StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 356 Char’s psychic scream

Mar Sara, Whitestone Fortress Command Center.

Augustus leaned over the long battle table in the command room, and occasionally stood up to take a stack of reports from the mining area and the fleet from Kerrigan who was walking around.

The command center was high enough to overlook the entire fortress under construction. The island-style command room at the top was surrounded by bright glass. Augustus only had to look up to see the military camps, warehouses and symmetrical anti-aircraft missile towers.

On the combat map composed of holographic projections, hundreds of shimmering Federation colonial worlds are clearly visible. Hundreds of billions of planets are like dust made of light, with Tarsonis as the center in a linear line towards the edge of the Koprulu sector. There are many planets distributed.

When Augustus flipped the star map composed of light and shadow, some planets flickered gently: Edna, Atticus, Taurus, Brysis α, Pontifus, Sigmaris Prime, these planets They are all marked with the red and blue flags of the Terran Federation, while Antiga and Mar Sara are the red flags of the Revolutionary Army.

Other distant planets, such as Luria IV and Aeneas, are respectively labeled as mining colonies of the Kemorian Consortium and affiliated worlds of the United Umoyan United States.

The Kaimorian Conglomerate once encompassed a vast territory and numerous mining worlds, but is now reduced to a small corner of Moria. The expansion ambitions of the United Umoyan Republic are far less than those of his two brothers in the Koprulu sector, so the sphere of influence has always been maintained within a limited scope.

The Revolutionary Army's planet on the edge world almost overlaps with the Zerg's homeworld, which invisibly prevents the Federation fleet from going deep into it. The planet of the Protoss has always been hidden in the mist. Augustus only knew that the Protoss Empire had many colonies in the golden age.

The fleets of the Revolutionary Army and the Protoss Expeditionary Force are also parked on the three-dimensional holographic projection of Mar Sara, while Zeratul's troops are always hiding in the shadows.

"Where are those Camorians? Lieutenant Roland should have brought their mining consul here by now." At this time, Augustus suddenly remembered something and raised his head to ask Kerrigan.

"what happened."

Kerrigan looked at Augustus: "Confirming with the lieutenant's troops."

".I just received an urgent report from Roland's platoon."

"Something must be wrong." Augustus said, "Come in."

"Roland Orom calls the command center, we need reinforcements!" When Lieutenant Roland's voice came from the communication channel in the command room, both Augustus and Kerrigan heard the clicking sound of the Gauss rifle.

Their expressions immediately turned serious when they heard the familiar high-pitched chirping of insects. - There are zerg in Mar Sara.

"Who are the enemies? How many people (worms) are there?" Augustus's voice was very calm, and there was no trace of panic.

"Infected Camorian mutant biological bugs!" Lieutenant Roland's voice was broken: "They are pouring out of the mines continuously, and we will be unable to resist them."

Several screams came from the revolutionary army lieutenant's channel, but they were not from him.

"Call Jim over here. How many troops do we have at hand?" Augustus frowned: "Mar Sara has psychic disruptors. Where did these zerg come from? Could it be that the bombing of the protoss fleet did not The planet has not been completely cleared of zerg."

"White Rock Base is stationed with two full battalions of the Guards Division and two platoons of Red Devil Firebats. The fastest mobile force that can arrive for support is the Reaper's Death Company," Kerrigan said.

"The Reapers are the elite among the elite. Captain Xiao is ordered to immediately go to the location where Lieutenant Roland last uploaded." Augustus immediately ordered.

"Deploy a Guards Battalion, have the Firebats prepare fuel tanks, and clear out the bugs first, so we can figure out what happened." He said, "Prepare the command vehicle.

"Tell my officers that I want to hear a report from them when I get to the scene that everything is settled."

"Yes, sir," Kerrigan said.

Augustus picked up the gloves he had placed on the combat table, walked out of the command room and entered a wide passage consisting of a slope. Jim Raynor, who was rushing in, bumped into him.

"You came just in time." Augustus said to Renault: "Jimmy, maybe we will have to command the troops.

The entire White Stone Fortress took action following Augustus's order, and fighter planes roared over the fortress. The workers stopped to ask passing soldiers what was going on, and all mentioned the war.

The flow of people in the military camp began to flow rapidly. Soldiers put on power armor and weapons as quickly as possible. Tanks and Goliath armed robots also drove out of the garage, and the torrent of steel rolled forward. Two reorganized Air Force Wraith Squadrons also came to Augustus to support them. When it came to the issue of zerg, everyone's nerves were highly tense.

When the armored command vehicle that Augustus was riding in arrived at the entrance of the tunnel in the Kemerian mining area, the air was filled with the smell of burnt protein and blood.

This is a mining complex composed of alloy buildings and sheds. A wide road crosses the entire miner's residential area and leads directly to the mine. The road was now littered with various tools and personal belongings of the Kaimorian miners, and there were stinking red blood stains everywhere.

Some brown-gray zerg chitin covers the surface of these buildings, but it's not obvious. Tender sprouts extend on these buildings like ivy, slowly enveloping everything in them.

Bizarre and twisted corpses of infected people can be seen everywhere. These monsters, covered with protruding spikes and deformations, lay scattered on the road, either shot into sieves by bullets or burned to ashes by fire bats.

A few hundred yards away is the entrance to a tunnel that leads directly to the ground. It is filled with fire bat troops with gold and red devil symbols painted on their armor. Even now, they are still blocking the entrance to the tunnel, using the flamethrowers in their hands to burn the monsters pouring out of it, and the sound of burning crackles comes one after another.

"Lieutenant Roland, you can tell me what happened." Augustus picked up a fragment of the flag with the KM logo written on it from the ground. The letters representing a family guild in Moria had already been covered with blood and Erased by flames.

"Marshal, I have not completed your mission." Lieutenant Roland is a short Mrs. Mainho. He is an exception among the generally muscular family members of his family. However, Mrs. Mainho's creative and persevering qualities are also clearly revealed in Roland.

"This is not your fault." Augustus waved his hand to calm him down: "On the contrary, I would like to commend you for your heroic performance in this encounter."

".Fighting is our duty." Roland saluted Augustus.

Then, Roland began to tell Augustus what happened: "At the beginning, we did receive a signal from Kemorian, which repeatedly showed us that they belonged to the Vito Mining Guild."

"But after we entered their camp, we found that it had already been infected by zerg. There were hateful infected creatures everywhere. No living person spoke to us anymore. The mercenaries guarding here were also long dead. , their bodies were torn apart and covered with abscesses.”

He said: "Those creatures infected by the zerg virus are slow to move, but once they die or get close to my soldiers, they will self-destruct, and they are more powerful than our best pulse grenades."

"Most of the casualties among my troops are caused by the self-destruction of the infected."

"So, it is impossible for anyone to send signals to you in this area. So who was the first person to contact you?" Renault, standing next to Augustus, stared at the mutated creatures that were still pouring out. of mines.

"We can't figure it out, general." Lieutenant Roland had an embarrassed expression on his face: "But the machine can't speak on its own."

"Based on the current scene, it is unlikely that there will be survivors here." Kerrigan also said.

"Lieutenant, we found the belongings of the leader of the Kemorian mining team - and a strange corpse - in the private room of the leader of the Kemorian mining team." A revolutionary soldier who ran quickly reported to Roland and Augustus explain.

"Go and have a look." Augustus asked the soldier to lead the way.

"We have to figure out whether these monsters escaped the protoss fire or just came from somewhere else," he said.

Augustus didn't go far before arriving at what the soldier said was the company's home, a higher-end house with glass windows and wooden floors, used to mark the company's relationship with other members of the mining squad. Differences in status.

In this small house, overturned cabinets were mixed with piles of clothes and bloody blood spots. A man lying in front of the table looked up at the still-lit laptop screen in a very monstrous posture. His blue-green uniform had been pierced by protruding muscles, spikes, carapace and teeth.

What made Augustus and others shudder was that a sickle-shaped brown-black spike from a piece of zerg tissue was piercing deeply into the man's spine.

"What is that?" Renault has always been very courageous. He took down a photo frame from the table. On it was a photo of the man and his family.

On the back of the photo is written a proverb from the moon of Moria. The handwriting and style are very beautiful. The main idea is that the shooting stars look forward to the moon, and I will wait for your return.

"The swarm controlled him." Kerrigan wrinkled her nose: "They retained this man's brain and controlled him to send information to the outside world - but it seems that it was more than that."

"I read some sad news from this living brain." Kerrigan took a few steps around the man's chair.

"They discovered Mar Sara long before we did. This was just an exploratory mine. Despite being in a dangerous zerg-occupied zone, the CEO of the Vitor Guild promised to reward her with a generous reward. There must be brave men among us," Kerrigan said.

"So the bravest people in the guild came with a fighting spirit, and the rest of the mining team were contract workers who were bound by debts and illegal contracts," she said.

"The Kaimorian mining team soon discovered an underground mine that had been preserved from the bombardment of the Protoss fleet. The mine was thousands of feet underground. Inside, there were extremely precious deposits of special crystals, which were found in It has the brilliance of gold and is worth twice as much as ordinary Adeen crystal per standard load unit.”

"Is it gold? Or gold mine?" Augustus said in an undetectable voice.

"No matter what, clean up this mining area immediately."

"I heard you all, tell Hank's bad boy pyromaniacs that we need to continue to advance." Raynor ordered: "Immediately draw manpower from the Reapers, Firebats and Rangers to form a vanguard force, and I will lead the team myself. "

"There is a bottomless nest deep in this mine, which contains a large number of cave bats that have been assimilated by the zerg infection and a large number of infected humans." Kerrigan said: "The first person to enter the mine to explore will Horrible monsters were brought back among the people, and before they could figure it out, they were torn to pieces by monsters that lurk day and night.”

"I suspect that there is at least one zerg queen hiding in this mine. This creature has some obvious intelligence that allows it to use simple strategies to capture prey through traps or ambush instead of attacking from the front."

"Deep underground." Augustus looked at Kerrigan: "We all know that the protoss' attack on Mar Sara was not as thorough as we thought, and not all the main gun beams penetrated the earth's crust. .”

"If an underground hive is lucky, they may escape annihilation. This is a warning that Mar Sara is not as safe from pests as we think. The zerg are probably hiding underground, waiting. A chance for a resurgence,” he said after thinking for a moment.

"Send sweeps forces across Mar Sara to search for all possible surviving zerg hives, focusing on areas where zerg have appeared in the past."

". Let Colonel Pryor and Harnak's troops be in charge. The soldiers from the Sara system are always eager to take revenge on the zerg that once invaded their homeland."

"Bury these Camorians." Augustus looked at the photo album in Renault's hand, which showed a photo of the leader of the Camorians and his fiancée.

"Find his family as much as possible and return the relics."

"I'll arrange for someone to go there right away." Kerrigan suddenly covered her forehead while speaking, and Augustus immediately hugged her as she was shaking.


"What? I didn't hear anything." Augustus was sure that he did not hear such a sound.

"That comes from uh... damn..."

"Maybe you need some rest, dear." Augustus supported Kerrigan.

Not long after, another black shadow appeared in front of Augustus, and Zeratul emerged from it.

"Augustus, my brother, the prophecy confirms my worries. The human psyker who escaped in Haiji has been reborn in the zerg's home world of Char." Darkness wearing purple robes and black armor Patriarch Zeratul appeared like a sudden gust of wind.

"What we heard just now was the first scream of that creature born from the sinful amnion. This scream resounded through the stars and spread far into the void."

"I heard a warning," Zeratul said to Augustus.

"The trajectories of the stars are just stones thrown by Xel'Naga. The fog will eventually dissipate, and in the darkness, all the truth will be revealed.

"That doesn't sound good. What happened?" When Zeratul appeared, Raynor also looked over.

"Stop talking nonsense, Zeratul, you'd better tell me in one sentence what that inexplicable thing is about?" He said:

"I almost forgot what happened on Haiji. Can't you bring some good news? Friend."

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