StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 367 Hybrid

"What is that? A monster that looks like a cross between protoss and zerg, something straight out of some weird horror movie. Good God, it makes me sick."

The voice of Major Schwarzenegger of the Revolutionary Guards Division came from the communication unit of Commander Augustus' power armor. He was the overall commander of this combat operation appointed by the Marshal's Command.

Count the times James Adam Schwarzenegger fought for Field Marshal Augustus Mengsk and the new regime he swore to defend at all costs at the Battle of Korhal, the Battle of Char, and the Battle of Mar Sara. This officer, who was promoted for his steely military style and admirable legendary military exploits, has never been so surprised by an enemy as he is today.

Even when the Federation's Arc-Light Tank crushed Schwarzenegger's left arm, he refused to make any sound that would make people think he was weak because of the pain that was enough to make people faint.

"It's gone! Gan!" Major Schwarzenegger shouted in a roaring manner: "Thomas, get down, it's behind you!"

"Bastard, I want you to go to hell!"

When Augustus looked at Kerrigan and Raynor beside him, he cut off the audio communication with Major Schwarzenegger, leaving only the emergency call communication: "You have all seen the images returned by the armored external cameras of the frontline soldiers. ——This abominable monster can affect the human spirit and make everyone who sees it become crazy and unable to control themselves."

“Even the most determined people are not immune to the mental impact that makes them no longer themselves.”

On the helmet HUD display of the Augustus power armor, a twisted monster with a hideous face was bathed in the crimson blood mist. Its eyes emitting blue-purple light were staring ferociously at the human beings in front of it. Its deformed, deformed limbs are covered with flailing spikes, appendages, and slender arms similar to those of the Protoss.

Its ferocious head is like a Hydra Hydralisk's huge crown and heavily covered chitin armor roughly installed on the slender head of the protoss, but the slender jaws that are closer to the protoss are It really has a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth, and blood-red energy circuits extend along its terrifying head to the back of its head.

This monster, which is a mixture of protoss and zerg genes, is unusually tall. It is only half-crouching like a beast, ready to attack, and it also occupies the entire frame of the external camera.

Augustus just watched this impression that was played repeatedly. The abominable ugliness and weird horror of this horrible image also made him feel a sense of physical nausea.

Fortunately, this hybrid monster did not adopt human genes, nor was it a monster similar to humans, otherwise the disgusting feeling would have been even stronger.

Perhaps the people who should shudder the most are Tassadar and Zeratul.

"I feel their presence." Kerrigan's eyes exuded a luster like molten gold: "It cannot be ignored, it is terrifying."

"What the hell is this, a protoss infected by zerg?" Raynor was much more surprised than Kerrigan: "But didn't the protoss say that it's impossible for protoss to be infected by zerg?"

"You'll know in a moment." Augustus stored the video and ordered all reserve troops to join the battle on the command channel to deal with the enemies inside the Taldarin outpost as quickly as possible.

However, although this hybrid monster mixed with protoss and zerg genes appeared and resisted the enemy's attack, it immediately triggered a rampage including the templar and dark templar, using the protoss genes Even conducting genetic modification experiments on the bodies of his people is considered an insult and blasphemy.

The war cry of the Templar can be heard even from miles away, and the blade in the hand of the Dark Templar harvests the lives of the enemy in a more ruthless manner.

"Good guy, the Tal'darin Protoss has stoked a hornet's nest. These protoss are so angry that they could eat a dozen Tal'darim alive - if they had mouths." Raynor followed Augustus onto the armored command vehicle. Shi said.

"The Tal'darin protoss must be conducting some kind of genetic engineering experiment to mix the protoss with powerful psychic power and the zerg genes with the immortal body into a kind of creature that has the advantages of both zerg and protoss. Monster." Kerrigan said as she stuffed Augustus into the back seat of the armored vehicle, smoothing out the wrinkles on the latter's clothes before sitting in.

When the command vehicle was moving, several armored vehicles of the same style, Foxtrot armored vehicles, Camorian heavy tanks, arc light tanks and a large number of Rangers' Vulture hover tanks were escorting it on the left and right. At the same time, at least two brigades and railgun artillery units directly under the Guards Division were deployed on this huge asteroid to ensure the intensity of the strike against the enemy.

When Augustus learned that the Tal'darin outpost had been completely breached, he had already arrived at the ruined walls after the protoss particle artillery fire. Even though this Tal'darin protoss fortress has been destroyed in the battle, and the high walls made of black protoss organic metal have collapsed under the impact of artillery fire, this building is still majestic, as if a sleeping black giant beast is Looking down at the people watching it below.

The black spiers that reach into the sky and the sharp tooth-shaped inclined lines are still breathtaking. The vertical obelisks distributed radially from the main body of the building and the huge circular dueling arena that is completely different from the style of Aiur or the protoss of Sagulath are the architectural layout of Tal'darin. The main characteristics that distinguish it from other protoss.

The interconnected corridors, solemn ramparts and stone gates outside the Tal'darin Fortress are specially designed for war. The closed and depressing twists and turns of the corridors and the many airtight rooms are for the intrigue and hiding among the Tal'darin ascendants. Built in secret.

Augustus got off the armored vehicle and walked to the interior of the Taldarin Fortress under the protection of the guards. It took him a long time to adapt to the rhythm of walking on this rocky asteroid with sub-standard gravity.

The walls of the maze-like winding corridors are covered with the terrifying twisted monster from before. It was a hybrid monster between the protoss and the zerg. It had a strong body covered with a carapace like a zerg. Appendages and protoss long arms.

Compared to the rounded limbs of the protoss, the bodies of these monsters are sharply angular, with the colorful crests of Hydra Hydralisks and alien-like jaws. Their long tongues come from an unknown species of zerg. .

It is the product of forbidden genetic engineering, evil and grotesque.

It seems to be some kind of totem, which depicts the creation of the world by the gods and the scene where the mortals selected by the gods can ascend to the gods in the sky on the day of the destruction of the world, but these vague and abstract descriptions are not something Augustus can understand.

"The monsters up here give me a terrible headache and a shiver." Kerrigan said as she escorted Augustus through the cloister and into the interior of the fortress.

"What are the Taldarins planning?" Renault said nonsense: "I bet there must be some conspiracy inside."

Entering the Tal'darin Fortress, Augustus's eyes were immediately illuminated by the light of the blood crystal. The exquisite columns supported the high dome, with dozens of bow-shaped narrow windows stacked on the top. Starlight casts a thin layer of light on the statues of Tal'darin High Lords and Blood Masters on the walls and floors.

When Augustus found Major Schwarzenegger, the latter hurriedly apologized for his gaffe during the battle, but Augustus bluntly said that he did not have to apologize for trivial matters. More than twenty soldiers died in this operation, all at the hands of hybrid monsters.

The hall was filled with corpses and the remains of protoss spider-type mechas. Containers made of transparent crystal were filled with corpses of zerg, some of which belonged to the Tal'darin Protoss who were half-clothed. Augustus noticed that in the innermost containers there were actually templars like Tassadar. Their half-open eyes were still shining with blue light, and their long nerve bundles were like sargassum in the water. Floating like that.

There was a huge hybrid corpse in the center. When it fell face to face on the ground, its arched back was as high as two people. Next to the hybrid were three or four much smaller corpses, probably no more than a regular Protoss Templar.

Tassadar and Zeratul were standing in front of these hybrid corpses, their stirring psychic energies filled with deep disgust and hatred for these monsters. As Augustus walked towards Tassadar and the others, he paid attention to the abominable statue staring at him at the top of the hall.

"The Tal'darin protoss are using the genetic material of protoss and zerg to conduct experiments, and finally created these horrific hybrids before us!" Zeratul's voice reflected in Augustus's mind trembled with extreme anger. He said: "Whose hands did such an evil experiment come from? Is it the high-ranking lord of the Tal'darin Protoss?"

Augustus came to Zeratul and Tassadar and was surprised to find that the angry elder was trembling with emotions of shock and disgust, with irregular white spots appearing on the surface of his dark skin. , shaped like human goosebumps.

"What a blasphemy." The blue eyes of a high-ranking templar beside Tassadar were filled with overflowing spiritual energy. He pointed at the hybrid corpse on the ground and said, "I have never seen such evil and Creation of darkness.”

"I feel deeply sad for the fellow protoss who were harmed by this." Tassadar half-knelt on the ground and put his hand on the huge horn of one of the hybrids.

"This monster is far more powerful than the protoss or the zerg." Augustus saw Tassadar's sad look and realized that this monster might have been a templar before.

"Gods, my eyes are filled with darkness." Zeratul fell to the ground, lost in thought at this astonishing discovery.

"Have you ever captured a living Tal'darin?" Augustus suddenly thought of the disabled Tal'darin Protoss they had captured in Byshel, but that Tal'darin Protoss knew nothing about these hybrids. You know, it's likely that only a few Tal'darin are aware of these secret experiments.

"We captured some Tal'darin protoss, but they refused to reveal the secrets they knew." The high-ranking templar next to Tassadar looked at Augustus and said.

"Then force them to tell them." Augustus said: "To deal with these Tal'darin protoss, only torture to extract confessions will be effective."

"Let us deal with these Tal'darin protoss." He continued: "Colonel Holler of Nova Squadron is a master of torture. His Nova agents are proficient in a hundred ways to make the enemy talk obediently."

The advantage of incorporating the federal army is that although there are many bugs in the army, there are also many useful talents in the elite troops. In addition, professional soldiers who have experienced the Zerg War are not only reliable, but can also quickly condense into an indestructible force on the cruel battlefield.

"It's useless, Augustus. The most respected lords among the Tal'darin Stars are all dead. They either died at the hands of our warriors, or died from other Tal'darin lords or ascended ones. Bloody blade." Zeratul reluctantly mentioned the word servant:

"The only ones who survived were their servants - the Tal'darin protoss who had great respect for their rulers but knew nothing of the truth."

At this time, a team of Templar warriors covered in blood brought a dying Tal'darin Protoss Lord. His black armor covered with black spikes and star-moon blades was riddled with holes, and the dark purple blood stained it black. Scarlet shirt.

Behind these templars were many staggering Tal'darin slaves tied together with anklets, shackles they had obviously forged themselves. Their exposed skin has an unhealthy pale complexion, and their bodies are much thinner than the armored high-level Tal'darim.

"Who instructed you to create these monsters here?" Tassadar strode to the Tal'darin Lord who was bound in the stasis chamber.

This stasis capsule suspended in mid-air and propelled by a gravity accelerator is shaped like an oval capsule just enough to accommodate one protoss. It uses a shell made of energy to wrap the Tal'darin protoss lord inside. The stasis force field and the space-time force field make The passage of time was briefly stopped, leaving the dying Tal'darin lord in a state of dying.

"Who is the true master of Tal'darin?" When Tassadar asked, the Tal'darin Protoss Lord in the stasis chamber was forcibly awakened.

"." The only response to Tassadar was the silence and sharp sarcasm of Lord Tal'darin: "Tsk, tsk. Noble Templar? What do you expect to get from me? Your hypocritical kindness is nothing but cowardice. Show me, kill me, I won’t live for your worthless pity.”

"Human?" Although the Tal'darin Lord had lost half of his chest, and such an injury was unbearable even for the protoss, he still looked very energetic.

"Insects that live and die? I'll crush you to death like ants to death, but I will enjoy all the pleasure of killing and pleasure before I can do it again. Torture is just a test for me to be promoted to the Chosen One." Tal'darin Lord: "Ah - do it, do it quickly!"

"What is the Chosen One?" Zeratul asked: "Your god, is Xel'Naga?"

"You know nothing about Eamon." Lord Tal'darin laughed shrilly.

"What is Amon?" Tassadar caught the word.

"He is the end of the chain of ascension, the beginning of all, and the end of corruption."

"Eamonn, He is your doom."

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