StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 332 You will complete your great cause

Augustus' orders were carried out most quickly and resolutely.

Led by the officers of the 011th Battalion of the Revolutionary Guards Division and the political commissar of the Pan-Taylon Revolutionary Party, more than a hundred soldiers of the 2nd Company stepped out of bunkers and bunker clusters and advanced rapidly forward with each combat platoon and fire support team as a unit. The Goliath armed robots between each row used 30mm cannons to form crossfire above and in front of the soldiers.

The Wolf Warrior I mecha driven by Tychus took the lead, followed by the officers and political commissars who took the lead. An artillery company equipped with Kaimorian KMC mortars opened fire on the incoming swarm ground troops under the instructions of observers and officers. A large number of pulse bombs falling on the ground provided a powerful force for the advancing Revolutionary Army infantry. covering fire.

At this time, the people fleeing towards Oasis Town had already crossed the abandoned outpost on the outermost edge of the town.

Due to the rugged terrain of Altera, vehicles are difficult to use. Without spaceships and walking robots, all these people can rely on are their own legs.

They were already exhausted, and from time to time someone would be knocked down and dragged away by the catching springtails, and would be torn into pieces as soon as they fell.

Seeing a heavily armed army running towards them, the remaining people saw hope. The fear of death and the hope of life suddenly overwhelmed all fatigue, driving them to run hard into the distance. A battle line composed of powered armor.

"Get behind us, and hurry up! The bugs are about to bite your butts." Tychus Finley at the front used the loudspeaker equipment of his Wolf Warrior I mech to shout to those people.

The new paint on this huge red mecha has long been scratched by Altera's whirlwind mixed with gravel and sand, but the golden wolf logo on the right shoulder of the mecha is still shining brightly. There is a line of words written in white paint on the bottom of the cockpit: The gun speaks the truth.

The company led by Tychus deployed outside the town of Oasis to avoid a ceasefire and began firing long-range rockets. In order to prevent the fleeing crowd from breaking up the front line, the Revolutionary Army soldiers dispersed under the command of the officers, leaving several passages for people to pass.

Finally, the first person ran past the huge walking feet of Tychus's rumbling Wolf Warrior I mecha, followed by more people with frightened faces. A dark-skinned, black-haired girl stumbled as she ran toward a Revolutionary Army soldier, almost falling to the ground, but then a pair of hard alloy gloves stabilized her.

A bespectacled gas refinery engineer was caught by a Jörmungandr springtail as he stumbled around. He screamed in pain and was about to be dragged away.

Two revolutionary soldiers rushed towards the howling engineer. One of them dragged the Gauss rifle in his hand and stabbed the sharp bayonet into the chest of the Jörmungandr springtail, forcing it to withdraw its forelimbs and fight back. Another soldier pulled out the P-660 electromagnetic pistol from his waist and fired steadily at the springtail's head. The large-caliber depleted uranium bullet exploded the ugly head in just one shot.

When the last person walked past two Revolutionary soldiers who were about to raise their guns and shoot, Tychus put both hands into the exoskeleton system of the mecha's built-in sensitive sensors, and operated the Destruction System on the mecha's right arm. The flamethrower ejected a hot plasma stream more than ten feet wide, burning the three springtails that rushed up to ashes in a few seconds.

Tychus and the soldiers of the Revolutionary Guards Division behind him continued to move forward, forming a high wall of steel behind the people. In the eyes of those who were saved and the residents of Oasis Town, the wall seemed impenetrable and unbreakable.

Augustus looked at the battlefield ahead from a distance: "The Seventh Division and the Ninth Division are gathering towards me, and we must form an encirclement in Oasis Town."

"Call the fleet, I need more fire support and air strikes."

At this moment, two more ice-blue lightnings that tore through the sky flashed in the mottled sky of Altera, which came from the main guns of the Protoss fleet. Dozens of fighter planes from this Revolutionary Army Air Force wing flew over Oasis Town, dropping a bright barrage of rockets and incendiary bombs.

As Augustus walked toward the front line, he issued combat orders through the command system to the more than 20,000 revolutionary soldiers who landed in Altera. Amidst the deafening sound of explosions and cannon fire, Augustus marched through the artillery emplacements, Kerrigan and the Marshal's Guard following closely behind him.

The forgotten former Confederate Colonel Horace followed Augustus after hesitating for a moment. Only then did he notice that Augustus had a very strong aura, even comparable to those of the highly prestigious old Confederacy. General. When Augustus loudly issued orders, Horace actually had the illusion that he was one of his subordinates.

At the same time, Horace was also surprised that Augustus gave the order to save people without hesitation, as if it should be the case. More importantly, Augustus's soldiers carried out this order without any hesitation.

At this time, the revolutionary army had completely taken over the positions north of Oasis Town, but the residents of Oasis Town who had gathered here to resist the Zerg attack did not leave or retreat, but chose to fight side by side with the revolutionary army.

At first, they were still suspicious of Augustus and his revolutionary army, but after seeing the scene just now, these people were convinced that the revolutionary army was really here to aid them.

However, the Revolutionary Army soldiers who had just rushed out to rescue people had undoubtedly been surrounded by insect swarms in order to cover the retreat of civilians. This is something unbelievable in the eyes of the residents of Oasis Town, including Horace. Most of them are selfish and have very little altruistic thought and dedication.

Augustus ascended a sentry tower through the safety ladder, stared at the soldiers of the 2nd Company of the 011 Battalion in front through the binoculars, and saw that the dense, black insect swarm was about to overwhelm his brave soldiers. The residents of Oasis Town behind the trenches and bunkers sighed. Even the rats and flies in the gutters of Altera thought these people were the real heroes.

"You don't need to rescue those people. They are just miners and lumberjacks. Compared to your soldiers, they are worthless." When Horace saw that the guards of Augustus soldiers did not stop him, he said Go to Augustus and say to him.

Horace Mauben, a wanted criminal who was once a captain in the Federation Navy, saw with his own eyes that these soldiers rescued those people without hesitation, and realized that Augustus's revolutionary army was different from the regular Federation troops or the Fringe Sector soldiers he had seen in the past. The rebels cannot be compared. They seem to truly protect civilians as their mission, rather than the federal army who are just messing around or the peasant rebels who take advantage of the chaos to steal property.

Horace was used to seeing the ugliness in the world and human nature, and he had also seen upright and brave people, but he had never seen so many. The Terran Federation's military was once a gathering place for elite nobles and brave warriors, but now it is overstaffed and corrupt, and has become a hiding place for politicians and the descendants of famous families to gild and make money.

More than ten years ago, when Horace had just graduated from the Tarsonis Federation Military Academy, he was still an ambitious young man with great ambitions, determined to protect the order of the Federation.

But upon graduation, Horace's teachers and friends persuaded him to stay in a cushy civilian job in Tarsonis' military armed services, where he could get promoted quickly without having to deal with the dangerous Caimorians and Yumorians. Promote people.

Even so, the young Lieutenant Horace still applied for transfer to places where he was needed. But when he arrived at the military base in Toros, the level of corruption there was beyond his imagination.

The Brubaker family of the founding family has already controlled the arsenal and all the industries there. All the high-ranking military officers are just puppets of the Bruback family. Everyone advised him not to think about going against the founding family and just lay there in confusion. You can get money right away.

Augustus did not answer Horace's question, but just stared at the time on the HUD display on the helmet's visor.

Ten seconds later, the psychic disruptor in Oasis Town was activated. An invisible interference force field caused the Jörmungandr insect swarm near Oasis Town to become chaotic and began to kill each other. The 2nd Company, which was about to be besieged, fought and retreated under the leadership of Tychus. line of defense.

The "Brain Bill" psychic disruptor has an extremely wide coverage area and can even affect zerg underground.

The zerg still have not found an effective way to defeat the psionic disruptor. Creatures with extremely powerful psychic abilities, such as brainworms and elite kingworms, such as the Igsir giant kingworm, can ignore this interference to a certain extent, but only if they are close enough to members of their own group.

Considering that the Zerg have suffered a lot from the Revolutionary Army's psychic disruptors, they will definitely eliminate this flaw through continuous evolution and genetic modification. Augustus only hoped that Swann's research progress would maintain an advantage in the war against the zerg - although this was almost impossible to do.

"Don't be wary, Tychus. Just let these zerg continue to kill each other. We will clean up the mess after they are almost dead."

After confirming that his soldiers were withdrawing to Oasis Town in an orderly manner, Augustus began to answer the question raised by Horace: "I don't think so, Mr. Horace."

Augustus did not explain to Horace in detail why he did what he did, because it was natural for him to save those people and there was no need to explain the reasons for doing so.

In the Sara system and Antiga Prime, millions of people were saved by Augustus's revolutionary army, and people, especially those with talent, were the most precious.

"Even these criminals in Altera?" Horace asked again.

"The people imprisoned in Altera are not just criminals, many of them are political prisoners or revolutionaries who have been persecuted by the Federation. Even the people here are not all criminals who deserve to be tried by the law." Augustus Talk to him calmly.

"Of course, once Altera is recovered, I will definitely reestablish law and order on this planet." He continued: "You may think that I am a benevolent person, but I will definitely use an iron fist to eliminate Altai. to ensure that people who abide by the law and work hard are not threatened by the most vicious individuals.”

"Alterra is a planet rich in resources, and people here can get rich rewards even if they don't commit crimes."

"I have to admit that although I thought you were a brat who was arrogant because of your family background at first, you have indeed proved that you are a qualified leader." Horace said.

"Marshal Augustus is not only a qualified leader, he is definitely the best one you have ever seen." Kerrigan reminded Horace.

"Maybe you are right." Horace stared at the two men and women in front of him who seemed to him to be too young, and said nothing more: "You are indeed different from the federal generals, Kaimorian CEOs or those I have met. The leaders of the resistance are all different. At least you are actually doing what you promised."

Even Horace, who had gone through many trials and hardships, had to admit that he was wrong at the beginning. As a leader of the revolutionary army who had already become famous, Augustus must not be in vain.

If you talk to Augustus face to face, you will find that his demeanor and every word and action are very confident and convincing. Augustus was a charismatic man, and anyone who met him was convinced of this.

"Maybe you can really overthrow the founding family of the Federation and establish a new republic." Horace said: "If you can really do it, then you will become the ruler of the new regime."

"I heard an old saying, there is a long way to go." As Augustus said, he walked down the guard post and met the group of Altera people who had been rescued by the revolutionary army.

Augustus noticed that most of these people were wearing regular workers' overalls rather than the fancy clothes of the residents of Oasis Town. These were strong laborers and they did not look like locals.

As soon as these people reached the inside of Oasis Town, they collapsed on the road. Some people fainted directly, while some had faces with the joy of surviving the disaster.

"I heard that these people work for Kemorian's gas refinery in Altera." Horace said to Augustus: "That's why the people in Oasis don't like them."

"Where are you from?" Augustus found a miner who still had the strength to speak. Judging from his clothes, he should be an overseer. The logo on his clothes was something similar to what Augustus had seen in Moria. of.

"Thanks to your help, we almost died. Many people died." It was a bald middle-aged man with a nice beard. He said hesitantly: "We are miners nearby."

"There is nothing to hide. We are Kaimorians. A few years ago, the Moria Mining Federation established many high-energy gas refining plants near Oasis Town to extract Altera's rich gas resources and transport them back to the federation. Inside the body.”

"This is theft," said Horace angrily.

"We were the first to discover this planet, and you Tyranids are the latecomers and plunderers!" the bald man immediately responded angrily.

Both sides hold their own opinions.

I’ve been busy during the New Year, and a lot of annoying things have happened recently. I’m exhausted both physically and mentally. Alas...

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