StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 339 Vadona Prime

For a long time, Vadona has been one of the many colonial worlds of the Tyranid Federation, a planet known for its advanced technology, clean cities, and lush greenery.

Vadona is a planet developed in the early colonial era and is located in the core area of ​​the Terran Federation territory. This also puts Vadona under the influence of the main star of Tarsonis at all times. The Vadona nobles who led the colonists to establish their home in the original era also have close ties with the founding families of Tarsonis.

Vadona, which is located in the core world, has not been affected by the guild war. In the past time, it was still a peaceful world where singing and dancing flourished.

This planet has a mild climate and beautiful natural features. Vadona Prime is well-known to people in the Terran Federation territory for its majestic and majestic cities, beautiful natural scenery and beautiful coastline.

As an old and historic colony, Wardona is also the cradle of culture, and its various natural history museums are renowned in the Commonwealth.

Due to his inextricable connection with the main star of Tarsonis, Vadona can often see the nobles of Tarsonis. In the tourist cities of Vadona that are adjacent to the charming ocean, the natural deep-water harbor with rippling blue waves is surrounded by flowers and expensive private yachts. Whether it is the splendid modern city or the classic streets along the coast, there is an atmosphere of wealth and indulgence. Atmosphere.

Compared with the beautiful resort of Terrador IX, Vadona is famous for its luxury casinos where you can spend a lot of money, the luxury brand shopping street famous in the entire star region, the opera house that cultivates sentiments, church choirs and outstanding beauties. It has become the first choice for sightseeing for the descendants of nobles from the colonial worlds of the Tyranids.

There is no doubt that Wadona is a gold-selling cave for those nobles with countless wealth and those merchants who are willing to pay for high expenses. The wealthy people are intoxicated and indulgent, and the style of wealth and luxury Almost on par with Tarsonis.

Critics who wrote travel guides for many of the Terran Confederation's worlds described Vadona as a rich, romantic world, while worlds like Mar Sara and Antiga were described as uncivilized. The abode of the barbarians.

The last time Augustus heard about this world was when the nobles of the founding family of Tarsonis were changing glasses at Andrea Tagore's birthday party, he heard the nobles talking next to him mention There are several prestigious core worlds, such as Valdona and Victoria, whose nobles have won the recognition of the nobles of Tarsonis for their knowledge and observance of etiquette.

Many nobles in other core worlds still have not abandoned the tenacity of their ancestors in the colonial era, but the glory and tradition of the past are nothing more than something that can only be preserved in records and memories.

Nobles of the main star world like Vadona are inextricably linked to the creation family of Tarsonis. Either they have direct or indirect marriage and blood relationships, or they have a long-term relationship with a certain creation family. Reciprocal relationships.

"Compared to Tarsonis, the government management of Vadona is relatively efficient and clean. The nobles of Vadona can still get a fair evaluation from my father Angus. He thinks that the nobles of Tarsonis are noble. Behind the gorgeous appearance is the coldness and greed of poisonous snakes, and the nobles of Vadona at least still have the spirit of down-and-out chivalry."

Augustus Mengsk's flagship Hyperion is arriving in the outer orbit of Vadona Prime. Outside the bridge window, a dark blue planet is spinning peacefully, shaped like a pure water drop. .

Augustus, who was holding a War Department briefing in his hand, was talking about his old impression of Vadona with one hand behind his back. In the past, Vadona was distinguished by the radiance of Korhal IV, the Pearl of the Federation. It was dim and dull, and now she still seems unknown.

Compared with the pragmatic Mengsk family, the Vadona noble family are frequent visitors to the aristocratic social circle, and they obviously enjoy it. Compared to the low-key Mengsk family, the Vadona nobles are more willing to wear badges that highlight their nobility and family status when entering and leaving various social occasions.

"Vadona's industry and manufacturing industry are also quite developed. As a large ship production center and prototype weapons laboratory, it plays an extremely important position in the Tyranid Federation. However, Vadona is not a planet that advocates military tradition. , its security and the defense of the star system must be handed over to the Federation Marine Corps and the Federation Navy Fleet."

There is a gem-like satellite and several giant space stations in the orbit of Vadona's planet. One of the space stations is so close to the Hyperion that it looks as big as that satellite.

Looking along the giant space station, which is composed of an arched frame dome and countless parking platforms, a giant insect swarm Behemoth is clearly visible. Its bright purple carapace and long stabilizing fins make it look like a monster. Like an unparalleled giant fish in space.

As expected, this space station, which originally housed at least 20,000 people, had already been infected by the Jörmungandr swarm. The entire shiny alloy outer wall of the space station was covered with a layer of dark gray chitin honeycomb. shaped exoskeleton.

A large transport ship is parked quietly near the space station. Judging from the direction of its bow and engine thrusters, it is obviously preparing to escape from the space station. Alien spikes and tentacles extend along the protruding keel and ribs, pulsing with the rhythm of breathing, like a living creature.

The space station is surrounded by the wreckage of many ships and even piles of cargo containers. It is obvious that the defenders of Vadona paid heavy sacrifices to protect the space station, but that did not stop the Zerg attack.

The laser cannon on the side of the Hyperion was shooting at a Behemoth beast, and the orange-red barrage swept across the starry sky in front of the bridge porthole. A missile weighing several tons is being ejected from the cabin, and the painted skull logo on it is clearly visible.

"That space station and that ship have been infected. There is no possibility of finding any more survivors." Augustus stared at the stationary federal space station and spaceship outside the porthole, and said this fact sadly.

"Send a special operations team into the space station and this transport ship to perform demolition missions, and equip them with the best equipment and psychic disruptors." Augustus immediately ordered: "They must not be allowed to breed infection and This hotbed of distortion must be blown up.”

This space station, originally used for scientific research and shipping transfer station, is more than a mile in diameter and has a permanent population of less than 3,000 people. Most of them are scientific researchers and merchant ship crews who rest here. The space station is most famous for its famous Vadona Barbecue Hall and the botanical garden in space, but now these have been turned into a bloody slaughterhouse of zerg.

The space station was simply too big to be destroyed with the firepower of a battlecruiser.

"This is a near-death mission. We need the most elite team to ensure that we can escape unscathed from the space station full of zerg." Jim Raynor, wearing a navy general's uniform, said.

"I think we should turn to the Protoss for help. After all, they showed no mercy when destroying the infected ships in the orbit of Antiga's main star." Kerrigan said to Augustus at this time.

Wearing a tailored military uniform, Kerrigan has always been a beautiful figure beside the Revolutionary Army Marshal, but it is undeniable that her budding military talents should not be ignored.

"The fleets of Tassadar and Zeratul will not appear directly in the Vadona system. Their appearance will inevitably bring panic to Vadona and trigger an overreaction from the Federation." Augustus said.

"You can't rely on the Protoss for everything." He continued: "They just intercepted a Behemoth fleet heading to Vadona. It was also a difficult battle."

"This matter can be left to the resocializers of Alpha Squadron and Nova Squadron. They are the best cannon fodder." Tychus Finley, wearing a dark gray military uniform with a stand-up collar, stood beside Augustus. Tall and burly.

"How can you expect such a group of mindless walking zombies." Renault said: "I am starting to arrange an elite force and draw the bravest warriors from each unit of the Rangers."

At this moment, many dazzling lights caused by the distortion of time and space appeared around the Hyperion, and more revolutionary warships jumped into the Vadona galaxy. There are as many as twenty of these warships, each one shining in golden red and magnificent.

The revolutionary fleet that jumped in immediately joined the attack on the behemoths of Jormungandr, intending to force these unparalleled giant monsters to evacuate the Vadona system.

"This is wrong." Renault said: "Wadona belongs to the core world. When she is attacked, the federal fleet should be able to arrive here soon. But now it seems that there is no fleet stationed here."

"Unless another more important core world is attacked." Augustus pointed to a planet named Brontes on the combat map: "Intelligence shows that the Gamu swarm is invading this important world in a large scale. On the colonial world, at least one Federation naval squadron guarding Bronte was severely damaged, and several Federation fleets were locked in a bitter battle there."

"Only one Behemoth appeared in the Vadona system, which seems to be within the acceptable range. The federal army guarding the planet should not have been defeated by the zerg."

"Have the zerg landed in Vadona?" Augustus looked at the picture of the battleship's sensor on the main screen of the bridge. Even though he was facing the firepower of an entire revolutionary fleet, the Jörmungandr Bey Sheamus remained motionless, as if the attack from the naval gun was not painful at all.

"They have already landed on Vadona, but in limited numbers." Raynor said: "According to reports from the reconnaissance team, the local planet defense forces are fighting against the invading Zerg, and the Vadona nobles are the leaders of these armies. .”

"After all, this is their hometown." Augustus said with emotion.

"Prepare to deploy an airborne division to assist the local army in defeating the invading Zerg. Vadona is not a world rich in warriors. This planet has enjoyed peace for too long, and the suffering they have suffered cannot be compared to the Korhal people. ."He said.

"It's time to tell the people's revolutionary army in the core world that they are the ones who can really protect them."

At this time, a demolition team sailing to the Federal Space Station under the arrangement of Renault had already set off. The order from the marshal is being passed on to the transport ship of the 1st Airborne Division of the Revolutionary Army. It is an army mainly composed of Terrador, Haiji, Antiga and Korhal IV mountain people. They live in The area is high and mountainous, and paragliding and skydiving are popular local sports.

Several Revolutionary Army transport ships loaded with soldiers are sailing towards Vadona under the escort of fighter planes. Just the way these transport ships move together makes them look majestic.

"Received a communication from the Vadona Federal Command Center." At this time, an unknown call jumped out.

"Come in." Augustus nodded.

"It's a waste of time to say more words to you federal rebels." It was a federal navy lieutenant. He was actually wearing a general's uniform and a colorfully decorated hat.

"I've heard this at least five times." Reno retched and said, "Don't they know that talking to bed bugs is also disgusting?"

"What do you have in mind?" Augustus had no expression on his face.

"Tartanis's fleet will arrive soon. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. This will be good for all of us." The Federation Vice Admiral said casually: "Everyone will be saved the trouble."

"Didn't you come all this way just to ask for money? It's a mob. I can't imagine what would happen if you broke into Wadona."

"One hundred and eighty thousand light years away." Renault said sharply.

"Shut up, general, this will make me think that the professionalism of the federal generals is nothing more than this." Augustus, who was bored, cut off communication with the federal lieutenant general. If the other party was not a stubborn person, Augustus thought that there was still value in continuing.

"Don't say any kind words to these Federation bastards. We are finally in a good place, Augustus, hahaha, capture Vadona, the fame and wealth are yours, and the women are mine."

"Stop your gangster ways, Tychus, we are not robbers or thieves." Augustus had rebuked Tychus more than once.

"Or four or six points?" Tychus retreated to advance.

"You'd better shut up." Kerrigan said coldly. Augustus's old army, the Demons of Heaven, enjoyed a great reputation among the revolutionary army, but Kerrigan would not pretend to do so. Tychus, in particular, was generally disliked by everyone, and only those who shared his common aversion could win his praise.

"That's right. Don't be like a pirate or a bandit." Jim Raynor also criticized Tychus and said, "Our cause is much nobler than that. Don't always say cheap things."

"I was just speaking my mind," Tychus defended himself nonchalantly. Tychus Finlay does not have very lofty goals. Sometimes he wants to be a hero, but more often he is just a selfish vulgar.

Tychus is surrounded by revolutionaries and idealists, but he is the villain.

"Okay, let me go down and meet those bugs and the Vadona people for a while." Tychus's expression was almost evil: "The Vadona people may be willing to pay some blood for our sacrifice. Protection money, I hear they’re rich.”

"I will let Jimmy follow you." Augustus responded coldly: "You monster can't let your temper run wild."

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