StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 353 Who is the terrorist?

Heilsein, Dorian canton.

In the office of Administrative Officer Dorian, Sarah Kerrigan, deputy marshal of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, was gathering the documents on the maple wood desk into a safe box, and then she put several gilded copies of The Prince, Koprulu Geography and particle physics were placed in another carry-on case, all of which were Augustus' personal belongings.

After the riot in the mainland resettlement settlement, Augustus visited the troops and wounded soldiers who had just been withdrawn from the front line. In the past few years, the revolutionary army has either been fighting or on the way to fight. The soldiers have a strong will to fight based on their faith, but they are mortal in the end, and Augustus' encouragement is crucial.

"We have been in Helsinn for some days." Augustus concentrated on the holographic projection star map projected on the wall, which showed the planets, satellites and asteroid belts of the Helsinn system.

"In the past few days, together with the protoss warriors, we have killed and driven out countless Gamu zerg, reestablished the order of Helsain that was on the verge of collapse, and millions of people have been saved because of our arrival." He explain.

"Half of the cities and factories can resume operations, and parts of the northern hemisphere have also entered the autumn harvest stage."

"It's time to retire." Kerrigan knew what Augustus was thinking, even if she didn't use telepathy to read his thoughts.

"The swarms will not stop invading the Koprulu sector, nor will they stop their thirst for genes and evolution, but at least we have stopped them in places like Altera, Vadona, and Helzen." Ao Gustus said.

"More of the world has heard of our righteous deeds of saving lives, helping the poor, and our heroic feats of confronting the swarm head-on to defend humanity. More innocent people who can't stand the oppression of the Federation have heard our voices for the first time."

"Even after the Revolutionary Army leaves Hylsene, the people here will remember our efforts on this planet to eliminate the corrupt regime and make people live a better life. When the Tyranid Federation regains Hylsene After gaining control, the oppressed people will think of us again," he said.

"It will no longer be the rulers and plutocrats of the Federation Council who control the fate of ordinary people. The people of the Koprulu Sector must be able to decide their own future."

"Well said, the truth will be revealed to the world one day." Kerrigan took over Augustus' words and said: "You haven't eaten for twenty hours, please have some toast with Heilsain raspberries and How about mushroom gravy? The kitchen also has Antiga yak and Terrador caviar.”

"I'll just take some No. 10 rations and water." Augustus said casually: "Leave those for the wounded. I'm not one of those nobles."

"But you are just a noble, a noble from Korhal IV." Kerrigan said: "I think only you can be called a true noble. The nobles in Tarsonis can't even compare to one of your toes. "

"They are just the afterimage of the old era that ruled this world, and the dust must be swept away." Augustus turned around and reached out to close the wooden holographic projector placed on the table.

When Augustus put away the projector and handed it to Kerrigan, he kissed the other party's smooth forehead and took his soft but rough hand: "Your hands and feet are cold, my dear. You shouldn't always You are focusing on me and neglecting yourself."

Augustus didn't realize that his words had made Kerrigan's eyes red. Maybe this woman was more in need of love than he thought.

"Marshal, the spaceship is ready." Corporal Faraday's voice sounded at this time, followed by the huge roar of the transport ship's engine.

The spaceship landed directly on the lawn outside the city hall, and Augustus didn't care whether the transport ship's speed reducer would blacken the grass on the lawn and the entire block of moiré marble. These are all issues that the next senior local governor should be concerned about, and based on fiscal revenue alone, maintaining this city hall complex like a wealthy mansion requires a huge amount of funds.

Augustus put down the hand that was caressing Kerrigan's cheek, and when he pushed through the office, he saw the captain of the guard, Corporal Faraday, wearing power armor.

"Tell the soldiers to pack up everything and take it with them when they evacuate. Don't leave federal documents, tax records, or other useful things with the federation." Augustus told Corporal Faraday.

"If possible, I would really like to take away all those luxury cars in the underground garage. Some of them are produced in the luxury car factory in Moria. The freight alone is enough for us to build a dozen new residential buildings in Antiga." .”

"No problem." Corporal Faraday nodded and said, taking several locked portable safety boxes from Kerrigan's hand: "We found a transport ship said to be from the Guild War era in the hangar of the federal military base. Enough to transport valuables.”

As Farah spoke, he solemnly handed the box in his hand to several guardsmen around him - although it might only contain a few books or other gadgets that the marshal liked.

To this day, Augustus still writes letters to his mother, sister Dorothy, and nephew Valerian, so a portable personal terminal is indispensable. Arcturus occasionally received letters from his brother. What made him feel comfortable was that his father Angus had never received a letter from Augustus, and Angus was only mentioned occasionally. The fringe and the man.

"Any good thing that falls into the hands of the Federation is a waste of money." Augustus put his hands on his hips and said: "For the first time, I felt that this bastard Tychus was right, even though at that time he just wanted to To make excuses for taking stuff from federal armory."

"How do you know that he hasn't been able to get some from our warehouse?" Kerrigan said to Augustus: "He will also say that only old Tychus will use the materials to support the revolution in the right way. "

"Tychus always wanted to make a fortune and retire, but when I was still sitting in the revolutionary army and staring at him, this guy didn't dare to do anything." Augustus shook his head and said: " You can't expect Tychus to have a conscience."

"So I always told him, look, we are all poor as pants. If I find that a bag of flour and a roll of cigarettes are missing from the warehouse, then I will definitely blame it on you. Because there is no such thing in the warehouse of the Revolutionary Army. Rats and thieves," he said.

"If I learn there's a gun missing, I'll rip your head off."

When Augustus was talking, he had already walked to the lawn outside with Kerrigan and Faraday, and took off on an ordinary transport ship painted in gold and red.

In the observation window of the transport ship, the once prosperous urban area of ​​Dorian Administrative District gradually faded away, and the once empty roads were gradually filled with an endless stream of vehicles. Refugee camps were built outside the city as a result of the efforts of the Revolutionary Army's engineering corps, filled with homeless people.

When the revolutionary army left, they also took away the local militiamen and their families who had supported them in the past, so as to prevent them from being persecuted when the Terran Federation launched an army to investigate.

The people of Dorian did not bid farewell to the departing revolutionary army, because Augustus had not said when they would leave Hirsain. When leaving, the Revolutionary Army left enough food and water for the people in the refugee camp for two weeks, enough to sustain them until the federal troops arrived.

Even if the Federation doesn't care about the life and death of these people, as long as they are willing to take action, Hailsen, which is full of farmland, will not starve to death due to shortage of materials like the desolate colonial world.

The transport ship carrying Augustus, Kerrigan and others rose vertically into the air and entered the massive and tightly arrayed Revolutionary Army fleet. The number of the Revolutionary Army fleet is still expanding. Every time they arrive at a planet surrounded by worms, there are always new refugee spaceships and caravans joining them, asking for the asylum of this huge fleet.

At the same time, a small number of Wraith fighters and small spaceships can also be produced in the docks of the Revolutionary Fleet battlecruisers. As long as a large amount of resources can be invested, the mobile base given to Augustus by the Umoyan Protectorate Army can also produce frigates and transport ships.

In the observation window in front of the transport ship, the revolutionary fleet lined up in a row almost blocked the light among the stars. The fleet in the synchronous orbit is always traveling at high speed, and the lights of a total of twenty battlecruisers and thousands of fighter planes are like the lights of the city day and night.

Compared with the mountainous and majestic hull of Norad II, the size of the transport ship is nothing to mention. When Augustus stepped onto the dock deck of Norad, Lieutenant Colonel Pryor, who had served as the governor of the Federation Mar Sara and was now the commander of the 051st Division of the Revolutionary Army, was waiting for him there.

In the Revolutionary Army, those with higher numbers were all units formed during the Korhal War of Independence. They can now be regarded as a battle-hardened division. Pryor's division is entirely composed of Cha Sala and Mar Sala people. This is a newly formed division, but its combat effectiveness is no less than that of the divisions originally formed by the Korhal people.

The people of Ma Sara are a nation that advocates the spirit of cowboys and warriors. Their ancestors were the first soldiers and miners to mine minerals on this planet, while Cha Sara is the descendant of prisoners and early colonists.

After the swarms and protoss completely destroyed the Sara Twin Planet, the people on the planet swore revenge. Under the leadership of the wise and courageous former Governor of Mar Sara, Pryor, it didn't take long for this division to defeat the Sara Twin Planet. It has become a very cohesive, brave and capable army.

However, this army hates the protoss even more than the zerg. They always believe that the protoss destroyed their homeland, and this view has not changed at all because of Tassadar's friendly actions towards the human revolutionary army.

"Governor, you're safe." Augustus walked down the gangway of the transport ship, surrounded by Kerrigan and Faraday.

"I learned that your troops performed very bravely in Altera, Vadona, and Heilsain." He smiled and said to Pryor, who stood with his hands behind his back like pine trees.

To this day, almost everyone in the revolutionary army admits that Pryor's military talents are quite excellent, and he is also outstanding among the army that can produce numerous generals. However, Pryor himself always believed that his talent in administrative management was much better than commanding the army. His persistence in this aspect was unimaginable.

"Someone reported to me that Pryor's division killed several times more insects than other divisions, and only the Guards Division and the Second Division could catch up with them." Augustus continued: "He has never seen Such a person was actually able to refuse the help of the protoss and destroy an entire secondary main hive before friendly forces arrived."

"Your military rank is all earned by your meritorious service."

"I thought you didn't like our practice of excluding friendly protoss troops." Pryor spread his hands and said, "... It's already very difficult for me just to restrain my soldiers from shooting at the protoss army."

"The Ma Sara people are okay, but the Cha Sara people who don't know the truth saw their lush and beautiful homeland burned to ashes by the protoss fleet. Even now, the trauma from that time is still tormenting the people there. "

Prior was not a native of Mar Sara, and he had only served as governor for a few days, but he still considered them his own people.

"Revenge - yes, how can we not take revenge." Augustus nodded after a moment of silence: "Hate can inspire fighting spirit and make cowards become furious warriors."

"One day, mankind will stand among the stars, and all the enemies who have harmed us will have to pay with blood."

"The one who ordered the destruction of Cha Sara and Mal Sara was the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire, and Tassadar was just the executor of this order." Kerrigan said at this time.

"If it hadn't been for Tassadar, Antiga would have been the next victim."

"I think I can understand." Pryor's dark eyes reflected the lights in the dock: "The war between the stars is not changed by one person's will, and the destruction of the planet is not entirely the fault of the person who gave the order. , we are all insignificant, as humble as ants."

"I will tell my men that they should seek revenge on the Protoss Conclave."

"They don't understand what the Supreme Council of Stars is." Augustus said.

"This is not difficult to understand. People in the Revolutionary Army all know that the Federation Council deserves death, and the Supreme Council is the same." Pryor said: "You may not know how much the people of the Sara System hate the protoss, except In addition to killing a few more bugs, they spent the whole day thinking about how to drop a nuclear bomb on the protoss planet."

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth," he said to Augustus, "you said so."

"Put what you have learned into practice." Augustus shrugged.

“But it’s best not to do it—unless absolutely necessary.”

"It depends on how you define this as a last resort." Pryor made the same move as Augustus.

"The federal fleet jumped in. It was Red Squadron and Gamma Squadron. They have about seventeen battlecruisers." At this time, an alarm sounded in Augustus's ears.

"They're finally here," Pryor said.

"Our reputation is really great." Augustus sighed.

"Augustus, what are your instructions?" Lieutenant General Jim Raynor's voice came.

"Avoid war." Augustus said: "Jimmy, we are leaving right away, so that our old friends in the Federation will not have to think hard about how to entertain us."

"All fleets... Oh my god, the Federation people opened fire. They bombarded a space station, which was full of refugees!" Renault, who was on the bridge of the Hyperion, suddenly punched the control panel.

"They're still attacking refugee and supply ships!"

"Tell them, they are all civilians up there." Augustus's expression suddenly turned cold.

"It doesn't work," said Raynor.

"My father said that they would rather kill a thousand people than let one go. They suspect that they are our people - or in other words, they don't care about the lives of civilians at all!"

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