StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 363 Heading towards Ayr

"Cerebrate α, an advanced psychic creature, the mastermind of the insect swarm, and the final choice of the insect swarm's millions of years of evolutionary history."

After the elevator down to the ground floor laboratory stopped, Dr. Francos and his student Egon Steitmann took Augustus to the demonstration platform in the center. The soldiers and researchers around him paid tribute with respect. Their marshal gave way.

This modern laboratory is equipped with workbenches, high-precision research facilities, glass test tubes and other utensils. Researchers in white robes all wear gloves, and soldiers are always on alert.

The temperature and humidity in the laboratory are controlled within strict standards, the air is fresh, and under the blue-white light, the running machines make a slight hum.

Some workstations are preparing some kind of medicine, while another is assembling sophisticated electronic equipment. There are more than a dozen different screens on the walls of the lower laboratory monitoring the latest progress of each team. There are two crossed revolutionary army flags inside the laboratory. Each flag is always kept clean, tidy and smooth.

"It is very difficult to capture a brain worm, and it requires great sacrifice. In my entire life, I may not have the opportunity to see a second brain worm captured by humans." Francos walked. explain.

"It's priceless."

"A brainworm is a swarm." Raynor said: "A worker bee can create an army of swarms. Fortunately, it did not fall into the hands of those with evil hearts."

"Such as the Federation."

While listening to Francos' words, Augustus nodded to the people present and walked towards where Kerrigan and Zeratul were standing.

Kerrigan was staring closely at the Cerebrate that was restrained by a hemispherical energy shield in the center of the laboratory, and the Cerebrate in the shield was also staring at her with its multiple pairs of insect eyes.

This is a strange picture, a huge, grey, fat worm is looking at a beauty with long fiery red hair. Kerrigan's green eyes are bright and lively, while the Cerebrate's many pairs of small eyes look fierce.

"You despicable bipedal worker bee!" The brainworm's psychic scream could be heard clearly by Augustus in the upper laboratory.

This brainworm has fallen into a desperate situation. The environment and light here are far from the warm, moist and soft nest it was once familiar with. It was restrained in a small cage for human study, and its dignity as the leader of the swarm was completely lost.

This place is also very far away from Char. The Hyperion has already sailed out of Char and flew to Aiur, and the Cerebrate can no longer sense the thoughts of its tribe and other Cerebrates. Even a few Hydra Hydralisks can easily kill a Cerebrate without the help of a pack member.

What the brainworm can do is attack its enemies with the weapon of words. It has tried to please these humans, or deceive them into letting them release themselves, but the results have proven that any conspiracy is just a fool's errand in front of humans.

"You'll just hide behind this shiny carapace, like Char's rock dragon," it shouted, "Let me out!"

"Do you think this metal main nest can contain a great brainworm? Ah——"

"Then try to see if you can get out." Kerrigan crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Please, don't eat us all when you come out."

"Ah——" The brainworm let out a chilling scream of terror that made the hairs stand on end. Even under the obstruction of the energy shield, it made everyone around him feel dizzy and sick.

The brainworm tried to clumsily use the small stump that did not exist in its abdomen to support its upper body so that it could hit the energy shield, but it obviously failed after a period of futile struggle.

So, it just turned over.

Brainworm straightened his posture, pretending that nothing had happened, and emphasized angrily:

"You wait!"

"It's so cute." Augustus laughed, and the researchers and followers around him also laughed.

"You actually treat a brain worm as a joke." The brain worm is a creature with extremely powerful psychic abilities. It can also hear the voices of others like high-level human psykers, let alone laugh at something as simple as this. understand the meaning.

These weak humans, the springtails of the group can kill several of them, disembowel them, and make the place become a river of blood. Now, even if they thought it was funny, they actually laughed out loud using their noisy vocal organs.

"I won't let you go! No!"

"This guy seems to be quite energetic. I've been worried about it dying." Augustus shrugged.

"The brainworm lacks the ability to defend itself. In this cage that is monitored at all times, it cannot even commit suicide." Hearing Augustus's voice, Kerrigan withdrew his gaze and walked to Austria. Next to Gustus, she held Augustus's left hand with her two palms.

"After all, it is still a too young brain worm." Dr. Francos also smiled, his eyes shining when he looked at the brain worm.

"The baby is only a few months old." Kerrigan hummed.

"Salute to Adun, elder, you have brought a great gift." At this time, Augustus looked at Zeratul who was standing not far away, and said in his heart that he could not ignore this distinguished guest.

Zeratul sometimes visits the Hyperion, which is as normal as visiting a neighbor. He even knows more about the warship than some of the Hyperion engineers who have just arrived. road.

"Salute to Aden." Zeratul's voice was as deep and vicissitudes as ever: "It was Vorazun, the Shadow Master who led the Shadow Guard, who brought back this brain worm, and it was she who first thought of our human friends. "

"The eldest sister of the Dark Templars, who is cold-faced and warm-hearted, is Vorazun." Raynor, who was talking to Dr. Francos, looked at Zeratul and said, "Why didn't you see her?"

"Vorazun has returned to Sagurath, the home of the Dark Templar, with our clan's sacred object, the Kalis Crystal. This treasure was lost by Nerazim a long time ago." Zeratul answered. Said: "It is said that this crystal was once a sacred object given to the protoss clan by Xel'Naga, a visitor from afar."

"It's another Xel'Naga thing." Renault expressed his true feelings: "Ancient, mysterious and powerful, their history can be traced back to the beginning of Chaos and the birth of the universe. However, in the end, the Xel'Naga went again Where?"

"No one knows." Zeratul replied briefly: "Xel'Naga has long gone, leaving only the ruins of the once glorious city. But the Dark Templar always believe that Xel'Naga is still watching us, and those who came from The enlightenment of the void is the testimony.”

"Maybe the Xel'Naga are just sleeping. After they took a nap, countless civilizations rose and fell." Augustus expressed his opinion.

"Xel'Naga, the swarm of insects once destroyed their entire fleet." When the brainworm who was still talking trash heard this, he immediately said it through sharp spiritual language.

"How is that possible?" Zeratul immediately retorted: "Zerg, you actually attacked your own creator."

"That's right, that's the picture that was engraved in the memory when the master created me." The brainworm said proudly: "Just like this, you still dare to ignore a brainworm?"

"We are not ignoring you." Augustus spread his hands and said.

"You have." As a new brain worm, α is far less experienced than the older brain worms in Sass and Dagos.

"What happened then?" Zeratul didn't seem to suspect that the brainworm was telling lies. There have never been as many lies among Protoss and Zerg as among humans.

"We, the swarm, destroyed all the Xel'Naga fleets in the orbit of Zerus." The brainworm said: "Then I tore them into pieces and ate them. The knowledge and wisdom of the Xel'Naga belong to the master. , the swarm became more powerful, until we crossed the galaxy."

"Your god was eaten by us."

"Absurd!" Zeratul couldn't accept this fact at all, and he refused to believe that all the Xel'Naga had passed away.

"The Xel'Naga, they must still be there, they are immortal." He asked the brainworm: "Are all the Xel'Naga dead?"

"I don't know. After all, I'm just a newly born brainworm." The brainworm thought for a moment: "Besides, I don't need to answer your question."

"Isn't this just complete ignorance." Augustus shook his head.

"They should all be dead." Brainworm emphasized, "I'm sure."

"Incredibly sad." Zeratul let out a sigh that reached everyone's heart: "If this is true, then this will be a heavy blow to my people."

"If the Zerg can completely destroy the Xel'Naga fleet, then how terrifying the enemy the protoss will face will be."

"In that case, I have reason to believe that the Xel'Naga created the Zerg after leaving Aiur, and were then devoured by the species they created. This is why they never came back."

"Looking on the bright side, maybe they simply don't want to return to Aiur." Augustus comforted Zeratul.

"Hmm." Zeratul was silent.

Augustus once again observed the brain worm through the transparent energy cage, and found that it was significantly smaller than the brain worm Sars of the Gamu worm group he had seen before, with white moist skin. It is also much softer and tender.

Admittedly, apart from the sharp and tiny teeth in this brainworm's mouth, the brainworm does not look threatening in any way.

"Hey, it's time for you to lose weight, fat boy." At this time, Renault said while stroking the stubble on his chin.

"." The brainworm ignored Renault.

"Among the brainworms I have ever seen, Cerebrate Alpha is the most extraordinary one." Augustus looked at the brainworm and said: "It may even be the smartest and deadliest."

"All it lacks is time to grow." He said: "If you hadn't brought it back, it would probably have become the most powerful enemy that humans and protoss have ever faced.

"Sweet words." Brainworm paused: "You think these sweet words can please me... just keep talking."

"Francos, what are you going to do with this brainworm?" Augustus changed the subject.

"I heard that you all like to study slices, or the kind where you cut one half and put the other half in the nutrient solution to continue the experiment." Renault said in a low voice.

The brainworm shook its head, its head stiffened, and its body shrank into the corner. It knew that humans were bluffing.

"If you have the guts, kill me." Brainworm said.

"Once the brainworm dies, it won't take long for the master to resurrect." Francos adjusted his glasses and said, "So, we must always keep it alive."

"I believe that there has never been an individual among the zerg that died naturally due to aging." He looked at the brainworm's eyes without wavering for a moment: "I swear, after my death, my students, my students The students will still guard it! Even if it cannot bring any benefit to mankind, it must not become a monster that will bring countless destruction and death."

"Weakness, weakness of limbs, degeneration, and functional decline." The brainworm spoke incoherently with extreme anger: "I curse you, your body will age until you die. This is a sad human being, because mortals must die."

"Relax kid, there's nothing wrong with having a bunch of nannies," Reno said with a smile.

"The original plan was to transform this cerebrate into a Cerberus cyborg cerebrate, so that we could easily obtain an army of swarms." Dr. Francos continued.

There are two completely different plans for controlling the zerg. One is top-down, that is, controlling the zerg through controlling the cerebrates or controlling the zerg through the overlord. The other is from the bottom up, which is to transform the huge underlying insect swarm and artificially establish a master brain to control them.

The Cerberus Project was originally a bottom-up plan, but Nayak said that it was just because they were unable to capture a single brain worm and could only conduct experiments on some low-level zerg individuals.

"What are the chances of success?" Augustus asked.

"The Cerberus Project has been able to control Springtails and Hydra Hydralisks, but the Cerberus is completely different from those lower zerg. It is a psychic creature." Dr. Francos said: "The Cerberus Experiment The people in the room can’t guarantee that they can succeed on the first try.”

"What is the other plan?" Augustus asked again: "If the probability of success is not 100%, then it is failure."

"Let me control it." Kerrigan said suddenly at this time.

"Can you do it?" Augustus didn't think Kerrigan's psychic power could surpass that of a cerebrate.

"I'm trying to do that." Kerrigan nodded: "Just like I control the worker bee, I can feel the connection with this brainworm."

"This is challenging the authority of the Overlord." The Cerebrate moved its body and was shocked by Kerrigan's words: "The Overlord is the creator of all Cerebrates, and we are like an extension of its will and a part of his body."

However, it can completely pretend to be controlled by humans first and just wait for them to take it lightly.

"A brainworm will never betray."

"But what if the master dies?" Augustus looked into the eyes of the brainworm.

"The master will never die." The brainworm said in an unquestionable tone: "The master is eternal."

"." Augustus glanced at the brainworm a few more times and said to Kerrigan: "Try to do that first. My suggestion is to see how the circus trainers tame tigers and lions. "

"I won't let you go!" Brainworm's whole body was shaking as he endured unprecedented humiliation.

"Let's do it this way. You are a smart brainworm and you know how to do what is more beneficial to you now." When Augustus spoke, the Hyperion's hull trembled slightly.

This is the first time the Hyperion has entered the physical universe since it entered the hyperspace route from the Char System. They will stop for a while in Luria, a mining world in the Kemerian complex, and head to the planet after completing the last ammunition supply. Aiur, the home planet of spirits.

And this is also to fulfill Augustus' promise to help Tassadar and help the protoss defend Aiur. To defend themselves against humanity's enemies, they must also slay the Overmind in the Battle of El.

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