StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 362 Hidden Blade Plan

"UNN exclusively reported that the Federation National Security Center confirmed that the leader of the Korhal rebels, Augustus Mengsk, secretly signed a treaty with the protoss, exchanging human sovereignty in the Koprulu sector for military support to be used in the Antiga Prime establishes the Mengsk family dynasty.”

"The Tarsonis Federation Council recently issued a statement, declaring that all illegal military operations on Antiga Prime are rebellions. The Federation will take all means to put an end to the rebels' brutal rule in Antiga. The Tyranids only have one legal government. , that is the Tyranid Federation."

"General Gather Duke, who recently returned to the army, will arrive at the front lines of Sigma Prime soon."

As Augustus and Renault walked out of the bridge of the Hyperion, the sound of UNN news gradually faded away.

The narrow but well-connected interior corridor of the Hyperion led Augustus to the battleship's science laboratory cabin. On the way, he could also see many engineers who were re-reinforcing the bulkhead and welding cables. There are also more than a dozen construction teams working on the ship outside the Hyperion, responsible for installing a stronger titanium alloy coating on the warship.

During the installation of the Yamato main gun, multiple cabins inside the Hyperion were opened and rebuilt to leave enough space for the main gun and weapon charging device, which further reduced the space for the crew cabins.

As more Korhal Revolutionary Army Behemoth-class battlecruisers enter the list to be equipped with main guns, the Revolutionary Army fleet will gain enough advantages to turn the tide of the battle against the Federation fleet of the same size.

After Augustus ordered Rory Swann and Viktor Kaczynski to further upgrade his fleet, the need for larger and more advanced ships was also put on the agenda. The old Leviathan class and the Behemoth class that have been in service for many years can no longer meet the needs of more brutal wars. As long as mankind wants to continue to stand among the stars, a new generation of battlecruisers is indispensable.

Currently, the Tyranid Federation, the Kaimorian Consortium, and the United States of Umoyan all have their own development plans for a new generation of warships. After all, the revolutionary army is too small, and most of them can only pick on others.

"It sounds like the Federation doesn't know that we have troops stationed in places like Haji and Altera." Renault was still analyzing the UNN news he just listened to, stroking the short hair that had just grown on his head as he spoke.

"The senior officials and nobles of the Federation may not have figured out what happened in the Fringe Sector." Augustus replied: "In other words, they have obtained some reliable information, but they do not dare to make it public yet."

"The Federation Army lost a large amount of territory when the Zerg army pressed on. How could they admit that some planets that had long been declared destroyed by the Zerg survived under the protection of the rebels."

"As usual, the capitalists, politicians, aristocrats and the scum that surround their masters in large federal enterprises and pick up the leftovers of exploiting the people only care about their dominance and interests, are pretentious and pretentious," Reno commented.

"People in the fringe worlds of the Tyranid Federation are being slaughtered by the zerg, but the people in the ruling class still think about their own power and a life of intoxication."

"They have lived a good life for so long that they have forgotten that not all people are hard-working Camorians." Augustus said.

"There are always some people who can't make a living no matter how hard they work. Talented people are cruelly oppressed, and people with ideals have to succumb to reality." Renault said.

"Dissatisfaction will continue to accumulate until the day it is detonated."

"Even without me, sooner or later someone will oppose the rule of the Federation." When Augustus said this, he had already walked into the science laboratory of the Hyperion.

When the hatch opened, a dozen scientific researchers in white overalls were working in front of the operating table and console. The inner walls and dome of the entire laboratory are wrapped with all kinds of wires, pipes and sophisticated equipment. Behind the upright glass cryogenic tube curtain wall is a light green solution with bubbles, which is full of strange creatures or odors. Crystal with brilliant light.

Every label affixed to the cryogenic tube reveals the value of these specimens. The price of the central piece of Xel'Naga artifact fragment from the United States of Umoyan is quite astonishing. It is said that it is enough for Augustus to lose all his treasure. The fleet will make a comeback later.

Dr. Francos, the former federal zerg research expert of the Revolutionary Army, was talking about something with his short apprentice Egon Stetman in front of a report, so that no one noticed Augustus and Raynor. arrival.

"The sample of Xel'Naga creation is still radiating some kind of mental disturbance to the outside world. Aigon, you must always pay attention to its changes under Sigma rays and record them." Dr. Francos taught his young apprentice.

"I'm up to the task." Aigon thought for a while and said, "Well, I mean, do your best."

Egon Stetman's talents in the fields of energy fields and alien biology have proven that he is a rare genius, so he has been valued and cultivated by Francos, even as a The successor of Langkes Laboratory came to teach.

Although this child who was casually brought back to the Revolutionary Army from Terrador III by Augustus was not good at communicating with others, he was undoubtedly a kind and innocent scientist. Egon Steitmann was convinced that he was engaged in a great cause, and he was eager to know that his scientific research results would benefit the people.

"Dr. Francos, I was hoping to hear some good news from you."

Augustus's eyes were immediately attracted by the huge glass cryogenic tubes containing various specimens in the laboratory. There were springtails, Hydra Hydralisks and local organisms infected after the zerg invaded the human planet, among which there were also There are some void crystals from the Xel'Naga Temple.

"The Hyperion Laboratory has always been the forefront of the entire revolutionary army's cutting-edge technology." Dr. Francos straightened his glasses and directed Augustus to a running control panel screen: "I dare say, No one can match us.”

"Technological research that could change the entire war is right on the control panel in front of you."

"The research equipment here may not be the best, but the materials available for research are always the most up-to-date and complete." Augustus walked to the control panel and noticed that there were multiple ongoing experiments on it. Project tree diagram, which contains several distinct research directions.

"Compared to you, I am not very satisfied with the progress of the Cerberus project team."

There are many technologies under development on the control panel, such as resin shields and sticky carbon explosion-proof shields, power armor battery fast charging technology upgraded after Protoss technology, and new battleship shields designed with reference to the Thunder Beast deck, which can self-heal. Polymeric nanomaterials, recovery agents inspired by the terrifying recovery capabilities of zerg tissue, etc.

Some technological research is rightfully regarded as taboo, because although recovery potions can greatly speed up the recovery of the wounded, they can also produce unpredictable mutations, such as the growth of bizarre tentacles and other aberrations.

Augustus was not very satisfied that only anti-riot shields and new alloy shields could be put into production, but he knew that these were already the results of research that these scientists had worked hard and spent sleepless nights.

Augustus' fingers swiped across the screen of the control panel and found an item labeled as a psychic wave infusion device. It also mentioned the special crystal mines ghost gold and earth found in Mar Sara and other areas. Azine.

The report mentioned Francos's research on these newly discovered resources. It is no secret that terrazine can greatly increase the strength of human psychic energy, but terazine has recently been proven to neutralize this reaction and offset the terrestrial energy. Side effects such as mental disorder and extreme violence caused by chlorine.

As a result, ideas based on this discovery were quickly put forward, such as using terrazine and terazine to greatly enhance the power of ghost agents, allowing each of them to become extremely powerful psykers. The higher the level of psychics, the more supernatural abilities they possess.

But every ghost agent in the revolutionary army is Augustus's heart and he is reluctant to let these psykers participate in this experiment. Even Nova Squadron Commander Jackson Holler, who volunteered to participate after hearing about the experiment, was stopped by Augustus and suppressed.

At the same time, a bolder plan was also proposed by a researcher on the Hyperion, which was to create psykers in batches by instilling terazine and ugen into ordinary people with only superficial psychic potential.

Terrazine and Spectrum can give ordinary people access to psychic powers, allowing those who have only low psychic talents but not enough to become psykers to become telepaths.

However, even if it is neutralized by Youjin, terrazine is likely to have irreversible and terrible effects on the person who ingests it, not to mention that the minds of ordinary people are already susceptible to the corrosion of terrazine.

But if it cooperates with resocialization reform, it will be completely different. Augustus will have a group of dead soldiers with psychic powers.

Researchers believe that directly transforming Revolutionary Army soldiers or civilians may not be acceptable, but it is completely different if the target is a death row prisoner.

Ordinary people will not have too strong psychic power after being transformed, but that will also make their combat effectiveness far superior to ordinary people.

"It's crazy," Augustus commented, "but I wouldn't consider using this technology on ghost agents at the moment."

"Initiate the second plan and test it on the unforgivable federal officials we captured from Vadona and Halsain. - Name this project Project Hidden Blade, temporarily led by Jackson Holler Manage this project.”

Augustus said to himself: "Don't let this guy say again that I didn't give him a chance to show his loyalty."

"There are really more and more magical black technologies." Renault, who was standing next to Augustus, glanced casually: "I won't be surprised even if one day they come up with something shocking. "

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​finding these genius lunatics?" he whispered to Augustus.

"Science and technology are the primary productive forces." Augustus said calmly.

"Again, these are weird words." Renault shrugged: "But I will write it down. Maybe I will use these words when I write my memoirs in the future."

"Write down this plan, Aigon. The Hidden Blade Project, I value this project very much." Dr. Francos walked to Augustus: "If we have ten thousand psychic warriors, we can kill them all easily. Nobles and Federation officials of Tarsonis.”

"You are so cruel, Francos." Renault complained: "Why didn't I see that you, a gentle doctor with glasses, would say such a thing before?"

"In order to win and to save this world, I will do whatever it takes." Francos's thoughts are not extreme, he is just a ruthless researcher loyal to Augustus.

"There is no need to rush for quick success." Augustus said: "Without these warriors, we can achieve the final victory. But our enemies are not just the Tyranid Federation."

"Where's the newly caught brainworm?" Then, Augustus revealed his true purpose of coming here.

The Cerebrate, which was accidentally captured by the Shadow Guards of the Dark Templar Vorazun on the surface of Char, was given to the Revolutionary Army by Zeratul as a gift to the Revolutionary Army Marshal Augustus.

Regardless, the Protoss Empire forbids any Protoss from studying the zerg in depth, even though they are extremely powerful foes. This is not only to prevent the pure genes of the protoss from being contaminated, but also a manifestation of the protoss empire's supreme council's contempt for the zerg.

The Dark Templar have no intention of conducting various experiments on the Cerebrates, so they might as well leave them to humans.

In any case, this unlucky brainworm had not made any mistakes. It had just been born, and it didn't even have a life in its hands when it was found by the Shadow Guards and was captured before it even had time to assemble its troops.

"Brainworm α, the first and only brainworm we have obtained, its discovery is a milestone in the field of alien research and a priceless treasure in the world of human biology." Dr. Francos said with bright eyes.

"I'll take you there right away." He said excitedly to Augustus, even using the honorific title: "Marshal, you can never imagine what a magnificent creature that is."

"Have you seen the New Sydney Papilio butterfly? It is a beautiful creature with a wingspan of fifteen inches. The larvae before they emerge into butterflies are just like the brainworm. I believe that the brainworm will also metamorphose in the future. As a beautiful ultimate creature.”

"It's incomparably beautiful."

As Francos spoke, he opened a control valve in the laboratory. With the hiss of the hydraulic device, a console on the floor of the laboratory cabin fell down, and a lift in the battlecruiser The ladder appeared in front of Augustus.

This was originally a warehouse, but now it has been luxuriously expanded into a laboratory, used to store the precious living brain worm samples.

Under the vertical staircase, a larger experimental cabin was revealed in front of Augustus, with bright white lights making it as bright as day.

Wall after wall of white alloy or glass curtain walls with staggered heights divided the lower laboratory into several areas. Soldiers and researchers with live ammunition were all staring at the energy cage in the center of the lower laboratory. Sarah Kerrigan and Star The spiritual Dark Templar Zeratul and others are among them.

In the center of the energy cage lay a squirming worm creature with a beautiful light on its surface. It struggled to move its clumsy and bloated body, like the queen of a swarm or an overweight palace minister.

"Pathetic bipedal worker bees without pelvic fins, what are you laughing at! Don't underestimate the wisdom of a great swarm lord!"

When Augustus entered, the brainworm named α by Revolutionary Army researchers was still chattering rubbish.

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