StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 366 Slane’s Claws

"Tal'darin Protoss?"

In an instant, Zeratul read this word from Augustus' superficial thoughts: "They left Aiur long before the Nerazim. For a long time, we have known that Tadar As for the existence of Lin Xingling, we know that they are fanatical believers who worship the departed gods, but we know very little about other parts.”

"The revolutionary army once encountered an expeditionary force of the Tal'darin Protoss on a jungle planet. Their cruelty and barbarity impressed us deeply." Augustus nodded and said:

"The Tal'darin Protoss have red robes and black armor. They are cruel and bloodthirsty. They are very different from the Templars and Dark Templars."

"The Tal'darin on the Baishel planet once brought heavy losses to the human immigrants, and we paid a lot of sacrifices to expel them." Raynor also said: "Later we found out that it was just the Tal'darin protoss. Just a small branch of a huge expeditionary force."

"I can't believe that the Tal'darim have fallen to this level." Zeratul said to the high-ranking templar: "It seems that the Tal'darim protoss took away the colossus in the stasis facility."

"Zeratul, we humans call that stealing." Raynor corrected Zeratul.

"The Kaimorian Federation army during the Guild War may have a lot in common with the Tal'darin Protoss. They would paint the captured Tyranid Federation power armor black and then shamelessly declare that it was the result of their own scientific research."

"What on earth are these Tal'darin doing? Don't they have their own Karai engineers?" asked the high-ranking templar sent by Tassadar.

"Maybe." Augustus shrugged his dark gray eyebrows: "But other people's are always better than your own, right?"

"You're right." Renault agreed.

"Augustus, just now Luria's Federation Executive Office has made four or five calls to the Marshal's Command to inquire about the situation of the Ruan ruins. It seems that they must have discovered something through the orbiting satellite." Kerrigan said. At this time Augustus was caught.

"A little news." Augustus immediately said to Kerrigan: "Tell him, I never knew that I signed an agreement that everything in Luria must report to the CEO of that place, or that there is It’s obligatory to do that.”

"If I wanted to overthrow the legitimate government here like I did to the Terran Federation, then my agents would have killed the local executive."

"What the ruling class fears most is us revolutionary parties." Renault laughed loudly: "As the old saying goes, those who wear shoes are not afraid of bare feet."

At this time, all the outer walls of the stasis facility that sealed the Colossus had been stripped away, and three tower-like giant machines were standing quietly in it, just as they looked when they were placed here.


It is taller than any protoss mecha humans have ever seen. Four slender golden mechanical legs like insect appendages support its main structure distributed like raindrops. There are protoss warriors underneath and human engineers in the distance. Compared with them, soldiers are just ants under their feet.

As the blue-white stagnant light curtain slowly descended, these war machines that had been sealed away centuries ago due to destruction and killing awakened in the dazzling blue arc light emitted by the mechanical sensor lens and the Kedarin lattice. The weapons of destruction that lay dormant here have returned again.

Amidst the harmonic sound of the intelligent system and the built-in psychic matrix, one of the colossi moved its long mechanical legs that were almost half its height across the remaining wall of the mirror chamber, easily Like a grown man stepping over an anthill in front of him.

The Colossus is so tall that it looks like a moving skyscraper, making people unable to stop feeling fearful of this shocking behemoth.

No one would doubt the sharpness of the giant blade-like stabilizing feet on the bottom of the insectoid feet that could adapt to various terrains. Many structures of its body were created for killing and destruction.

Augustus couldn't help but think that this terrifying war machine would be able to easily cross human positions. Its sharp walking limbs would pierce human bunkers and disembowel human beings' most proud armor.

The threat the Colossus poses to a human army dominated by infantry cannot be ignored. It can bring unspeakable terror to the enemy simply by walking calmly on the battlefield.

"Who is controlling them?" Augustus watched as the giant statue jumped over the numerous revolutionary army vehicles and equipment on the ground with clever and flexible steps, so dexterously that it almost did not fit their extremely large bodies.

The three giants quickly disappeared in the light rising from the warping field, and Tassadar's phase technicians were warping them back into the fleet.

"They are intelligent machines. Artificial intelligence can independently judge the difference between friends and foes, accurately distinguish the commander's instructions and unswervingly destroy every enemy they encounter." Zeratul said.

"Can't you build another Colossus now?" Augustus looked at the high-ranking Templar and asked.

"The Supreme Council did not assign enough phase technicians to the fleet to produce new weapons before the expeditionary force set off." The high-ranking templar said: "We are more accustomed to directly jumping reinforcements from Aiur or other starry sky forges. Troops or mechas, rather than being cast on site.”

"That's such a pity." Augustus couldn't help but think that if they had enough colossi, even if they just sent all the colossi that had been cast and then sealed by the Protoss Empire to the Aiur front line, the Protoss might not They can't keep their home. "

As he was talking, Tassadar came over from a distance with several high-ranking templar warriors and protector Zamara in white robes. As soon as he saw Augustus, Tassadar said: "I learned in the Kara that the other three colossi have probably fallen into the hands of the Tal'darin protoss. It is unimaginable that those who lost their lives due to their fanatical worship of the gods How much killing and destruction will the rational extremists use this terrible weapon of war to bring about."

"But they left a long time ago." Renault looked at Tassadar and said, "It is difficult to find the lost items. Based on my understanding of the Ta'darin protoss, they will never return the original items obediently."

"But even so, we must teach these Tal'darim a lesson." Tassadar was genuinely angry that such a weapon would fall into the hands of the Tal'darim.

"How is it? Do you have any clues or clues, Executor?" Augustus asked Tassadar.

"The Dark Templar discovered a Tal'darim outpost while searching for other remnants of nearby systems," Tassadar said.

"They are indeed nearby." Renault's eyes lit up: "It's been a while since we fought against the Tal'darin protoss, and it's time for them to learn a lesson.

"Are there any other ancient facilities here that seal the Colossus?" Augustus was more concerned about another question. Even if the Revolutionary Army could not control the Colossus, the stronger the Protoss allies, the safer they would be.

"No more. Protector Zamara knows the location of all stasis facilities. In her memory, there are only two colossus facilities in this sector." Tassadar denied.

"Okay, this is our fault." Augustus glanced at Renault who was gearing up, knowing that he couldn't wait to take revenge on the planet Baishel.

"There must be many treasures they have collected from other places hidden in the Tal'darin protoss stronghold. I hope there will be surprises."

Blatock Galaxy, Petra Asteroid Belt.

An asteroid belt composed of more than a million metal polymers, rocks and ice surrounds a dark green gas giant, filled with crystalline minerals that were thrown into space hundreds of millions of years ago. These beautiful crystals are The cobalt blue light shimmers under the interstellar light, like a blue pearl in the gravel.

The largest asteroids moving at high speed under the influence of the planet's strong gravitational field are almost the same size as two standard Earths, while others are just tiny interstellar dust.

The edge of the asteroid belt is glowing with the brilliant luster of the galaxy's blue stars, as if coated with a shining golden edge. This magnificent scene is like the corona of the sun.

The Tal'darim outpost is located in the center of the asteroid belt, atop a massive rock equivalent to one-third the size of Earth. Because there are many asteroids surrounding it, blocking the light from the stars of the galaxy, it is in darkness much of the time.

A black city shrouded in shadow is filled with a depressing atmosphere. The scarlet crystal hanging above it exudes the light of death. The arched cloisters with black spikes and spiers piercing the sky snake on the surface of the rocky asteroid. . In the majestic corridor that symbolizes the road of tempering, Tal'darin Death Apostle slaves, wearing only a few gray rags to cover their vitals, are still building barracks, mansions and forges for their masters.

From time to time, a Tal'darin fighter plane with a scarlet light on its surface would land on the black metal platform surrounded by a red curtain wall. Tal'darin warriors wearing black armor and holding spears or long knives would step out from above.

At a certain moment, the red crystal above the huge Tal'darin outpost suddenly dimmed. The high-level Tal'darin ascendants and their slaves on the arcade immediately rushed to all the defense facilities, and all the muzzles of the guns flashed scarlet. The iso-particle light cannon of colored light locked the sky in the flickering refraction.

Marshal Augustus, who was standing on the Hyperion, the flagship of the Revolutionary Fleet, watched all this through the battleship's monitor, and he was silently mourning for these miserable thieves.

This place is very far away from Tal'darin's home planet of Slane. The Tal'darin Protoss established an outpost in this location for purposes other than marking territory or expansion.

"There are many Tal'darin protoss on this asteroid. They seem to be the orthodox Tal'darin rather than the expeditionary force expelled from the home star of Slane by the fanatic Neon." Augustus looked at Huber. Main screen on the bridge of the Lean: "This seems to be more than just an ordinary outpost out there."

"It won't be long before we find out," said Reno, who was wearing a general's uniform.

At this moment, the bridge of the Hyperion was suddenly illuminated by the light released by the main cannon of the Protoss fleet. The blooming blue-white flames tore a path in the entire small star belt for the small fleet to pass through. On the road, a large amount of broken gravel was annihilated in the beam or thrown into the depths of the asteroid belt.

An assault fleet composed of reconnaissance aircraft, Dark Templar pirate ship fighters and shuttle planes were like a sharp sword piercing the asteroid belt in the flash of the jump force field. They immediately started a battle with the roaring Tal'darin fighters. Fierce confrontation.

Despite leaving Aiur long after the Aeons, the Tal'darin's warplanes still look very similar to those of the Protoss Empire.

The gorgeous and ferocious Tal'darin Protoss fighter planes were destroyed one after another by the combined attacks of the Protoss Empire and Dark Templar fighter planes, and turned into flickering flames.

Under the orders of Augustus, the Hyperion followed Tassadar's flagship Star Shuttle deep into the asteroid belt. Nearly two hundred Wraith fighters from several Revolutionary Army air wings were fighting for the battleship. Protect and protect.

Explosions came one after another, and the beams from the particle light cannons of Tal'darin Outpost swept across the rocks in the asteroid belt, but they were immediately silenced by the more violent artillery fire of the protoss fleet.

By the time Augustus boarded the Imp transport ship and landed on the asteroid where the Tal'darin outpost was located, a large number of Protoss Templars and Dark Templars had occupied most of the asteroid and invaded the tower. In Darling's base.

"Taldarin's warriors are ferocious and powerful, don't let any fish slip through the net." Augustus walked to the gangway of the transport ship and gave instructions to the troops directly under the Guards Division of the Revolutionary Army and Renault's Ranger Motorized Infantry Unit.

In this battle, the assistance of Augustus's Human Revolutionary Army was just the icing on the cake. The Templars and Dark Templars were the absolute main force.

"Yes, sir."

The elite marauder soldiers, rocket infantry and Goliath mechas of the Revolutionary Army in heavy armor followed the charging Templar troops under the cover of heavy firepower. Among them, there were vaguely visible soldiers wearing dark gray heavy armor. Lord Tal'darin led his high-level upgraded warriors to fight against the Dark Templar warriors who were dozens of times stronger than himself.

Tal'darim warriors are renowned for their strength and ferocity, refusing to surrender to their enemies even when attacked from both sides.

During the battle, a dark black Tal'darin colossus appeared. It straddled the dark black spiers of the Tal'darin building complex and appeared in the red light of the high-temperature ray gun. Under the blazing, sweeping high-temperature plasma, In the stream, the high walls vaporized, and the protoss templars on the ground were wiped out in the beam.

"Get rid of that monster." Augustus noticed that there was a figure on the top of the colossus. It was a high-level Tal'darin upgrader who was tightly connected to it through chains, and the huge colossus seemed to be his high-level figure. car.

Surrounding the Tal'darin Ascended One were several Tal'darin Death Apostles in ragged clothes. From time to time, they would inexplicably turn into a torrent of red energy that flowed into the Ascended One's body.

As the Tal'darin Colossus caused more casualties among the protoss army, a large number of Dark Templar pirate ship fighters targeted it. Under the green flash of the void medium and the indiscriminate bombardment of neutron weapons, The Tal'darin Protoss Ascended piloting the Colossus had to retreat.

At that time, a unit of Renault's troops had already rushed into the Tal'darin base. The huge sound they sent back was mixed with some kind of strange and frightening roar. The report about unspeakable creatures made Augustus... His expression became more serious than ever.

The tiles were being laid at the door yesterday and it was so noisy that I couldn't calm down.

The good news is, it's almost ready.

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