StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 354 Yamato Cannon is ready

"Stop them!"

Augustus made a decisive decision: "The Federation is killing civilians wantonly, and we are the only ones who can stop them."

"Turn around." Renault immediately issued an order to the entire fleet: "Activate the ship's side guns, calibrate the aiming parameters, and fire at all Federation warships that jump into the Helsinn system."

"Sir, the enemy's intention is obvious. They want to hold us back. If the fleet is stuck in the quagmire and cannot get out, other federal squadrons will rush to Halsain and surround us." The speaker was an adjutant of Renault. He was the leader of the local federal resistance on Antiga Prime and was known for his calmness and inhumanity.

"Then they have to be able to hold us back." Renault said.

Augustus rushed to the bridge of the Norad II at this time, with Lieutenant Colonel Pryor and Kerrigan following him on the left and right.

When Augustus arrived at the bridge of the Norad II, the huge warship was turning its bow and opened fire on the federal warships attacking the refugee ship. As one of the few battlecruisers with a defense matrix, Norad II can withstand more enemy fire.

In an instant, orange-red flashes and brilliant fires emerged from the deep black sky. Nearly forty unparalleled human steel giants were fighting in the synchronous orbit of Helsain. Thousands of gun batteries were lined up, and a shocking sense of oppression hit our faces. Come. Bright orange laser beams flashed across the sky, like a dense web in space.

A space station that survived the Zerg invasion was shattered into pieces under the gunfire of the Federation warships, erupting with a horrifying flash of light. The spaceships escaping from the space station were submerged one after another in the dense firepower network of the Federation fleet.

The shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion triggered by the space station's reactor completely shredded the remaining support structures, frames and domes of the giant alloy steel in the next few seconds.

When he saw the space station falling apart with his own eyes, Augustus sighed again. More than 50,000 refugees and staff would die, and their once-scorching hearts would forever become part of the cold space.

The Federation Navy has sufficient reasons and evidence to indicate that the space station is a rebel military base, or that the unscrupulous people there have already betrayed the Federation. The Federation could also bite back and say that the rebel massacre in Hailsen lasted for two weeks and that the bestiality of these inhumane anti-government elements was appalling.

The flames of thousands of battleship turrets and the tail flames of space torpedoes intertwined in deep space, and large numbers of battlecruisers and fighter planes joined this massive battle. Even during the Guild Wars, fleet battles of this scale between humans were rare.

As the flagship, the Norad II bore the brunt. A large orange laser beam that could tear apart the fortress hit the green shield field hard, causing deadly ripples composed of plasma flow.

Parallel to the Norad II is the Leviathan-class battlecruiser Thundersider. The plasma bursting out with strong light is burning its thick steel shield, like sparks splashing on the ship.

The old Leviathan class and most of the Behemoth class battlecruisers in service rely solely on the thickness of their armor to withstand the ferocious fire of enemy ships. Every battle leaves indelible scars on their ships.

The barrage of federal warships covered the sky, and the firepower of the Revolutionary Army was not far behind. The value of the shells thrown by both sides every second is inestimable.

Those flexible Wraith fighter planes and smaller assault boats shuttled between the warships' fire nets, and just a little brush was enough to turn them into a fleeting fireball. But even battlecruisers cannot ignore these powerful fighters carrying long-range air-to-air missiles. They have already replaced the old Avengers fighters and become the mainstay in human fleet battles.

Standing in front of the bridge window of the Norad II, Augustus's face was lit up from time to time by a series of dense laser cannon barrages that roared towards him. This sudden war was bloody and tragic. Countless red hot plasmas were shot into space, bursting out with infinite shining light, like torches all over the mountains and plains in the dark night.

"They are still attacking refugee ships. The channels of these ships are full of wailing. Are all the federal commanders deaf?"

The speaker was Colonel Jasper, the captain of the Norad II. He came from a wealthy farmer family on the planet Jos. Jasper had gone to study on the main planet of Tarsonis, so he was used to seeing the lively life and dancing in the main city of Tarsonis.

In the past, Jasper had angered the rich boys of Tarsonis over a woman. No one knows what Jasper has experienced, but when Augustus saw him, he had already enlisted in the army from the revolutionary army's recruitment site in the United States of Umoyan and became a fleet soldier. He was recognized for his outstanding performance in many battles and Due to his outstanding talents, he was promoted to captain.

In the revolutionary army, there is no shortage of promotion opportunities for anyone with talent. In the Federal Army, nobles and those who have been promoted to high positions based on their qualifications limit the promotion space for civilian officers. The Federal Army has many incompetent people who are jealous of their talents.

"There are three spacecrafts full of refugees escaping from the space station." The second officer of Norad II said, sitting in the command chair and staring at the outer space sensor monitoring screen on the other side. The second officer is mainly responsible for the security and radio communications on the battlecruiser. He will also take over the first officer's position in the absence of the other officer.

"The Wraith fighter planes are much faster than these transport ships, and laser weapons can catch up with them in the blink of an eye." Jasper has blond hair and dark green eyes, and the gold-plated revolutionary military grip on his captain's hat The whip ring emblem and the golden wheat ears on the ship's insignia shone in the bridge lights.

"The speed of life and death."

This is the consistent image of revolutionary army captains. They are not slovenly pirates, but respected battleship captains. The officers in the revolutionary army are generally young, and they have almost grown up with this rebel army.

At the beginning, no one thought of how Korhal IV's uprising would end, and no one expected that they would achieve such achievements now.

But no matter what, this army originally composed of Korhal IV people has now gathered people with ideals from various planets. People of all kinds are gradually being shaped by the war of blood and fire in the Koprulu sector into what Augustus is. The way Korhal envisioned it.

"I can hear the voices of the refugees," Kerrigan said. "They're screaming and asking why the human warships are attacking their own people."

"Help them," Augustus said.

"Increase the shield energy output and move to area 5,71." Captain Jasper, who understood clearly, ordered: "Countdown to five seconds——"

After a dazzling flash of light, the Norad II moved sideways above the three refugee ships that were dodging dangerously in the gunfire. Huge shadows obscured these small spacecraft and the gunfire directed at them.

There was another commotion that shook the entire bridge, and missiles trailing red tail flames attacked Norad II overwhelmingly.

"It's not just these." Kerrigan continued: "There are nearly a hundred refugee ships scattered in the synchronous orbit of Helsain, and they are all targets of Federation warships."

"Then let's go to war and let them know that their real enemy is the revolutionary army."

"Teach the Federation a lesson." Augustus' cold gray eyes scanned the hologram projected on the main screen of the bridge. On it, green holographic projection light and shadow formed thirty-seven battleships distinguished by red dots. It is a cruise ship with countless missile paths mapped out by supercomputers.

"We haven't hurt them yet, so that these scum know that it is best to avoid the revolutionary army when they see them in the future."

"We are not what we used to be," Colonel Jasper said.

At this moment, the portraits of Jim Raynor and a dozen Revolutionary Army battlecruiser captains appeared on the main screen.

The captains all wore crisp command uniforms. Some of them looked even younger than Augustus, while others were old captains with gray beards. They still had retro-style pipes in their mouths and filled them from time to time. Fill it with shredded tobacco and puff out the smoke.

"Swan said the Hyperion's Yamato guns are ready to fire." Augustus said in his coldest tone ever: "Whatever his reasons, let the gun crews move now."

"The design of the Yamato gun is not yet perfect. If you want the main gun to fire, you must turn off other systems that consume a lot of energy, such as shields. And if you fire before completing the test, the effect will definitely be unsatisfactory." Renault said.

"Now is the test." Augustus looked forward.

"I just need to see the Red Squadron's flagship be blasted into a pile of scrap metal."

"Captains, you have only one mission, and that is to attract the firepower of the Federation warships and cover the Hyperion's firing." Augustus said this, and the red light from the cannon outside the bridge illuminated his knife. A face as carved as an axe.

"Everyone, we always firmly believe that this war that will destroy all lives is just. The fate of 820,000 revolutionary soldiers and tens of millions of people depends on every order you give."

"Yes, sir."

The war between the fleets on Heilsain entered a fierce state in just a few minutes. There was a sea of ​​fire in the synchronous orbit, and the wreckage of the battleships formed a large ring made of metal.

Regardless of the outcome of this war, this area will be frequented by private salvage dealers and interstellar scavengers for a long time to come. Even a small piece of a battlecruiser is worth a fortune, and no matter what, there are always people willing to pay top dollar for maglev motorcycles and other souvenirs built from these "legendary" battleships.

The fleets of both sides continued to approach in a continuous firefight, with tens of thousands of fighter planes and spaceships fighting back and forth between them.

At 17:00 on the ship, Augustus could almost see the crimson deck and blue federal star flag of one of the battleships of the Red Squadron.

"The Hagen's bridge command island has been penetrated, and the vice-captain has taken over from Captain Roan to command the battleship." As Kerrigan reported to Augustus, the monitor screen of the Norad II One of the battleships in the fleet, the Hagen, is shown to be in a severely damaged state.

This battleship was dug out by Warfield from the ship museum in Abaddon, the edge world. At that time, the Federation Navy also planned to transform this old battleship, which had been decommissioned for many years, into a prison ship to make the best use of it.

Now, even though the Revolutionary Army engineers had modified the Hagen to thicken the ship's hull, it was still crumbling like an old man in the hail of bullets when it was deliberately targeted by federal warships.

At the same time, two other federal battlecruisers were kicked out of the battlefield by Revolutionary Army battleships. When Augustus looked towards the dazzling flash of light on the bridge, the Revolutionary Army's Behemoth-class battlecruisers Ragnarok and King's Wrath worked together to severely damage a Gamma Squadron battleship, hitting the ship with one shot. The bow's space torpedo tore a horrific wound in its broad, majestic bridge.

Augustus just watched all this intently, and occasionally issued new orders to various battleships and squadrons through the communication system.

At 17:03, the Hyperion's Yamato cannon was fully charged. The muzzle of the cannon, which accumulated nuclear explosion energy, shone thousands of times in a few seconds. The light it released in an instant was like a small star. If it were within the atmosphere, the roar of the Yamato Cannon would be extremely shocking.

The Yamato Cannon fired with astonishing momentum, but the energy beam it emitted was not that huge. It was just a flash of red light, like a red comet moving at an incredible speed.

It was a focused and compressed nuclear explosion, and the energy suddenly released was enough to destroy the city.

In the time that Augustus blinked, the Yamato cannon bombarded the Crimson Squadron's flagship Giant Jotun.

This behemoth-class battlecruiser, regarded as a model by the federal military industry, adopts the latest generation design. Its armor is also the most outstanding of this era. The design goal is to be able to withstand the plasma cannons of the protoss.

But this focused, compressed and nuclear explosion triggered an unprecedented nuclear explosion when it touched the Jotun. The legendary battleship, known as the pride of the Federation and the throne battleship, exploded after a flash of bright light. A huge fireball shot out, breaking into two sections like a cracked biscuit, and the remaining fragments scattered around like a shower of stars.

With just one blow, the Hyperion destroyed the battlecruiser that the Federation Navy was proud of, greatly frightening other Federation battleships and forcing them to retreat briefly.

The channel of the Revolutionary Army Fleet was filled with cheers like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. Renault also slapped his hand on the sharp edge of the console due to his over-excitement, causing him to make a roaring sound.

"Are the refugees safe?" Augustus asked Kerrigan.

"They all evacuated the geostationary orbit of Helsain, and several of the warships also accepted some refugee ships." Kerrigan replied.

"Contact the Star Shuttle, the flagship of Tassadar's executive fleet." Augustus said at this time.

"Tell the executive officer that we need their support and deterrence to the Federation." He then said: "Jimmy, take the Hagen and we will evacuate Helsinn immediately."

"The destination is set to Mar Sara...where it all began."

"The bombing of the protoss fleet reduced the area to a scorched earth, but the bombardment of the main gun beam also uncovered the crystal veins hidden deep in the ground, giving the minerals there some special properties. This means that Ma... La still has colonial value.”

"Misfortune is where blessings depend." Renault sighed.

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