StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 338 Counterattack

No Dark Templar master could defeat Tassadar and stop him in Altera's sinister ritual of shadowwalking.

The Road of Shadows, click here.

Tassadar had long been able to activate the fiery blade of light without relying on a psionic cluster. After learning to draw energy from the void, his power was no longer the same. When passing through the Great Rift Valley in the northern part of Oasis Town, every Dark Templar that Tassadar faced was a legend among the protoss of Sagulath, but today they were all defeated so quickly. humiliated.

Each time, Tassadar strangled the opponent's vital points or knocked him down before moving forward in an elegant flash. In Augustus's sight, it was just a fleeting flash in the canyon. .

The ceremony will end with the duel between Dark Hierarch Zeratul and Tassadar at the exit of the Great Rift. Augustus watched there from a distance, but he expected the earth-shattering sound and the fierce exchange of masters' psychic powers to appear. The shining light did not appear.

"It is said that all those Nerazim stars who rush through the shadows are considered to be one step closer to the great Twilight Apostle (Anakh'sun) Adun." Faraday, the captain of Augustus's guard, is also watching closely. Following the process of the Protoss Shadow Speed, as long as you carefully understand it, you can know what this ceremony means to the Sagulas Protoss.

Young shadow apprentices must travel through the Shadow Road and accept the test of their predecessors and mentors. After going through all kinds of hardships and tests, they can walk in the name of the Blade of Nerazim.

“The myths and legends of the Protoss Empire and the ancient prophecies of the Nerazim Protoss all mention the salvation of Adun: Adon never really leaves, and when the protoss face catastrophe, the soul of the savior Adon will return. Augustus recalled the protoss history that Zeratul and Tassadar had told him.

"It was prophesied that a person with the same talent as Adon would appear again. Since then, the Dark Templar have been searching for such a person in the universe," he said.

"Adun is the first protoss to master Kara's spiritual energy and void energy at the same time, and Tassadar is the second. If Tassadar really does it, then he is undoubtedly the successor of Adun and the protoss. Savior."

"But I remember that the heroes in the Protoss mythology sacrificed themselves to save their people. If the fatalism of the Dark Templar is true, then Tassadar"

Adun is a great protoss hero, but his story is closer to tragedy and sadness. Sacrifice has always been regarded as the most noble belief by the Templars. They are not afraid of sacrifice, because the warriors will return to Kara with glory.

"The Dark Templar believe in destiny and prophecy. We all know that prophecies are all lies," Kerrigan said at this time. The Dark Templar always claim to have received some mysterious guidance, but most of this guidance is vague. This does not prevent Kerrigan from classifying the Dark Templar into the category of superstition and godly chatter.

At this time, the sun in Altera had already set, the light of the stars was obscured by dense clouds and high-energy gas, and the sky was covered with green floating light. In addition, there was no light source in Augustus' position, and he could hardly see his fingers.

Only the Great Rift Valley below has a little bit of blue light like lights and stars. It is a strange fungus that was born in Altera's unique ecological environment. It often grows on cliffs and looks like a water bottle-shaped wall lamp. . In the middle of the night, clusters of Altera aquarium mushrooms look like patches of cobalt blue clouds.

At a certain moment when Augustus looked in the direction of the Great Rift Valley, a bright light suddenly emerged from it. At first, the light was as fragile as a candle swaying in the wind, but within a few breaths it became as shining as the sun. Even from a distance, Augustus could clearly see that the light drove the darkness and even illuminated the rock walls on both sides.

"That's Tassadar." Kerrigan said to Augustus: "He released the two spiritual energies of Kara and Void at the same time. It's like two substances that will have a strong chemical reaction when they merge. It only takes a few seconds. A small dose delivers extremely bright light.”

"This light has no lethality and will reveal itself in the dark."

The Dark Templar would not readily reveal their inherited skills and secrets to anyone other than members of their own clan, but Zeratul was willing to allow Augustus to sit in on his lessons because Augustus was a A person with a soul like a star. This shadow master values ​​the inner soul more. He will regard Augustus as a brother and one of his own rather than a despicable alien.

Sarah Kerrigan was also recognized by Zeratul, as she had a deep affection for Augustus and was like the latter's shadow. Kerrigan's powerful psychic power, which far exceeds that of her kind, has also been valued by Zeratul and Tassadar. If Augustus is considered to have the character of the protoss, then Kerrigan's power is close to that of the protoss.

In Tassadar's words, this is really rare among young humans, a race that generally has no psychic talent. To say it stands out from the crowd is an understatement, and it should be said that it is unparalleled.

Kerrigan listened carefully to Tassadar's account of the history of the Protoss Empire, and learned from Zeratul how to control the energy of the void.

The Dark Templar's technique of absorbing spiritual energy from the void comes from the innate talent of the Protoss race. Therefore, Tassadar, who is a high-level Templar, learned it easily, but as a human, Kai It is quite difficult for Regan to communicate with the void like the protoss.

Although Kerrigan was not able to master the power of the void, her understanding of psychic powers had clearly deepened. This allowed Kerrigan to master the power within her body with ease, and her ability to sense psychic and psychic fluctuations increased day by day.

As a tenth-level psyker, Kerrigan's psychic powers far exceeded those of her kind, and now, she has become a uniquely powerful psychic entity among humans. Now Kerrigan can even use her mental power to deflate the armor of the arc tank and lift a soldier wearing CMC-300 power armor out of thin air.

As she grew older, Kerrigan's psychic powers became more powerful. Much to Kerrigan's delight, this allowed her to remain undisputed as Augustus' bodyguard, protecting her from those who would covet her position.

"This light not only exposed Tassadar himself, but also illuminated the shadows in the entire canyon, leaving those dark templars who are good at hiding nowhere to hide."

After hearing what Kerrigan said, Augustus nodded: "According to the customs of the Nerazim protoss, in Shadow Rush, if the Dark Templar warriors who are about to attack the challenger before attacking has been exposed, then they should withdraw from this trial immediately."

"Tassadar easily dispatched the remaining Dark Templars with his wits, which he exploited by taking advantage of the rules, but this was seen as a valuable quality among the Dark Templars."

But at this moment, in the light released by Tassadar, a shadow blinked in, and Augustus was sure that it was Zeratul. The shadow penetrated the light in an instant, but it was just an illusion condensed by Tassadar using his spiritual power.

That comes from the abilities learned by high-level templars in the Adun Fortress and Documentation Hall. They can condense multiple illusions that are the same as their own bodies to achieve the purpose of confusing the enemy. Tassadar was allowed to use the Dark Templar's abilities at the same time as he was using abilities he already possessed.

The real Tassadar had already escaped into the shadows on the edge of the cliff, and followed the invisible shadow out of the canyon. Tassadar hid his intentions and drew Zeratul's attention with a flurry of moves.

Generally speaking, the El Protoss are a race that is not good at lying. Tassadar is not incapable of conspiracy, he just is not inclined to do so.

"Is it over?" As for Augustus in the distance, he didn't know what happened specifically. He just saw a shadow flashing past quickly.

"Let's go and see. This is crucial. If Tassadar passes the trial and truly masters the energy of the void, it also means that he can also kill Cerebrates and even the Overlord like the Dark Templar." said Augustus.

"Then we can try to completely destroy a major swarm."

A camouflage-painted Revolutionary Army APOD turned on its searchlight at this time, and the bright light dispersed the surrounding darkness. Augustus led the marshal's guards and ghost agents onto the transport ship and headed to the exit of the Great Rift Valley in Oasis Town.

When the transport ship landed at the exit of the Great Rift Valley, Tassadar, Zeratul, and Vora Zundu, the daughter of the matriarch of the protoss of Sagulas whom Augustus had met in Sagulas, were standing there. Together, next to them are two neat and distinct rows of Templars and Dark Templars.

Vorazun is a well-built Dark Templar, and the exquisite robes she wears illustrate the protoss of Sagulath's perception of beauty.

Women are uncommon among the Templars, and even rarer in high positions, and the protoss of Thaggurath are known for their excellence as female clan leaders.

"Your success is incredible, Tassadar. You used the power of both the Templar and the Dark Templar at the same time. Without either of the two, you would not be able to pass this trial." Zeratul, clad in dark purple robes, was praising Tassadar.

"Hail to all who bravely cross light and shadow." Even Vorazun, who was considered distant and distant from the Templars, praised Tassadar for his bravery.

"Generation after generation of brave men have embarked on the path of the Dark Templar." Zeratul said finally.

Tassadar also put on a shadow robe carefully crafted by the Dark Templar master, otherwise his decoration really looked like an Aiel refugee who had wandered here.

"Congratulations, Tassadar." Augustus also sent his congratulations in time.

"I am grateful, Zeratul, Augustus." Tassadar said with emotion.

"The energy of the void is hidden in the potential of our family, but I have never discovered it before. This power is incredible and unprecedentedly powerful. What have we given up for so long?" Tassadar said.

"Without the Dark Templar, we would have failed in the war against the zerg."

"I believe it is time for us to return to Aiur." He declared to his followers: "The foolish decisions of the Conclave are destroying our advantage, if they try to rely on their own strength at all costs instead of the Holy Spirit." If Don Samurai kills the brainworm, it will inevitably lead to disastrous consequences."

"After Artanis and Aldaris left, I felt anxious and worried."

"It's hard to feel at ease with such a bunch of pig teammates." Kerrigan put her hands on her waist, glanced sideways at Tassadar and comforted him with her usual cold words.

"I feel the same way about this. When the Revolutionary Army wanted to rescue a colonial world that had been overrun by the Zerg, the local Federation troops either caused chaos for us or fled under the Zerg offensive."

"Aiur is our common, sacred home, and it is my duty to protect it from the ravages of the abominable zerg," Zeratul said.

"I agree, although I think there is no need for the Dark Templar to sacrifice and bleed for the Templar's homeland, but the Zerg is our common enemy." Vorazun also agreed.

"I have said it many times, and it doesn't matter if I say it a few more times." Augustus firmly told Tassadar that he would always stand with him: "The Revolutionary Army will continue to fight side by side with you."

Since the worms invaded Aiur through the wormhole, their attack on the Koprulu sector has begun to slow down. Only a few hive armies of the Jörmungandr swarm, Gamu swarm and Sutur swarm are still there. Invasion of the Federation world.

Under the protection of the psychic disruptor, Warfield was able to defend the existing Revolutionary Army planets with ease. Instead, they had to be careful of their fellow human enemy, the Tyranid Federation.

"My gratitude cannot be expressed in words," Tassadar said to Augustus and others.

"Tassadar, aren't you worried that El's coordinates will be known to humans and therefore leaked?" Augustus asked Tassadar in return.

The coordinates of Aiur have always been unknown to others. If the Revolutionary Army returns to Aiur with Tassadar, the coordinates of the protoss homeworld will also be known to humans.

"You are trustworthy humans." Tassadar said to Augustus: "El's coordinates cannot always be a secret. Before the crisis of genocide, any help is crucial."

"You don't think it's shameful to seek help from humans." Augustus said with a smile: "This is what makes you different from other protoss."

"Al. I'm afraid it will take us a long time to get there." Faraday said: "But what will happen to other worlds invaded by the zerg at that time?"

"I have discussed it with Tassadar and Zeratul." Augustus looked around: "We decided to launch a counterattack against the Zerg in the Koprulu sector before returning to Aiur, forcing them to return to Mar Sara. If we can't do it with Char, we should at least inflict heavy damage on one or two major insect nests."

"The Overlord of the Swarm is obviously deploying the main Hive City to Aiur, and the Protoss Empire is facing the wrath of the Swarm. Although the Swarm we are facing is still powerful, it is not invincible."

"We won't be able to stay in Altera for long." He finally said: "I have received intelligence that the most forward hive force of the Zerg has approached the core world of the Federation, Vardona, and the counterattack will begin from there."

I took two days off during the Chinese New Year, emmm

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