StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 361 Nameless Brain Worm

Psychic energy links the nameless Cerebrate deep in the Obsidian Plains insect nest with all its group members. All clan zerg are the arms and legs of the Cerebrate extending outward, and their eyes are the eyes and ears of the Lord of the Swarm.

Mutalisks hovered high in the hot air rising in Char's sky. The strong hot wind only made these newly born zerg feel comfortable.

Their scarlet eyes stared intently at the battlefield below, where, in the center of countless insect swarms, Prince of Blades Gabriel Tosh was fighting with High Templar Tassadar and Dark Master Zeratul. Bloody fighting, blue, green and purple psychic energy chains and arcs brought about a psychic storm that made the lower insect swarms roar.

The newly born nameless brain worm is hiding in the warm and moist dark depths of the main nest, surrounded by walls composed of smooth organic tissue. The organic walls are squirming like the body of a giant creature, constantly secreting thick mucus. Deep in the insect nest, huge alien creatures and snake-like monsters guard the nest tirelessly, because this is their mission from birth to death.

Cerebrates are one of the first creations of the great Overlord. They are the incarnation of the will of the swarm and the embodiment of the immortality of the swarm.

The nameless brain worm watched the battle below through the eyes of the alien dragon and the king worm with doubts and vigilance, thinking about what strategy should be adopted to defeat the enemies of the Prince of Blades.

As a brainworm, the nameless brainworm is too young. Although at birth, the swarm master taught the brain worms with father-like majesty how to order a worker bee to transform into a huge hatchery, and then order the hatchery to transform into a more advanced worm lair and main nest.

The Cerebrate must also learn from his brothers the strategies of commanding the swarm, and how to make his own swarm evolve until it reaches the ultimate perfection that can never be reached.

Compared with the ancient brain worms with powerful groups such as Dagos, Yake, Sass and Gog, this newly born brain worm not only has relatively fewer members in the group, but also lacks actual combat experience.

But even so, the nameless brain worm who was born not long ago is also a natural leader of the swarm. The nameless cerebrate has already proven its clan's ability in the task of protecting Tosh's cocoon. It still has to establish enough meritorious deeds to be recognized by the master, until the master grants this cerebrate its own name based on its fighting style.

The nameless cerebrate watched the battlefield closely through the psychic link with the tribe. It ordered the mutalisks of its tribe to block the entire space, while the agile springtails and Hydra Hydralisks dispersed into small groups and passed through the underground Thousand Boils. The cave with hundreds of holes is close to the enemy.

The huge Ultralisks were once the backbone of the zerg's offensive, able to withstand the terrifying psychic storms of the protoss like moving mountains. However, the few Thunder Beasts in these groups are just a bait for the nameless Cerebrate Worms, just to buy time for the Nydus Worms to arrive and at the same time attract the enemy's attention.

The smallest and most cunning scorpions move forward in the poisonous mist that moves with the wind. Even the most powerful psykers among protoss and humans cannot ignore their poison and fangs.

Once the Nydus Worms break out of the ground, all enemies will be frightened by the news. The swarms will tear apart the enemy's defenses unstoppably, crushing into powder the weapons and warships that humans and protoss are proud of.

This will be an easy victory. Several protoss and humans go deep into the dangerous situation in an attempt to assassinate the newly born Prince of Blades. They are destined to die here.

However, both protoss and humans are insidious and cunning enemies, they are not simple-minded low-level creatures.

On Char, the human protoss are absolutely weak, and the weak either protect themselves through disguise and intimidation, or they have to be clever at calculation.

The nameless cerebrates do not think that protoss and humans are the kind of creatures who only make simple plans. Their real goal may be hidden in the high-profile assassination of Tosh.

There are only three enemies that appear in Char, but they won't be limited to that. The nameless cerebrates understand this deeply. Underestimating the enemy has caused the swarm to lose more than two cerebrates, one of which was a named individual.

These groups of dead brainworms have been annexed by other groups, and the clan's prestige no longer exists. As a brainworm with no ability to protect itself, the nameless brainworm must protect itself.

After discovering that the power of the Protoss Dark Templar can completely kill the cerebrates, no cerebrate would be foolish enough to rely on their resurrection ability to go to the front line.

When the nameless cerebrate looked at the outside battlefield through the eyes of the mutalisks, Tosh seemed overwhelmed by the joint attacks of Tassadar and Zeratul, but he quickly adapted to the opponent's rhythm.

Although Tosh's use of psychic powers is still very basic, Abathur's transformation also improved his psychic talents, making him an individual with powerful psychic powers.

Tosh gradually remembered his psychic powers and used psychic pulses to attack. He imitated the psychic waves released by the protoss, which could easily shatter rocks and break off spaceships.

Taking advantage of the gap between Tassadar and Tosh's battle, the nameless cerebrate group began to sprint faster, and their minions were getting closer and closer to the enemy. The zerg seem to be able to smell the blood of their enemies, and they are eager to feast on it.

The human female psyker caught the attention of the nameless Cerebrate. Even as a human, her psychic power shone like a fire in the darkness, even surpassing that of Gabriel Tosh, who was once a human.

Her appearance was just an unexpected surprise. The Overlord's hounds once searched for this human female in the Koprulu sector, but they obviously disappointed the great Overlord.

When Al's beacon was exposed, the Overlord felt more and more urgent. He had to do the next best thing and chose a strong human male as his agent to seek a chance for the continuation of the insect swarm.

This human female was supposed to be the queen of the swarm, and the swarm might slowly evolve into a huge matriarchal clan. But if it had been Tosh, the outcome might have been very different.

"Kill her!" The nameless brainworm issued another order to its members. It would feel cruel joy that this powerful human female died on the spot.

The members of the nameless cerebrate swarm rushed towards the enemy, like a rising tide in Char's heat wave sweeping across the land.

But at a certain moment, the protoss and humans disappeared at the same time. Their scents were gone, and the entire pack felt a wave of suppressed mania.

In the sight of a king worm controlled by an unknown brain worm who was far away from the battlefield, a human tactical nuclear bomb fell from the sky, but it soon discovered that it was more than just a nuclear bomb.

It was a series of nuclear bombs arranged in a line at extremely close intervals, falling straight to the ground along the trajectory marked by the low-frequency laser, like the tips of spears thrown by gods. These nuclear bombs are also marked with the letters Antiga. They are obviously produced by the Antiga military industry and are not antiques obtained from the Tyranid Federation's nuclear weapons arsenal.

It turns out that Korhal IV, the birthplace of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, does not produce nuclear bombs. For a long time, they also lacked the technology and facilities to manufacture nuclear bombs. However, as the Revolutionary Army captured the first federal science station and fusion Core, the revolutionary army also completed the design and manufacture of nuclear bombs.

After their homeland was destroyed by nuclear bombs, the Korkha people hated this weapon extremely, and produced and stockpiled nuclear weapons in large quantities with a fanaticism that was almost vengeful. They would fight to defend every homeland, otherwise they would let it go Destroy with your enemies.

At the same time, the leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army also believes that this deterrent weapon is very important, and it is one of the few weapons that can clear out large numbers of zerg. Although Marshal Augustus Mengsk always warned his men that they could not rely on nuclear weapons, the number of nuclear bombs in Antiga's arsenal now reached the target of destroying two Tarsonis.

The nuclear warhead falling from the sky made a sharp hissing sound as it penetrated through the air. The first exploding nuclear bomb created a violent roar and a flash as bright as day above the insect swarm, and then detonated the remaining ones. .

The members of the group that the nameless brainworm felt were wiped out in a brief period of pain, and fear suddenly made it angry. Cerebrates will not grieve for these dead members of the pack, because that is their fate.

Even so, in the perception of the nameless brainworm, the Blade Prince Gabriel Tosh, who was at the center of the nuclear explosion, was not dead.

However, a shining white beam fell immediately after the human nuclear bomb, shattering a third of the obsidian plain like Thor's hammer, merging the entire surface into lava.

Then, another beam of light followed, each of which was enough to destroy the city of Khastilling. The main gun beams continued to fall, shaking the already unstable main continental plate of Char, triggering an active volcano group. The massive eruption seemed like the end of the world was coming.

"Hey——" The nameless brainworm shook its fat body in a very humane manner and shrank towards the side of the main nest.

Terrifying bipedal creatures.

Immediately afterwards, in anger, the nameless Cerebrate could not help but start to complain that the Leviathan swarm failed to suppress the protoss and human fleets, but was able to allow them to bomb Char without restraint.

But this is not the fault of the Leviathan swarm. Most of the swarm fleet has been deployed in Aiur by the Overlord.

Once the Overlord takes down El, Char will be insignificant. Aiur will become the new home world of the swarm, and the glorious Protoss Empire will become a thing of the past.

The nameless cerebrate doesn't care about Tosh's life or death, it doesn't have any feelings for him. Under such firepower, even a main nest will be wiped out in an instant, and Tosh's body is not strong enough to bear it.

However, it won't be long before Tosh will be resurrected in Aiur, where the Overlord is. In addition to void energy, even the power of tearing apart the planet cannot completely kill the Cerebrates and prevent the resurrection of a swarm lord who has a close connection with the Overlord.

This was a failure, and Tosh would definitely learn from this lesson.

There was a whisper of ridicule among Char's brainworms, and Sass unabashedly mocked Tosh for his negligence, completely forgetting that he had been killed for the same mistake. No cerebrate would ever openly confront the greatest warriors of protoss and human, and therefore no cerebrate would give Tosh any advice.

They enjoy watching Tosh make a fool of himself unless he shows enough respect to the cerebrates.

The Cerebrates have never taken this invasion seriously. As Abathur said, the number of swarms is endless, and sooner or later they will devour all enemies who invade Char.

The Garmu Swarm had just destroyed a mixed team of Protoss Templars and Dark Templars, and the cerebrates of the Quetzalcoatl clan claimed it had completely wiped out an entire human special forces force.

All signs of activity indicate that the enemy is looking for something on Char, and to this end a large number of reconnaissance troops have been sent to the surface of the planet.

But what are they looking for in zerg-infested Char? The Cerebrates soon realized that they alone were the swarm's priceless treasure.

The nameless cerebrates are preparing to leave the worm nest under the advice of Sass, the cerebrate swarm of the Gamu swarm. Even if they can be reborn, being killed by a nuclear bomb or the main cannon of the protoss is still an unpleasant thing for the cerebrates.

The clumsy Cerebrate found his servants, and a large number of Hydra Hydralisks carefully lifted their masters and prepared to leave. Through the network of worm tunnels underground in Char, Cerebrates can quickly move between main hives.

Before leaving the lair, the nameless brain worm came to the pointed cone-shaped crystal that emitted blue light. This crystal emitted an unsettling bright white light and radiated invisible energy regularly like a heart. force field.

This is a strange crystal containing void energy, and it may be the only one in the entire universe. It was only recently that the Carpenter Nest, which is good at digging, found this crystal from the depths of Char's core.

This crystal is undoubtedly a treasure, but its benefit to the insect swarm is better than nothing. The crystal was placed here after being excavated, and the energy field it released contained powerful void energy.

It is sending signals to Char all the time, and the energy it releases even creates a twisted and strong magnetic field in this area.

"Take it away." After thinking about it, the nameless brainworm gave this instruction to its servants, and the delighted clan members immediately complied with it.

Suddenly, a beam of green light suddenly burst out from the dark insect hole.

It was a psychic blade that came out from the back of a Hydra Hydralisk. Immediately afterwards, one after another Hydralisks and Springtails were killed by the sudden appearance of the psychic blade, and their hard carapace was instantly cut into several pieces.

"Hey! Dark Templar!" The nameless brainworm's fat body emitted colorful light, and he was truly shocked.

How could the Dark Templar find this place? This place is deep underground and is very common among hundreds of insect nests.

The zerg protecting the nameless cerebrates roared and rushed towards the enemies hidden in the darkness, but they were only chopped up by green arcs and threads.

"Found it, the sacred object of the Nerazim clan, the legacy of the gods and sages, the Kalis Crystal." The figure of a female dark templar with a slender figure suddenly appeared on the piece of land that was covered by a Hydra. In front of the blue crystal that Hydralisk was carrying, she picked up the crystal with her sharp long nails.

Vorazun's green eyes suddenly turned to the nameless brainworm, realizing that this brainworm was an unexpected gain. They came after the holy relics of the Dark Templar, but they didn't expect that there was a brainworm here.

"Shadow Guards, kill this brain worm." She pointed the warped light warblade at the trembling brain worm, stopping the psychic blade that a Shadow Guard Dark Templar master was about to swing.

"Wait, maybe we should take it away, our human allies may need this monster."

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