Chapter 364 Luria IV

Luria IV is a mining settlement of the Kaimorian Federation. It is one of the few mining worlds still in the hands of the Federation after the end of the Guild War.

The reason why Luria has been preserved to this day is only because of its remote location in the Koprulu Star Sector. The Tyranid Federation is busy taking over the rich and highly prosperous mining worlds of the Commonwealth, but shows little interest in those planets that are too far away from the main world of Tarsonis.

To this day, Luria IV is still ruled by the CEO assigned to the board of directors of the consortium. Hundreds of large and small mining guilds and inter-system business guilds dominate Luria's production, sales, profit distribution and even the social life of the planet. In every aspect.

Housing, education, medical care, employment, insurance, and funds are all in the hands of the Camorian guild. This repressive monopoly capitalism rules every planet in the Commonwealth. The lives of many Caimorians are almost doomed from birth, and their ideas and lives are deeply influenced by the bonds and traditions of their extended families.

The Camorians are united but exclusive, and this is most vividly reflected in the Lurians.

"Be careful, all Tyranids know that dealing with the Kaimorians means doing business with jackals." General Jackson Holler at the busy Exit 3 of Pier B of Luria's Thordoan Central Airport At a certain moment, the special forces soldiers and OGB agents of the Revolutionary Army's Nova Squadron walked past him and blended into the crowd silently.

"And once they know we are coming, the jackals will turn into docile sheep." Augustus stared at all kinds of people in the airport calmly, and Luria's worldly affairs flashed through his cold gray eyes.

These swarthy people, both men and women, wear durable work clothes, mostly durable and hard-wearing cheesecloth, multi-pocket vests and jackets, jeans and thick work boots. People wore hats, turbans and wind-proof cloaks with different emblems according to their place of birth, guild affiliation and family tradition, and the copper buttons that sewn their pockets gleamed.

Heavy work clothes can withstand the harsh environment of most mining worlds, or protect miners from being scratched by sharp crystal ores when working underground. A suit of work clothes lasts a long time, and this durable garment is considered a symbol of the resilience of the world of Camerion.

Luria is a Commonwealth immigration place that is still being developed. At the same time, it is also constantly accepting immigrants from the home planet of Moria and other Commonwealth mining worlds.

After the Tyranid Federation swallowed up many of the colonial worlds of the Camorian Federation, hundreds of millions of Camorian people who did not want to be ruled by the Tyranids or expelled sadly left the homeland where their ancestors had lived for generations. Establish new colonies and come to places like Luria, because planets capable of supporting even a minimal standard of life are few and far between in this spiral arm of the galaxy.

By this year, the threat of alien invasion had made the situation after the Guild War even more turbulent, and Moria no longer had the military power to protect remote worlds like Luria IV in the Koprulu Sector as it had in the past.

"According to the agreement, the Revolutionary Army will not deploy more than a battalion-level armed force to the surface of Luria." Next to Augustus was the former Governor of Mar Sara, Pule, who had only risen to prominence in the Revolutionary Army in the past six months. Colonel Er, his two brigades composed of soldiers from the Sara system were ordered to fight with the Guards Division of the Marshal's headquarters.

"This shows that a few battalions of soldiers are enough to give Luria's coalition government a headache." He continued: "As long as you give me two divisions, I can take this place."

"Come on, dear Governor, we are still in the honeymoon period with Moria. How can we conquer a Kemorian planet without saying hello." Tychus Finlay was wearing a black motorcycle jacket and jeans. The M backpack on the back is filled with casual plaid shirts, sunglasses and sunscreen lotion.

"When you see a place, you want to shoot it down. When you see a street, you want to set up machine guns. The girls here have suffered. It is the civilians who suffer in the war. If you have Old Tychus, you are half as compassionate as the common people. , so there won’t be so many people saying that you are so selfless and inhumane.”

The Revolutionary Army will stay in Luria for about a week to replenish the high-energy gas fuel and ammunition consumed by the fleet in many wars with the Zerg, and wait for the replenishment fleet to arrive from Antiga Prime and the United States of Umoyan.

This means that the senior officers of the Revolutionary Army will have a lot of work to do, but Colonel Tychus is obviously on vacation.

"It is my duty to capture cities and territories for the Marshal." Colonel Pryor has medium-length straight black hair and sharp eyes.

"No, no, no, a person's only duty is to make one's life more comfortable." Tychus took out a cigar from his backpack and was about to light a cigarette, but the Hyperion navigator Matt Horner, who was accompanying the marshal, Timely remind him that smoking is prohibited here.

"You bad boy from Terrador. If you don't see the no-smoking sign, it means that old Tychus has the final say here." Tychus ignored Matt's words at all. In his opinion, this young man was too upright. Always stick to the rules.

Tychus didn't like Matt very much, and he knew that the other party must think of him the same way - a potential criminal, the only stain on the glorious image of the Revolutionary Army soldier.

But in fact, this young man admires Tychus' tough guy style. This seemingly unreliable man never loses his temper when he should be reliable.

"Leave him alone, Matt, Tychus just wants to roam the red light district of Luria." Renault patted the young man on the shoulder.

"Goodbye guys, see you on the day of departure." Tychus said as he stood up and carried his backpack out of the airport and merged into the departure dock. For Tychus, a place like Luria meant vacations and spending the money he earned fighting the Swarm and the Federation.

In the past, Harnak Hank, the leader of the Red Devils of the Fire Bats, would often miss the fireworks and greenery with Tychus. However, as more and more people joined the Revolutionary Army, Tychus gradually realized that even Harnak Hank Nack couldn't be as free as he who didn't care about anything.

At the same time, Augustus was more tolerant of Tychus's dissolute lifestyle than others, which was probably a compliment to Tychus's heroic performance on the battlefield.

"That's worrying." There was indeed a worried look on Matt's face.

"The CEO of the Luria Federation invites you to attend a shareholders' meeting regarding the transfer of shares in the Petergang Guild." Kerrigan squeezed away the chattering generals around the marshal and read out the invitation letter to him word for word. Augustus listened.

"You also invested in Moria's guild enterprise? I have never heard that the Camorians would sell their company's shares to the Tyranids." Renault looked at Tychus leaving with envy. come over.

"I don't have time to do this." Augustus replied to Renault and turned to Kerrigan who was waiting for a reply: "Turn this invitation away. You know what I am thinking."

"But I need you to say it yourself, otherwise they will say I gave orders on behalf of the marshal without authorization." Kerrigan joked.

"No one would say that," Faraday said seriously.

"The company that acquired this guild was my brother Arcturus' company, because this guild has advanced exploration equipment and geological exploration experts. These equipment and manpower can help Arcturus expand the territory of his mining empire." Austria Gustus said.

"Even though I am a Mengsk, this meeting has nothing to do with me. The Luria Consortium CEO just wants to make sure I stay where he can see me."

"Such a small place with more than 30 million people and several airports. If we were interstellar pirates, this place would have been looted long ago." Renault shrugged.

"He is completely unfounded."

"Let him go." Augustus said indifferently: "I can understand his fear. After all, it is rumored that we have already reached Vadona and the sword is aimed at Tarsonis."

"Most of it is true." Renault yawned: "This matter is not something that the Federation can cover up if it wants to. After all, so many people have seen us in the core world."

“Good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.”

Renault's eyes fell on the monotonous, yellow dust-covered world outside the airport through the dock window: "This place is just like most planets in the Koprulu sector, rich in minerals, boring and monotonous."

As he was talking, another group of officers wearing gray uniforms of the Revolutionary Army stepped off the transport ships docked in the dock, followed by Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing power armor. They wore bright purple alloy armor. With the Gauss Rifle, it dwarfs the aviation guild security personnel at the airport.

The white sun logo on the soldiers means that they belong to the Nova Squadron. In the new badge, the red whip-holding ring logo of the Revolutionary Army occupies the middle part of the Nova logo.

"It is up to you and your troops to keep my quartermasters safe while they purchase supplies," Augustus told Colonel Holler, commander of Nova Squadron.

"I know the tricks of the Camorians well, Marshal, and you will not find anyone more qualified for this job than me." After Colonel Holler answered, he put on his hat and walked away.

"Lieutenant Colonel Westwood of the Logistics Department would like to confirm with you whether we really need to purchase so many transport ships." Kerrigan continued to report to Augustus: "He added that this is not Questioning your order.”

"Of course we need these transport ships." Augustus said: "Whether it is transporting supplies or refugees, these are crucial."

One-third of Augustus's revolutionary army fleet is transport ships and transport ships. These are prepared for transporting refugees. They are enough to transport four to five million people at a time. If it were not to prevent the Zerg virus from spreading in the fleet, As the epidemic continues to spread, this number will be even higher.

But even so, Augustus continued to expand the number of transport ships in the fleet.

"Do you think we will need these ships when helping the protoss?" Kerrigan said with a hand on her slender waist: "To be honest, I don't think such a powerful empire will need our help."

"Don't be ridiculous, how can there be refugees in the protoss?" Renault laughed loudly: "I can't believe that bugs can force the protoss to do that."

"Maybe I'm the only one who thinks so now, but it's always good to have multiple preparations." Augustus glanced at the surrounding officers and soldiers as he spoke.

"The Battle of Aiur will be the most brutal battle we have ever seen. It is the main battlefield of the war between the protoss and the zerg. It cannot be overestimated." He said: "I have informed the entire fleet of our trip. The purpose and significance of helping the protoss, especially protoss like Tassadar, can help us far beyond the diplomatic sense."

"What's surprising to me is that no one flinched when they learned of the danger they were about to face."

"Your popularity among the Revolutionary Army is much higher than that of the Globetrotters." Reynold looked very happy because he just received a letter from his family today, with a photo of his son John attached. Tell Umoyan that everything is okay.

"I'm glad to hear you say that." Augustus smiled.

"Another email from the CEO of Luria, he severely questioned our illegal mining activities fifteen miles west of Sodoan Airport." Kerrigan asked again at this time.

"This is not illegal mining." Augustus' expression became serious: "We are just excavating the alien ruins of Luria."

"This is just an archaeological work, involving the protection of human history and elegant art." Augustus instructed: "Just deal with him like this."

"He can't do anything to us anyway."

"Tell him, if you are smarter, don't send people around to inquire about information. We have just helped them drive away the Chimera pirates who are doing evil around here. A person must repay kindness." Renault added: "If they are still here, Within the scope.”

"Very good, they never dreamed that the alien ruins that once swallowed dozens of miners were related to the protoss." Kerrigan said while giving a reply to the Marshal Commander.

"That ruin is only about a few centuries old compared to the ancient geological formations of Luria." She continued: "Compared to the ruins that the Kaimorians have found on other planets in the past, this ruin is undoubtedly offensive. , anyone else who enters this ruins will be horribly attacked by energy weapons, and it is said that more than a dozen people will be broken into molecular states in that instant."

"All the weapons of Kaimorian were helpless against it, so in the end we had no choice but to let it go and set it as a restricted area."

"Those are the ruins of the Protoss. They should warn unauthorized intruders." Raynor said: "I heard from Zeratul that the ancient war weapons of the Protoss Empire may be sealed there."

"Do you expect the Kaimorians to understand the protoss' Kalani language?" Kerrigan complained.

"A war weapon that was banned because it was too terrifying." Augustus nodded: "Tassadar was originally unwilling to re-activate it. It took me a long time to convince him that once the protoss lost the battle on Ai If the war is about the survival of his beloved people, then no one cares whether the weapon complies with the teachings of Davu and whether its activation violates the prohibition of the Supreme Council.”

"What exactly is it that requires the protoss to seal it?" Renault asked.

Augustus replied: "It will be like a moving tower, from which will come down a destructive flame, and the city will burn in hot molten fire."

This is also the purpose of Augustus coming here.

"Colossus," he said.

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