StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 340 Carolina Davis

Chapter 340 Carolina Davis

The main city of Vadona stands on a plain surrounded by mountains and rivers, as if it is in a charming picture of picturesque green grass. The densely packed high-rise buildings were bathed in the early morning light, casting a jagged black shadow on the lush grassland.

The humid monsoons often bring abundant rainfall to the city, and the sunshine is always just right. Vadona is best described as a paradise on earth with smooth weather. Compared with it, Mar Sara is just a barren and rotten stone in the universe.

When war came, the people of Wardona were not entirely unprepared. As the zerg approached Vadona's contemporaneous sister colony in the Terran Confederation, the people of Vadona prepared.

Veterans who had participated in the Guild War and the brave volunteers of Vadona spontaneously organized themselves at the call of the local nobles to assist the federal marines stationed in Vadona to resist the attack of the swarm. Countless people with lofty ideals and warriors fought to protect their Sacrifice for your homeland.

——The dance of Vadona nobles imitating the ancient earth palace banquet is still going on. Elites from all walks of life in Vadona gather here, trying their best to find the shadow of the past in the melodious music.

Emmitt Tagore is the initiator of this banquet. As a descendant of the founding family Tagore, that vain and cruel guy is enjoying the wonderful feeling of being surrounded by stars.

As a member of the founding family, Amit Tagore had been stranded in Vadonna for many days. The Tagore family claimed to the news media, which closely followed the founding family's every move, that the young family member was undergoing mental rehabilitation, and that his insanity and indirect madman's talk had become widely known.

Although this was also a scandal that brought shame to the proud Tagore family, it was nothing compared to the charges of child abuse and murder brought by the Tarsonis Federal Police.

Emmet originally planned to go to the edge world of Helsain, a peaceful and peaceful agricultural world. The climate in Hailsen is extremely favorable for agricultural development, and the paths, fences and red-brick houses along the green farmland create a peaceful and pastoral scenery.

The gentle pace of Hellsaern is a great place for recuperation and mental relaxation, perhaps also for people with mental illness.

But after the large-scale invasion of the Zerg, all fringe worlds were considered dangerous and vulnerable areas, so Emmett's trip was shelved here.

Carolina Davis was also a member of the party, but she was not as comfortable as usual at the moment.

Davis was leaning on the sofa in the corner of the banquet hall, sipping a glass of red wine and staring at the city outside the window. This is a towering skyscraper, located in the center of the city of Vadona, with shadowy buildings just outside the window.

Everyone knew that the war had reached Vadona, and a cruel war was unfolding on the outer plains. General Varan of the Federation Marine Corps led the war against the Zerg, investing as many as a Vadona Legion and dozens of militia regiments.

The rulers of the Davis family firmly believe that the city is the safest place at this moment. This downtown building complex, which took twenty years to build, has complete modern facilities and at least 18 efficient security systems, including shock sensors, infrared monitors, shock sensors and motion capture equipment. The most famous security company guards this place.

Ever since the Korhar Revolutionary Army and the Sons of Korhal caused many shocking tragedies in the Terran Federation, everyone in the Terran Federation has become insecure. Even the wealthy businessmen who have not had much conflict with the Revolutionary Army have begun to strengthen themselves. Security installations in residences and factories.

Once the zerg invaded the city, Davis could also escape from Vadona via a helipad on the roof of the building. The Davis family is not yet dominant in Vadona, but as a well-known family, they also own many industries in other territories of the Tyranid Federation.

But Davis did not feel complacent because of her identity. She was anxious about the invasion of the Zerg and had no time to care about the drunken life and death of the powerful. Admittedly, there was nothing wrong with Old Davis's idea. What could a young lady from a noble family do in a war of blood and fire?

As a daughter of a noble, Davis should wear a luxurious dress that complements her alluring figure and enter places where nobles should be. With hundreds of male and female servants centering her life, there is no need to risk her own life.

However, this is not the life Davis wants. Davis was tired of the ugliness and entertainment in the aristocratic circle, and she was eager for a new life or a war.

The dance music in the banquet hall was still playing, but it was raining lightly outside, and the lights outside looked dim in the rain. A fleet of old-fashioned Vadona Avenger fighter jets passed over the city, shaking the raindrops sliding from the windows.

The cold face of Carolina Davis is reflected in the window. Her long, pale blond hair that usually flows down smoothly is tied up high and combed smoothly. This kind of hair is a symbol of elegance and nobility in Wadona. The hairstyle is the favorite of those noble ladies with outstanding temperament.

The lights in the hollow-ceilinged ballroom shine so brightly that Davis's hair looks closer to white.

The beauty of Wadonnay, who often attended aristocratic social occasions, did not smile much. She stared at herself and the gloomy scenery outside the window, turning a deaf ear to the beautiful music and the laughter of dignitaries and young ladies.

Davis had never disliked these people as much as he did today. This was not due to a dislike of the aristocracy and the ruling class, but simply found them to be annoying.

"Miss Davis, you look gloomy?" A young aristocrat with a frivolous smile drunkenly leaned on the maple leaf table in front of the sofa where Davis was sitting. His concerned tone was falsely like a cat in pain. Cherish a dead fish.

"Thank you, Mr. Henry. You behave like a proper gentleman, oh - I'm just worried about the soldiers on the front line." Davis glanced sideways at the blond and blue-eyed Tarsonis noble, and quickly realized that the other person All the attention was on her dark purple low-cut lace.

"Ah, they are just insects with no intelligence. There is nothing to be afraid of. General Varan will lead the invincible federal army to defeat those monsters. At that time, the Natural History Museum in Vadona may receive one more insect from Zerg. Collection." The nobleman showed a contemptuous smile, the same as when he mentioned the Korhal Revolutionary Army in public.

"Oh, really? You idiot," Davis said, smiling.

"What did you say?" The drunken young nobleman opposite was in a state of confusion. He was undoubtedly doubting what Davis said and his own ears.

"You are so considerate." Davis continued to smile. There was nothing wrong with his smile, and it was as sweet as a flower blooming like honey.

"Yes, thank you." The young nobleman was immediately convinced that he had heard wrongly, because in his impression, the proud flower of the Davis family was definitely not someone who would say such a thing.

"Tagore doesn't like people mentioning zerg and rebels here, but he is busy having fun now." He is a minor nobleman of Tarsonis who came to Vadona with Emmet Tagore, and he is just the second son of the family. , the wealth and title that can be inherited are pitifully small, it is better to live in the world with the heirs of the founding family.

"I heard that the zerg that invaded Vadona are called Jormungandr by the people of the Federation Army. You know that it is the mythical monster, the world-devouring serpent. It sounds very powerful, doesn't it?" The young Tarsonian noble could only think of the voluptuous body of Carolina Davis beneath her gown, and he was wondering how to get her.

The Davis family is a prominent family in Wardona, and Carolina Davis's father and brothers are not easy to mess with. The young Tarsonis noble must conquer her with his own personal charm. Of course, he was very confident about this.

"It's awesome," Davis said.

"Aren't you afraid?" The Tarsonis noble intended to tell this beautiful Valdona noble girl about the horror of the zerg. Perhaps in his imagination, the other party would scream and throw herself into his arms.

"Man-eating monsters, fanged snakes, scorpion butchers and monsters with the torsos of beautiful women."

"No." Davis looked at him with interest: "What is that at the back? It sounds like the mythical Kraken. Is it a new variant of the Zerg?"

"Lame Mike said it. He always likes to add fuel to the fire. I also think that stuff is really sensational." The young Tarsonis noble sat down in front of Davis.

"Don't worry, I said, the Federation army will deal with those disgusting zerg, just like they won in the Guild War and the Battle of Korhal." He said: "The zerg are just slightly bigger dogs and snakes, which have developed abominable mutations due to industrial pollution in the fringe world, and the Korhal IVs are the culprits.”

"That Korhal Revolutionary Army is a bunch of clowns. I met that Augustus Mengsk once in Tarsonis, and he was as weak as a lithe woman."

"Why is this different from what I heard?" Davis felt confused, not knowing how many fabricated elements the other party had added to this story. Davis also met Augustus Mengsk in person. A few years ago, she also attended Andrea Tagore's birthday party and met with members of the Terra family and other Creation families. Passed a few times.

At that time, Augustus Mengsk had already made a deep impression on Davis, but she was not able to squeeze into the ladies and ladies surrounding Augustus. Augustus is the kind of person who knows at a glance that this person must be something special. He is so handsome and elegant that no girl will ignore him.

People in the Tyranid Federation always make wild assumptions about the rebels, zerg, and protoss. Even if the Federation officially denies an attack, people who have nothing to do will base their minds on the imaginary enemies they imagine.

"It's not too different." The Tarsonis noble said: "The protoss are just aliens who have just entered space. They just relied on the technology of those ancient civilizations to get rich and fight bravely in the human world."

"I heard that the protoss directly burned Ma Sara and Cha Sara." Davis said.

"If you know you're scared," he then told Davis, "stay close to me and I'll protect you."

"My bodyguards are much stronger than you." Davis grinned, which almost made the young and energetic young noble opposite him stare blankly because of his delicate red lips.

"You have to see." The Tarsonis noble thought he had succeeded. Just when he was about to say something, a sharp air raid siren suddenly sounded in the city.

This immediately caused a burst of exclamation in this elegant and wealthy hall, and those expensive silk carpets were soon splashed with valuable amber wine.

"Ah!" The young nobleman opposite Davis who was talking just now screamed and almost threw himself into Davis's arms, but the latter immediately dodged away like lightning.

"Shut your mouths." When many people were panicking and trying to find a way out, Emmit Tagore in the center of the banquet almost shocked everyone present with his roar.

"Don't stop the music!"

Only then did Davis look directly at the scion of the Tagore family named Emmit. He had light blue eyes and sparse short gray hair. Emmet Tagore's skin was so pale that he was often called the vampire of Tarsonis.

Emmet was just an ordinary member of the Tagore family. His talents in many aspects were far inferior to those of his brothers and sisters who had received aristocratic elite education, so he was not taken seriously. The closed aristocratic life and high status have developed Emmett's weird character. In recent years, he has begun to seek some novel excitement.

Davis looked down upon this Tagore family member at all, he was just a twisted beast. And even though he was not taken seriously, Emmett continued to live a life of luxury even after committing heinous crimes. If a descendant of the founding family could be tried by law, it would inevitably destroy those established rules and traditions.

And even though Emmit was a noble scion of the Tagore family, not all people around him revolved around him. No matter what, there was no way the atmosphere could return to what it was before.

The people here are convinced that the federal army will soon eradicate the zerg in Vadona. Many people also stubbornly believe that the zerg have not come to the ground in Vadona at all.

"Are you okay, gentleman?" Davis stretched out his hand but did not lift up the young nobleman who fell on the ground. He just reached for his wine glass.

"It's just an air defense siren. How could the Zerg appear in the city?" The Tarsonis noble raised his head and looked out the window. His frightened eyes immediately reflected a group of alien dragons flying high. The monsters that took off on the city's heatwave flew into the sky while emitting sharp horns, followed by the roar of Vadona's anti-aircraft artillery.

At this point, even those who had the most optimistic estimates of the shape of the war began to feel real fears, and the banquet broke up immediately, leaving Emmet Tagore sitting alone on the floor and sulking. , wantonly venting his anger by smashing things.

"If you think your life is too long, you can stay here." Davis mercilessly shook off the Tarsonis noble who still wanted to pester him, and followed the crowd out of the banquet hall.

"Carolina, the zerg broke through the defense line in the northern part of the city. I'm afraid the war will spread to the city." When she walked out of the banquet hall, the butler of the Davis family was waiting for her.

"The federal fleet hasn't arrived yet?" Davis asked his gray-haired old butler.

"I'm afraid that's the case, because what's coming is the rebel fleet. The rebel warships are anchored above the main city of Vadona, and they claim that they are the saviors of mankind."

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