StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 365 Restarting the Colossus

The Ruran III site is located in the western suburbs of Sodoan City. The lowland hills covered with sparse yellow herbaceous plants and the immortal ruins standing like thousands of tombs among them constitute an amazing and glorious relic here.

The Kemorian immigrants of Luria IV have always kept a distance from these ruins of ancient civilizations, and ancient legends about these ruined cities have been passed down from generation to generation.

To this day, the most insightful elders among the residents of Sodoan still remind their descendants not to disturb the former owners of the ruins.

"It seems that there are not only the ancient buildings of the Protoss, but also the Xel'Naga?" Kerrigan climbed onto a hill covered with rocks before Augustus, wearing a tight-fitting dark blue ghost combat uniform. The edge of her buttocks under her clothes trembled as she moved her legs.

A black belt was tied around Sarah Kerrigan's waist, with two P-180 pistols, another Z-series electromagnetic rifle and at least four scabbards hanging from it.

"It's not just the Xel'Naga. There are as many lives in the universe as gravel. Their civilization may have illuminated the stars." Augustus, who was following Kerrigan, withdrew his gaze from the former and looked at the not far away place. Among the ancient buildings among the red thorns.

Those are the remains of ancient civilizations that are older than the main structures of the Protoss buried underground, and they have experienced even longer than the geological layers.

Even if they were built by unknown civilizations countless epochs ago, and even if the ruins left in the wind and sand are less than one ten thousandth of the glory of the past, the amazing aesthetic proportions and structural livability displayed by these ancient civilizations It can also dwarf the modern buildings in human settlements.

The only remaining wall cannot be called ornate, but you can still see the frescoes and proportioned lines using painted paint. This civilization must also be good at sculpture or refined jewelry. The square stone tablets built in the ruins depict everything in the past with abstract and incomprehensible lines.

At that location, hundreds of soldiers and engineers wearing the dark gray or blue uniforms of the Revolutionary Army are using large excavators to clean and excavate the ruins of the buildings buried in the hard loess of Luria, allowing these buildings that once stood in the shining sunshine to See the light of day again.

Soldiers and workers are stacking white metal boxes containing a large number of sophisticated archaeological equipment at the request of archaeologists accompanying the Revolutionary Army. Large excavators and lifting equipment have piled up several extremely high mounds on the original site of the ruins.

One of the special features of Augustus' Korhal Revolutionary Army is that in addition to recruiting ambitious people as a source of new recruits during the movement of the fleet, they also brought a large number of scholars and archaeologists with them. Most of these scholars came from Korhal after the fall. At the call of the Marshal, they joined the excavation and research of the remains of alien civilizations.

"I seem to see the lights of hundreds of millions of years ago." Augustus looked at these buildings and said: "Maybe they don't need the fire, who can say for sure."

The area of ​​the ruins is astonishingly vast. It was once a lost city that was buried and was only rediscovered after several geological changes.

"The protoss discovered the ruins of civilization here and built a stasis facility to seal the colossus, but why did they do that?" Kerrigan asked.

"You have to ask the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire at that time." Augustus shrugged: "People can't understand what the Protoss does."

"And if the Federation had such weapons, they would never hide them."

"According to humans, it is illegal to build or use a colossus, and its sin is equivalent to violating the teachings of Dawu." Kerrigan said: "This ancient weapon is so terrifying that the protoss themselves keep silent about it. Deep down, I don’t want to mention it.”

"The city was reduced to ashes, and the armies were evaporated, leaving countless black spots on the ground consisting of the outlines of corpses." Zeratul, the leader of the Protoss Dark Templar, followed a group of black that suddenly appeared and dispersed. Smoke appears between Augustus and Kerrigan.

"Elders, you must have found the facility to seal the Colossus." Augustus was already not surprised by Zeratul's sudden appearance. The time and speed of his arrival were as unpredictable as his disappearance.

"Protector Zamara, who followed Executor Tassadar on the expedition, knows the coordinates of the forbidden facility here, which is one of the reasons why we came here." Zeratul explained.

"After arriving here, we were surprised to find that most of the closed facilities were still intact, and the Kemerian human nuclear warheads did not destroy it." His spiritual language directly hit Augustus' mind.

"We quickly determined the specific coordinates and tried to awaken the dormant stasis facilities. Thanks to the help of anthropologists, without them, the activities of the protoss on this planet are likely to be regarded as a malicious event. Invasion."

"And we have no intention of starting a war with the Kaimorian humans, nor do we want to harm them by being forced to take self-defense measures."

In any case, when the Protoss fleet appears in the Luria system, the Kaimorians there will definitely fall into a much stronger fear than when they meet the revolutionary army. They will definitely prevent the Protoss fleet from approaching their planet at all costs. And in vain, they sought support from their home planet Moria.

Since the rumors of the Protoss' destruction of Sister Sara have spread to most human worlds, the bad impression they have left in the hearts of humans has become deeply ingrained.

It's just that except for bugs, humans have rarely seen the rumored terrifying alien protoss.

"When the Camorians swing a hammer at a protoss facility they cannot understand, the bounced hammer is likely to hurt themselves." Kerrigan nodded in recognition of Zeratul's words.

"So, when can we see those steel giants made of metal?"

"It's almost there." As Zeratul said, about 1,500 yards away from the hill where Augustus was, the ground suddenly began to shake.

Archaeologists and engineers in the area have already evacuated, and everyone is watching there, apparently having received advance notice from the protoss.

In the smoke and dust flying all over the sky, ruins began to rise from the ground, and a huge building shining with golden light gradually appeared in front of Augustus' eyes with a huge roar.

It was a classic Protoss-style building with a gorgeous vault, and honeycomb-shaped external curved support walls converged at the top to form a dome with a rounded spire. The glittering golden walls are carved with reliefs of the Arbitrator class and the great Protoss executives. The Protoss, who pay attention to the beauty of proportions, used ingenious architectural techniques to build this magnificent facility.

Even if it is only used to seal a few war weapons that are expressly prohibited by the Supreme Council, it is actually a prison itself. Its exquisite structure, graceful patterns, and artistic achievements are enough to impress the engineers of the Revolutionary Army. And the construction materials used in it are only known to the master craftsmen of the Protoss.

If this is a human building, it can also be called a miracle in the history of human architecture.

This protoss building is surrounded by three obelisks engraved with protoss characters. A large number of protoss mechanical servants with insect limbs are cleaning dust or cutting stones outside the building.

"It's unbelievable." Augustus sighed: "The Protoss Empire actually sealed such a war weapon on such a fringe planet far away from Aiur, as if it thought it would never be used again. they."

"After the Protoss Empire pushed a civilization called Kalash back to the Stone Age in a war, creating countless scenes of killing and corpses, the Colossus was completely banned by the Supreme Council. I shouldn't comment on the Supreme Council. Decision-making." Zeratul said: "We always overestimate the ruler's capacity and wisdom, which is a mistake most of the time."

"The Colossus was not built by the Dark Templars of Nerazim. It was a product of the bloody arbitration era of the Protoss Empire." He continued: "It was born purely for killing."

"My people believe that once the Protoss Empire's fleets discover the Dark Templar, they will undoubtedly use this weapon to kill all Nerazim warriors."

"Look closer. I have never seen a weapon that is only in legends." Augustus took two steps forward and walked towards the hill towards the rising golden-blue Star Spirit building.

"It's dangerous out there." Kerrigan tried to stop Augustus.

"There are so many dangerous places. I am not a child in a crib." Augustus walked there stubbornly, Zeratul silently jumped over Kerrigan and followed the Revolutionary Army Marshal, and Kerr Gan could only shake his head and catch up with them.

Augustus can be called Zeratul's best human friend and the link between the protoss and humans. Neither Zeratul nor Tassadar want anything bad to happen to him.

"Opening it requires the order of the Supreme Council or an arbitrator." Zeratul walked beside Augustus, his broad feet quietly stepping on the land of Luria filled with sharp gravels, but there was no Feel any discomfort.

"Unfortunately, Tassadar did not receive the approval of the Supreme Council." Augustus said with a smile: "And if the Supreme Council of Aiur heard that Tassadar was going to re-activate the colossus, the arbiters would probably be so angry that they would rush there themselves. Come and execute the former Executor on the spot.”

"They will find out soon," Zeratul said with his rare dry humor.

After walking for a few minutes and passing several revolutionary cranes and tanks with yellow camouflage, Augustus bumped into Renault and Victor Kaczyński, the number two man in the engineering group.

In the distance, hundreds of El Protoss Templar warriors and phase technicians had been jumped to the surface at some point. Tassadar, the commander of the Protoss Expeditionary Force, was also standing among the templar warriors.

"You'd better stand with me, Augustus. You know that thing's three-dimensional defense system can kill dozens of Camorian miners in the blink of an eye. Who knows what trouble it will cause." Renault's words made Augustus nodded slightly. This distance was enough for him to see the colossus.

"This is the defense facility of the protoss centuries ago. Even compared to today's humans, it is unimaginably advanced." Victor said.

"The protoss will not object to us installing this defense facility on a mobile fortress or a space station." This weapons expert and top engineer from Moria said in surprise.

"I don't think the protoss will leave this to us." Augustus tactfully asked Victor to put aside his bold ideas. This young man from Kaczynski always wanted to put it into his hands on a whim. The weapons of the protoss and those of humans are grafted together.

As he was talking, an image with a shining background of stars suddenly appeared above the star spirit building. A star spirit wearing a gorgeous gold-blue star spirit helmet and a vermilion robe appeared. The top of the cloak bears the emblem of the Protoss Arbiter Tribe Yara.

"Warning, travelers of other races, you have entered a restricted area." The protoss arbiter warned Augustus and others in the majestic ancient Kalani language.

This was apparently a pre-recorded scene, emitted by the intelligent systems of the building housing the Colossus.

"This is a warning, please get out of here or there will be rivers of blood."

"It can't identify you?" Augustus looked at Zeratul next to him and noticed that the other person's shining eyes had become darker.

"The Executor does not have the authority to awaken the Colossus." Zeratul's understanding of the Protoss Empire came from Tassadar: "Not even the respected protectors. They are just recorders and givers of opinions, and have not participated in politics and politics. Responsibilities of Military Command.”

"That is to say, the master here is not ready to open the door to us." Raynor said after hearing Zeratul's words.

"My grandfather told me that you should break in with a hammer," Augustus said. "Only ask permission from the owner after entering."

Before he finished speaking, a beam of high-heat energy from the stars in the sky suddenly fell, cutting the dome of the building with scalpel-like precision.

This immediately caused a response from the defense system of the tower. Its outer wall, which shone with blue light, immediately opened like the wings of an insect, revealing countless photon light cannons and movable turrets. Several of the light cannons had a caliber even larger than Get the Hyperion's Yamato cannon.

It is conceivable that once these densely packed light cannons are activated and fired, the land within a dozen miles will be reduced to scorched earth.

But before these light cannons could wait, the blue light flashing on their surfaces due to being filled with energy immediately dimmed. It must have been that Tassadar's phase technicians cut off the power supply facilities of the weapon systems.

In the oval dome neatly cut by the beam, the head of the colossus, which is made of shining golden metal and blue aiming mechanism, has been revealed in the sun. Its metal structure with great beauty and war aesthetics extends to the incredible High, even towering into the clouds.

Augustus could foresee that this terrifying ancient war weapon would definitely be of great help to the coalition forces of Tassadar and the Human Revolutionary Army in the upcoming brutal Battle of Aiur.

"One, two, three." Kerrigan counted silently, until she paused at the number three.

"Three." Augustus nodded.

"That's not enough."

At this time, a high-ranking templar came to Augustus and Zeratul, and he brought Tassadar's words: "Another stasis chamber on an asteroid in the Luria system has been destroyed. Two of the Colossi are missing.”

"What? A human from Kaimorian?" Zeratul said in surprise.

"If they have this ability, they will definitely not abandon the Colossus here." Augustus looked at the high-ranking Templar.

"The Kalai phase technicians found several corpses of recently deceased protoss there." The senior templar said: "They were wearing black armor and red robes, and the words used on them were similar to those of ancient times before the catastrophe. The writing is very similar.”

"Protector Zamara suspects that they are probably the ancient protoss who followed the Xel'Naga and left Aiur before the Endless Era."

"I know them." Augustus said calmly:

"Robbers, liars, and thieves."

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