colored dust like red clouds. The crater of the volcano and the cracks between the mountains continuously spew green high-energy gas, making the sky look like a three-color palette mixed with the red of dust, the green of high-energy gas, and the blue of the sky.

The wind is always filled with the copper smell of high-energy gas and the foul smell of sulfur, like the smell of countless broken rotten eggs. Oasis Town is sweltering, the air is filled with sweat, urine and the pungent smell of sulfur. Intersecting roads paved with stones and rotten boards divide the town into neighborhoods one after another.

In the center of the town, there are more than a dozen skyscrapers that can only be seen in cities, shaped like lonely giants in the red wind.

It was dark and depressing, and there was an atmosphere of decay everywhere.

The vast majority of people spontaneously took up arms to defend their homes, so the houses were locked and people with weapons walking in a hurry could be seen everywhere on the road. These people hid far away after seeing Augustus's revolutionary soldiers, instead of rejoicing like other colonial people who were besieged by the zerg.

At the front of the revolutionary army marching along the potholed road from west to east was Tychus Finley, who was driving a Wolf Warrior I mecha, and two Hellfire missile launchers mounted on their shoulders. They were made of alloy steel and large-caliber missiles. The golden-red walking mecha armed with heavy artillery and machine guns has a great visual impact.

The soldiers of the 011th Battalion of the Revolutionary Guards Division wearing power armor are neat and disciplined. They are by no means comparable to gangsters and pirates. Only the regular army of the Tyranid Federation can match them.

However, in the eyes of local people, there is no substantial difference between the Revolutionary Army and the Federal Army. In the eyes of these people, the Revolutionary Army's revolutionary propositions seem extremely empty and out of reach, just as empty as the campaign speeches of members of the Federal Colonial Assembly. .

"How many people are here?" Augustus asked the former federal colonel Horace who led them as they walked quickly to the other side of Oasis Town.

Along the way, Augustus saw many residents of Oasis Town rushing to the front line with weapons, as well as drug addicts lying on the ground like a puddle of mud and villains who wanted to take advantage of the fire. When most people saw the heavily armed revolutionary soldiers, they immediately dispersed and hid far away.

"About more than 100,000 people?" Horace said hesitantly, being very wary of Augustus' question and thinking twice before answering.

"There are some settlements around the oasis, but the number of residents is not fixed. There are many more gathering points in Altera than what is recorded on paper, but I am not very clear about what kind of people live there. .”

Horace was once a colonel in the Tyranid Federation Army. He himself was a wanted criminal and fled here because of corruption, bribery and theft of arms. He knew the degree of corruption within the Federation Army all too well. Generally speaking, there is no shortage of truly capable and tough men in the army, but it is also full of worms.

Given the nature of the federal leaders and noble generals, it is impossible for them to send troops to rescue a chaotic planet like Altera. Even if he comes, it won't be to save people.

In the eyes of Horace, the Mengsk family who started the rebellion was no different from bandits and pirates. At best, they could only be regarded as a ragtag group of peasant rebels.

It seems that the Revolutionary Army has received huge financial support from the Umoyan and Kemorian people, and has large-scale power armor and electromagnetic weapons. However, a rabble is a rabble. How can an army formed by a group of farmers, workers and homeless people be as brave and good at fighting as federal soldiers who have undergone systematic military training?

Military discipline and regulations are equivalent to nothing. If the people in Oasis Town had nothing to rob, they would have started looting everywhere.

Horace did not believe that there were brilliant people in this world.

The revolutionary army took huge risks to come to this planet full of zerg, not to save these scum in Oasis Town, but for Altera's resources or other valuable things.

Just to save people.

How could it be for such a stupid and ridiculous reason.

"The sky is full of king bugs, allosaurs and blast mosquitoes." After hearing what Horace said, Renault said to Augustus: "There is no airport here, and it is not easy to evacuate so many people in a short period of time. "

"Then find another way and change the angle." Augustus said: "We want to defeat the Zerg in Oasis Town and win the battle."

"I like this plan," Raynor agreed.

"Jimmy, lead people to organize defenses immediately. We must guard all intersections." Augustus ordered: "The Army's 6th to 9th Divisions and the 1st Armored Division have all landed near Oasis Town. As long as we can withstand the insect swarm, We can launch a counterattack after the first wave of offensive."

Renault immediately left with several rangers under his command. If they wanted to establish a defense line in Oasis Town, the direction they had to guard was not just the front.

Oasis Town is located on a flat land between the fissures of the Altera Canyon, but it is almost undefendable. Its surroundings are not flat, but the scattered rocks and mounds provide cover for the enemy, and the rugged terrain is difficult for the Zerg. It is also advantageous for a flexible and ferocious creature.

"Marshal Augustus, the Zerg are not a second- or third-rate local army from the edge world." Horace's eyelids twitched.

"Haha, I have killed more bugs than any bitch you have ever seen." Tychus, who was on the Wolf Warrior I mecha, heard what Horace said: "Watch how your revolutionary grandfather kills bugs. Son’s.”

"Watch well and study hard."

"So, what do you have in mind, Mr. Horace, the former federal colonel." Augustus looked at Horace, opening his helmet visor to reveal his cold gray eyes and handsome thick eyebrows.

"My opinion is to wait until death. If I had an idea, I wouldn't stay here." Horace shrugged: "I heard a friend mention what it looked like when the Zerg invaded the planet. There were endless human-eating monsters. Once Someone falls and gets torn to pieces. Bullets have no effect on the zerg because there are so many of them that they can't be killed."

"Maybe after this day, you will change your mind." Reno replaced the magazine for his Gauss rifle and made a crisp click sound.

At this time, a little girl wearing a blue plaid shirt poked her head out of the roadside alley. Her clothes, hair and face were all dirty. Her face was sallow and thin, and she had almost no flesh on her body.

Only a little taller than Augustus's calves, she looked alone, small and fragile in the whirlwind of red dust in Oasis Town.

Only the black eyes still shine.

"Is that your daughter?" Augustus looked at Horace and took out a bag of biscuits from the storage unit of his power armor. The little girl with messy auburn hair took the cookie hesitantly, but did not eat it immediately - even though she was already so hungry.

"No, I don't know her. If she were my daughter, I would never let her live in a doghouse." Horace said without hesitation.

"She is a child bought by the smuggler Mark. Since Mark died on the prostitute's bed a few days ago, no one has taken care of the child." He said, "I heard that this person is called Selvi." Leah’s child is the child of a noble in the core world.”

"After her family died in a terrorist attack, she somehow fell into the hands of human traffickers." Horace finally whispered: "Terrorists are people like you."

Kerrigan, who was standing by, knelt down next to the little girl, showing empathetic sadness as she felt the tragic memories in her mind.

"So, you are still a noble lady." Augustus saw tears welling up in the little girl's eyes: "Don't worry, child, we will definitely bring changes to the planet on the edge of this star sector."

"What is change?" The messy hair on the little girl's forehead was stuck together.

"." Augustus suddenly realized that he was used to saying these words. He paused and said, "So that you can eat enough."

Hearing Augustus' words, the little girl's eyes seemed to light up.

After saying this, Augustus picked up the dazed child and handed it to a sergeant of the marshal's guard who was standing guard: "Give her to our doctor and tell Li that this child needs to be taken care of."

"Yes, sir!" The sergeant immediately held the girl in his arms and walked toward the back of the team.

"The people who killed her family were not our people," Kerrigan said in a low voice. "They died in a political murder that excluded dissidents."

"The son of Korhal cannot harm nobles other than the Creation Family." Augustus looked towards the street again. A man who was staring at him from the side of the street immediately retracted into the shadow of the house.

Horace shook his head and was not touched by this: "It's useless to show kindness. You will continue to starve after you leave. The nobles of the Federation also did this in the past. Seeing the homeless The child just shed a few drops of crocodile tears, stuffed a few large bills and walked away, not caring whether such a young child could keep so much money."

"In the end, what did you change?"

Augustus stared into Horace's eyes: "The Revolutionary Army will raise this child and send her to a school that only accepts war orphans. This has always been part of the republic's government expenses."

"Everything I have done and the sacrifices my soldiers have made are all to bring about change in this rotten Federation."

"Maybe?" Horace now showed the arrogance of a federal soldier when facing the revolutionary army: "I'll wait and see."

"The Revolutionary Army doesn't need to prove anything to you, this is what we have been doing." Kerrigan said coldly.

At this time, the leading troops of the 011th Battalion of the Guards Division stopped at the end of the road across Oasis Town. Outside the outermost row of houses was a lowland full of ravines, deep pits and huge rocks. The north side of Oasis Town is full of solid wooden and stone buildings, and looking out, there are low hills and ravines that extend.

Augustus discovered that there were many Oasis Town residents armed with various weapons nervously hiding behind the houses and garbage debris blocking the road. He looked back warily at the approaching Tychus and Goliath armed robots.

These people were all dressed in different styles. Some wore plaid shirts and bandanas with gang insignias, while others still wrapped themselves in hoods and windbreakers in the hot weather. Looking up, you can see colorful mohawks and killer hairstyles. Tattoos, lip nails and earrings are very common among them.

"Residents of Oasis Town, we are the revolutionary army." Augustus shouted to these wary-looking residents of Oasis Town: "We will establish a defense line here - come behind us!"

This immediately caused an uproar among the residents of Oasis Town, but before they could say anything, the soldiers of the Guards Division had already walked resolutely into the bunker built by the residents outside the town carrying Gauss rifles, electromagnetic guns and rockets. middle.

The Revolutionary Army engineers driving the T-280 space engineering vehicle took off the fine steel plates they carried on their backs and quickly built a fortification wall outside Oasis Town. The Revolutionary Army's engineering group gathered all the members of the Keha IV, Sara System and An Tiga's best metallurgists and engineers, they can steadily build defense facilities or airports amidst tens of thousands of zerg or a hail of bullets.

Several Revolutionary Army engineers carrying psychic jammers immediately prepared to assemble Swan's latest modified "Brain Wave Bill" psychic jammer. This type of jammer has a larger range and more power than the earlier prototype. But correspondingly, it also takes more time to assemble more parts and start up.

Augustus once praised the revolutionary army's engineering corps for their loyalty, bravery and superb technology. They were as important as the soldiers on the front line.

The leaders of these Oasis Town citizens stood up and seemed to want to ask something, but a roar from the Hydra Hydralisk suddenly drew everyone's attention back.

In the whirlwind of red dust, the moving swarm of insects was getting closer and closer. The low roars and fishy smell made the residents of Oasis Town feel frightened.

"These bastards." Horace spat toward the ground and took off an old-fashioned AGR rifle from his back. This was probably the inventory he brought out from the federal arsenal.

At this time, entire companies of Revolutionary Army Guards Division soldiers had their guns drawn and loaded, and Wraith fighter jets and bombers flew over them from time to time.

"Something's wrong, Augustus, those zerg are chasing civilians." At this time, Kerrigan, who had powerful telepathy, suddenly reminded Augustus.

"What did you say?" Augustus looked towards the direction where the bugs were coming.

Immediately afterwards, Augustus received a report from the frontline troops. About three hundred Altera people were running towards Oasis Town, and behind them were tens of thousands of Jörmungandr Zerg.

"They should be workers from the nearby oil refinery. It is said that they are hired by the Camorians and usually do not want to have contact with people in Oasis Town." Horace said to Augustus.

The citizens of Oasis Town all sighed or laughed happily. Judging from their speed, it was only a matter of time before they were overtaken and devoured by the zerg.

"Move forward." Augustus immediately ordered: "Move the defense line forward to protect the civilians."

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