StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 357 The Blade King

"It's a long story."

Zeratul still looked as dusty as ever. He wore a purple cloak wrapped in dark brown leather, and his dark, chiseled face seemed to be covered with frost. In the sweeping wind and sand, the green light in Zeratul's eyes shone like a new star.

"To make a long story short." Augustus looked around: "There are trustworthy people here, and my subordinates will not 'leak secrets'."

"Haha." Renault smiled.

"." The voice transmitted to the brains of Augustus and others by Zeratul sounded like a chuckle from the throat of a human elder. This was an expression of kindness he learned from humans, and it was also this. The embodiment of racial humor.

"There are zerg here." The wise protoss glanced across the room. When he saw the kaimorians wrapped in the zerg's carapace and appendages, the distance between his eyes changed. A little smaller. Obviously, this was beyond his expectation.

"I suspect that some of the zerg survived the attack by Tassadar's fleet, or that the zerg swarm deployed a hive force here before our arrival." Augustus answered Zeratul.

"There is probably a group of zerg that have broken away from the group and are lurking in Mar Sara. They are a hidden danger that will break out at any time."

"My Dark Templar will assist your warriors in hunting down the zerg of Mar Sara. The hunters of the Zerateai tribe are best at hunting down their prey on planets like Sagulath."

"Ah - it's endless." At this time, Kerrigan covered his forehead again, making Augustus realize that the so-called psychic scream from Char was not over yet.

"Guys, is there any way I can stop that fucking screaming? It's like a thousand people are yelling in my ears."

"I think the best thing to do is to get rid of the guy who screamed." Augustus held Kerrigan in his arms, and although it might be useless, he covered the Kerrigan's ears with both hands.

"Zeratul, if you know anything, maybe you can tell us about Char."

"He is still screaming - containing fear and joy, like a newborn feeling the warmth of the sun and the bone-chilling cold of the night for the first time." Zeratul suddenly turned his head and looked up at the sky, as if he could see through the roof The planet Char is covered with lava and volcanoes.

"The Hedge star human who was originally Gabriel Tosh was transformed by the insect swarm evolution master Abathur in the dominator's insect nest. He has shed the weakness and frail body of human beings, and has truly been reborn." He said.

"Just now, Gabriel Tosh was emerging from the cocoon that gave birth to him and was reborn. He proudly accepted the new name given to him by the insect swarm and announced his existence to the entire universe—— Overlord of the Swarm, Son of Overlord, Prince of Blades.”

"He is a zerg-human hybrid, a psyker more powerful than ever before. His psychic screams echo across the stars, and only those associated with him and powerful psykers can hear him. sound."

"Prince of Blades - the Zerg are suffering from lack of culture." Raynor complained: "He is the psyker we lost in Haji? You mean, the Overlord turned him into a Zerg. "

"Why do you know so clearly? What is that Abathur, a master of evolution? It sounds amazing."

"The scream contains a strange dream, including Gabriel Tosh's recollection of the past and longing for his grandmother." Zeratul said: "I also learned about his transformation by Zerg in Char. Abathur is one of the creatures created by the Overmind. It is different from those cerebral worms and has the mission of absorbing and reconstructing new genetic essence to join the swarm."

"Abathur is the single-handed creator of the continuous evolution of the insect swarm, the key to the insect swarm becoming closer to perfection, and the steward of the huge gene pool."

"I saw that fantasy. Tosh transformed from a human into a monster with insect limbs. The dreadlocks on his head turned into poisonous spikes. Behind him were a pair of forked snakes with membrane wings. Bonewing." Kerrigan finally got rid of the interference of the scream: "He has awakened and proudly announced his existence to everyone."

"Tosh hates the Terran Confederacy because he believes it was the Terran Confederacy that killed his grandmother and left him to the Zerg."

"He's still screaming?" Augustus asked Kerrigan.

"It's getting better. I think he may be tired." Kerrigan held Augustus' shoulders, but seemed not to want to break away from the other man's arms.

"So, it's true," Augustus said, looking at Zeratul.

"A new swarm agent has been born - he will achieve revenge against the Tyranid Federation." He said: "Fortunately, we are not on his revenge list. However, the swarm will care about the difference between the Revolutionary Army and the Federation Army. Is there a difference?"

For an instant, the appearance of Gabriel Tosh flashed through Augustus's mind. The black skin, thick lips, and milky white skin overlapped with the appearance of Kerrigan, the Blade Queen of the Swarm.

"Does holding me make you feel weird?" Kerrigan suddenly broke away from Augustus' arms.

"No, of course not." Augustus shook his head and looked at Zeratul again: "Tassadar should have heard what he thought of this matter."

"In fact, almost all the protoss heard it," Zeratul said. "The protoss' keen awareness of psychic energy makes it easier for us to feel the psychic waves flowing through the universe."

"That's why I came to you," Zeratul said. "We had decided to set off for Aiur, but Tassadar and I both recognized this new creature and its dangers."

"He combines the psychic abilities and strategy of a human with the immortal body and ability to evolve of a zerg," he said. "This is a formidable enemy for us and all those who are enemies of the swarm. "

"Prepare a shuttle. I will rush to Tassadar's flagship Star Shuttle immediately." Augustus said to Corporal Faraday, the captain of the guard beside him.

"No, if you want to find Tassadar, you don't have to go there in person." Zeratul stopped Faraday who was about to arrange the matter and said.

"He should have reached Dama Sara."

While Zeratul was speaking, a cylindrical protoss spaceship shining with golden blue luster had parked on the parking platform of the Kaimorian mining camp. Tassadar and several people wearing blue The high-ranking Templar in sacrificial robes stepped out of the iris exit of the spaceship.

Augustus' protoss friends are able to sense his presence through their powerful psychic abilities and connections with each other, which is why Tassadar and Zeratul always know where he is.

When he first arrived here, Tassadar was also surprised by the appearance of the zerg, and he immediately stated that his templars would help Augustus. This means that the Protoss Templar and Dark Templar will also have an outpost in Mar Sara, garrisoning a few hundred warriors or less.

On the planet controlled by the Revolutionary Army, Antiga had a force of two hundred Dark Templar warriors who were single-handedly clearing out the Zerg that had escaped the purge on the planet. Their strongholds and bases remained unknown, and only Augustus and the new governor and general of Antiga knew the exact location.

"High Templar Arryon will help you eliminate the zerg on the planet Mar Sara." Tassadar said as he looked at the twisted infected corpses in the camp.

Tassadar's care for humans like Augustus can be said to be meticulous. In his heart, supporting the weak has always been the responsibility of the protoss. However, this can also be said to be for Augustus' sake.

"Zeratul has told you what happened to Char." Tassadar then said to Augustus: "The monster that dominates the new creation is extremely terrifying and cannot be ignored."

"Gabriel Tosh's screams are a constant reminder that the new Lord of the Swarm must not be ignored. His spirit will become stronger and stronger over time, and such a threat must not be ignored."

"To be honest, I don't quite understand what you are talking about." Renault took off his hat and stroked his newly shaved head.

After Fengzi got married, Renault no longer cared too much about his hair. He preferred cool hairstyles. During the war, a shiny bald head was always easy to maintain.

"Okay, okay, a terrifying and dangerous existence has appeared in Char. He is so terrifying that the entire universe can hear his screams." Raynor imitated the tone of the protoss.

"I can probably understand how scary he is. If a tone-deaf guy sings in the bathroom and the whole universe can hear his singing, that must be a very, very scary thing."

"Then what is he?" Renault's tone returned to normal: "Can the person infected by the zerg be able to destroy an army by one person, or can he control endless worms like the brain worm? group."

"What you said is exactly what we have to worry about." Zeratul took over Raynor's words and said: "Xel'Naga mentioned the variables in the dark, but his words were as vague and unclear as before. . The gods must be unable to directly tell the truth of the incident, so they can only express it through fragmented words."

"I don't yet know what abilities Gabriel Tosh possesses," Tassadar said. "That's what I want to find out now. I must evaluate it and determine the extent of his influence on my people." The threat will determine what action to take.”

"No matter what, if an enemy is a threat to us, then we cannot leave it alone." Augustus nodded.

"Kill the newly born Lord of the Swarm, and avoid future troubles forever when he is still weak." Kerrigan could still hear the unspeakable screams from time to time, but now it could no longer have much impact on him.

"But at what cost? How many more warriors must we sacrifice for this."

"Let my Dark Templar warriors secretly eradicate this threat. Since we can kill the brain worm, so can this new monster." Zeratul gave his own method.

"Even the Dark Templar may not be his opponent. The transformed Gabriel Tosh is not the Zerg that are completely incapable of self-preservation like the Cerebrates." Tassadar said.

"You said, this monster hates the Tyranid Federation?" Renault suddenly remembered something: "Then there is no need for us to become enemies with him. We can just let him deal with the Terran Federation's fleet."

"You have to see it with your own eyes to confirm whether he is a ruthless zerg or a pitiful man who still retains a trace of humanity." Tassadar said.

"It's time to return to Ayr, and that's not all we're worried about." He said: "The Overlord of the Swarm has left Char's lair, and no one knows where it is now. The only thing we know is that Ayr We are being attacked by more and more zerg."

"Until then, we must stop at Char. If this is indeed a formidable opponent, we must remain vigilant in the years to come."

In human terms, Tassadar's subtext was to test the quality of Gabriel Tosh. If Tosh is indeed very powerful, then bring enough people next time. If Tosh is vulnerable, then you can kill him directly to avoid future troubles.

"I have no objection." Augustus said: "During this period, you have been helping us retake the homeland occupied by the Zerg and rescue the refugees. Now, it is our turn to help you."

"Even if you are likely to be accused and arrested by the Supreme Council? Are you going to return to Aiur?"

In the past half a year, Augustus's revolutionary army has traveled to many edge worlds of the Tyranid Federation and established enough prestige there. The planet in the hands of the revolutionary army has also begun to flourish.

The Federation Army was in decline, and the revival of the Tyranids could only be achieved at the hands of the Revolutionary Army.

"My gratitude cannot be expressed in words. The zerg are about to destroy our sacred home. I can't imagine that the Supreme Council is still thinking about dealing with the Sons of El who have returned home without hesitation." Tassadar didn't believe Augustus. To put it bluntly, he believed that the Supreme Council was not so stupid.

"They have sent new Executors and Arbitrators thousands of miles away to capture you. Why do you still have illusions about the Supreme Council?" Zeratul pointed out this point sharply.

"If that's the case," Tassadar said sadly, "then we will have to start a tragic civil war with our tribe when we return to Aiur."

"Framicide? I can't believe it."

"You have to believe it, Tassadar." Renault shrugged and said, "If the Federation Council of the Tyranid Federation was willing to come down and reason, the Revolutionary Army wouldn't have to fight them in a hail of bullets."

"Please inform me that the entire fleet will leave Mar Sara for Char in two standard Earth days." Augustus nodded in agreement and said.

"After this, Agria will take on the responsibility of delivering supplies to Mar Sara."

At this time, the commander of a fire bat team that was cleaning out infected people in the mine came over and handed Augustus a square prism crystal rediscovered in the mine. This crystal, heated by the plasma flame, exudes golden light in the sun. It has another name - Youjin.

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